What to Wear: The IT Interview - IT Career Lab (2024)

Jon Kimmel April 10, 2018 Tech Bytes 0

What to Wear: The IT Interview - IT Career Lab (3)

Interview prep is difficult. It’s even more difficult if you’re a career changer or if you haven’t interviewed for several years. Many factors can go into creating a perfect interview scenario: what kind of paper your resume is printed on, what your hair looks like, what time to arrive, and what to wear. Let’s discuss the last one in detail.

Choosing what you wear to an interview can be difficult when it comes to industries that don’t typically conform to a “business” or “business casual” dress code on a regular basis. That is especially true for the Information Technology industry. In general, it’s a pretty casual dress code for many IT offices. Generally, it’s jeans, khakis, polo shirts or t-shirts, etc. If this dress code is something that you want in a new IT job, be sure to do some research before applying. Some IT teams work in highly visible and very professional areas of an organization and may require dress pants/slacks, long sleeve button-up or blouse, and may have restrictions on hair coloring, facial hair, and piercings – a little homework can go a long way in determining if you’re comfortable with the dress code for a particular company.

OK, now that we have the typical day-to-day outfit that your potential colleagues might wear to work addressed, let’s focus on what you need to wear to get the job! Even if the dress code is jeans and t-shirts for employees, you still need to put on a pair of dress pants/slacks and a button-up shirt/blouse (I recommend against wearing sleeveless tops or super bright colors). Men should wear a professional tie, no cartoon characters or sports teams. If you don’t own a pair of dress shoes and/or can’t afford them, be sure that the shoes you are wearing are clean. You want your first impression to say, “I want this job, I am a professional, and I can look professional if/when I need to for your clients and customers.” (Pro-tip:It’s not always easy to afford an entirely new outfit for your interview. If you’re having difficulty attaining interview-ready clothing, organizations like Bridge to Success and Dress For Success can help!)

An additional note for the above, if you’re working with a recruiter, it’s completely okay to ask them what you should wear. From my personal experience, there are a few companies that expect all interviewees to be in business professional wear and others that want people to dress casual. If your recruiter doesn’t know, follow the advice above. If they tell you to wear a specific outfit, it’s highly recommended that you follow their advice. Remember – they are not paid unless you are hired, so they want you to succeed in your interview!

Good luck!

What to Wear: The IT Interview - IT Career Lab (2024)


What to Wear: The IT Interview - IT Career Lab? ›

In general, it's a pretty casual dress code for many IT offices. Generally, it's jeans, khakis, polo shirts or t-shirts, etc. If this dress code is something that you want in a new IT job, be sure to do some research before applying.

How to dress for a lab tech interview? ›

Generally this will be smart-casual, but it's best to be overdressed for an interview than under dressed. If you are unsure about how to dress, speak to your recruitment consultant. Once the interview starts, conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing.

What should I wear for an IT interview? ›

If you are interviewing for a position in IT or an environment where the dress code is a little more relaxed than formal business wear, then business casual may be appropriate for the interview.

What is the dress code for an IT specialist? ›

The most common answer I've gotten is very casual. The IT guys at my schools in the past dressed casually, but plain. IT guys I've seen work for other companies, such as games companies dress more colourful and wear shorts/sport shoes.

What should an IT technician wear? ›

Of course, chinos and jeans will always rule the roost in tech (and everywhere else) but we think a crossover style works very well which is why we suggest trying drawstring trousers. These have become more popular in recent times as they offer the comfort of loungewear with the smartness of a chino.

Can I wear jeans to a tech interview? ›

If you have an interview for a technical position and will not be business facing, it is appropriate to wear jeans and a nicer top or casual dress to the job interview.

What is lab professional dress code? ›

Legs cannot be uncovered: this means no shorts, capris, skirts or ripped jeans. Shirts and tops must cover the shoulders and upper torso. Long hair should be tied back. Loose jewelry or neckwear (such as ties, shawls or scarves) that hang outside the lab coat is not permitted.

What are 5 rules for dressing for an interview? ›

Dressing for an important interview
  • Dress for the position. ...
  • Dress slightly more formally than required. ...
  • Pay attention to fit and comfort. ...
  • Lean toward conservative colors. ...
  • Accessorize with care. ...
  • Maintain a polished appearance. ...
  • Consider scent sensitivities.

What is the best color to wear to an interview? ›

The optimal color choice for interviews is undoubtedly blue. It radiates assurance and reliability, conveying your collaborative spirit. Numerous recruiters endorse blue as the prime interview attire. Its vivid tones draw notice, while deeper shades suit traditional corporate roles impeccably.

Is there any dress code for IT companies? ›

**Formal or Business Casual**: Many IT companies have a dress code that falls under the business casual category. This typically means collared shirts, slacks or khakis, and closed-toe shoes for men, while women may wear blouses, skirts or slacks, and closed-toe shoes.

What would an IT person wear? ›

Some IT teams work in highly visible and very professional areas of an organization and may require dress pants/slacks, long sleeve button-up or blouse, and may have restrictions on hair coloring, facial hair, and piercings – a little homework can go a long way in determining if you're comfortable with the dress code ...

Is being an IT specialist stressful? ›

Over 40% of the surveyed DevOps admit to being stressed often or very often. Out of all the IT professionals, 34% admit the same. For non-DevOps IT, the number is about 33%. The most stressed IT area is Data Science & Machine Learning, with 50% of the surveyed feeling stressed often or very often.

How should an IT professional dress? ›

Clothing should be appropriate for the work role and the business unit's function. Items with logos or slogans should be in good taste, professional in appearance, and not offensive to the general public or coworkers. Open-toed shoes may pose a safety concern and should be worn with caution.

What do lab technicians wear? ›

A high-necked, calf- or ankle-length, rubberized laboratory apron or a long-sleeved, calf- or ankle-length, chemical- and fire-resistant laboratory coat should be worn any time laboratory manipulation or experimentation is being conducted.

What to wear for a coding interview? ›

No Dress Code
  • Ask the hiring manager or recruiter who invited you to the interview about their corporate style. ...
  • Wear pastel or neutral colors, and avoid wearing a lot of sparkles.
  • Avoid short sleeves—stick to long-sleeved shirts.
  • Don't wear gym clothes.
  • Use natural, subtle colors for makeup.
Dec 14, 2022

How do I prepare for a lab technician interview? ›

Lab Technician Interview Questions
  1. What characteristics and skills do you have that make you a qualified lab technician? ...
  2. What type of lab work and equipment are you familiar with handling? ...
  3. How do you ensure your workspace doesn't become contaminated?

What is the dress code for a lab technician? ›

Employees working with hazardous chemicals in laboratories must wear closed-toe shoes, long pants or skirts which fully cover the legs, and a lab coat. Employees shall confine long hair and secure loose clothing and jewelry before beginning work.

What is the dress code for LabCorp technologist? ›

LabCorp does not have a specific dress code, but does require employees to dress in a professional manner that is in line with the industry. Employees should wear clothing that is comfortable, clean, and appropriate to the workplace.

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