What to put in your green top food and garden waste bin (2024)

We’ll compost the food and garden waste from your green top bin. This costs less and is better for the environment.

Food waste

Use your green bin for cooked and uncooked food like:

  • fruit and vegetables
  • meat, fish and bones
  • plate scrapings
  • rice, pasta and bread
  • tea bags and coffee grounds

Get tips on how to reduce food waste on theLove Food Hate Waste website

View our leaflet to find out what to put in your green top bin

Get a kitchen caddy

You can use a 6-litre kitchen caddy to put your food waste in before you put it in your green bin.

If you do not have one, you can order onefree kitchen caddy online.

You can order paper and corn starch sacks for food waste.

Order bins, bags or sacks

Do not use plastic bags. Only use bags with the ‘compostable’ logo.What to put in your green top food and garden waste bin (1)

Garden waste

You should also use your green bin for garden waste like:

  • grass, hedge and shrub cuttings
  • leaves and weeds
  • plants and flowers
  • straw, hay and sawdust
  • tree bark and small branches
  • waste from pets that only eat plants. For example, animals like rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters

What not to put in your green bin

We cannot accept:

  • plastic bin liners, bags or sacks
  • biodegradable or degradable bags or sacks
  • compostable packaging as we cannot tell if these can be composted

You can buy equipment to compost items at home from theGet Composting website

Use our A-Z list tocheck where to recycle, donate or get rid of items

What to put in your green top food and garden waste bin (2024)


What should you not put in your food waste bin? ›

food waste - such as plate scrapings. dairy foods - such as cheese, yoghurt, eggs (including eggshells) bread and pastries. meat and bones.
Please do NOT put these in the food bins:
  • packaging of any kind.
  • liquids, such as milk.
  • oil and liquid fat.
  • plastic bags.
  • garden waste.
  • any material that is not food waste.
14 Jan 2021

What can you put in your gardening bin? ›

What goes in your garden waste bin
  • grass and hedge clippings.
  • leaves.
  • plants.
  • small branches - no bigger than 30 cm in length.
  • weeds (but not Japanese Knotweed)
  • twigs and sticks.
  • fallen fruit.
  • flowers and house plants.

Can I put vegetable peelings in my green bin? ›

Vegetables and vegtable peelings should be disposed of in your local council's green waste bin or kerbside residual bin.

What can I put in my green bin to not smell? ›

Tips for reducing smells from caddy and green waste bin
  1. Let hot food cool down before putting it in your caddy.
  2. Keep your caddy closed and out of direct sunlight.
  3. Sprinkle bi-carbonate (baking) soda on top of food waste.
  4. Empty your caddy every 2 to 3 days and rinse it after each use.

Can tea bags go in food waste bin? ›

Overall, to help prevent greenhouse gas emissions from tea bags rotting in landfill, then the best thing to do is place tea bags in your food or garden waste collection, if you have one in your area.

Can you put bread in food waste bin? ›

You can put in:

bread, pasta, cereal and rice. cooked and uncooked food. dairy products and egg shells. fruit and vegetable peelings or waste.

What goes in green top bin? ›

What to put in your green top food and garden waste bin
  • fruit and vegetables.
  • meat, fish and bones.
  • plate scrapings.
  • rice, pasta and bread.
  • tea bags and coffee grounds.

Can you put moldy vegetables in a compost bin? ›

Answer: You can add moldy food (vegetables and fruits only) to a backyard composting bin anytime. Mold cells are just one of the many different types of microorganisms that take care of decomposition and are fine in a backyard bin.

Can you put weeds in food bin? ›

Weeds are accepted in your brown bin but invasive non-native plants such as Japanese Knotweed and Giant Hogweed are not permitted by law. Find out how to control and dispose of invasive non-native plants.

Can you put banana skins in green bin? ›

Definitely! Banana peels can be easily used as fertilizer. Banana peels provide calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphates, potassium and sodium, both to the composting pile and the soil, like nutrients.

Can you put potatoes in the garden waste bin? ›

Can food waste such as potato peelings go into the green bins? A. No, the green bins are only for garden waste such as leaves, twigs, grass cuttings and dead flowers. The composting facility where the contents of the green bins will be taken can only process garden waste.

Can you put deodorant cans in green bin? ›

In Ireland, as per 2nd Schedule category 1 waste of The Waste Management Act, 1996, aerosols fall into the category of hazardous waste and therefore cannot be placed in the household recycle bin.

How do I keep maggots out of my rubbish bin? ›

Cover over food waste with garden waste. Spray citronella oil on top of the bin contents. Use tags such as “Binkill” to deter flies and maggots for up to three months. Consider boiling water to get rid of maggots if your bins do become infested.

How can I make my food bin smell nice? ›

If you find that bad odours linger after cleaning your bin, dry it, and sprinkle baking soda inside. Add a few drops of essential oil, and leave it to get some air for an hour or so. The baking soda will absorb smells, and the essential oil will create a wonderful odour to replace the stench of old food.

How can I make my outdoor bin smell nice? ›

Baking soda is a great tool to help neutralize odours in homes. It works the same way for rubbish bins. Pour a small amount in the bottom of the bin and let the baking soda do all the work for you! It will help neutralize odours so you don't have to.

Can you put paper towel in food bin? ›

The paper towels, used or unused, can't be recycled and should go in your rubbish bin. If you have a food waste bin, some councils let you put a small amount of kitchen towel in with your food waste, but you should always double check as local collections do vary.

Can I put flowers in my food waste bin? ›

Put them in the organic recycling.

The answer to that question is yes, and it is quite easy to do so! All you need to do is put the flower petals into a green garden waste bin as you would your vegetable peels or left-over food.

Can coffee grounds go in food waste bin? ›

If you have a food waste collection scheme in your area, tea bags and coffee grounds can be put into your food waste caddy.

Can you put chocolate in food waste bin? ›

Like other cooked food, it is bound to go bad, and composting such chocolate can do more harm than good. Proponents of composting chocolate and other food wastes argue that all types of chocolate, including chocolate bars, baking chocolate and chocolate chips, among others, should be thrown into the green bin.

Does egg shell go in food waste bin? ›

You can recycle all your food waste, including cooked food, bones, meat, fish, dairy and egg shells as well as fruit and vegetable peelings.

Can you put chicken bones in food waste bin? ›

You can put most raw and cooked food in your bin, including: meat and fish, including bones. fruit and vegetables. dairy products, including cheese, eggs and egg shells.

Can dog poo go in food waste bin? ›

It is now perfectly fine to use any general litter bin to dispose of your dog's poo, but if you can't find one, do take it home with you. At home it should be placed in the general domestic waste bin, not the food or garden bin.

What Cannot go into a bin? ›

Items that should not be placed in the waste wheeled bin are as follows:
  • Electrical items (WEEE) ...
  • Textiles. ...
  • Hot ashes. ...
  • Builders rubble. ...
  • Large amounts of soil. ...
  • Clinical waste (other than incontinence pads) ...
  • Clinical needles.

Can I put bubble wrap in green bin? ›

Bubblewrap can't be recycled at home but you can recycle it with plastic bags at supermarket collection points.

Can I put vinegar in my compost bin? ›

Yes, vinegar can go in the compost. Vinegar is made from a variety of diluted alcohol products, the most common being wine, beer, and rice.

What vegetables should not go into compost? ›

Fruit and Vegetable Scraps

Some fruits and vegetables that you should compost with caution are those with high acidities, such as citrus fruits, pickles, and tomatoes. The acid content of these foods can kill the good bacteria in your compost pile and slow down its decomposition.

Are rotten apples good for compost? ›

Composting Apples

Under normal circ*mstance apples can be added to the composting as and when they are no longer suitable for eating and this includes the occasional windfall during the summer months. Chopping the apples will of course speed the composting process.

Can cat litter go in the green bin? ›

Wrap your kitty litter in newspaper or put it in a compostable or paper bag before placing it in your Green Bin.

Can you compost dog poop? ›

If you can get over the initial “ick” factor, composting your dog's poop is absolutely worth considering. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but it is a simple, natural, and inexpensive option for use as a nutrient-rich and surprisingly odor-free fertilizer that plants love.

What weeds can you not put in a compost bin? ›

Weeds can be annual, biennial or perennial. The latter being the most problematic from dandelion, buttercup, nettles, docks and thistles to invasive types such as couch grass, bindweed/convolvulus, horsetail and ground elder.

Can chicken poop go in compost? ›

Although chicken manure is too strong to be used raw on your flowers or vegetables, it can be composted and converted to “black gold.” If used without composting, it could damage roots and possibly kill your plants.

Can I put orange peels in my compost bin? ›

Yes indeed! You can put orange peels into your compost mix. Citrus peels, which are high in nitrogen, can be used to increase the activity of microorganisms by being added to your compost. You can add lemon peels, grapes, lime peels, and other citrus peels to your compost pile as a nutrient.

Why do I have flies in my compost bin? ›

You won't get ordinary household flies if you don't put any meat or bones into your compost. The tiny flies are most likely to be Vinegar flies (Drosophila melanogaster). They are attracted to fermenting or rotting fruit and are common in compost.

Can I put wood in garden waste bin? ›

Types of waste that can't go in the brown bin

Garden furniture. Treated wood.

Can chewing gum go in food waste? ›

Food waste

Place all food without packaging in the nearest food compost bin, excluding egg shells and chewing gum.

Can you put tissues in food waste? ›

Can tissues be recycled? Although tissues are made of paper they are made of very short fibres which are not high enough quality to be recycled and therefore should be placed in the waste bin.

Can you recycle the foil that tablets come in? ›

Can I put Aluminium foil and trays in the recycling bin? Yes, if it is clean and drip-dry.

Can you put Styrofoam in a green bin? ›

The below items can NOT be placed into the recycling bin:

Garden Cuttings / Soil. Polystyrene (EPS)

Do beer cans go in the green bin? ›

All the obvious stuff can go in the green bin: newspapers, books, magazines, cardboard, cereal boxes, plastic bottles, plastic containers, tin cans and aluminium cans are fine.

Why is my bin always full of maggots? ›

Flies are attracted to food and other rubbish; they lay their eggs on the rubbish; later the eggs hatch into maggots. You will only have a problem with maggots if flies can get to your waste. If flies settle on your rubbish they may lay eggs which can hatch out as maggots within 24 hours.

Why put salt in wheelie bin? ›

She explains: "Here's a great hack for stopping flies in your bins. "Sprinkle a generous amount of table salt in the bottom of clean bins. "The salt soaks up any leaked fluid and flies and maggots die when they feed on it."

Does salt stop maggots in bin? ›

Salt can also be an effective maggot killer. Sprinkle a layer of salt (normal table salt will do) over the maggots, and once it has worked, remove them from your bin, seal them in a bag and dispose of them.

What can I put in my outside garbage can to smell? ›

Lastly, deodorize your outdoor trash cans the same way as your kitchen trash cans: to absorb odors, sprinkle some baking soda or cat litter in the bottom of the can, and lay some old newspapers down to absorb mold-causing moisture.

How do I keep my outdoor bin clean? ›

Use a multi-purpose disinfectant spray on the inside of the bin and, then scrub it with a brush if it's really dirty. Rinse and leave to dry. GHI Tip: Ideally, allow the bin to dry in the sun as the heat gets rid of mould. Then replace the bin liner.

Is it normal to have maggots in food waste bin? ›

Fly larvae, commonly known as maggots, are often found in food waste and other rubbish because it provides a food source for the maggots to develop. If bins are kept closed, flies should not be able to enter to lay their eggs.

What is one thing you Cannot put in recycling bins? ›

You should not recycle packaging that contains dangerous products — or in other words, products that are ignitable, corrosive, or toxic. Examples include oil paint, motor oil, fuel, poisons, or medical waste. If these items are empty, and all you have left is the packaging, then throw the packaging in the trash.

How do I keep maggots out of my green bin? ›

Wrap food in newspaper or paper bags and freeze meat scraps until collection day in order to prevent maggots. Should you have maggots in your Green Cart, eradicate them by sprinkling salt, white vinegar, garden lime or diatomaceous earth on top of them.

What can I put in my bin to deter maggots? ›

Banish maggots with white vinegar for 29p

Not only will white vinegar make your kitchen bin shine it will also prevent maggots. Mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, spray the bin, and use a dish sponge to scrub the inside and outside of the bin.

How do I keep maggots out of my food waste bin? ›

How to Stop Maggots in Your Bin
  1. Use bins that close firmly – avoid swing bins and overloading wheely bins, so that the lid does not shut properly.
  2. Cover all food left out on your kitchen counter and use fly spray or fly papers in your home to keep it fly-free.
19 Jul 2018

Can you put paper towels in food waste? ›

The paper towels, used or unused, can't be recycled and should go in your rubbish bin. If you have a food waste bin, some councils let you put a small amount of kitchen towel in with your food waste, but you should always double check as local collections do vary.

Do egg shells go in food waste? ›

You can recycle all your food waste, including cooked food, bones, meat, fish, dairy and egg shells as well as fruit and vegetable peelings.

What Colour bin do sanitary towels go in? ›

Items to put in your black bin

Use the black bin for non recyclable items like: disposable nappies. tissues, kitchen roll and wipes. menstrual and incontinence pads, bag these.

Will the bin man take my bin if it has maggots? ›

Don't panic, although not desirable, maggots should not cause you any harm. Put your bin out for collection as normal on your next bin day. After it's been emptied, clean it out with hot water and disinfectant or white vinegar, an effective, environmentally friendly alternative.

Can pillows go in waste bin? ›

Aside from the take back scheme below, duvets and pillows are generally not recyclable and should be disposed of in the waste bin or at a Recycling Centre. However, some animal charities may be able to use these items for bedding - check locally.

What are 5 things that Cannot be recycled? ›

Non-recyclable items
  • Garbage.
  • Food waste.
  • Food-tainted items (such as: used paper plates or boxes, paper towels, or paper napkins)
  • Ceramics and kitchenware.
  • Windows and mirrors.
  • Plastic wrap.
  • Packing peanuts and bubble wrap.
  • Wax boxes.

What happens if I put non recyclables in the recycling? ›

Non-recyclable materials can cause the equipment to jam up or break down. Items such as plastic bags, hoses, wire hangers and string lights can work their way into the belts and joints of the machinery. Even things like small pieces of broken glass can cause danger as our employees have to hand-pick them.

Can you recycle Pringles cans? ›

While 50 percent of each Pringles can is made from recycled material, these cardboard and metal cans are, unfortunately, non-recyclable. And since they're a favorite snack item for billions of people, that means they are a large contributor to landfill waste.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.