Why do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (2024)

Why do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (1)
Nooks and cranniesWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (2)
YesteryearWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (3)
Semantic enigmasWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (4)
The body beautifulWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (5)
Red tape, white liesWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (6)
Speculative scienceWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (7)
This sceptred isleWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (8)
Root of all evilWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (9)
Ethical conundrumsWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (10)
This sporting lifeWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (11)
Stage and screenWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (12)
Birds and the beesWhy do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)? | Notes and Queries (13)

Why do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)?

Dave Birkett, Oxnard, California United States

  • Because the non-place element of their names described elements of their modus operandi. Rovers & rangers = no fixed ground; United = formed from more than one club; Wednesday = played mid week only.

    Peter Brooke, Kinmuck Scotland

  • Manchester United are so called because they represent all of the Greater Manchester area, rather than just the City. At least, that is what a ManU supporter from Stockport told me in justifyig his choice of team. Was he just a glory supporter (this was a few years ago when they were better than Arsenal)?

    Allan Fraser, Darlington

  • As Manchester United are a Stockport team this may explain why they claim to represent the `Greater` Manchester area. As every Liverpool fan knows there is only one team in Manchester.

    dom maher, Paris, France

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Why do so many football clubs have the same name (i.e. Rovers, Rangers)?  |  Notes and Queries (2024)
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