Transforming Guest Experiences: How to Add Value to your Hotel (2024)

Transforming Guest Experiences: How to Add Value to your Hotel (1)

With several years of experience in internet marketing on my back, I have often been asked about digitalization in the modern hospitality industry. Among them was a curious hotelier whom I met on a flight. He wanted to know, ‘What makes a traveler choose one hotel over another?’ I said to him that I would give him some insights if he promised to call me in 6 months to share whether it worked for him. I received a happy call last night. Not only did it work, but also opened up new gates of creative ideas that he himself came up with. Here is the secret that I shared with him.

‘Value’ of a hotel is the ultimate deciding factor. But most travelers explore the internet in search of exciting and money-saving deals, which is not surprising. Then why should a hotel demonstrate its value to transform guest experience and impress them? Much to your surprise, price isn’t the only king when it comes to grabbing attention of travelers. When people book a hotel room offline or online, they ensure that they get a greater return than what they spend.

Mostly, guests asses the value of a hotel considering three major aspects:

  1. Money they save
  2. Time they save, and
  3. The stay experience.

If a hotel succeeds in fulfilling these requirements, there is a strong possibility that guests will return to avail the same hotel deal or share their experience with others.

As a hotelier, you must ask yourself if you are adding enough value for guests to make the booking. It is necessary to understand guest requirements and use right techniques to fulfill them. Here I am sharing with you some effective methods to add value to your hotel and improve guest experience:

Offer Extra and Exciting

In the hotel industry, some strategies create ripples while some create tidal waves. Besides traditional hospitality, offering extra guest-friendly amenities can work wonders in favor of a hotel. There should be an extra incentive to make guests choose your hotel over others in the area. A long-lasting impression can be made on guests by offering them free breakfast or parking service. Plus, stay experience of guests on vacation can be improved by offering them discount coupons of a nearby attraction.

Offer Unusual Loyalty Programs

By offering simple yet unusual loyalty programs, a hotel can make a guest feel special and give a loud message that their stay is important for the hotel and its staff. Things like quick check-ins, special offers or detailed information on ‘inside of the hotel’ to frequent guests can result in good reviews from them. Most inclusions of hospitality loyalty programs are similar to each other. Bringing in some fresh offerings will also set you apart from the rest.

Communicate With your Guests

Not just during the stay, but a great communication is necessary from the moment a guest books a room in your hotel. A pre-arrival greeting by front desk manager will be a good way to open a line of communication with the guest. It will make the guest feel special and appreciated. A ‘looking forward to meeting you’ can bring a smile to their face and excite them as well.

Help Guests Break the Monotony

Guests on business tours are bound to use only business-friendly amenities. But many hotels plan extra-curricular activities or complementary services for leisure travelers. Although business travelers may not have the spare time to participate in fun activities organized by the hotel, a complimentary drink can break their monotony. Even they travel for leisure activities on their own time, so they understand the value of an extra service and will appreciate your gesture after a hectic meeting or conference.

Give More Value to Customers than they Expect

Anything extra is appreciated by everyone, except extra charges on their bills. Generally guests do not expect extra efforts by a hotel staff, but when they get it they feel special. A hotel can get good reviews from guests by doing little things, such as a welcome note or interesting in-room decoration. These little efforts by the hotel can enhance the overall stay experience of a guest and may add more delight in them during the end of their trip.

Some of these tips will be beneficial for a short-term, while others can have a long-lasting impact on guests. One thing that you must remember is that good hospitality will always be in trend, and will keep improving a hotel’s value if followed in the right way. Do give me a call in 6 months if this makes a difference in your business as well.

If you want to learn and grow your hotel business with the help of social media, join this thriving community for interesting discussions:

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Transforming Guest Experiences: How to Add Value to your Hotel (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.