What is Trademark Symbol? Know ™, Ⓡ, ⓒ Symbol Meaning, Uses, Significance, Examples (2024)

A Trademark means a logo, name or symbol that helps consumers identify the goods and services of a brand/business. Trademarks indicate the source of the services or goods. There are various categories of trademarks, such as a logo, sound, word, shape, design, letters, a combination of words and letters, etc.

Trademark owners usually put the symbol ™ and Ⓡ with their trademarks. These symbols are attached to the trademarks at different stages of trademark registration. Thus, trademark owners must know the significance of these symbols and when to use them.

Difference Between Trademark and Copyright

TM [™] Symbol

The TM symbol is used when a trademark owner files the trademark registration application with the Registrar of trademarks. The TM symbol indicates that a trademark registration application exists concerning the trademark and serves as a warning for infringers, copycats, duplicators and counter-fitters.

Trademark owners use the ™ symbol after a text, logo, design or picture, which they claim as their own but have not been legally registered with a regulatory authority. Usually, businesses will use the TM symbol to indicate their first usage or that they have applied for its registration. A trademark owner can use the TM symbol only after he/she has filed a trademark application with the Registrar of Trademarks.

The trademarks are classified into 45 classes, indicating the goods or services to which the mark is applied. Classes 35-45 indicate services, and 1-34 indicate goods. Some trademark owners use the TM symbol when a trademark application is filed under the 1-34 class, while others use the SM symbol for the trademark application filed under the 35-45 class. Using the TM symbol for all classes or an SM mark for a trademark application filed under classes 35-45 is acceptable.

R [Ⓡ] Symbol

After a trademark is registered, the trademark owner can use the Ⓡ symbol next to the trademark. The R symbol signifies that the trademark is registered and is protected from infringement under the Trademark Act, 1999. Registered trademarks mean a text, logo, design, or picture is legally registered with the Office of Registrar of Trademarks.

When a person other than the registered owner uses a trademark having the Ⓡ symbol without the owner’s prior consent, he/she can be prosecuted for trademark infringement. The registered trademark helps prevent the unauthorised use of a business’s services and products.

However, using the Ⓡ symbol after filing a trademark application but before obtaining trademark registration is unlawful. Using the Ⓡ symbol next to a trademark is allowed only once a trademark is registered. It is not mandatory to put the Ⓡ symbol next to a trademark. However, it indicates the trademark owner’s claim over the mark and its identity as being registered under the law.

C [ⓒ] Symbol

The ⓒ symbol is used for copyrighted work like photography, artwork, videography, literary works, books, cinematographic works, etc. It is used with the copyright holder’s name and the year of the first publication. In some countries, using the ⓒ symbol is mandatory to claim copyright protection. However, using the ⓒ symbol as per the Berne Convention is not mandatory to claim copyright protection. India is a member of the Berne Convention, and thus copyright holders in India need not use the ⓒ symbol for their copyrighted works to claim protection.

TM Symbol Copy

Below is a copy of the TM symbol for the Starbucks trademark. It means Starbucks company has applied for trademark registration of its logo but has not yet received the registration.

What is Trademark Symbol? Know ™, Ⓡ, ⓒ Symbol Meaning, Uses, Significance, Examples (1)

Below is a copy of the Ⓡ symbol for the McDonald’s trademark. It means the McDonald’s company logo is a registered trademark and protected under the law.

What is Trademark Symbol? Know ™, Ⓡ, ⓒ Symbol Meaning, Uses, Significance, Examples (2)

Trademark Vs Logo

Usually, people believe that a logo is a trademark. However, a trademark is different from a logo. The trademark provides protection to a logo. A logo means a symbol or design a company or business uses as a sign for its products or services. A trademark can be a name, letters, a combination of words and numerals, designs, sounds, etc.

For example: The half-eaten apple with a leaf is Apple company’s logo, registered as the company trademark. But not all companies have logos as their trademarks. The word ‘LOREAL’ is a trademark of the Loreal company used for its products without any design or symbol. Thus, a trademark may be a word or a logo, but a logo is a design or symbol used by a company.

A company may also obtain trademark registration for words or letters with a logo or without a logo. Trademark registration is required to protect the logo against infringers from copying them for their usage. Using a logo without a trademark registration does not grant legal protection against its unauthorised use by third parties. In other words, trademark registration provides legal rights to use logos exclusively.

Companies most widely use a logo as their trademark. They use their logos in various advertising, marketing, and products for sale. Thus, the logo is in danger if it does not have trademark protection, as anyone can use an identical logo for their products. Obtaining trademark registration for a logo in India will save the business reputation as other people will not be able to use it without permission. But, if someone uses the logo without permission, the business can file a legal case and protect the business.

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What is Trademark Symbol? Know ™, Ⓡ, ⓒ Symbol Meaning, Uses, Significance, Examples (3)

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What is Trademark Symbol? Know ™, Ⓡ, ⓒ Symbol Meaning, Uses, Significance, Examples (2024)


What is Trademark Symbol? Know ™, Ⓡ, ⓒ Symbol Meaning, Uses, Significance, Examples? ›

TM stands for trademark. The TM symbol (often seen in superscript like this: TM) is usually used in connection with an unregistered mark—a term, slogan, logo, or other indicator—to provide notice to potential infringers that rights in the mark are claimed in connection with specific goods or services.

What is the trademark symbol? ›

The trademark symbol ™ is a symbol to indicate that the preceding mark is a trademark, specifically an unregistered trademark. It complements the registered trademark symbol ® which is reserved for trademarks registered with an appropriate government agency.

What is TM symbol trademark examples? ›

Proper Use: When using the trademark symbol, it should be placed in close proximity to the mark, such as superscript or subscript. For example, “MyBrand™” or “MyBrand(tm)”. This helps associate the symbol with the mark and indicates that you consider it a trademark.

What is the meaning of trademark? ›

A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies your goods or services. It's how customers recognize you in the marketplace and distinguish you from your competitors. The word “trademark” can refer to both trademarks and service marks.

What is a trademark example? ›

The McDonald's golden arches design is an example of a registered trademark in special form format. The company Nike registered this trademark in special form format, combining the stylized word Nike with their swoosh logo. The format of the trademark you apply to register affects your application filing requirements.

Can I write TM on my logo? ›

Summary. There is no restriction on your ability to put the TM symbol next to your brand whenever you please. It is prudent to employ this strategy when your trademark registration is pending, and you must complete the process successfully to use the circle R to protect your trademark.

Why would I need a trademark? ›

A trademark is also called an intellectual property mark. Its purpose is to assign a unique identifier to goods and services so that buyers can determine with certainty who made them and where they came from.

What should I trademark? ›

Anything that represents your brand and distinguishes your products from the competition can be trademarked, especially business or product names, logos, slogans, and phrases.

What happens when you trademark? ›

Trademark registration is official confirmation from the Federal government that you legally own your trademark. You become 100% in charge of how your trademark is used and by whom. When you register a trademark, you legally own it.

Can you use the TM symbol without registering? ›

Anyone can use a TM symbol regardless of whether they've successfully registered the trademark, or whether they've applied for a trademark at all. Even if the trademark application is rejected, the owner can continue to use the TM symbol.

How to use trademark symbol? ›

You use the registered trademark symbol (®) to identify a registered trademark. There is some flexibility in how you use any trademark symbol. Still, you typically put the registered trademark symbol (®) immediately next to the trademark and in the upper right corner for words and the lower right corner for logos.

Should I use R or TM for trademark? ›

The circled R (®) can only be used once your good or service has been successfully registered, but the SM (℠) and TM (™) symbols can be used for common law protection while your application is pending.

What is TM vs R? ›

You do not have to have registered a trademark to use it and many companies will opt to use the TM symbol for new goods or services in advance of and during the application process. The R symbol indicates that this word, phrase, or logo is a registered trademark for the product or service.

Can I put TM on my logo? ›

Should I add a TM Symbol or (R) Symbol to my Logo? You can claim a trademark on anything by using the TM Symbol, but you can't use the registered trademark symbol (R) unless you have registered the trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office.

How do you copy and paste the TM symbol? ›

Press and hold the “Alt” key. For the circle R symbol (®), while holding “Alt,” type “0174” on the numeric keypad. For the TM symbol, while holding “Alt,” type “0153” on the numeric keypad. Release the “Alt” key, and the TM symbol (™) or circle R (®) will appear.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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