Connecting Fixed Income Capital to The Global Climate Transition (2024)

1 Source: Swiss Re Institute,"Decarbonisation tracker. Progress to net zero through the lens of investment,” as of October 7, 2022.

2 Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Bloomberg. As of December 31, 2021.

3 Source: European Investment Bank, “EPOS II - The "Climate Awareness Bond" as of May 22, 2007.

4 Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Bloomberg. Based on spot exchange rates as of September 30, 2022.

5 Source: European Commission, “NextGenerationEU: European Commission successfully issues first green bond to finance the sustainable recovery,” as of October 21, 2021.

6 Source: United Nations, “Unanimously Adopting Historic Sustainable Development Goals, General Assembly Shapes Global Outlook for Prosperity, Peace,” as of September 25, 2015.

7 Source: United Nations, “The Paris Agreement,” as of November 11, 2022.

8 Source: European Commission, “A European Green Deal,” as of December 11, 2019.

9 Source: EU Taxonomy, as of March 2020.

10 Source: Glasgow Climate Pact, as of December 13, 2021.

11 Source: REPowerEU, as of July 26, 2022.

12 Source: IHS Markit, “China’s renewables 14th Five-Year Plan: Official targets to be remarkably outpaced?” as of July 20, 2022.

13Source:, “Biden-Harris Administration Awards $2.8 Billion to Supercharge U.S. Manufacturing of Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Electric Grid, as of October 19, 2022

14 Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research. GS SUSTAIN: Green Capex US Inflation Reduction Act -- What's transformational, what's supportive, what's underappreciated, as of August 30, 2022.

15 Source: European Investment Bank, “EPOS II - The "Climate Awareness Bond" as of May 22, 2007.

16 Source: Vasakronan “Green financing,” as of September 30, 2022.

17 Source: Bloomberg News, “Massachusetts Green Bonds Mirror World Bank: Muni Deals,” as of June 3, 2013.

18 Source: ICMA, Harmonized Framework for Impact Reporting, as of June 2019.

19 Source: Climate Bonds Initiative, “Roadmap for China,” as of April 2016.

20 Source: United Nations, “Unanimously Adopting Historic Sustainable Development Goals, General Assembly Shapes Global Outlook for Prosperity, Peace,” as of September 25, 2015.

21 Source: Climate Bonds Initiative, “Poland wins race to issue first green sovereign bond. A new era for Polish climate policy?”, as of December 15, 2016.

22 Source: Reuters, “Apple issues $1.5 billion in green bonds in first sale,” as of February 17, 2016.

23 Source: Agence France Trésor, “GREEN OATs,” as of January 24, 2017.

24 Source: World Bank, “Fiji Issues First Developing Country Green Bond, Raising $50 Million for Climate Resilience,” as of October 17, 2017.

25 Source: ACMF, ASEAN Green Bond Standards, as of November 2017.

26 Source: London School of Economics and Political Science, “Green bonds for people, planet and development,” as of October 13, 2021.

27 Source: European Commission, “NextGenerationEU Green Bonds,” as of October 2021.

28 Source: Axios, “Walmart joins the green bond party with $2 billion deal,” as of September 10, 2021.

29 Source: Department of Finance Canada, Press Release, as of March 23, 2022.

30 Source: Monetary Authority of Singapore, Press Release as of August 4, 2022.

31 Source: EU Taxonomy, as of March 2020. It should be noted that the EU taxonomy is neither mandatory nor aimed to be an investment tool.

32 Reuters, “EXCLUSIVE: China tightens green bond rules to align them with global norms,” as of August 24, 2022.

33 Source: Climate Bonds Initiative, “Policy areas supporting the growth of a green bond market,” as of 2022.

34 Source: Association for Financial Markets in Europe, “Q1 2021 ESG Finance Report,” as of March 31, 2021.

35 Source: Climate Bonds Initiative, “Green bonds up 25% in 2nd quarter after volatile start to 2022,” as of August 4, 2022.

36 Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Bloomberg, as of September 30, 2022.

37 Source: European Commission, “Questions and Answers: NextGenerationEU first green bond issuance,” as of October 12, 2021.

38 Source: European Commission “NextGenerationEU Green Bonds,” as of January 2022.

39 Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Bloomberg. Forecast for annual issuance in 2022 is a range of €450 billion-€500 billion.

40 Source: Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Bloomberg. This forecast assumes lower market volatility in 2023 and incorporates our estimate of postponed issuance from 2022.

41 Source: Climate Action Tracker, “CAT net zero target evaluations,” as of November 2022.

42 Source: Bloomberg News, “India Plans Debut Green Bonds to Raise $2 Billion by March,” as of September 29, 2022.

43 Source: Science Based Targets, “Companies committed to cut emissions in line with climate science now represent $38 trillion of global economy,” as of May 12, 2022.

44 Source: J.P. Morgan, Bond Radar. Based on year-to-date issuance as of September 2022.

45 Source: EPFR, Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research ESG Credit Monitor. As of September 13, 2022.


Duration is a measure of the sensitivity of the price of a fixed income investment to a change in interest rates.

Net Zero refers to cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere. (United Nations)

Spread is the difference in yield on two different bonds.

Risk Considerations

Investments in fixed income securities are subject to the risks associated with debt securities generally, including credit, liquidity, interest rate, prepayment and extension risk. Bond prices fluctuate inversely to changes in interest rates. Therefore, a general rise in interest rates can result in the decline in the bond’s price. The value of securities with variable and floating interest rates are generally less sensitive to interest rate changes than securities with fixed interest rates. Variable and floating rate securities may decline in value if interest rates do not move as expected. Conversely, variable and floating rate securities will not generally rise in value if market interest rates decline. Credit risk is the risk that an issuer will default on payments of interest and principal. Credit risk is higher when investing in high yield bonds, also known as junk bonds. Prepayment risk is the risk that the issuer of a security may pay off principal more quickly than originally anticipated. Extension risk is the risk that the issuer of a security may pay off principal more slowly than originally anticipated. All fixed income investments may be worth less than their original cost upon redemption or maturity.

Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) strategies may take risks or eliminate exposures found in other strategies or broad market benchmarks that may cause performance to diverge from the performance of these other strategies or market benchmarks. ESG strategies will be subject to the risks associated with their underlying investments’ asset classes. Further, the demand within certain markets or sectors that an ESG strategy targets may not develop as forecasted or may develop more slowly than anticipated.

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Date of First Use: December 20, 2022 301261-OTU-1719688

Connecting Fixed Income Capital to The Global Climate Transition (2024)


Connecting Fixed Income Capital to The Global Climate Transition? ›

Green bonds can finance environmentally beneficial assets such as green buildings that could bear a lower credit risk over time. They can help reduce climate change-related risks in portfolios resulting from policy changes such as carbon taxation that could lead to stranded assets.

How do sustainability-linked bonds work? ›

SLB issuers decide how the borrowed funds are used: instead of earmarking funding for a particular project, SLBs make the financial or structural characteristics of a bond (e.g. interest rates) conditional on whether or not the issuer meets predetermined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Are green bonds good? ›

Green bonds can help investors put their money where their values are. Much like investing in environmental, social and governance, or ESG, investments, green bonds have a mission built into the investment itself. Green bonds can also have tax incentives in the form of tax exemption and tax credits.

What is the future of the green bonds? ›

Turbo-charged by this combination of political resolve and investor appetite, the green bond market is expanding rapidly. Annual issuance could hit $1 trillion in 2023, according to S&P Global.

What is the largest green bond fund? ›

As of January 2023, with 6.1 billion U.S. dollars worth of assets under management (AuM), TIAA-CREF Core Impact Bond Fund was the largest U.S. dollar denomintated green bond fund. Amundi Planet - Emerging Green One (EGO) was second in the ranking, with assets under management amounting to 1.44 billion U.S. dollars.

What is the difference between a green bond and a sustainability-linked bond? ›

SLBs are bonds whereby the proceeds from the issuance are not ring-fenced to green or sustainable purposes (unlike “use of proceeds” green bonds or sustainable bonds) and may be used for general corporate purposes or other purposes.

What is an example of a sustainability-linked bond? ›

To qualify as a “green bond” the proceeds must be used to fund projects with positive environmental outcomes. Examples include climate bonds, blue bonds, clean transportation, and wasterwater management.

Are green bonds greenwashing? ›

The European green bond standard would allow better regulation of the green bond market, improving supervision, making it transparent, and preventing firms from presenting themselves as more environmentally friendly than they really are, a practice known as greenwashing.

What are the downsides of green bonds? ›

Start with the downsides. First, green bonds are actually not cheaper—you do not save by promising to use the proceeds in a certain way. Why? Because investors look at how likely you are to pay back—your “credit rating”—to tell you what interest rate they will charge you.

Does the US issue green bonds? ›

In the U.S., green bonds are typically issued for $10 million to $100 million, though they are frequently used to raise larger sums. The bonds issued for less than $10 million are typically utilized by municipal organizations.

In which two markets are green bonds growing the most? ›

Two-thirds (67%) of 2022 green bond volume originated from developed markets (DM), 23% from emerging markets (EM) and 9% from Supranational issuers.

How do green bonds make money? ›

Green bonds are a type of debt issued by public or private institutions to finance themselves and, unlike other credit instruments, they commit the use of the funds obtained to an environmental project or one related to climate change.

Who are the biggest buyers of green bonds? ›

Green Bond purchasers are typically institutional investors, often with either an ESG (environment, social and governance) mandate or an environmental focus. Other buyers include investment managers, governments and corporate investors.

Is green bond an ESG? ›

ESG bonds fall into several common categories: Green bonds raise money for renewable or clean energy, clean transportation, buildings, wastewater management, and other sustainable climate adaptations. Green bonds are the most common ESG asset class.

What are the benefits of a sustainability linked bond? ›

Sustainability-linked bonds aim to further develop the key role that debt markets can play in funding and encouraging companies that contribute to sustainability (from an environmental and/or social and/or governance perspective).

Why do investors buy Sustainability-linked bonds? ›

Benefits of sustainability-linked bonds

Sustainability-linked bonds may motivate businesses to improve their sustainability performance, which for environmentally sensitive sectors typically means reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other externalities.

Who pays for Sustainability-linked bonds? ›

SLB Issuers benefit from lower cost of capital, while investors pay for the sustainability improvement.

How do sustainability-linked loans work? ›

Sustainability linked loans are any types of loan instruments and/or contingent facilities (such as bonding lines, guarantee lines or letters of credit) which incentivise the borrower's achievement of ambitious, predetermined sustainability performance objectives.

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