Signs of Stress for a Bearded Dragon | Bearded Dragon Care 101 (2024)

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Although bearded dragons cannot tell us what’s wrong, they can exhibit tell-tale signs for many ailments. Signs of stress for a bearded dragon can be displayed in many ways. It’s up to us as their owner to be able to read these signs to figure out what might be wrong. Of course, any time your pet begins demonstrating strange behavior you should take them to a qualified reptile veterinarian as soon as possible.

Here are six signs of stress for a bearded dragon.

Loss of Appetite

Signs of Stress for a Bearded Dragon | Bearded Dragon Care 101 (1)

If your bearded dragon suddenly stops eating any food you offer it, that could be a sign of stress.

Try offering some insects or fruits that are considered treats, such as waxworms, hornworms, papaya, or mango.

If the bearded dragon still doesn’t take to those foods, then you may need to check the temperatures in the terrarium.

Make sure you have a basking area that is at least 90 to 110°F, depending on its age. Use a high quality temperature and humidity gauge to ensure proper basking and cool zone temperatures. This isn’t something you want to guess at!

If the temperatures check out to be adequate you may need to contact your veterinarian.

Lower Activity Levels

If your bearded dragon seems sluggish, and does not appear to be as active as it once was it could be a sign of stress.

Again, check to make sure you are providing adequate heat and full-spectrum lighting. A diet that consists of improper nutrition could also be the culprit.

Always offer a well-balanced diet of mixed vegetables and feeder insects. Remember to sprinkle calcium powder with vitamin D3 on each meal, whether it’s feeder insects or vegetables and fruit.

Darker Coloration

A bearded dragon can sometimes appear to be a bit darker in color. This could be a typical sign of some stress, but it could also signify that it is getting ready to shed.

Wait a few days and see if it is starting to shed. If shedding does not occur, then make an appointment with your veterinarian for an exam.

Not Basking Enough

Signs of Stress for a Bearded Dragon | Bearded Dragon Care 101 (2)

Sometimes when a bearded dragon is stressed it may not bask for several days. A bearded dragon not receiving the proper basking temperatures will not stay in good health for very long. Once again, use a good thermometer to observe the temperatures.

Try switching the cooler side of the terrarium with the basking side. This may force the bearded dragon to be in the basking area, which could help to perk it up a bit.

Frantically Clawing the Sides of the Terrarium

You may notice your bearded dragon frantically clawing at the glass on the side of the terrarium. This is usually due to the bearded dragon seeing his reflection in the glass and thinking there is another bearded dragon in the area. This constant scratching can cause it to become stressed and jumpy.

You can help reduce this by placing a terrarium or aquarium background, on the sides and back of the terrarium.

It could also be a sign that the temperatures in the terrarium are too high. The higher temperatures could increase its activity levels. Check the temperatures and reduce them if needed.

Scratching at the glass could also simply mean your pet wants to get out and exercise some.

Stress Marks

When bearded dragons become very stressed, dark markings can appear on its belly and chin. These marks are a sure indication of stress. It can be very common to bearded dragons that you have recently acquired.

The stress marks may go away in a few days once it has become accustomed to its new home. Check to make sure you are offering food, water, and that the temperatures are correct within the habitat.

Always seek a qualified reptile veterinarian if you have any doubts about the health of your bearded dragon!

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Reader Interactions


  1. Betty says

    Our beardy is 3 myths old. Took him out to hold him and he ran up my arm and jumped off to the floor. He wasn’t hurt but now when someone reaches in to hold him he runs away. Is there anything we can do to help him so we can hold him again ?

    Thank u


    • Tee Riddle says

      Hi Betty, Sorry to hear about the difficulties with your bearded dragon. The first thing is to be patient. Very patient. He probably became very frightened after the big jump. Try to engage in a little interaction each day. Start with a little petting. Simply stroke him very gently on the top of his head, or along his chin/beard. Avoid making any quick, sudden moves around him. Move your hand slowly into the terrarium. Try offering a favorite snack. When he realizes your hand means good eats he will begin building trust again.

      Do not force interaction. If he shies away just leave him alone for a while and try again in four – five hours. Once he begins gaining trust again attempt to slowly and carefully slide your hand under his belly. Gently caress his belly and slowly rub him for a minute or so. Do that for a couple days and steadily increase the time. Continue offering a snack as you lower your hand down slowly. Remember – baby steps!

      Eventually with a little time and patience he will let you pick him up. Try not to pick him up too high to begin with.

      I hope this helps and let me know your progress!


      • Tanya says

        My baby bearded dragon does not seem to be eating or drinking for ) 4days now she won’t move at all stays in one place fo hours or tht whole day so I have to move her to the Baskin area im concerned and she has not grown at all she so small what could be wrong


      • Wendy St. Jules says

        I recently bought a baby beardie and he has dark marks on his belly and occasionally will scratch at the glass. Other than that he eats normally basks normally and when I go in to hold him he seems calm. I’m unsure if the environment is just new, but I’m kinda nervous


        • Tee Riddle says

          Hi Wendy! Thank you for your comment.

          It is very common for a bearded dragon to show signs of stress when it has been recently brought into its new home. I would suggest to give him (or her) time to become adjusted to the new environment for a bit. It can take a few days, a few weeks, or even perhaps a month or two. The main thing to remember is to be patient and let your new friend work that out on its own. Make sure to provide the best environment you can with proper temperatures, adequate lighting, and a quality, varied diet. Providing a nice hide spot can help reduce stress by giving your bearded dragon a place to relax and feel safe. Keep doing the right things and give him some time.

          Thanks again, and have a great day!


        • Heather says

          I’m having some trouble with my lizard. I didn’t know that crickets can bite, and now my baby has a hole in its side. I’ve treated it and its healing but it seems to be scared of crickets now. As that is its main source of food, I am concerned. Its technically not a bearded dragon, but a relative, and it does not eat fruit or veggies. What should I do?


          • Lisa m says

            Heather…try feeding it locust instead, they come in all sizes and don’t bite. Gut load them with veggies and vitamins then you know your lizard is getting everything it needs through their food.

    • LexiO says

      Newborn/baby bearded dragons are prone to be jumpy and active when first bought. Give your beardie some time to him/herself to take in the new surrondings. Also try petting him/her at the base of his/her tail until she/he gets used to you. Also try not to make fast movements around your beardie so he/she dosent feel threated. Hope my advice helped! 🙂


    • Arceus810 says

      That was the case w/ mine you just have to hold him and pet him and let him get used to you and soon you will have a loyal beardie


    • Meadow says

      Hi Betty! I’m sorry to hear your beard is had a fall! The best you can do is let him bask, don’t mess with him for 3 days (unless it’s to feed, Spray, soak, etc), then pick him up. If he resists just try best you can to grab him. Gently! Then hold him in your hands and try to cuddle and let him, don’t over do it though, very slowly. Only hold him if he’s your bearded dragon. He should be used to the owner before anyone else. Bye!


  2. Shelly says

    I got my daughter a bearded dragon beginning of June for an early bday present. In July, we drove from northern Nevada to Washington state and the poor beardie was it of its lights etc for 14 hours. At first it seemed fine but with in days stated shaking excessively then it all went away. Just recently, we saw that it was doing the same thing again, started doing more and more research frantically trying to make it healthy.. we adjusted it’s lighting and heat in its enclosure, it got to the point that there was hardly any movement from the beardie. With all the things that I’ve read on sights such as this, I hand fed it chicken baby food with additional calcium powder in it for a few days (as we found out the shaking was the signs of metabolic bone disease setting in). After a few days of the chicken I. Gave it a chance to eat a cricket which one is all it had the energy to chase. I.continued with the chicken as well to ensure it was getting some source of food. The next day, the crickets increased to 2, then 3, now we are eating 7-8 with about 20 minutes. It will not eat leafy greens, I’ve tried. I believe the beardie to be roughly 4 months old by now.
    With in the last two days, it’s been doing amazing. Lots of activity, eating the crickets, no more chicken baby food, and no more shaking. But what I am struggling with now is keeping the temp and humidity right. It seems to really like it when the enclosure is about 100° and at 35% humidity, but I cannot keep it steadily at that. I’m constantly having to check and at times it gets closer to 120° and over 40% humidity, which when this happens the beardie will just be sitting there with its mouth wide open. Here in Washington it’s been very humid and hot. Does that have something to do with it? Please help. I’ve been working very hard keeping this little guy alive. I don’t want too loose it now. Lol any advise would be extremely helpful. Btw… we do have a basking side and another light in the other side. I can’t remember what watts etc. At this time. It’s a 10 gal. Tank I only gave a rock and a piece of woods for it to climb on in the tank.. I usually have a water dish in there too however, thus evening after turning it’s night light on, I checked it and it was half way in its dish. I picked it up and the poor thing was freezing. I wrapped it up in a towel an held it till it’s temp came up some them put it back in its enclosure..


    • Steffanie says

      Hi Shelly!
      Just wanted to mention something about your heating and light issues. With a tank as small as a 10 gallon it’s nearly impossible to get a good temp gradient. If the baby is about 4 months old he needs to be in a MUCH bigger tank. How big is he? Did you get him from a pet store or breeder? I’m just asking because I have gotten baby beardies from both Petco, an Petzoo and they both died. One after 2 days, the other after 6 months and no growing:'( He never ate like he should have so he never grew. My most recent baby, I ordered from Rainbow Bearded Dragons and it’s like I have a totally different species of animal! He just turned 14 weeks old today and he measured in at 14 inches and 130 grams in weight. I measure him every Friday because he is then 1 week older. He literally grows, 1/2-1 inch a week! He eats 50 crickets (sometimes more) in one sitting. I have him in a 40 gallon breeder tank (wider than tall). He has his basking light at about 105 and the cool side of his tank is 76, and it never changes. And I live in AK! Also, you have to make sure he has a UVB light also, you can feed him all the calcium in the world, but if he doesn’t have a UVB light, he can’t absorb it. Hope your baby gets better!


      • Sonya says

        Steffanie- We’re in AK too, and my son is in a panic about his beardie. We’ve had him for a year and he came from another family we know. I think he’s about 2-3 years old. He’s always been healthy and easy going. Suddenly tonight he is very lethargic, he excreted all his mealworms undigested earlier today and looks darker around his chin/jawline and his shoulders. We are having a cold snap into the negatives outside, but our house is warm and his temperatures in his tank all look good/normal. His lights have both been replaced maybe 3-4 months ago, so they still seem to be fine. He hasn’t molted since we got him and I’m wondering if that’s a possibility. Any thoughts? Suggestions?


      • classified says

        idk. but can you help me with something? when i try to pet my BD it rotates its head and pushes my finger away… idk why its doing that or if its just stressed from my other family member from holding it…. havent really thought of that until now, mabey it just gets cuddled to much? idk. please help cause idk if it is cuz of my family member, or if theres somthing wrong with him. thank you if you help.


        • Tyler says

          How old is it and how long have you had it? He could just be sick of being handled and want to be left alone, or he just may not like being petted. Is he in a constant 90-110 degree enclosure? are you sure he’s actually trying to push your head away, or just itch his head on your finger?

          Try and start petting down at his tail and work your way up as days/weeks go by. I know it’s not ideal right now, but if it helps make him more used to you in the long (10 year lifetime) run, then it’s so worth it.


  3. andy says

    Hello I recently got a pair of baby dragons 2 months 8 days old, and I’m worried of them due to them not really wanting to eat veggies, crickets, meal worms they both had crickets and meal worms yesterday and eat very well at the female she small, they, I have a 20 gal tank temp on basking 115 highest temp, I water them 3 times a day.


    • LexiO says

      My adult beardie had troubles with his eating habbits too. First of all, you don’t have to worry about them eating live insects. Beardies pretty much eat any thing small and alive. But I found out that the best way to feed them veggies is by mixing the veggies with the bugs so when the beardies are eating, they get tricked and eat veggies as well as their bugs! Also, I suggest getting a mix of leafy herbs for the veggies. But when you buy the mix, they usally have spinach in it which is bad for beardies. All you have to do it pick out the spinach and the salad is perfect! Hope I helped 🙂


    • blahh says

      I don’t think you really need to water them. I think you need to sperate them as they might be bullying eachother please check out that site


      • Hannah Moore says

        Um yes you need to water them they need water they may not drink from a bowl but they do need water


    • Santino says

      Young bearded dragons eat tons of crickets and insects a day and barely any greena. So many insects is Usually adds to about a hundred insects a week. The older they get the less protien they need, thats when they start eating the greens and fruits


    • Brooklynn says

      Did u get ur beardies from a pet store? Or a breeder? I got mine from a pet store and he has been doing well with greens. If u got yours from petco or something normally they have greens I. The tank and that’s a good thing to look for. If u got its from a breeder ask if they feed their beardies greens . They might not eat then at first but once they start to realize that it’s there and that its food they will eat it ????


    • Heather barrett says

      I was told not to get 2 in same tank because once older males will fight and could be the death of one. Also opposite sex they say the male will mate her to death. Once they are older they like to be alone.


  4. Misty says

    We have a bearded dragon and she was doing great went and got her a bigger home and now she is not eating, interacting, sleeping all the time and her beard is black. I have to spray her to get her to drink try offering food…… totally lost getting ready to take her to vet Monday unless I’m jumping the gun.
    Thanks for listening 🙂


  5. ben says

    I got an adult bearded dragon about three weeks ago. She is very shy to me.I left her alone for about three days but I would see her crawl into her hides and sleep for long periods of time. I would still put crickets in there along with greens but she wouldn’t show even the slightest interest. However I decided to take her out and offer her a super worm. She would take it but when I try to offer another she would run away. I place the worm in an open palm and slowly move of about three inches away from her. I have her in a 75 gallon with two 150 watt heat bulbs and one of them has Uvb/uva thing. The I got here from had her on crushed walnut shells ( like the kind in the store). Could someone please explain this? If so, I would deeply grateful.


  6. Jesse says

    Hello, so i used to have 2 bearded dragons, but one of them died recently..and now the other one(he is about 3, 4 years old) is going crazy by running up the glass and trying to dig out etc. Its looks like he tries everything to get out?! I thought maybe the death of his buddy had something to do with it, because he was fine before the other one died! the temperature is a bit over 30°C and i try to feed him grasshoppers and fruits and such every day..there is always enough water around.. does anyone have an idea why he is going crazy? What should i do?


    • Gaby says

      Jesse, my bearded dragon started running up and down the glass as well. He seems very stressed out all of a sudden. I let him out of his cage, and he bolted… He refuses to calm down and tries to climb to the highest peak (the top of the chair I’m sitting on). I know the 20 gallon tank is way too small for a 1 year old bearded dragon, so we’re building a 97 gallon right now. Maybe he’s stressed out because of the glass; I don’t know.. But for now, even though it’s day time, I’m placing him in his carrier with a blanket in the dark. Thanks, Gaby


  7. Ryan says

    I got my bearded dragon roughly a week ago, and he has just started showing signs of stress. His underbelly and chin are much darker, however he isn’t acting any differently. His age isn’t one hundred percent certain, but I would say roughly under 2 months. We feed him 3 times a day, and each time he eats 6-10 crickets. His diet is unchanged and he still eats the same amount of crickets. We also feed him Kale, and he hasn’t been eating the Kale as often, but he normally has a few pieces once a day. I get him out, for him to be active, and he is very active. He is in a 20 gallon terrarium, with a background on 2 sides of the cage, the back and left side. The only thing I can think of is that he is being stressed out by his reflection, but I am unsure. This is my first bearded dragon, and will be extremely grateful for any kind of help. Thanks!


    • Rosie says

      Any new pets walking around? Or maybe your taking him out too much? If reflection try putting clear contact paper on inside of glass, a little taller than him so he won’t cast reflection.


  8. Ryan says

    Hi, I just recently got a baby bearded dragon, somewhere between 6 weeks to 2 months, and the color of his underbelly and chin have turned a dark color, and I believe it is stress. I just got him a week ago, and his habits haven’t changed: He eats 6 to 10 crickets each feeding time, and I feed him 3 times a day. He is very active when I get him out of the cage. He eats Kale, but hasn’t been eating it as much now. I believe he is drinking, as I always see urinates in his poop. His cage is a 20 gallon glass terrarium, with 2 sides covered with a background (the back side, and the lefts side). I think it might be him seeing his own reflection maybe? But this is my first bearded dragon and am very worried. Any suggestions on what I should do are very greatly appreciated



    • Ryan says

      Sorry, I posted twice. The first message wasn’t showing up for me and I thought it didn’t go through. Sorry!


      • shan says

        I read online that you have to be careful, not to overfeed a young beardie.

        But it sounds like it might be stressed out.


    • Alice says

      Hi you really need a bigger tank- 50 gallon minimum. Your beardy might be having issues with keeping its temp at the right point because it’s impossible to have a warm and a cold side eight shy small of a tank. That is also young to have a bearded dragon sold to you 2 months is the bare minimum. It’s pretty normal for a baby not to be too interested in leafy greens (only nibbling) they would only really be after them a few times a week so don’t worry about that.


      • Rosie says

        No! 50 gallon tank is not good for baby (single). It’s scary for them. The reason for large tanks is for breeders that have more than 3 babies in same tank. Bigger is not always better for stress. 10 gallon is fine, IF you have right wattage heat bulb.


        • Tiffany says

          10 gallons is NOT fine! 40 gallon breeder at minimum! They need floor space to run around. Also for a comment above, please dont keep beardies together. It may even be the reason for the other one passing. They are solitary animals and will bully each other. One will always dominate the other. Two males will eventually fight and a male will mate a female to death. They each need their own space.


    • tina says

      did you ever get an answer because mine seems stressed by scratching sides and trying to get out. Did they say yours needed sides and back covered?


      • Rosie says

        Maybe it doesn’t want to poop in enclosure? Mine hates smell of poop! When he starts “glass dance” I put him in basin warm water, he poops then is happy. Then climbs back on his basking spot with a quick lick. He also does dance if wants snack. He is 4 months old.


  9. Ryan says

    Why do my comments disappear, then reappear when I make another comment, then it disappears again?


  10. malakai says

    Hi my bearded dragon toothless is sleeping a lot an not so active he is eating fine an that tho he always climbing to the top of the cage an sleeping


  11. Tori says

    Have a question for you, we have about a 3 month old bearded. She shed her skin a couple of weeks ago but now her tail is completely white and she is not shedding it. Is it just that maybe she didn’t shed that part and I need to soak her? Or is there something else that can cause this?

    Thank you


    • Rosie says

      Probably needs help with shed. But sometimes they don’t shed entirely evenly. My beardie head and tail stayed light till next shed! She gets a bath everyday, she loves baths.


  12. Jenica says

    I have had my beardie for about a month. The first couple of weeks were great. He ate lots anout 14 crickets and a few mealworms a day. Then he gradually went down hill. He had not eaten for 3 days or so I started hand/force feeding him baby food and one mealworms everyday. We also give warm baths everyday or every other day. He seems to be doing ok but has is still not eating on his own. When I put my hand in he will run from me other than that he just lays on his basking rock and closes his eyes. He does drink and has been pooping about every other day. We did increase the temp some and got a new reptisun 10.0 Uvb light. Temps are arond 100-110 in basking area and 80 on cool side. he has a 40 gallon tank and I am guessing is around 4 months he is about 7 to 8 inches long. I offer kale/collared greens and raspberry or blueberry everyday. We also try to keep one mealworms in his dish and 2
    Crickets in his cage for him to eat. He has not eaten on his own (that I know of for a week) but like I said I have been hand force feeding everyday. We give calcium everyday on the one worm we can get
    In. Should I be force feeding? I am researching and worrying everyday. Please help.


    • Rosie says

      Mealworm is bad for babies. He’s probably running from hand because he doesn’t want to be forced 🙂 do you have sand or walnuts, gently feel his stomach, maybe impaction. Poop normal? try baby applesauce mixed with a drop of honey. Don’t force just put it his nose or show. Try green pea from can(peel it first). Roll pea to him to intice.


  13. Jenica says

    I have a bearded dragon that is very sluggish and not eating. He is about 7 inches long and I have had him for about one month. He spends most of his time basking with his eyes clothes. We turned up the temp some and replaced his uvb light with a reptisun 10.0. His basking area is around 100 to 105. His cool side is around 80. He has not been eating so after 3 days I started hand/force feeding baby food and a mealworm every day. He is active when I put him in his bath and when I pick him up and get him moving but still will not even attempt to catch crickets or eat on his own. This has gone on for about one week. He moves aroung his basking rock hammock and stick. He will drink on his own. What should I do? Should I be hand/ force feeding him? I just don’t want him to get so sick and die. I give him calcium everytime I can get a worm in him. Please help!


  14. Jordan says

    Hi I got my bearded dragon a few more months ago and I didn’t know at the time that I had to leave the bearded dragon to settle . So I tried to pick him up straight away ( of course he didn’t let me ) and I tried again and again ( stupid me for not doing more research) . Now my bearded dragon doesn’t like being held or anything ( but no hissing or anything) and keeps trying to escape , like it jumps off my hands/ shoulders and tryes to hide under furniture. Please how do I gain his trust back ?


    • Rosie says

      Don’t put in room on floor to run from you. You and dragon get in empty bathtub and let crawl around you. Don’t force in lap, just let him explore you. Talk gently move slowly and don’t hover above his head. When getting out of his cage, as soon as you can place on your chest to carry. Don’t squish.


  15. Michael Landless says

    Jusr recently put female german giant beardie into a smaller vivarium she was in a bigger glass one which got broken and wants to get out all the time and hide in cold dsrk places is this normal behaviour or should i be worried,Thanks for help


  16. ashley rowe says

    We got our bearded dragon spike about 8 months ago from a breader … We were new to this and didn’t exactly get things right , he was very sluggish and lazy didnt really do much and hardly ate , we just got him some food from the pet store and a heat rock and the proper lighting for his basking spot , and also threw the newspaper away and put tile flooring down … Today he is very spastic and aware of things , heis running around eevery were and scratching at the glass , all the effects say stress which obviously is gonna happen with all these changes , just wanting toake sure spike will be okay !!! And if this was the right choice !!


  17. Madeline says

    Hi I just got my bearded dragon a day ago and yesterday I fed her and petted her every time I gave her a cricket. She is 3mths old. The next day at noon I repeated the process and she let me pick her up. But when I did she jumped from my hands and fel to the floor. I picked her up and put her back in her cage. She than, about two hours later started doing the running at the glass like there was another beardie there, tapping at it the whole bit. And I also noticed she has a a flat rock hide and the basking light is on top….well she only sticks to the side and her head is pointing towards the light and the rest of her body not laying in it… is always the top half of her body that gets the hottest. She also has gotten much much darker….her stomach is a dark grey in up and down stripes going up to her under her beard…her she’ll is darker too more pronounced than before. She has been like this for 5hours now….how do I relieve her stress? I tried to put cardboard in her cage as a back ground and I am wondering if that is bad as well….thanks!


  18. Sophia says

    Hello my baby beardie is very healthy with a good appetite and active and about 3 months old. Just now I took it out for a little exercise on my desk and it jumped onto my cactus, landing on its belly! I examined its belly and saw an area turned red shortly and freaked out! Because I know their blood is also red. But it seems pretty calm and not in pain. So I do not know if this is serious or not. Plz help…


  19. Sally Clark says

    Hi ive had my beardie just under 2 weeks.
    He is really tame and is getting used to my hand, he will eat his treats from my fingers and is crickets off my tweezers, he will even let me hold only for about 5mins but its really good progress.
    Today when i fed him he was in a really good mood the best mood ive seen him in since i had him. He cam right up to my at feeding today after id finished feeding him i was petting him then i pulled my hand away slowly and when my hand was fully outta the viv he jump towards me but missed me and landed on the floor that cat dived on top of him i pulled the cat off him scooped him up and put him in back in his cage, he doesnt seem hurt and is moving about but his beard is black and all down is belly. Will he be okay. He is about 3 months old


  20. chris says

    My bearded dragon crusty seems to be alright during the day but at night Time huddled up in a corner


  21. Hayden says

    My baby bearded dragons will only seem to eat crickets and one will only eat mealworms and none of them seem to eat the fruit/veggie pellets. And both of them aren’t to active and the spot on their stomachs aren’t going away. Their only pretty active in the bath. And I bought one with a nipped tail.


  22. Geo says

    I bought a baby beardie recently and is around 6 weeks old! We currently have temperature at around 95fh in the basking area and 75-80 in the cool side. We feed him crickets, hoppers (locus) and leave meal worms in a bowl for him & also some water. We have so far been bathing him twice a week and have the full UVB strip bulb set up and heat bulb. I am really worried as he does not come out from under his wooden log and never basks. Just worrying me as he also doesn’t seem very friendly. I just don’t want him to grow up to be aggressive.
    Any help please!


    • Rosie says

      Take out hiding spot. He needs to bask. He’s shy. Also without hiding he’ll do better. After a couple of days you can try the hide again. If you don’t want this, take out his hide and replace with simple brick.he can hide behind but still get light/heat. Of course brick must be under his lights 🙂


  23. mark says

    my bearded dragon is currently 8 months old. Yet his size is so small. I wouldn’t be surprized if he has only grown a few centimeters since he was 3 months old. Also, he seems to have trouble eating, especially with his tounge. I feed pheonix ( my bearded dragon) usually once a day yet i sometimes forget and feed him every other day. I rarely feed him anything but dead crickets. He eats about one cricket a day and I rarely put calcuim on his crickets, I probably do once a week if not less. Pheonix never climbs, rarely moves, needs help drinking and sleeps 20 hours a day. I need some answers for pheonix’s behavoiur. It might be normal then again he is my first bearded dragon or lizard ive owned but something seems strange. Thanks


    • Heather barrett says

      They like live crickets they like to hunt and chase then. I’m surprised he’s even eating dead ones. Try the little red pellets you can buy but you have to dust the crickets with calcium. I did alot of research before getting this kind of pet. The Internet can be very helpful


  24. Kathleen says

    My beardie is about 4 now. He was a very finicky eater from age 2.5-3.5. He would only eat crickets, so I fed him a lot of crickets. One day I woke up to him having a coating of white on his mouth so i took him to the vet. He said it was an early sign of gout, or build up of minerals in the joints due to TOO much protein! He told me it was imperative to feed him more greens and way less worms. I was to cut him off worms until he ate greens. It took about a week and a half of just greens to get him to eat but he finally did. Now I feed him works 2-3 times a week and veggies/greens 5 times a week (he will eat veggies willingly every few days). He is much healthier now and all signs and symptoms have cleared. For this beardie less is more.


  25. shante says

    My bearded dragon is two weeks old she sits on her basting rock alot is this normal.


    • Rosie says

      Yes. About 80%of day is basking time 🙂 make sure heat is warm enough. And no mealworm for baby dragons.


  26. Makayla says

    I just got my beardie Unique a day ago. It always claws at the glass. I tried feeding it and it just refused to eat. It also clawed at the sides the whole time. I don’t know what to do and I’m really scared. Someone please help!!


    • Heather barrett says

      Did you buy the back ground for the tank. Mine is all the way around except very fromt


  27. Chelsea Curvin says

    I just received a rescue bearded dragon. I believe he has metabolic bone disease and malnutrition. He had a underbite and is 9months old and the size of a 6 week baby. He didny eat for 2 months be for i got him. With his rubber jaw he couldnt eat so i fed him baby food with calcium of course. Now he occasionally can eat a mealworms. He shed for the second time in his life this week. He is only 17 grams t hough. If anyone has any advice of things i should try with him please reply.


  28. Massimo Buonassisi says

    I have owned bearded dragons for about 9 years now and I am having a problem that I have never seen with any of them before. One of them, who is male and just over 3 years old will randomly have these extremely weird spasms. He will franticly start running and then he starts chasing he is own tail, then with his mouth wide open and his beard puffed out he will unnaturally bend his head up and towards his back as if he was trying to break his own back and while doing this continues to run and will sometimes do flips while in this odd state. I have looked everywhere to try and find out what is wrong with him but have not found anyone having a similar situation. I was wondering if you had heard about anything similar that could possibly help me.


    • Tom says

      Mine just started doing this 2 days ago. Exact same thing you described. He does it randomly 3-4 tines a day. After his freak out, he will shrivel up and heavily breath for a minute, then his eyes will close. The first time I was sure I just watched him die. Then 5 minutes later he returned to normal. He hasn’t been eating since this started though. Cannot find any info on this.


      • Aly says

        Did anyone ever figure this out? I’ve had my beardie for about a year now and he always been very docile, but today when I was holding him he randomly freaked out. Every time I tried to pick him up he would jump out of my hand and run around like a mad man. At one point, after he stopped running, I tried picking him up again and he puffed at me (which has never happened before. He’s never puffed at anyone or anything). Eventually I was able to pick him up and comfort him until he relaxed and fell asleep. I’m crazy worried. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to him.


        • sarah says

          My Beardie is doing this too, bending his head back very far and puffing up. His cage also got very dirty recenty, we have a problem with cats sitting on top of the cage. His eye see\ms to be swolen and i put vetracin for all canimal types on it a day ago. his eye is closed now, i gave him a bath today and he was running around then stoping and doing weird stuff, he seemed to go limp at one point and i took him out. someone please help me.


      • Toni in AK says

        It sounds like seizures and/or “stargazing”, symptoms of Atadenovirus which apparently from doing some research, most beardies are infected with. I suggest googling it. It can affect them all differently and some don’t even have symptoms while others can get so sick they die or need to be euthanized. I recently discovered my two lil underdeveloped guys (kept separately out of sight of each other to reduce stress) I got from PetCo are infected with this. They’re both about 8 months old but the size of a 3 and 4-month-old beardie. One is mostly healthy other than being stunted in growth/length but the other is even smaller, thin, and recently I’ve had to force feed Pedialyte and superworms mushed with calcium to keep em alive. He bounces back here and there but it breaks my heart to think that this is the best it will get for either of them… all because there’s no industry standard for pet stores to screen for this illness. It is easily spread to other beardies as well so if you get a new one, sterilize everything and quarantine til vet lab results are back.
        I’m sorry to bring such dark news but I hope it helps.


  29. Terry says

    Hello I have a 1-2 year old bearded dragon she is a rescue and I’ve had her about 5 weeks when I first got her she loved her live food but refused to eat veg and still dose I moved her into a 5ft tank 4 days ago and since then she has lost all of her appetite and refuses to eat anything even her live food.. I’m giving her fresh veg and fruit and still offering live food but she isn’t interested, also she may be starting to shed again.. What can I do?


  30. Dee says

    i have 2 beardies that are 5 months old, One of them has all of a sudden started running around the tank scratching vigoursly at the sides of their enclosure like she’s trying to get out! When I get her out she sits quietly . She still is eating her crickets and greens really well the temp is fine too. Does anyone know what could be wrong ? I’m worried she’s getting stressed!


    • Jadyn says

      I am having the same problem! As I was trying to sleep, he suddenly started clawing frantically at the glass, jumping from high places, and pacing. She is eating fine and her temp is all good. And when I take her out she just sits there. What should I do??


  31. aaliyah says

    i just recently (2 days ago) got a baby dragon its 11 weeks old and its my first dragon but ive been around them for a long time. every time i open my cage my dragon like scopes it out and tries jumping out. when its not open shes sits in there on her log and scopes out the top of the cage. shes barley eaten anything im feeding her super worms i believe they are called ( they are tiny) when i try to pick her up or touch her she gets scared and tense. ive tried just doin g small pets to get her used to me. im nervous about her not really eating. she just sits on her log under her lights pretty much all day unless shes trying to jump at the glass. Is this normal?


  32. collette says

    I got a 1 year old dragon 3 days ago and she loves been misted but yesterday I tried to mist her and she jumped and she run away then charged at me I made sure it wasn’t cold water or hot it was just warm also when I closed her habitat she kept following me back and forth in the habitat and thing to climb window or wall where I was .. I waited a few hours and attempted again but the exact same thing happened again can anyone tell me what it up please


  33. Chantelle says

    Hi our BD got out and our dogs gave our him a very big fright his head is black and does not move alot what must we do??


  34. Dana says

    I am worried about my bearded dragon baby. She or he had been very bright and active. I had him in my classroom, bus since she stopped moving around or eating much, I brought her home. I was hoping he would improve away from the noisy classroom. She is not doing better. I am afraid it may be the size of the tank of lack of light or correct temperatures. Any advice. I did not have a UV light to begin as the pet store did not tell me to use one. Could this be the problem. She now has a UV light and a white light. Any suggestions what to do not?

    Thank you


  35. Karine Turner says

    Hi I have a 6 month old female bearded dragon sometimes when she poops
    She is active and wanting to eat and other times she wants nothing
    To eat and lays around is this normal behavior as I have never
    Had one before. She will only eat worms kale and apples as she
    Is very picky with her food. Any help will be great thank you


  36. X says

    If u want your beardie to ear diffrent food u should give it the other food only also your dragons behavior is normal


  37. Damon Tanner says

    I went to Pet Traders In Winnipeg Mb and i got a couple bearded dragons and a turtle, the turtle died, days after, very bad conditions. The.The bearded dragons were in less than a 20 gallon for months apparently,(3 or 4 in there each) 2 had tails dropped off at the tip within 2 visits prior to buying them getting their tank ready etc. the poor animals were in such bad care and its dirty in there..Will the tail be more likely To get infected or stay a gross color cause they were in such bad conditions?


  38. Bianca says

    I need help my new baby beared dragon want eat and is don’t basking and day is tail and chin has been turning black. I have given it mealworms but he still want eat the and I have never seen it drink water from he’s water bowl. Please help me!


  39. rhiannon says

    my female bearded dragon climbs up the rock background ,she fell off and hit her head on a stick,now she has head shivers ,plz help


  40. Jessica says

    What does it mean when a bearded dragon starts biting at your feet we had him for about seven months now and he’s never done this my boyfriend cannot pick him out only I can every time he sees his feet he starts attacking and it just started


    • epollard says

      Hi I’ve had my beardy for 4 years now and he has been attacking my feet for the past 2months, but has never done this before. I too am looking for an answer


  41. Help Me! says

    Hi there my brother owns a breaded dragon and its skin was tan but its feet are now turning black and he is shaking a lot I don’t know what’s happening!!!


  42. TAMMY says



    • Rosie says

      One, caps mean your screaming at us! PLEASE don’t. Lol. Her behavior is normal. Beardies don’t seem to see directly in front. (Notice she’ll turn her head somewhat sideways to look at you) if she starts shaking or looks disoriented that’s different.


  43. Danna D says

    I have a question….I just got a 2 year old bearded dragon and he was not exposed to much…in his whole 2 years he was in a tiny tank with another beardie. So he was pretty stressed out the first couple days. He’s responding to everything quite well, he really is starting to trust me, I think anyway lol well in the last couple days I have been feeding/playing/training/bathing him. But,…everytime he hears my voice or i come up to the tank he starts bobbing his head up and down and going nuts.I didn’t want him making the habit of acting this way when he want stop come out. So I put a sheet over his tank when He’s doing it. AM I doing the right thing? help I need some advice?????thanks to all who take the time to read my ???


  44. Alex says

    Hi, I have had a bearded dragon for about a year now and he is only about a year old, but anyway recently he has started to act strange a going all crazy and running around and also scratching at tank walls that have been covered in his tank and then he is going to hide when I take him out of his cage can anyone help me?


  45. shannyn says

    me & my partner have had our beardie now for just heading towards 12 months & have always been religious with him eating his veg now all of a sudden Arthas is refusing to eat any veg or fruit we give him… we have taken him to the vet & he says all is well, temp & humidity in the terrarium is fine (we asked our friend over who breeds them & he agreed) but he still wont touch his veg… could this be a phase that we are reading to much into or could something else be wrong?


  46. Samuel carr says

    I’ve had my bearded dragon for about a month now. When I first got him he liked being held and even slept in my hand. He started shedding so I left him alone as told once I see that he finished a few days later I tried to pick him up again and he hissed at me. After the hissing began he tried to bite me and now he doesn’t allow me to grab him at all and randomly turns dark through out the day. He let’s me feed him though but after feeding he goes back to his behavior.


  47. Jim Coffey II says

    My Beardie doesn’t seem stressed out but he recently started doing something that I’m not familiar with. When I get close to his chin he’s starting to hold his mouth open a little wider than normal.

    I normally give him a little chin rub and stroke his ears and he seems to appreciate that but in the last couple of days he’s holding his mouth about halfway open and sticking his tongue out just a bit further than I’m used to.

    Still doesn’t seem aggressive and never has been but I don’t want to make him uncomfortable either.



  48. Angelina says

    Hey my name is Angelina and I have a question? I have two bearded dragons we bought them as a pair but they were both in separate tanks with other lizards and we have had them for about four months now and I have been noticing the bigger one attempts to attack the smaller one at first we thought it was just playful until I woke up to the smaller one bleeding on its front leg and back leg I believe the bigger one attacked it and I don’t now what to do as in do I separate them and if so how do I get treatment for the smaller ones legs I’m afraid it’s going to die it’s very scared and weak?


  49. Andrea says

    My bearded dragon won’t stop scratching at the glass and I even have things where she can’t see her reflection. She keeps digging in the sand and wants out so bad. I need help. She’s shedding and she’s scaring me. Please help!


    • Arceus810 says

      Shedding is normal. Digging in the sand is kinda normal. She is probably making a bed. And for scratching on the glass, try letting her
      out to run around w/ supervision


  50. Arceus810 says

    HELP! please, my beardie is missing nails on her toes. I don’t know what happened. I went in to check on her and she was missing them please give me advice.


  51. Olivia Chaplin says

    My boyfriend &’ I got a baby beardie at the end of February, beginning of March &’ he keeps the tip of his mouth touching the ground &’ he won’t move or eat much. he eats probably bout 2 dubai roaches a day compared to the 5-6 if not more he was eating. now every time he eats he swings his head, what do we do?


  52. Jesse says

    We upgraded our dragon to a much larger cage, but now he scratches at the sides of the glass incessantly, turns his beard black, head-bobs, etc. He also seems to need to poop a lot more. All this has us a bit more alarmed. We got a cat not too long ago, and wonder if this has something to do with it. However, the irregular, frequent pooping has us worried. He seems to like eating still, but we are concerned he may be sick.


  53. Rebecca Hillman says

    My bearded dragon is not yet 3 months and it was doing well but I came home from school today and it was in moving and has sunken eyes and it’s mouth is slightly open as well as it’s eyes. It had dark blue lines under it’s throat. Also, it has red and pink gunk coming from it’s rear end. Is it dead? I’ve tried to bathe it but nothing happens. It’s skin by it’s mouth is peeling. What do I do?


    • erin says

      that has happened to my bd but i just sprayed it lightly with some warm water like you would to mist it and it got his attention but if that doesnt work i would try to pick him up….


  54. Kayley says

    My bearded dragon is a year and about a half now, he was getting to big for his cage so we got him a bigger one. The first week or so was fine, some stress from moving but no big deal. Now it’s been about a month of him living in the big cage and he’s not eating, basking, and he’s clawing at the sides. He is very stressed but we aren’t sure how to calm him down or fix the issues. If you can help us out we would appreciate it.


  55. Heather says

    Hello, I bought my son a bearded dragon on May 3 for his birthday.he was a baby now hes a juvenile. we rotate the food with crickets and meal worms he also gets some veggies.. due to financial issues Reptar (dragons name) has not had crickets or meal worms for over a week. He’s been eating veggies and the moist food i bought from the pet store.he has no problems with eating.but now when i do get the crickets or meal worms he gorges himself when eating.. i only give him 5 to 10 crickets for breakfast then he gets the meal worms for dinner.but i cant even put them in the tank before hes grabbing them..he also use to let me hold him and he would climb on me but at this moment he wont come to me,climb on me he puffs out with his beard and gets low like flattens out..i don’t know what to do?
    my son is only 5 since he was 1 he been wanting one.i cant loose this dragon please someone help me!!


  56. Katie says

    I have a two year old Beardie and until recently she has been the only pet in the house. We recently adopted a rescue dog. Our beardie’s tank was low on a coffee table but once we saw her stress markings we moved it on top of a dresser so the dog can’t see her and we’re assuming she can’t see the dog but she still seems stressed. We don’t want to have to give up either animal. Any suggestion on how to decrease the beardie’s stress level?


  57. April duch*ene says

    My cousin had a 3mth old bd, it ate crickets, and pcs of apple, had its own lite for heat, but my cousin 14yo plays games and is very loud, he’d play 2-3 hrs @ time, when he woke bd was dead, can they be soo stressed to cause death? Please reply, thank you


  58. Franki says

    Hi I’ve recently moved my 2 year old bearded dragon to a new bigger viv and at first he was fine and seemed to love it but now he’s turned darker and has been sitting in the corner since yesterday, I fed him locusts yesterday and he didn’t even jump for them like he usually does and he didn’t touch his veg, he usually eats a lot of that too. Anyone have any idea what’s wrong with him? He’s shedding too if that makes a difference


  59. Phillip says

    My new beardie is showing signs of stress i got him at the expo an he was active an doing that dancing head bob but once we got in the car his colors went dark and threw his beard up a few times his appatite isnt strong he’s about 9 weeks hes got lots of room in his 120 gallon hes got the tempatures to regulate how long untill he snaps out of this the only thing hes enjoying right now is his hammock how long untill i should worry about him not eating i know the nutrients are very important in this stage


  60. Pheobe says

    Hi, I had just recently purchased my baby bearded dragon from Petsmart. I brought him home and he was a little sleepy and wasn’t really eating at all. The next day I brought home some crickets and he ate 3 of them. However, ever since then he hasn’t been eating, drinking, and he just sleeps all the time. I try my hardest to get him to eat but nothing is working. I’m extremely worried could anyone help me?


    • Tee Riddle says

      Hi Pheobe,

      Congrats on your new baby bearded dragon!

      The first thing I would do is to make sure you are supplying the correct basking and cool-off temperatures. Temperatures that are too low can have an effect on appetite. For a baby bearded dragon, the basking area should be between 95 – 110 degrees F. The cool-off area should be around 80-90 degrees F and the whole terrarium temperatures should never drop below 72 degrees F at night.

      Make sure you are supplying UV radiation via a fluorescent or mercury vapor bulb too.

      It can take some time for a new beardie to get acclimated to it’s new home, so give him a few days to adjust to the new surroundings. Try to provide some kind of hiding spot for him, like a small box or cave that he can go into to feel safe.

      If you have the temperatures set, and a good UV bulb, and he still isn’t eating after a few days try offering some very small pieces of sweet fruit like strawberries, banana, or papaya. You can also give him a warm bath with unflavored Pedialyte mixed in. The unflavored Pedialyte has essential electrolytes and vitamins that can help give him a boost. If he still is not eating after a week you may need to talk to a reptile veterinarian.

      Thanks for stopping by! I hope this helps.


  61. JENN says

    Hi I have has my BD about 2 months now he is in a 40 gallon tank he seems to be ok but we noticed some stress marks all through his neck and belly he eats good and it a little active .


  62. Alexia d crigger says

    Hello, Recently, I just got out of the hospital. Which I was in for nearly a year, I’ve had my beardy for about four years now, and hes been really healthy up until I got put into the hospital. Now that I’m home, His coloration is almost always really really dull, and his beard is always black. Aswell as, hes been really dehydrated because my grandfather didn’t know how to water him properly.

    He had calcium at first, when I was taking care of him, but in my absence it seems he wasn’t given any, and a uv light had gone out, failing to be replaced before I came home.. now due to the lack of care from my grandfather, and me just recovering. He’s started shaking, his eyes are pushed in, and he wont even dare drink or eat now.

    I’ve tried soaking him in water, and changed his bulbs, aswell as giving him daily cuddles (because he doesn’t like to be put down from my lap) But while he wont drink, I did give him a small bit of calcium water through a syringe and that perked him up. But now he just refuses to move, either out of my lap.. or in his tank.


  63. Kishaa says

    My bd is a year old and keeps scratching at the wood and jumping around in the tank? She seems fine after I get her out I leave her out for a while then put her back in, but when I put her back in her tank she starts all over the again. Is there anything I can do to stop this?


  64. Gabriella says

    I just bought a bearded dragon and he keeps on showing the stress marks when he is in the cage,
    but when I take him out there gone? I’m getting worried so is there anything I can do to prevent that happing.


  65. Johanna says

    Hi! My beardie suddenly for the past few weeks now is barely eating. just lays under her hammock not under the light. She doesn’t look to have lost weight and she drinks water and does periodically run around her tank. I’ve been giving her pumpkin puree to get something into her. she’s pooped three times. first time with a little red, second time was perfect and third time a little red blood again. she does not want her veggies or worms anymore. I’m not sure what is wrong with her.


  66. Nick says

    My bearded dragon just got it last week every time we switch the light from day to night it always jumps into the glass only at night it will run and Jump in the glass for about 10 mins then will funky go to sleep should I be worried ??


  67. Hanna Reck says

    I got a dragon yesterday. He’s doing great! Eating, sleeping, using the bathroom, and basking. But he won’t drink his water. I’m not too worried because he seems healthy. But is there anything I can do to get him to drink water? Thanks


  68. Jacob says

    Hello, I have a 1 year old Adult female bearded dragon that lives in a 40 gallon tank. We are going to build her a tank thats bigger than 120 gallons so she will have plenty of room to roam around however, she has been sleeping a lot more recently and this has been happening since the start of the summer this year. I am a little worried that she is stressed because the size of her tank but when we take her out she just tries to go to sleep. Any help will be much appreciated on what is happening. I am a first time beardie owner, she has proper lighting and good substrate. any help would be very appreciated.


    • Samantha says

      My bearded dragon is a female and she’s 4years old she scratches at the window of her Terrarium but I noticed she only does it when she’s getting ready lay her eggs no she doesn’t have a mate never have we have stuff down for her but she’s I guess trying get underneath to berrow I think that’s how you spell it but we just relocated to a different place and state last time she laid infertile eggs the ones that don’t have baby’s in it i don’t know what the term is for it tho but last time she laid I believe august of 2022 please help me to understand what’s going on she eats healthy she has plenty of food and water she only does this at night when it’s getting close


  69. Taylor SE. says

    Okay so I got a bearded dragon on my birthday (not as a present he just showed up from outside, I live in the city) and we got the supplies, we had a 50 gallon tank laying around so we used that, metabolic bone disease is what he had when we got him. His tail is in a bad way so I don’t know if that’s important. He stresses out a lot when we pick him up and as-well when we pet his back area.

    He scratches his tank sides a lot as well. I need some help really badly because I wanna be friends with him and be able to pet and hold him without stressing him out. Probably doesn’t help that I am a little scared of him.


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Signs of Stress for a Bearded Dragon | Bearded Dragon Care 101 (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.