What soil does a corn plant require? The soil in the pot is low and I want to add more. (2024)

What soil does a corn plant require? The soil in the pot is low and I want to add more.

what soil does a corn plant require? The soil in the pot is low and I want to add more.


Dracaena, common name corn plant, has been and still is a popular, easy-care houseplant. The corn plant is distinguished from other species by its large leaves and robust growth.

To make your own mixture, combine 1 part sterilized soil, 1 part medium-grade peat moss, or leaf mold, and 1 part coarse sand or perlite. Potting mixtures (Espoma) are available from a full-service local nursery.Each spring,move your plant to a progressively larger container (next size up yearly); the maximum convenient pot size is usually 8-10 inches wide. After that, remove a little of theold soil at the top and add new fresh mixture as needed (Topdressing).

Hope this helps.

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- Courtesy ofNYBGPlant Information Service

  • Last Updated Mar 03, 2021
  • Views 2337
  • Answered By Anita Finkle

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What soil does a corn plant require?  The soil in the pot is low and I want to add more. (2024)
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