Why Do Some People Call It Soccer? | HISTORY (2024)

Known to most of the rest of the world as football, or “fútbol,” the beautiful game is almost exclusively referred to as soccer in the United States, but many Americans may be surprised to learn that our outlier moniker actually originated across the pond.

Games played by kicking, hitting, throwing or carrying a ball have been around for thousands of years, but in the mid-to-late-19th century many sports—such as baseball, soccer, and American football—codified their rulebooks into the forms we recognize today.

Modern soccer was born in 1863, when representatives from several English schools and clubs got together to standardize a single set of rules for their matches. They dubbed their new organization the Football Association, and their version of the game became known as “Association Football.” The word association was used to distinguish their specific sport from other popular games of the day such as “rugby football.”

The word soccer comes from a slang abbreviation of the word association, which British players of the day adapted as “assoc,” “assoccer” and eventually soccer or soccer football. (The habit of adding –er to nicknames in British vernacular is frequently attributed to Oxford students of that period, and can be found in other sporting slang such as “rugger” for rugby.)

The parallel names soccer and football (or the combined soccer football) were used more or less interchangeably to refer to association football until well into the 20th century, at which point football emerged as the dominant name in most parts of the world. However, in countries where another football variety was already popular—such as America and Australia—the name soccer stuck around.

Why Do Some People Call It Soccer? | HISTORY (2024)


Why do some people call it soccer history? ›

Linguistically creative students at the University of Oxford in the 1880s distinguished between the sports of “rugger” (rugby football) and “assoccer” (association football). The latter term was further shortened to “soccer” (sometimes spelled “socker”), and the name quickly spread beyond the campus.

What is some history about soccer? ›

Professional soccer has been around in England since the 1800s, but some say the game was created 2000 years ago by the Aztecs using a rubber ball. Others say a version of the game was played in China as far back as the 3rd century BC. The fact is, we'll never know when, or on what continent, soccer was invented.

Why is soccer so popular in the history? ›

Soccer's popularity knows no bounds, transcending borders, cultures, and language barriers. But what is it that makes soccer a global phenomenon? The answer lies in its simplicity and accessibility. Soccer is a game that anyone can play, regardless of age, gender, or economic background.

Why do people say soccer is the best sport? ›

At its core, soccer is a sport that requires little more than a ball and an open space to play. This simplicity is a key factor in its worldwide popularity. Unlike sports that demand specialized equipment or intricate rulebooks, soccer can be played anywhere, by anyone, regardless of age, gender, or social background.

Did soccer or football come first? ›

The word 'soccer' is actually a British export, which was used for many years before the globalisation of football. However, despite this fact, many English fans completely reject the term 'soccer' and insist that the game should simply be called 'football', while the reverse is true for many American fans.

Why do Americans call it soccer? ›

Soccer- the most popular sport in the world – was originally known as “association football.” Newspapers seeking a shorter phrase began to refer to it as “assoc.” That name was soon shortened to “soc” and then grew back a bit to “soccer.”

What is the oldest sport? ›

Wrestling, mankind's oldest and most basic form of recreational combat, traces its origins back to the dawn of civilization.

Who invented soccer history? ›

According to FIFA, modern soccer began in England in 1863. However, the very earliest form of kicking a ball seems to have originated from a Chinese military manual dating back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries called Tsu' Chu.

Was it ever called soccer? ›

It was a few linguistically creative University of Oxford students in the 1880s who first distinguished between the sports of “rugger” (rugby football) and “assoccer” (association football). The latter term was further shortened to “soccer” (sometimes spelled “socker”) and the name quickly spread beyond the campus.

Who is better Messi or Ronaldo? ›

Who is better Messi Or Ronaldo? Ronaldo has scored a record number of international goals and appearances, but Messi has won more Ballon d'Or awards (8). Messi has spent most of his playing career in Spain and France, while Ronaldo has played in Portugal, England, Spain, and Italy.

Is soccer is the #1 most popular sport in the world? ›

Although it would be challenging to provide a precise number for how many fans soccer has, the World Atlas reports that there are more than 3.5 billion fans around the globe. This makes soccer the most watched sport in the world!

Is soccer the biggest sport in the world? ›

The World's Most Popular Sport – And It's Not Even Close

While here in the U.S., we might debate over football (the American version), baseball, basketball, and hockey, the rest of the world has pretty much made up its mind – soccer rules. Soccer. It's not just a game. It's The Game.

Why do I love soccer so much? ›

Soccer is fantastic for cardiovascular health, with all the continuous running. Plus, it builds strength and endurance, improves flexibility, and lowers body fat, to name a few. Normally: Any kind of exercise is good for the body and mind.

How many people love soccer? ›

Football (Soccer) – Over 3.5 Billion FansSoccer is one of the most popular sports in the world, with over 3.5 billion fans around the globe. Soccer is one of the most populous games in the World. This sport has an approximate proportion of 3.5 billion fans around the globe.

What does soccer mean to Argentina? ›

There is not a sport more popular in Argentina than soccer. For generations, Argentinians of all ages have filled stadiums and streets to celebrate victories and support one another during defeats.

Did British people call it soccer first? ›

The word "soccer" comes from the use of the term "association football" in Britain, and goes back 200 years. In the early 1800s, a bunch of British universities took "football" — a medieval game — and started playing their own versions of it, all under different rules.

Why did England stop calling it soccer? ›

Smithsonian Magazine reported that British fans ended up choosing to call the sport “football” in the 1980s due to Americans choosing the word “soccer.” In the U.S., a different sport was born out of mixing rugby and association football together to create gridiron football.

When did England stop calling it soccer? ›

The word soccer was a recognised way of referring to association football in the UK until around the 1970s, when it began to be perceived incorrectly as an Americanism.

What did soccer originally mean? ›

THE WORD "soccer" is simply a diminutive of association, as in As-soc-iation Football, with "er" added. It was, apparently, all the rage among public schoolboys in the mid to late nineteenth century to bung "er" on the end of a butchered word.

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