What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (2024)

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Is turquoise blue-green or is it green-blue? Is turquoise the same as teal or aqua? Ultimately, turquoise is a wide range of colors and shades. The color is appealing and is affiliated with feelings of calmness and positivity. The color is also closely associated with calm ocean scenes and nature. Turquoise can also produce a wonderfully serene, yet confident feeling. Following is a more detailed description of what colors make turquoise and the different popular shades of turquoise you can use in all of your art projects.

Table of Contents

  • 1 A Brief History of Turquoise
  • 2 What Two Colors Make Turquoise?
    • 2.1 Understanding Color Temperature
    • 2.2 Tints and Shades of Turquoise
    • 2.3 Complementary Turquoise Colors
  • 3 Popular Shades of Turquoise
    • 3.1 Turquoise
    • 3.2 Blue-Green
    • 3.3 Celeste
    • 3.4 Electric Blue
    • 3.5 Turquoise Green
    • 3.6 Tiffany
    • 3.7 Keppel
    • 3.8 Light Sea Green
    • 3.9 Teal
    • 3.10 Catalina
  • 4 How to Mix Turquoise
    • 4.1 Purchasing Paint Colors
    • 4.2 Mixing Turquoise Tones
    • 4.3 Bright Turquoise
    • 4.4 Pale Turquoise
  • 5 Tips for Creating the Color Turquoise
  • 6 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 6.1 What Two Colors Make Turquoise?
    • 6.2 Is Teal Similar To Turquoise?
    • 6.3 How to Make Teal?
    • 6.4 Is Aqua The Same As Turquoise?
    • 6.5 How to Make Aqua?
    • 6.6 What Color Complements Turquoise?

A Brief History of Turquoise

The first thing you think about when the word turquoise is mentioned is most probably the gem that has the same name. The word itself goes back to the seventeenth century, is French, and means “Turkish”. The mineral was obtained from mines in Persia (Iran) and Afghanistan and was transported through Turkey on its way to Europe. Before this time, turquoise was also mined in areas of Ancient Egypt. There have even been prehistoric turquoise artifacts discovered in Bulgaria, which means the mineral has been valued for many years. The name turquoise, associated with its color, was documented in the early 1500s and is regarded as a shade of cyan.

The mineral itself is a blue-green gem and has been sought after for its attractive color. Over the ages, turquoise jewelry has been worn by the affluent, which was evidence of prosperity and wealth, and was a display of style.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (1)

Turquoise has an exotic undertone and lends itself to a certain amount of mystery. Turquoise was also discovered and mined in the American regions of Arizona as well as in New Mexico. In these areas, the amazing color became a symbol of protection. The Aztecs incorporated turquoise into certain objects, and the Apache nation carried a piece of turquoise with them to ensure perfect aim when using their bow and arrow.

Due to its history, many still see turquoise as a symbol of hope, protection, calmness, and balance. Turquoise is the birthstone for December, and many see the color as a mark of success. Real turquoise gem jewelry is quite popular; however, it can be rather expensive. When it comes to creating shades of turquoise for art projects, anybody with some knowledge of color theory should be able to create the color they want. Let us now discover what colors make turquoise.

What Two Colors Make Turquoise?

Turquoise is a color that can encourage creativity and can add an attractive brightness to art projects. To make turquoise paint, mix blue and green. However, is creating turquoise that simple? Getting just the right color turquoise might be a bit more challenging, and you will need to add different ratios of colors to get the best shades of turquoise. You can find turquoise somewhere in the middle of green and blue when looking at the color wheel. So, if you know what to do, you can create a shade of turquoise that leans towards green or blue. We also have an online color mixer app, where you can try all sorts of turquoise color mixes.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (2)

When creating a turquoise color palette, you should experiment and play around with different amounts of green and blue. To achieve the various shades of turquoise, you need an understanding of color theory. Above, we mentioned the color wheel, which is a visual depiction of the primary, secondary, tertiary colors and their various shades, tones, and hues in-between. This will play an important role when mixing colors.

Understanding Color Temperature

Colors can be associated with either being warmer or cooler or having a color bias. Red, yellow, as well as orange, are clearly on the warm side, while green and blues are cooler colors. However, you can also get warmer blue colors and cooler reds. The same applies to turquoise, since it is made from a mix of green and blue, it can also have a color bias.

Since green is created by blending blue and yellow, by adjusting the color ratios, you can create a green that is either warmer or cooler. For example, lime is considered a warmer green as it contains more yellow. You also get warmer blues that have more of a purple bias than a green one, while cool blues will have a green bias. As you can see, there is a lot more to creating the perfect turquoise than a mix of blue and green. The colors you are starting with must be correct to get the desired turquoise color.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (3)

Tints and Shades of Turquoise

Not only can you affect the temperature of a color, but you can also make it brighter, muted, or create darker colors. A brighter and richer turquoise can be made by adding a little more yellow to the mix. White can also be mixed in to make the color brighter, however, white will also create a more opaque or muted color.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (4)

The above is what you call tints, while shades of turquoise are when darker colors, like black, are added to the mix. The amount of white and black you add will determine the tint or shade of color. When adding these colors to paint, the trick is to mix in small amounts as you go. Black can also be extremely severe and adding too much can ruin the color you wanted to achieve. A better option to consider is to use a deep blue or navy color to darken your turquoise. You may even want to try a little purple, for a more distinctive turquoise color. These colors also produce a more vivid turquoise than adding black. Experiment with all the options to test them out, so you can find the color you want.

Complementary Turquoise Colors

Going back to the color wheel, all colors are arranged in a circle or wheel shape, and when consulting the wheel, you can then determine what colors are complementary or analogous. Complimentary colors are positioned opposite each other. For example, blue and orange. So, for turquoise and its various shades, the complementary colors will be your shades of yellow, oranges, and reds. A richer golden color might be your best choice for turquoise.

When these colors are placed near each other, the colors are intensified. However, if you blend complementary colors, you will get a muddy brown. Lighter turquoise colors also go well with neutral colors such as gray, white, or tan and other shades of brown. Analogous colors are colors that sit on the same side of the color wheel, and these colors will blend well. So, turquoise will blend well with your various greens and blues.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (5)

Popular Shades of Turquoise

Sometimes, describing and naming colors can be subjective. For example, is beige a standard color? In many cases, many would define this color as a light brown. In the case of turquoise, are teal and aqua standard colors, or are they shades of turquoise? Teal might be considered a darker shade of turquoise, while aqua is more of a blue, with a dash of green to it. Of course, the color wheel is there to help you determine colors.

However, tools are available that everyone can use when it comes to computer graphics and printing. A hex code is there to help you find a certain color and represents color as the amount of red, green, and blue present, mainly referred to as RGB. Printing involves a mixture of four colors, namely cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, or CMYK. Following are a few favorite shades of turquoise and a table displaying these codes and percentages.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (6)


Turquoise can be described as being a bright cyan. A blend of blue and green, it provides the same kind of cool and calm feeling. Turquoise is also sometimes referred to as aquamarine, however, they are different colors. Turquoise is greenish-blue, while aqua is bluer with hints of green and is used quite often in painting ocean scenes.

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Turquoise#40e0d025.1, 87.8, 81.671, 0, 7, 12


The blue-green version of turquoise is a stronger cyan color and also has a calming and peaceful effect. Blue-green has also been a part of Crayola’s crayon colors for many years. This specific hue can easily be found in nature from fish to lakes. For example, the blue-green damselfish. For a cool and glacier-type palette, try combining blue-green with lighter blues and white. Make the color stand out more when paired with yellows and orange colors.

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Blue-Green#0d98ba5.1, 59.6, 72.993, 18, 0, 27


This is a lighter, pale cyan that has been inspired by the sky, especially on a beautiful summer’s day when no clouds are in sight. The name Celeste is Italian and means heavenly. This specific shade has changed over the years and has developed from having a blue tint to a more minty green color

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Celeste#b2ffff69.8, 100, 10030, 0, 0, 0

Electric Blue

The name “electric blue” was used as an English color name in the mid-1840s and represents a certain energy and excitement. The color is more active and spirited and can be used instead of the more muted blues. The color easily pairs with white, and you can create a striking palette when paired with other vibrant hues, especially a bright orange-red. Of course, it also blends and works great with all other shades of blue.

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Electric Blue#7df9ff49, 97.6, 10051, 2, 0, 0

Turquoise Green

This specific shade of turquoise is a more desaturated cyan-lime green. The color also represents a certain calmness and freshness. The complementary color for this shade is a desaturated pink, while it blends and works well with other desaturated or muted blues and greens.

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Turquoise Green#a0d6b462.7, 83.9, 70.625, 0, 16, 16


The color came about in the mid-1840s when a jeweler known as Charles Lewis Tiffany created a color brand for his jewelry and packaging. The color gained popularity and the color was eventually named Tiffany blue. The color goes well with white for a more elegant look, while corals, yellows, and deep blues add even more color.

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Tiffany#0abab53.9, 72.9, 7195, 0, 3, 27


Keppel is a saturated dark to moderate cyan and has undertones of gray. The color is calming and represents intelligence as well as creativity. The color is used by many larger businesses as well as airlines and hospitals as it is a color that instills strength, loyalty, and trust. A color that is easily used in ocean scenes and sky vistas.

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Keppel#3ab09e22.7, 69, 6267, 0, 10, 31

Light Sea Green

This is a darker cyan color and is inspired by the ocean and its many colors and has slightly more green than blue. The color will work well and stand out when placed with a desaturated dark red or white and blend well with a muted darker blue and a muted dark cyan-lime green.

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Light Sea Green#20b2aa12.5, 69.8, 66.782, 0, 4, 30


The color is associated with feelings of clarity and calmness and as with other blue colors, it is connected to water and nature. To add a significant contrast, pair it with the color maroon, or create a more refreshing feel by combining it with other shades of green.

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Teal#0080800, 50.2, 50.2100, 0, 0, 50


This is a muted darker cyan color and as other blue or green colors, can be associated with calmness, serenity, and thoughtfulness. The color will work well when placed with a muted dark red and also blends well with muted dark greens and blues.

Color NameShade of TurquoiseHex CodeRGB %CMYK %
Catalina#72a49f44.7, 64.3, 62.430, 0, 3, 36

How to Mix Turquoise

When creating turquoise paint, it can range from muted tones to more intense saturated colors. The easiest way to use turquoise is to simply purchase the color and use it straight from the tube. However, you might be looking for more of a specific shade of turquoise so you will have to mix your own. So, let us get into more detail and learn how to mix turquoise.

Purchasing Paint Colors

You will need to get yourself some green and blue paint, whether it -is oil, acrylic, or watercolors as long as you blend the same medium. However, acrylics might be the easiest medium to start with. You can easily search for paints at your local store or try reading some reviews and buy online. When buying paint, you should know what shade of paint you want. For example, try and choose a blue that has a green bias. To brighten or lighten your turquoise, you should also have some white or yellow paint.

Mixing Turquoise Tones

Some examples of blue colors you can use include cyan, cobalt, ultramarine, or cerulean. The color should have more of a green tint to it than purple. Some of the more common colors used include your viridian green, phthalo green, and phthalo blue. These are popular choices when trying to create a good turquoise color.

You can also choose your yellow colors if you want to create your own green, consider lemon yellow, or light yellow depending on what you are looking for. Avoid blue paint colors that contain a red bias as this will not create a proper turquoise. So, when you do purchase paints, it is a good idea to gain an understanding of pigments and reading labels, rather than just relying on the color name.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (7)

Bright Turquoise

To create a bright turquoise, place some turquoise blue on your palette. A short distance away from this, place some of your green paint on the palette. You can also create your own green by blending equal amounts of blue and yellow. Turquoise has more blue than green in it, so make sure to use twice as much blue as green paint when mixing. This will provide a good base color to work from. You can add a little more or less green paint to alter the color slightly.

Once the paints have been mixed thoroughly, you can make the color brighter by adding a little yellow to the mix. If you add too much yellow, you can add a small amount of white to bring the color down a bit. Make sure you make enough paint for what you want to do because you do not want to add more paint halfway through, which will affect the hue and an uneven look. Before you paint, you can fine-tune the color until you are happy with the color. Remember to add in very small amounts of white or other colors until you reach the shade you want. Also, it is a good idea to take notes about how you made your specific shade of turquoise so you can return in the future and repeat the process.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (8)

Pale Turquoise

When blending a pale or lighter color, it is best to start with white on the palette. For a pale turquoise, you can also consider using a very pale blue. When attempting a darker pale turquoise, you can also try using a gray-white. When mixing the colors, place a squirt of white down and then start with small amounts of green and blue paint. You can experiment with the amount of color until you get the shade you want. Once you have reached the shade of turquoise you want, you can then paint with it.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (9)

Tips for Creating the Color Turquoise

Learning and understanding what colors make turquoise and creating your own colors can be quite exciting. One of the things to remember is to first have all the correct colors before you begin. Once everything is ready, you can start painting. Below are a few tips to help you achieve the best color turquoise.

  • Choose cooler or warmer greens and blues to influence the final temperature and look of your turquoise color
  • Consider the color value, do you want a lighter or darker turquoise? You can achieve this by adding white or yellow to the mix for a brighter or lighter look or add black or darker shades of blue to darken your turquoise color
  • Adding white will increase the saturation levels and create a muted turquoise
  • Want to create an authentic turquoise color, consider looking for real items in nature and study them
  • When adding colors to your base color, always use small amounts
  • Keep in mind the products you purchase; many manufacturers have their own color formulas, and this could affect the outcome of your color

Frequently Asked Questions

What Two Colors Make Turquoise?

There are many shades of turquoise, but, in general, the color is a combination of blue and green. The color tends to be more green-blue, however, there are many shades, tints, and hues of turquoise. The name comes from the mineral that has been mined and created into beautiful gems.

Is Teal Similar To Turquoise?

These are two separate colors; however, teal can be considered a shade of turquoise. Teal is a deeper and slightly darker shade of turquoise. So, the main difference between these colors is one is a darker shade than the other, and teal leans more towards blue than green.

How to Make Teal?

Making teal is similar to making turquoise, you just have to tweak the amounts of paint added. Combine two parts of blue paint with one part green and add a little yellow. To darken the color, you can add a small amount of a darker shade of blue.

Is Aqua The Same As Turquoise?

Again, these colors might be seen as the same by some, but they are different. Turquoise is more of a green-blue, while aqua is bluer with a little green, and is a little more intense in color. So turquoise leans more towards your green than blue.

How to Make Aqua?

There are quite a few blue-green shades of paint you can purchase at an art store. You can adjust this tube color by adding more blue or white to achieve the color you want. To create your own aqua color, begin with white as your base, and then add in your chosen blue until it produces a light blue when mixed. Then add in very small amounts of yellow until you notice a slight green tint.

What Color Complements Turquoise?

Turquoise goes well with neutral colors, light browns, and darker blues and greens. However, what makes it stand out is its complementary colors like yellow, orange, coral, and deep gold.

What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide (2024)


What Colors Make Turquoise – In-Depth Turquoise Mixing Guide? ›

Turquoise falls between blue and green on the color wheel, so shades of turquoise can range from predominantly blue to predominantly green. You can experiment with the amounts of blue and green you incorporate in order to achieve different shades.

What is the color combination of turquoise? ›

Positioned between blue and green in the color wheel, turquoise is a mixture of pale blue and green or blue with a small amount of yellow. Its hex code is #30D5C8. It is a calm, friendly, and happy color, radiating the tranquility of blue, the growth of green, and the energy of yellow.

How do you make Phthalo turquoise? ›

Introducing our new colour, Phthalo Turquoise. Our blend consists of Phthalo Blue and Phthalo Green pigments, plus a small addition of Zinc White. Phthalo Turquoise has high tint strength and a translucent, emerald like blue-green undertone.

What color do you get when you mix green and blue? ›

Teal. As mentioned above, teal is the perfect combination of blue and green. To create this color, combine equal parts of blue and green.

What color is deep turquoise? ›

Deep Turquoise is a medium blue with a heavy yellow undertone. Depending on the light source or time of day, it may appear as pool water on the walls. Visualize this color in your own space.

What is the colour code for deep turquoise? ›

Deep Turquoise is one of the shades of blue colour and its hex code is #006480.

What two colors make teal? ›

To make teal colour, simply add blue and green colours in equal proportion. If you want to make teal blue color, then just add blue more than green and in the end add a bit of yellow colour. You can add black and white or green, blue, yellow to darken or produce a colour as you wish.

What color is teal & turquoise? ›

Teal is actually a mix of green and cyan (also known as aqua), which is a lighter blue. Turquoise tends to be more blue than teal, which as mentioned above has a green base. But again, it depends on which shade or hue of each color you're going for, as both colors combine blue and green.

What does turquoise and hot pink make? ›

21 what color does turquoise and pink make Full Guide

When blue and pink mix together, they create light purple or pastel purple. The exact shade of purple can vary, depending on how much white is mixed into the red to make the pink color.

How do you make aqua blue? ›

You can make this colour by mixing light blue and light green. Just take these paints on a palette and mix them with an art knife. Another way to make this colour is by mixing three ratios of blue with two ratios of yellow. This will form aqua.

What color is phthalo turquoise? ›

Phthalo Turquoise is an intense blue-green pigment with a red undertone. It is made from the modern pigment Phthalocyanine which was introduced in the 1930s. It is a transparent pigment.

What color does blue and pink make? ›

Now you may be wondering what color you will get when you mix pink and blue. The answer to this question is that you will get a shade of purple.

What does blue and orange make? ›

To do that, we will need to answer the question of what color does blue and orange make? The answer to that is that you will end up with a brown color when mixing these colors. Brown is a color that can be arrived at through various different color combinations.

What color does blue and purple make? ›

Now you know the answer: technically, when combined, the colors blue and purple make violet or blue-purple.

What is the rarest color of turquoise? ›

Lander Blue Spiderweb Turquoise is some of the rarest Turquoise on earth and in high demand, Buyers must beware of impersonators, the highest grade of Chinese Spiderweb Turquoise is often sold as Lander Blue Turquoise, it takes an experienced professional to detect true Lander Blue Turquoise.

What color is the most expensive turquoise? ›

Blue Turquoise

The most-prized turquoise color is an even, intense, medium blue, sometimes referred to as robin's egg blue or sky blue in the trade. The traditional source for this color is the Nishapur district of Iran, so you'll also hear it described as “Persian blue,” whether or not it was actually mined in Iran.

What color is deep teal? ›

Deep Teal is a blue with heavy green undertone. Depending on the light source or time of day, it may appear as teal on the walls. Visualize this color in your own space.

What is the brightest turquoise color code? ›

The color bright turquoise with hexadecimal color code #08e8de is a shade of cyan. In the RGB color model #08e8de is comprised of 3.14% red, 90.98% green and 87.06% blue. In the HSL color space #08e8de has a hue of 177° (degrees), 93% saturation and 47% lightness.

What color is deep aqua? ›

Deepest Aqua is a saturated, muted, breezy bay aqua-blue with a twilight blue undertone. It is a perfect paint color for a kitchen or dining room.

How many colors can turquoise be? ›

Turquoise comes in a variety of colors, from light blue to dark green. The most prized color of turquoise is a deep blue, known as “robin's egg” turquoise. Other popular colors include green, yellow, and orange. Turquoise can also be found in a variety of different shapes and sizes.

What is turquoise mixed with purple? ›

Turquoise and purple are both “bluish” colors, but one is on the green side and one is on the red side. So you aren't really changing the hue by mixing them with blue, you are just making your blue muddy. Probably a kind of muddy blue. Turquoise has green in it and purple has red in it.

How many different shades of turquoise are there? ›

Most people can probably envision what generic turquoise looks like when asked, but did you know that there are more than 30 types of turquoise commonly found in southwestern jewelry?

How do you make deep teal? ›

What Two Colors Make Teal? To make a basic teal shade, you simply need an equal 50/50 combination of blue and green. For a more complex shade, you can brighten your teal by adding white or yellow or darken it with a touch of black.

What's the difference between teal and turquoise? ›

Teal is a darker, cooler shade of blue-green that is more blue than green, while turquoise is a brighter, more vibrant shade that is closer to green. Understanding the differences between these two colors can help you make more informed design choices and create a more harmonious color palette.

Is turquoise more green or blue? ›

Turquoise is a shade of blue that lies on the scale between blue and green. It has characteristics associated with both of these, such as the calmness of blue and the growth that is represented in green. Turquoise can also has the energy that yellow transmits, becoming an uplifting color.

Are teal aqua and turquoise the same color? ›

Teal is darker and more greenish-blue. Aqua is a lighter blue with some green. Turquoise is somewhere in the middle. They're really just different hues of more or less the same color.

Is turquoise and aqua blue the same color? ›

Turquoise is characterized by extra green over blue when aqua has blue and green in the same proportion. This is a major difference between the two colors, namely, aqua and turquoise. Aqua is light bluish green while turquoise is greenish blue colour.

What shades of blue and green make turquoise? ›

Predominantly Blue Tints of Turquoise

Blue and green make turquoise, but you can add a higher ratio of blue to green to get a shade of turquoise blue. Adding in different amounts of white can help you achieve bluish turquoise shades that range from lighter to darker as well!

What color does turquoise and red make? ›

Being that turquoise can be defined as a color that is 50% white, 35% blue and 15% green (give or take), combining them (as pigments) with red should give you a light purple with brownish cast to it.

What is magenta turquoise? ›

Magenta turquoise is a purple-hued turquoise stone that can easily turn into this summer's hottest must-have accessory.

What is the best combination for aqua blue? ›

What shades go best with aqua color ? The colors white, cream, and wheat are some of the best shades that go with aqua color. But if you want a more bold look - opt for shades of orange or red.

What colors make up aquamarine? ›

Named after the mineral donning the color, aquamarine is a delicate mixture of green, cyan, and blue. The aquamarine hex code is #7FFFD4.

What color does aqua blue and yellow make? ›

What Color Do Blue and Yellow Make in Painting? Blue and yellow are both primary colors in painting. So, they mix together to create green, which is a secondary color. The most commonly known result of mixing blue and yellow is green because artists use the popular RYB color model when they paint.

Is turquoise a warm or cool blue? ›

Turquoise is a bit of a chameleon, as it can be both cool or warm, depending on the depth of color. Because turquoise is a combination of blue (a cool tone) and yellow (a warm tone), it looks good on everyone, no matter their skin tone. The same is true for coral.

Is cobalt turquoise the same as cobalt teal? ›

They're pretty close to one another. The darker Cobalt Turquoise is helpful, but you can cover it easily with other blues and greens. So: my plein air kit does not include either of them. But this was the result of a lot of experimentation and re-consideration.

Is ultramarine turquoise warm or cool? ›

Ultramarine is a warm blue as it is more biased towards purple on the colour wheel than green. Cobalt is a delicate blue, which has a cooler colour temperature.

What is blue and red mixed together? ›

So what do you get if you mix red and blue? There's no use keeping it a secret anymore, and the answer to that question is that you will get purple. Purple is a color that can come in many different forms, but it is generally considered a cool color like blue.

What does blue and black make? ›

If you mix blue and black paint together, you'll get dark blue, also commonly known as navy blue. That's because mixing black with a color creates a shade, which is a darker version of that color.

What turns from blue to pink? ›

For example, when you add acidic lemon juice to blue tea it will change from blue to pink within a matter of moments; try it- it's a lot of fun and tastes great too!

Can blue and orange make purple? ›

Because orange is made up of red and yellow, together, orange and blue contain all three primary colors: yellow, red, and blue… and with the primary colors, you can make any other color! This explains why different shades of blue and orange together created green, brown, or even purple and pink.

What color does purple and green make? ›

I think we've found our answer to the resulting color of mixing green and purple: it's a dusty blue-gray that ranges from lighter to almost black, depending on the saturation and technique used.

What color does green and red make? ›

When green and red colours are mixed, the colour produced is yellow. Yellow is a secondary colour which is obtained by mixing two primary colours (red and green).

Which colors Cannot be made by mixing other colors together? ›

Primary colors - The most basic colors on the color wheel, red, yellow and blue. These colors cannot be made by mixing.

What color purple does red and blue make? ›

How To Make Purple: A Quick Primer. Mixing blue and red together makes purple. The amount of blue and red that you add to your mixture will determine the exact shade of purple you produce. More red will create a redder purple, and more blue will create a bluer purple.

What colors make deep teal? ›

The two colors that make teal are blue and green. By blending an equal amount of both colors, and then adding a little white, you can create a basic teal color. Experiment with different amounts of paint colors to help achieve the color you want.

How do you make deep aqua color? ›

You can make this colour by mixing light blue and light green. Just take these paints on a palette and mix them with an art knife. Another way to make this colour is by mixing three ratios of blue with two ratios of yellow. This will form aqua.

How do you make dark turquoise icing? ›

To make a turquoise shade, add 3 drops of green food coloring to every 5 drops of blue food coloring. Mix to combine the use as required.

How do you mix deep teal? ›

To make a basic teal shade, you simply need an equal 50/50 combination of blue and green. For a more complex shade, you can brighten your teal by adding white or yellow or darken it with a touch of black.

What color is darker teal? ›

Teal green is a darker shade of teal with more green.

Is Deep teal green or blue? ›

What Color Is Teal? Teal is a deep blue-green color, also called a cyan green. However, teal blue is a medium tone that contains more blue.

What are the colors of Deep aqua? ›

The color Deep Aqua belongs to the color family Dark Cyan. It is of medium brightness and high saturation. The color Deep Aqua corresponds to the hex code #08787F. In the additive (digital) color space RGB (Red, Green, Blue), it corresponds to 3% Red, 47% Green, and 50% Blue.

How do you make water look turquoise? ›

Limestone is composed primarily of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and is white in color. As the river breaks down this rock into tiny crystals, these crystals will get mixed up into the water. When sunlight hits the tiny crystals, it will reflect that beautiful blue color.

How do you make deep cyan? ›

In the additive color system, or RGB color model, used to create all the colors on a computer or television display, cyan is made by mixing equal amounts of green and blue light. Cyan is the complement of red; it can be made by the removal of red from white.

What is the difference between teal and turquoise? ›

In conclusion, while teal and turquoise are often used interchangeably, they are not the same color. Teal is a darker, cooler shade of blue-green that is more blue than green, while turquoise is a brighter, more vibrant shade that is closer to green.

What does turquoise and yellow make? ›

GREEN: Mix turquoise and yellow. Bright green: Add white to the green.

How dark can turquoise be? ›

Turquoise is a semi-transparent to opaque stone that ranges in color from whitish blue to deep dark blue, and from deep dark green to a yellowish green.

What color does teal and yellow make? ›

What color does yellow and teal make? Depending on the ratio of turquoise to yellow the resultant color would be greenish. Since turquoise is a shade of blue a 50/50 mix would be a paler green.

What does blue and yellow make? ›

Blue + Yellow pigment yields the color green.

What color does teal and red make? ›

When you mix the colors teal and red together, it will create a shade of brown. Teal is a shade of blue-green, it's a combination of blue and green, and red is a primary color. When you mix primary colors together, you get a secondary color.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.