Treasury Bills Investment | All You need to Know Q and A | Damie Ojo (2024)

The beautiful thing about Treasury Bills Investment is that it is foundeverywhere in the world just one or two minor differences in onecountry to another. The information you get here is thepart the internet wouldn't tell you. The Pros, the Cons, the good, bad andugly. This is not just going to be reading from a book or theoretical explanations,I am going to be giving you real life, practical and useful tips.

Treasury Bills Investment | All You need to Know Q and A | Damie Ojo (1)

What are Treasury Bills?

Treasury Bills are short term investment plans offered bythe Federal government of any country to raise funds or finance its projects.Now if the government wants to build roads, wants to build schools andcompanies, they don’t just go to the central bank and tell the Central Bank Governor they need N20 billion. No! That's not the way government finance works, the government creates avenues to raise funds for itselfthrough taxation or through borrowing internally or externally. The government could decide to borrow externally from other countries or from the World Bank orthe government can choose to borrow internally from its own citizens. Treasury Bills are one of the ways, the government can borrow internally. If the governmentwants to commence a project, they can decide to issue out Treasury Bills forpeople to buy, so they can use these funds gotten from the people to finance itsprojects, of course at an interest! So Treasury bills is just a way ofborrowing your money to your government to assist them finance their projects.

Do State Government offer Treasury Bills?

State governments do not offer Treasury Bills, if anybodycomes to you telling you that Rivers state or Lagos state is doing one special Treasury offer, that person must be a fraudster. Treasury Bills are onlyoffered by the Federal Government.

How safe are Treasury Bills?

Treasury Bills are one of the safest means of investing as it has the full backing of the Federal Government. The Federal Government can not owe you Treasury Bills, in fact the Central Bank of yourcountry has the right to print money just to settle Treasury Bills debt.Treasury Bills are extremely safe.

What is the difference between Treasury Bills and Govt.Bonds?

They are extremely similar, the major differencebetween the two is that one is for a very short term i.e. Treasury Bills withina one-year cycle while Government Bond can stretch to as long as 10years. So if you’re disposed enough to borrow money long enough for as tenyears, go for Government Bonds, but if you want a very short period oftime then go for Treasury Bills.

Where can I buy Treasury Bills?

As mentioned earlier, the Federal Government tissues Treasury Bills, through the Central Bank of Nigeria or through the Central Bank of whatever country you are in. You can't exactly go to the doorof Central bank to buy treasury bills, so treasury bills are soldthrough commercial bank.

Does the bank have any benefits selling Treasury Bills?

We know that banks don't do anything for free. Definitely,the bank is not an N.G.O. It is a capitalist industry and it is out there to makemoney. The bank acts as an intermediary between its bank’s customers and thecentral bank. There is a tiny little charge banks charge for playing that informative role. It is just 0.15%, it might vary veryslightly from bank to bank, that like N150 on a N150,000 treasury bill, so relax, its not so much.

Minimum and Maximum amount you can invest inTreasury bills?

Now this would depend on whether you’re buying from theprimary market or the secondary market. The CBN offers its treasury bills through two markets/ platforms.You have the primary market and the secondary market. You can also buy Treasury Bills either from the Primary Market or the Secondary Market depending on theamount to be invested. The minimum amount to be invested in Treasury Bills isN100,000 in many institutions and the maximum is any higher amount you have, asmuch as 2Billion naira at a Treasury Bill. However, if you want to purchase Treasury Bills directlyfrom the Central Bank, the minimum amount auctioned is N50 million naira and above. You’ll agree with methat it’s not very rampant as a lot of people don’t have that kind of money.But if you have below N50million naira, N100,000, N200,000 or N1million naira, ou have to buy from the secondary market. The secondary market are commercial banks which buy TB from the Central Bank and now resell intolittle bits to people that don’t have that huge amount of money to buy directlyfrom the CBN.

What days are Treasury Bills sold?

If you’re buying from the primary market i.e. buying fromCBN directly, it is every forth night i.e. every two weeks. However, if you’rebuying from your own bank which is the secondary market, you can buy anyworking day of the week. But Treasury bills always have a cut off time daily toenable the staff of the bank treat this request. Some end their cut-off time attwo o’clock, some end at three o’clock, it depends on the bank. You just haveto find out the cut-off time for your bank to deal with a treasury request fora particular day. If you miss on the cut off for that day, your bank account officercan keep the request and treat it for you the next day.

What is my proof/ evidence of investment in Treasury Bills?

There is a Treasury Bill certificate that comes out few daysafter you purchase your Treasury Bills. So whenever you purchase your Treasury Bills, you can always go back to your bank to ask for your investmentcertificate.

How can I automatically roll over my Treasury Billsinvestment?

Remember, Treasury bills are short terminvestments plan, with a maximum tenure of one year. So if you want yourTreasury Bills to run more than one year to about two three years, you have tore-invest when it matures. Unlike fixed deposits where the roll over is setautomatic for you, Treasury Bills are not automatically renewed. So when yourTreasury Bill investment expires, you have to go to the bank or write your bankand give them a fresh request to re-invest.

How do I invest from diaspora?

Now this is a very common question, as not everyone thatwants to invest is in their home country. Every bank has a contact us numberthat you can find directly on their website, you can always search for thecustomer care number of the bank, you can place your request to purchasetreasury bills. Or if you have an existing relationship with your accountofficer, you may place the request through them. You can write and scan yourinstruction via email to the person, and the person would treat it.

What is the interest rate on Treasury Bills?

Sometime three, four years back, Treasury Bills used to beso lucrative, you’ll be getting up to 18%, 19% on Treasury Bills, but verysadly, the rates in Treasury Bills has really come to an all-time low to 4-5% per annum.

Why did the rates on Treasury Bills crash?

There are divergent opinions on why Treasury Bills marketcrashed. Business men took low cost loans and instead of taking itto grow the economy, they used the loan to buy Treasury Bills. For instance, The CBN gives a low costloan of 7% per annum to people just to boost the economy, just to help micro,small and medium businesses to grow, now Mr. Okeke takes this loan with interest of7% and instead for him to put it into his business with the aim and intentionof the Central ank, he would take this loan and put it in Treasury Bills to earn 18% interest and give 7% to the central bank for the loan and keep the 7% to himself. This action depicts the whole purpose of the loan and that is why the government has reallycut the interest on Treasury Bills.
Another reason for the Treasury Bills interest cut is because thegovernment felt or feels like it is paying too much on recurrent expenditure.Now, Nigeria as a country spends so much money on recurrent expenditure tocapital expenditure, so the government is like instead of using funds to payloans (treasury bills), let us divert this money to capital development and cutdown the interest being paid on treasury bills. And as you can see, that is whytaxation rates are going higher. Value added tax has increased from 5% to 7.5%in Nigeria. Stamp duty charge and many others have now been introduced. Anotherreason why Treasury Bills seem to have crashed is because the government doesnot have so much money as it used to have. The major source of funds for thegovernment in Nigeria is the sale and importation of crude oil, but the price of crude oil has completely fallen. So the government is not asbuoyant as it used to be. So, all these factors put together has impacted theinterest rates offered on Treasury Bills.

Is my interest from Treasury Bills subject to TAX?

The interest on treasury bills is tax free. The interestthat comes from your savings account or fixed deposit account is subject tovalue added tax at 7.5%. But whatever interest you make on treasury billsinvestment or government bonds is tax free.

How do I calculate my interest rate?

All you need is your calculator. It is the rate/100 *tenor/365*amount.
The rate is the interest rate.
The tenor is thetime period invested while principal is the amount you’re investing.
So if you’reinvesting N100,000 at an interest rate of 4% for 90 days.
It is 4%/100* tenor90days/365days *amount/1.

How does the interest on Treasury bills work?

The interest on Treasury Bills come up front. So if youinvest in Treasury Bills today. N100,000 in treasury bills today and theinterest is N10,000 and it’s for 90days. Your N10,000 would not come at the endof the 90days. The beautiful thing about Treasury Bills is that the interestcomes upfront on the day of investment, so you can either choose to reinvestyour interest or you can use your interest to take care of yourself. Treasury Bills are a discounted instruments i.e. the money that would be debited from youraccount is your principal short your interest. Let me explain further, so ifyou have N100,000 to invest in treasury bills, and your interest is N10,000.What would be debited is N90,000. So the N10,000 that remains in your accountis the interest. At the end of the tenor the N100,000 comes back into youraccount.

What are the disadvantages of Treasury Bills?

One of the major disadvantage of treasury bills is the riskof inflation. There is a possibility that at the end of the tenor, your moneywould have lost its value or its purchasing value.

What are the advantages of Treasury Bills?

There are so many advantages of treasury bills such asgetting your interest upfront, so you can use your interest to take care ofyour needs without having to wait till the end of the tenor. Secondly, it’sextremely safe because we don’t envisage the local government running away withyour money. Thirdly, just a one like instruction is okay to request to investin treasury bills. Lastly, Treasury bills could serve as a collateral for aloan. Treasury bills are admissible as collateral for a loan.

Treasury Bills Investment | All You need to Know Q and A | Damie Ojo (2024)


What do I need to know before investing in T-bills? ›

  • T-bills offer low returns compared with other debt instruments.
  • The T-bill pays no interest payments leading up to its maturity.
  • T-bills can inhibit cash flow for investors who require steady income.
  • T-bills have interest rate risk, so, their rate could become less attractive in a rising-rate environment.
Apr 10, 2024

How much does a $1000 T bill cost? ›

To calculate the price, take 180 days and multiply by 1.5 to get 270. Then, divide by 360 to get 0.75, and subtract 100 minus 0.75. The answer is 99.25. Because you're buying a $1,000 Treasury bill instead of one for $100, multiply 99.25 by 10 to get the final price of $992.50.

What is the disadvantage of investing in Treasury bills? ›

This means that investors looking for high returns may not find T-bills attractive. Since T-bills have fixed interest rates, inflation can erode the purchasing power of the returns earned from these investments. This means that investors may need help to keep up with inflation, resulting in a decline in real returns.

How do Treasury bills work for dummies? ›

Treasury bills, or bills, are typically issued at a discount from the par amount (also called face value). For example, if you buy a $1,000 bill at a price per $100 of $99.986111, then you would pay $999.86 ($1,000 x . 99986111 = $999.86111). * When the bill matures, you would be paid its face value, $1,000.

Why would anyone bother investing in Treasury bills? ›

A Treasury bill, or T-bill, is a short-term debt obligation backed by the U.S. Treasury Department. It's one of the safest places you can save your cash, as it's backed by the full faith and credit of the government. T-bills are auctioned off at a discount and then redeemed at maturity for the full amount.

How to buy T-bills for beginners? ›

You can only buy T-bills in electronic form, either from a brokerage firm or directly from the government at (You can also buy Series I savings bonds through The most common maturity dates are four weeks, eight weeks, 13 weeks, 26 weeks and 52 weeks.

Are Treasury bills better than CDs? ›

If you're saving for a goal less than a year away: If you're saving money for a goal with a short-time horizon, T-bills can make more sense than CDs. They provide a higher APY than savings accounts, and they're more liquid than CDs.

Do you pay taxes on Treasury bills? ›

Key Takeaways

Interest from Treasury bills (T-bills) is subject to federal income taxes but not state or local taxes. The interest income received in a year is recorded on Form 1099-INT. Investors can opt to have up to 50% of their Treasury bills' interest earnings automatically withheld.

What is the 1 year T-bill rate today? ›

1 Year Treasury Rate (I:1YTCMR)

1 Year Treasury Rate is at 5.14%, compared to 5.13% the previous market day and 5.02% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 2.95%. The 1 Year Treasury Rate is the yield received for investing in a US government issued treasury security that has a maturity of 1 year.

Why people don t invest in Treasury bill? ›

Taxes: Treasury bills are exempt from state and local taxes but still subject to federal income taxes. That makes them less attractive holdings for taxable accounts. Investors in higher tax brackets might want to consider short-term municipal securities instead.

Can Treasury bills lose value? ›

Treasury bonds, notes, and bills have no default risk since the U.S. government guarantees them. Investors will receive the bond's face value if they hold it to maturity. However, if sold before maturity, your gain or loss depends on the difference between the initial price and what you sold the Treasury for.

What happens when a T-bill matures? ›

When the bill matures, you are paid its face value. You can hold a bill until it matures or sell it before it matures.

How do people make money from Treasury bills? ›

You buy bills at a discount — a price below par — and profit from the difference at the end of the term. While T-bills don't pay interest like other Treasurys, the difference between your discounted price and the par value is essentially the "interest" earned.

How do you get paid on Treasury bills? ›

The only interest payment to you occurs when your bill matures. At that time, you are paid the par amount (also called face value) of the bill.

What is the T-bill ladder strategy? ›

A T-Bill Ladder is pretty much like it sounds — a series of Treasury Bills arranged "step-by-step". Each "step" or rung of the ladder represents a T-Bill with a different maturity date. This strategy allows you to take advantage of both short-term and long-term interest rates.

How much do you make on a 3 month T-bill? ›

3 Month Treasury Bill Rate is at 5.25%, compared to 5.25% the previous market day and 5.12% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 4.19%. The 3 Month Treasury Bill Rate is the yield received for investing in a government issued treasury security that has a maturity of 3 months.

How much will I make on a 4 week treasury bill? ›

4 Week Treasury Bill Rate is at 5.28%, compared to 5.28% the previous market day and 4.32% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 1.41%. The 4 Week Treasury Bill Rate is the yield received for investing in a US government issued treasury bill that has a maturity of 4 weeks.

What is the best way to invest in Treasury bills? ›

For many people, TreasuryDirect is a good option; however, retirement savers and investors who already have brokerage accounts are often better off buying bonds on the secondary market or with exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

How much does it cost to invest in T-bills? ›

Bills at a Glance
Now issued inElectronic form only
Interest paidWhen the bill matures
Minimum purchase$100
In increments of$100
Maximum purchase$10 million (non-competitive bid) 35% of offering amount (competitive bid) (See Buying a Treasury marketable security for information on types of bids.)
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