U.S. Capital Gains Tax on Selling Property Abroad (2024)

U.S. Capital Gains Tax on Selling Property Abroad (1)

5 min read

U.S. Capital Gains Tax on Selling Property Abroad (2)

October 26, 2022

Resource CenterIncome

U.S. Capital Gains Tax on Selling Property Abroad (6)

5 min read

October 26, 2022

October 26, 2022

At a glance

Selling property abroad as a U.S. citizen? You may have other obligations than simply paying a capital gains tax. Learn the ins and outs of the tax implications of selling foreign property with the Expat Tax experts at H&R Block.

U.S. Capital Gains Tax on Selling Property Abroad (10)

Selling property abroad? Along with finding the right realtor and coordinating international logistics, there’s another factor you should keep in mind: Your U.S. taxes.

Taxes when selling real estate can be complicated even when that property is Stateside, and you probably have more than a few questions, like; “How much tax do I pay on the sale of property abroad?” “How do I report a sale of foreign property on my U.S. taxes?” “What taxes do you owe if the overseas property you sell was inherited?”

Below we’ve answered these questions and summarized the basics of what you should know about selling property abroad and U.S. taxes come tax time.

Sold an overseas property last year and ready to file?Get started on your expat taxes now.

U.S. capital gains tax on selling foreign property

When you sell property or real estate in the U.S. you need to report it and you may end up owing acapital gains tax.The same is true if sell real estate overseas, and we don’t recommend trying to avoid a capital gains tax on foreign property.The U.S. is one of only a few countries that taxes you on worldwide income — and gains made from foreign property sales are consideredforeign income.

That means it doesn’t matter if the real estate you sold is in Austin, Texas or Auckland, New Zealand — you still have an obligation to report the gains you made on the sale. What’s more, if the gains are not excluded, you’ll pay a short-term or long-term capital gains tax on it.

When selling property abroad, different kinds of residences and properties have different kinds of reporting requirements and tax specifications.For example, selling anoverseas rental propertyhas different tax rules than when you sell an overseas primary residence.

A word of warning — you may also owe taxes to the country in which the overseas property lies, but you may be able to avoid paying capital gains taxes to both countries by claiming theforeign tax credit, which is a dollar-for-dollar credit on taxes paid to one of the countries. Get started with an Expat Tax Advisor now.

U.S. taxes on sales of a primary foreign residence

A foreign residence/property qualifies as your principal residence if you lived inandowned it for at least 24 out of the last 60 months ending on the date of the property sale.

The same taxes and tax benefits that apply to selling your home in the U.S. also apply to selling your primary residence in a foreign country.That means any gain from selling your primary residence overseas is usually tax-free, as long as you meet the occupancy requirements and your gain is below these thresholds:

  • $500,000 – if you’re married filing jointly
  • $250,000 – if you use any other filing status

If your capital gain on selling that overseas property is over the limit, the excess will be taxed at the lower long–term capital gains rate. There are some exceptions for the 24–month ownership rule for events like a work-related move, so speak to yourExpat Tax Advisorif you have extenuating circ*mstances.

U.S. taxes on sales of inherited foreign property

All the above conditions apply to U.S. taxes on sales of inherited foreign property, but you may have an extra step. Once a decedent passes, an inherited foreign property often receives a stepped–up basis, which is the property’s fair market value on the date the original owner passed away or deeded the property to you. Once that’s converted into USD, your capital gains would be any income you made over that original amount.

Not all inherited property is treated exactly like this — it depends on the way the property’s ownership was structured.

U.S. taxes on sales of foreign rental properties

If you’re selling aforeign rental property, any gain you realize may be taxed at multiple different rates, depending on the amount of your overall gain, your holding period, and the amount of depreciation claimed on the property.

Reporting requirements and U.S. taxes on selling overseas properties get more complicated if you do not own the property outright (which is somewhat common for overseas rental properties). If this sounds like your situation, another form you may have to file isForm 5471(if the foreign property you’re selling is held by a foreign corporation).

Get started with an Expat Tax Advisor now.

Reporting the sale of foreign property to the IRS and FinCEN

Reporting the sale of foreign property can be tricky, depending on where the property is, whether the income from the sale was deposited into a U.S. or foreign bank account, and other factors. For example, if the sale was made in a currency other than USD, you’ll have to go back and calculate the exchange rate at the time the sale was made.

Just like you would with the sale of a U.S. property, you may need to file IRS Form 8949 and a Schedule D (and a Form 4797 for rentals). If the income you made from the sale of your foreign property was deposited into a foreign bank, you may have to report it on aForeign Bank Account Report (FBAR)by usingFinCEN Form 114. You may also need to fileFATCA Form 8938.

Selling foreign property? Let H&R Block help handle your U.S. taxes.

Have more questions about the tax implications of selling real estate abroad? Ready to file? No matter what your U.S. tax situation is, we’ve got a expat tax solution for you — whether you want to be in the driver’s seat with ourDIY online expat tax servicedesigned for U.S. citizens abroad or want to let one of ourExpat Tax Advisorstake the wheel.Head on over to ourWays to Filepage to choose your journey and get started.

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U.S. Capital Gains Tax on Selling Property Abroad (14)

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U.S. Capital Gains Tax on Selling Property Abroad (2024)


U.S. Capital Gains Tax on Selling Property Abroad? ›

That means any gain from selling your primary residence overseas is usually tax-free, as long as you meet the occupancy requirements and your gain is below these thresholds: $500,000 – if you're married filing jointly. $250,000 – if you use any other filing status.

Is there US capital gains tax on selling overseas property? ›

Citizens Owe Taxes on Property Sales at Home and Abroad. Real estate sales are taxed as capital gains if you held the property for more than a year.

How do I avoid double taxation on foreign capital gains? ›

Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

Expats can use the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) to exclude a certain amount of foreign income from US taxation. The maximum exclusion amount changes each year. For the 2023 tax year, the FEIE exclusion limit is $120,000 and will increase to $126,500 for the 2024 tax year.

Do I have to pay US taxes if I sell a foreign property that I inherited? ›

There is no U.S. tax on foreign inheritance. You will pay the capital gains tax when you sell the property if the sale price is higher than the property value at the time of inheritance receipt.

Do I have to pay US taxes on foreign property? ›

The purchase alone is not taxable. However, what you do with the property or investment might determine whether you must report it on your U.S. taxes. If the property is used for business purposes, you would have to report the income you earn from the property.

How can I avoid capital gains tax on foreign property in the USA? ›

If you sell your foreign property, you may be able to make a 1031 exchange (also called a like-kind exchange), in which you swap one investment property for another similar property on a tax-deferred basis. Many investors use this strategy to defer paying capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes.

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NRI selling property in India: tax implications in the US

The US has a double taxation arrangement with India which means you should not have to pay tax in the US if you've already paid the same tax in India. However, you may still need to report the sale to the IRS even if you don't have to pay any additional tax.

Are there any loopholes for capital gains tax? ›

A few options to legally avoid paying capital gains tax on investment property include buying your property with a retirement account, converting the property from an investment property to a primary residence, utilizing tax harvesting, and using Section 1031 of the IRS code for deferring taxes.

What are the tax implications of selling overseas property? ›

When you sell a property overseas, you're responsible for capital gains taxes — or taxes you owe when you sell a property for more than you paid for it. You must report any capital gains on Form 1040, Schedule D in USD.

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When Americans buy stocks or bonds from foreign-based companies, any investment income (interest, dividends) and capital gains are subject to U.S. income tax and taxes levied by the company's home country.

Can I sell my property in India and bring money to the USA? ›

There's not usually any US tax implication if you're sending money from the sale of a property you own in India to the US. However, depending on the amounts involved you may need to report this transfer using IRS Form 3520.

Do I have to report inherited foreign property? ›

Do I need to report foreign inheritance or gifts? If you receive an inheritance from a foreign estate or non-resident alien, or gifts from non-resident aliens exceeding $100,000 (USD), then it must be reported to the IRS. This includes the total of all foreign inheritance or gifts received.

How to sell property internationally? ›

5 tips for selling your home to an international buyer
  1. Hire a real estate agent with experience in foreign transactions.
  2. Translate your listings.
  3. Invest in high-quality photos and videos.
  4. Advertise on international websites.
  5. Consider your target audience when writing a listing description.
Jan 30, 2024

How much overseas income is exempt from US taxes? ›

However, you may qualify to exclude your foreign earnings from income up to an amount that is adjusted annually for inflation ($107,600 for 2020, $108,700 for 2021, $112,000 for 2022, and $120,000 for 2023). In addition, you can exclude or deduct certain foreign housing amounts.

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Like FBAR, Form 8938 carries a $10,000 penalty for not filing. If the IRS sends you notice of your failure to file, you have 90 days to comply or be subject to an additional $10,000 per month, up to $50,000, until you do file. There is a 40 percent penalty for any tax underpaid on foreign financial assets not reported.

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Q- How do you calculate capital gains tax on foreign shares? If you hold shares of a foreign company for more than 24 months, any gains realized from the sale of these shares are categorized as long-term capital gains. In such cases, the long-term capital gains tax rate is 20%, plus the applicable surcharge and cess.

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Is Foreign Inheritance Taxable from Overseas Relatives? No, you won't have to pay any federal taxes on an inheritance received from a non-US citizen living abroad. However, you may have to report it to the IRS and pay a foreign inheritance tax or a state inheritance tax from overseas inheritances.

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Overseas Property Considerations

If you are a U.S. citizen or resident who owns a primary residence overseas, you may still be eligible for the Section 121 exclusion.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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