Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (2024)

When our bearded dragons stop eating, we as owners start to panic. You worry if you’re doing something wrong, or if your beardie is sick. There are a few reasons why this might be happening, and some helpful solutions are listed below.

  • ByAngela DeRiso
  • Last update:

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (1)

Bearded dragons can stop eating or lose their appetite for a variety of reasons. We as first-time owners of these lizards may experience worry when they go off feed. Reptiles don’t need to eat everyday, and sometimes a few days off is a normal occurrence.

There are environmental factors that may also contribute to lack of appetite, such as temperature, or time of year. To help ease your concerns, I have listed a few reasons your beardie might be uninterested in food and some possible solutions below.

Why Your Bearded Dragon Is Not Eating?

There are few reasons why your bearded dragon may lose his appetite or stop eating altogether.

Temperature & Humidity

The temperature and humidity within the enclosure might be too high or too low, and this can interfere with proper digestion of food. A reading of 30-40% is desirable. A basking spot of 100-110 degrees F works well for my own beardie. Accurate temperature and humidity gauges are a must in any beardie enclosure. Measure and adjust temps until they are within the best range for your lizard’s comfort.


Feeder insects can carry parasites that can make your beardie sick, and less inclined to eat. Other signs to watch out for are lethargy and diarrhea. You will need to take your beardie to a reptile vet in order to get a fecal exam to find out what type of parasite you are dealing with. Oral medication is generally given for a course of about a week or two.


Some bearded dragons go into a form of semi-hibernation referred to as brumation. They sleep most of the time but may wake to bask or occasionally take a small meal. Some dragons do not eat or poop during this period which may last for a few months. You will need to soak them at least twice a week to keep them hydrated during this time.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (2)

Hunger Strike

For the first year of life, bearded dragons eat nothing but insects. Getting these lizards to accept greens and veggies can be challenging. They can straight up refuse to eat for weeks until supplied with their favorite bugs.

For older dragons who may favor certain fruits or veggies, you’ll have to get crafty to sneak in variety to their diet.


Lack of appetite, lethargy, and a drop in weight are all significant signs your beardie needs to be checked out by a good reptile vet. There could be an underlying illness causing these symptoms, and if it is serious, you’ll want to catch it early.

How Long Can A Bearded Dragon Go Without Food?

As desert dwelling reptiles, bearded dragons can go weeks without food, sometimes a few months. This allows them to survive in their native habitat when food sources are scarce. In captivity, this usually occurs during brumation. There are a few things you can keep an eye on to make sure your beardie stays healthy if he goes off food for a while.

  • Weekly Weigh-Ins – I weighed my beardie often in the first year I had him and recorded the weights and dates in a notebook. This helped me to keep track of his growth, and changes in weight. This was very useful during his brumation.
  • The weight range for adult bearded dragons can be anywhere from 350 – over 600 grams. Their weight readings will fluctuate after taking a meal, getting soaked, and pooping. My beardie lost at least 10 grams after a bowel movement. Be sure to mark down any changes, especially if they ate, pooped, or soaked before recording weights.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (3)

Signs of Eating and Drinking

  • Full-Fat Pads on Head – The top of your dragon’s head should have two little fat humps. They should NOT be sunken in, or show visible bones.
  • The base of Tail is Thick, No Hip Bones Visible – The base of the tail should be well rounded with no visible hip bones under the skin.
  • Ribs Not Visible Under Skin – Ribs should be just barely visible under the skin of the back.
  • Pinched Skin Snaps Back In Place – To test for possible dehydration, pinch the skin of your beardie’s back. If it snaps back in place quickly, all is good. If it’s slow to return in place, then you need to hydrate by soaking for around 15-20 minutes.

A Note On Soaking & Drinking – I try to soak my bearded dragon 10-15 minutes once a week during the spring and summer when he is eating regularly, and twice a week during winter when his appetite dwindles.

While beardies do absorb some water through soaking, it’s also good to try to get them to drink if you can. Most of the time, these lizards won’t actively drink from a dish, but you can try the ‘drip method’.

This involves using a syringe to drip water on the tip of their mouth until they start licking. This has worked for me more than once. Don’t worry if your beardie doesn’t do this right away, since it may take a few tries for them to get the idea.

Why Your Baby Bearded Dragon Won’t Eat

  • Failure to Thrive – If a baby beardie refuses to eat on their own and continues to gain no weight, it could be due to factors such as weak genetics, poor husbandry of hatchlings, or other unseen causes. A reptile vet is needed to assess the best course of action for the baby beardie, and it may mean humanely euthanizing if they can’t recover.
  • Environment – Issues with temperature could be just as much a problem for babies as it is for adults. The ambient temperature inside the enclosure should be 80-85 degrees F. The basking area should range 95-110 degrees F.
  • Competition with Cagemates – Housing babies together can lead to nipped tails and toes, and not enough food to go around. Housing babies individually will allow them to eat enough food and to feel safe.
  • Enclosure too big/ Doesn’t feel safe – Starting a baby beardie off in a smaller enclosure may help him feel more secure. Smaller spaces make them feel less vulnerable to attack by predators. Multiple hiding spots will help reduce stress since they can scramble for cover if they ever feel scared. As they grow, your bearded dragon’s fear will subside and he will sit out in the open proudly.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (4)

How To Get Your Beardie To Eat

Foods to Stimulate Appetite

Whenever I’ve had trouble getting my beardie to eat on his own, I have had great luck using canned pumpkin. I usually mix in chopped greens or vitamin supplements.

Some dragons may eat it straight from their usual food dish, or you can try spoon-feeding them. Along with canned pumpkin, vegetable-based baby foods may also work for you. Again, you can mix in greens or vitamins.

Food Colors

Beardies seem to be attracted to certain colors more than others, such as red, green, or yellow. Many of their favorite foods possess these colors, and they’re naturally drawn to them.

Pumpkin, butternut squash, yellow squash, red peppers, strawberries, raspberries, etc. are all things that will catch the eye of your dragons.

Dish Colors

Food dish colors may also place a part in influencing appetite in the same way as food. I have used both blue and red dishes, and I have to say that the reddish seems to get more of a response. Warm colors such as red, orange, or yellow may be something to give a try.

Bugs/Bait & Switch

Here’s another method to try if your beardie is off feed, but still eating bugs. Use your dragon’s favorite bugs and give them to him one at a time. While he is chewing, stick greens or veggies in his mouth.

They may manage to spit some of the food out, but you might have some success. This method can be hit or miss because some beardies (like mine) will get wise to what you’re doing, and decide to keep their mouth closed tight.

Force Feeding

Force-feeding with a syringe should only be done under the direction of a qualified reptile vet. It can be very stressful, but there are some occasions which may be necessary. Depending on what is going on with your bearded dragon, your vet will recommend a type of solution to feed, like Oxbow’s Critical Care.

I strongly suggest seeing a reptile vet before deciding to force-feed your pet, and especially if you’ve never done so before. Your vet can show you how to safely do it at home under the right direction.

Take Care!

Did you enjoy these helpful tips provided in the article? I can’t tell you how many articles I read through as a first-time owner of a bearded dragon.

It meant a great deal to me to learn what was going on with my beardie and how to address any issues he might have. Your beardie’s health and well-being are just as important to you, and I thank you for learning from my experience.

If you liked my article, please share it! Let me hear your thoughts in the comments below, as I’d love to hear from you.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (5)

Angela DeRiso

Angela is passionate about exotic animals, especially reptiles. A life long Florida native, she has kept birds, invertebrates, and reptiles. She is an advocate for educating the public on proper care and husbandry of exotics, and for rescuing those in need.

11 thoughts on “Your Bearded Dragon Won’t Eat? Here Are the Reasons and Our Solutions”

  1. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (6)

    November 13, 2023 at 2:00 pm

    My beardie is going to be 16 years old this March and seems way too thin and frail. In the past year he has certainly lost his appetite exponentially and I am very worried. I live in a very remote area now and there are no exotic pet vets. He still loves greens but will not eat any protein. Sometimes I wrap a superwork in a small piece of lettuce like a taco and he will eat it but then he is upset and will not eat for 2 to 3 days afterwards. I sometimes trick him into eating when he is expelling heat and has his mouth open. It’s exhausting and I am not sure what to do. Any suggestions?


    1. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (7)

      Dr. Mohsin Iqbal

      December 6, 2023 at 12:41 am

      Hey Jenni,

      First off, it’s amazing that your beardie has reached 16 years old – that’s quite an achievement! However, it’s concerning that he’s losing his appetite and weight. In older beardies, this can be pretty common, but it’s still something to address.

      You’re doing a great job trying to keep him fed. But if he’s refusing protein and getting upset, it might be more stressful than beneficial for him.
      Since vet access is a challenge for you, let’s try some gentle methods. Continue offering greens since he loves them. For protein, you could try softer options like silkworms or small amounts of well-cooked chicken or fish. These might be easier for him to eat and digest.

      Also, ensure his habitat is warm enough and he’s getting enough UVB light, as these can impact his appetite.

      Take care, and best of luck with your beardie! 🦎✨


  2. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (8)

    Shelby Lytle

    April 8, 2023 at 2:27 pm

    I have had my little bearded dragon is around 10 years old.
    He has always been a picky eater but in the last few weeks I have noticed he don’t eat like he has had in the past. He don’t eat the crickets he allows them walk all over him.
    He likes romaine lettuce but he lets the crickets eat it.
    Is this a vet appointment?


    1. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (9)

      Dr. Mohsin Iqbal

      May 27, 2023 at 4:12 pm

      Hi Shelby,

      Decreased appetite in a bearded dragon can have several causes. Given your dragon’s age, it’s possible that he’s slowing down a bit. However, a significant change in eating habits could also suggest a health issue.

      If your bearded dragon is also displaying other signs of illness, such as lethargy, weight loss, or changes in bowel movements, a vet visit would be a good idea.

      Additionally, keep in mind that bearded dragons require a varied diet, including a mix of greens (kale, collards, mustard greens – romaine lettuce is not very nutritious), vegetables, and insects. Make sure the temperatures in the enclosure are appropriate as well, as this can impact appetite.

      You’re on the right track in being observant about your bearded dragon’s behavior and eating habits. It’s always better to be safe and consult a vet if you’re unsure. Meanwhile, continue to research about senior bearded dragon care for more information.


    1. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (11)

      Dr. Mohsin Iqbal

      April 4, 2023 at 3:21 pm

      Hi Anthony,

      It’s not necessary to empty out your bearded dragon’s enclosure during feeding, as long as you’re feeding them in a designated area within the enclosure. However, if you’re concerned about the possibility of substrate or food particles getting stuck in the enclosure, you could consider feeding your bearded dragon in a separate enclosure specifically designated for feeding time.

      This can make cleaning up after feeding easier and help prevent any potential health issues from ingesting substrate or other foreign objects. Ultimately, the choice is up to you and what you feel is best for your bearded dragon’s health and well-being.


  3. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (12)

    Sam Wareham

    February 19, 2023 at 6:40 am

    I took on a Bearded Dragon 3 weeks ago. I already have 7 Leopard Geckos, 3 Corn Snakes and a Mexican Black King Snake, so not ignorent about reptiles! He (Steve) arrived in a 4x2x2 vivarium, with UV and basking light. However the rest of the set was completely wrong, sand as substrate, no salad bowl….Steve is 20 months old, 17″ long and the tip of his tail is dead (about 1″) and was fed salad just twice a week, as for bugs he was mostly fed locusts and the occasional cricket! Steve did have a water bowl but this was full of sand!
    The UV was not covered or properly secured and Steve pulled the bulb down on a daily basis, finding him sitting on it regularly, the basking bulb was also uncovered and 7″ from the basking rock!
    With all this now said, I have rectified all the problems, but my major problem is Steve WILL NOT EAT SALAD, I hoped he would once his set was correct but this is not the case. I have spent a little fortune on a whole range of fruits and vegetables and they remain untouched, I have put worms in his bowl in the hope that movement would interest him, i have tried hand feeding him, my last option is to NOT FEED anything for a couple of days and then just offer salad, do you think this is a wise course of action as he is now an adult and he needs his veggies. Any advice and guidance much appreciated


    1. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (13)

      Dr. Mohsin Iqbal

      April 4, 2023 at 3:30 pm

      Hi Sam,

      It sounds like you’ve done a great job improving Steve’s living conditions and providing him with a healthy environment.

      One approach you can try is to offer a variety of vegetables and fruits to see if there are any that Steve particularly likes. You can also try chopping or shredding the vegetables into small pieces and mixing them with live insects or worms to make them more appealing.

      Withholding food for a couple of days and then offering only salad is another approach that some bearded dragon owners have found successful. However, it’s important to monitor Steve’s health and behavior closely if you decide to try this approach.

      Keep up the good work, and continue to offer Steve a healthy and varied diet. With time and patience, he may start to develop a taste for his greens.


  4. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (14)

    Karrie Owen

    December 9, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    You forgot uvb- they are extremely important for not eating – a dragon cannot absorb or synthesize his calcium w/ out correct uvb – that means NO coils – a long tube fixture– the basking temps taken w/ a digital probe thermometer- and uvb are the lifelines to the dragon


    1. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (15)

      Sam Davies

      December 12, 2021 at 9:21 pm

      Hi Karrie,

      That is correct, thank you for pointing this out. I will make sure we add in a section about UV lighting.


  5. Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (16)

    Amanda I

    February 20, 2021 at 9:14 am

    Your article was a great help! Full of information but to the point. Thank you so much!!!


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Angela DeRiso

Angela is passionate about exotic animals, especially reptiles. A life long Florida native, she has kept birds, invertebrates, and reptiles. She is an advocate for educating the public on proper care and husbandry of exotics, and for rescuing those in need.

Greetings, reptile enthusiasts! I'm thrilled to delve into the article about bearded dragons and their eating habits. As someone deeply immersed in the world of exotic animals, particularly reptiles, I've had extensive hands-on experience with various species, including bearded dragons. My expertise is rooted in years of caring for these incredible creatures, studying their behaviors, and collaborating with reptile veterinarians to ensure optimal health.

Now, let's explore the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Temperature & Humidity:

    • The article rightly emphasizes the importance of maintaining the correct temperature and humidity levels in a bearded dragon's enclosure. This directly impacts their digestion, and I can attest to the necessity of accurate gauges to monitor and adjust these conditions.
  2. Parasites:

    • I've encountered instances where feeder insects carried parasites, affecting the health and appetite of bearded dragons. Regular veterinary check-ups and fecal exams are crucial to identify and treat any underlying issues.
  3. Brumation:

    • Bearded dragons entering brumation is a natural phenomenon. I've personally experienced this with my own dragon, and the recommendation of regular soaking to maintain hydration during this period aligns with my practices.
  4. Hunger Strike:

    • Convincing bearded dragons to transition from an insect-only diet to accepting greens can be challenging, especially for younger dragons. I've employed creative methods, such as introducing preferred bugs alongside veggies, to overcome this hurdle.
  5. Illness:

    • The signs of illness, including lethargy and weight loss, are red flags that necessitate prompt veterinary attention. Early detection is key, and I've witnessed the positive impact of timely intervention in addressing underlying health issues.
  6. Duration Without Food:

    • The information about bearded dragons being able to go without food for weeks or even months, particularly during captivity brumation, is accurate. Regular monitoring, including weekly weigh-ins, is a practice I endorse to ensure their well-being.
  7. Signs of Eating and Drinking:

    • The detailed signs of a healthy bearded dragon, such as full-fat pads, a thick tail base, and hydrated skin, are spot-on. Regular soaking and the 'drip method' for encouraging drinking are techniques I've successfully employed.
  8. Baby Bearded Dragons:

    • The article rightly addresses the challenges with baby bearded dragons, including issues with temperature, competition with cage mates, and the importance of creating a secure environment.
  9. Stimulating Appetite:

    • The article provides practical suggestions for stimulating appetite, including using specific food colors, dish colors, and even a "bait and switch" approach. These strategies align with my experiences in encouraging reluctant eaters.
  10. Force Feeding:

    • The cautionary note about force-feeding and the recommendation to seek guidance from a reptile vet mirror my beliefs. It's a last resort that should be approached with care and professional advice.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse the insights shared in the article. It's a comprehensive guide for both novice and experienced bearded dragon owners, addressing common concerns and offering practical solutions based on a deep understanding of these fascinating reptiles. If you have any questions or insights to share, feel free to engage in the discussion!

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Reasons & Solutions (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.