Tomato Leaves Turning White? What's Happening and How To Fix It. — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (2024)

Tomato Leaves Turning White? What's Happening and How To Fix It. — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (1)

Hey, tomato gardeners! Have you been noticing that your tomato plants have leaves with white or silver on them? If so, don't worry - it's not a death sentence for your tomato plants. There are several possible reasons why this could be happening and we will discuss those in detail below. It is important to know the cause of the problem so that you can take proper steps to fix it. We also share our favorite tomato plant fertilizer recipe at the end of this blog post if you need a little help keeping your tomato plants healthy and green!

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Why Do Tomato Leaves Turn White

This is a very common tomato plant problem. It can happen for a variety of reasons, so it is important to identify the cause and take steps to correct it in order to fix your tomato plants' leaves turning white issue. Let's go over some possible causes:

Your tomato plant can be getting too much direct sunlight

The tomato plant's sensitive leaves are easily burned by the sun if it gets too much exposure. This is referred to as sunscald and can happen to tomato plants that are in a location where they get full sun throughout the day.

They will start to develop pale yellow or white patches on their leaves, which is not something you want happening with your tomato plant's foliage.

Tomato plants are sensitive to cold temperatures

If conditions are too cold outside of the tomato plant's optimal temperature range, then it will develop white patches on its tomato leaves. The tomato plant's response to the cold temperature is for the tomato leaf cells to close up, this will protect them and keep in heat if they are too far from a warmer area (such as a greenhouse or house).

Leaving it outside unprotected when it reaches these colder temperatures can cause major damage to plants that start with tomato leaves turning white.

Fungal diseases can also cause tomato leaves to turn white

This typically happens when tomato plants have been overwatered and the fungi will start growing on the tomato plant's roots.

Tomato plants can also have nutrient deficiencies or too many nutrients

This can cause tomato leaves to turn white as well. Some common nutrient deficiencies are due to not enough calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, or phosphorus in tomato plants.

The nutrients and minerals tomato plants need can be found in fertilizers formulated for tomato crops or through the use of composts. These nutrients will keep tomato leaves from turning white by maintaining healthy plant growth.

“Sunscald is common when transplanting seedlings .”

How To Fix Tomato Plant Leaves Turning White

Now that we know the possible causes of tomato plant leaves turning white, let's take a look at some possible solutions for each cause.

Solutions to Tomato Sunscald

White leaf color is often a sign of damage from sunlight, which appears as a border on the tomato plant's leaves. Curled leaves and broken foliage may be seen on the tomato plants. Heavy winds in the area can make this condition worse.

What should you do if your tomato plant is affected by sunscald?

If tomato leaves turn white and curl up, it is most likely too late for the plant. Since sunscald is not a tomato plant disease, tomato plants with this condition will not recover.

However, if the entire plant isn't affected, tomato plants can be treated by moving them to a shadier location and you can try removing the damaged tomato leaves.

If tomato plants have sunscald, you can also apply a mulch or straw to the soil around the plant for added insulation and protection from harsh sunlight.

Some tomato growers suggest a tomato sunscald treatment of applying an all-purpose fertilizer to the soil surface around the affected tomato plants; this can help stop further damage.

Tomato Leaves Turning White? What's Happening and How To Fix It. — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (2)

Prevention of Sunscald

Sunscald is very common with tomato seedlings. This is in part due to transplanting. When tomato seedlings are transplanted outdoors, they can be exposed to too much light which causes shock. When shock occurs tomato plants don't have enough energy to grow normally.

Hardening off tomato seedlings before transplanting is a way of getting them used to the environment outside. This does not mean that tomato plants are completely immune from sunscald, but they may be less likely to suffer it if they've already been hardened off and gradually exposed to outdoor light. This is why hardening off is so important when moving tomato plants from indoors to outdoors.

Hardening off involves gradually exposing tomato plants to the outside environment by taking them out of their pots and placing them in a sheltered, shaded area for a short period of time each day.

In order to prevent tomato seedlings from being affected by sunscald in the first place, make sure that they are hardened off before you transplant them outdoors and gradually expose them to outdoor light over a two-week period of time.

Solutions to sensitivity to cold temperatures

Tomato seedlings can be sensitive to cold temperatures and may experience stunted growth or die-off.

Make sure tomato plants are started indoors or in a greenhouse at the appropriate temperature.

It is critical to transplant your tomatoes when the soil temperate is above 60 degrees and there is no more chance for a tomato plant to get frost damage.

Do not expose tomato plants to temperatures below 50 degrees for more than a few hours at a time without taking measures to protect them from the cold weather, such as bring them inside or using row covers.

In order to avoid tomato plant damage due to low-temperature exposure, find yourself an appropriate tomato variety that will be able to survive and produce tomato fruit at the temperatures in your particular growing region.

Hardening off will prevent seedling leaves from turning white and will also help the plant grow strong and healthy, so make sure that if your tomato plants are sensitive to cold weather, you know how to protect them!

RELATED: Yellow Leaves on Tomato Plants? Here's Why and How to Fix It.

Tomato Leaves Turning White? What's Happening and How To Fix It. — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (5)

Solutions to Fungal Diseases

Fungal diseases can also be a culprit in leaves turning white on tomato plants. A tomato plant can be susceptible to over-watering, which will lead to root rot and fungal diseases. Make sure you water only when needed and that your tomato is in well-drained soil to prevent the roots from becoming excessively moist at any point which would introduce pathogens or fungi into the tomato's system.

Some common fungal diseases that affect tomato plants are Alternaria or Septoria Leaf spot.

If your plant is already plagued with fungal diseases, you could try treating it with a fungicide.

Solutions to Nutrient deficiencies or too many nutrients

If tomato leaves turn white due to nutrient deficiencies, amend the tomato's soil with a fertilizer that is designed specifically for tomato plants.

A well-balanced tomato fertilizer will include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You might want to make sure there is also calcium and magnesium, as tomato plants also require these nutrients.

Another solution could be adding an organic compost tea made from cow manure and straw soaked in water as it contains nitrogen and phosphorus- two of the main nutrients needed by tomato plants.

If your tomato plant has too many nutrients, the tomato leaves will turn white. This can happen when a tomato plant is grown in soil that has too much nitrogen or phosphorus, which burns and damages tomato leaf tissue.

To correct the soil that has too much nitrogen or phosphorus, tomato plants should be grown in a pot with soil that has been amended to have less of these nutrients.

FAQS About Tomato Plants

Will tomato plants recover from sunscald?

Unfortunately, tomato plants that develop sunscald will not grow back. The best way to deal with sunscald on tomato leaves is to try to prevent it from happening in the first place.

How much water do tomatoes need?

Tomato plants don't need a ton of water, but they do require frequent watering. The tomato plants need to be watered more in the summer months and less when it is cooler outside. Tomato plants need about 1-2 inches of water a week.

Most tomato plant problems such as blossom end rot are caused by too much water or not enough water.

Tomato plant problems caused by too little watering are usually the result of a dry environment or soil that needs amending to better support tomato growth.

Can tomato plants be cured of nutrient deficiencies?

Yes, tomato plants that are nutrient deficient can recover from this by adjusting their soil with a fertilizer designed for tomatoes and adding mulch if necessary.

What fertilizer is best for tomato plants?

Tomato plants thrive in rich soil but need to be amended with a tomato fertilizer for proper growth.

Fertilizers should contain phosphorus and nitrogen as these are two major nutrients that tomato needs for healthy plant life. One that I recommend is Dr. Earth's Home Grown Fertilizer.

When is the best time to transplant tomato seedlings?

As with other plants, tomatoes prefer warmer weather. However, they tolerate a broad range of temperatures. If you live in a climate where winters are brief and cool (or nonexistent) I would recommend starting seeds indoors and transplanting them into the garden once all danger of frost has passed.

If you live in a climate where winter is long and cold I highly recommend that you purchase healthy starts from your local home improvement store or from an online seed supplier like Botanical Interests.

Here is an entire post I have dedicated to when to transplant tomato seedlings so you can have success!

Should I cut dead leaves off my tomato plant?

Yes - tomato leaves that are no longer alive should be cut off. This clears the way for new growth to emerge and allows plant food to supply more of what your tomato needs.

Preventing and Treating Tomato Leaves Turning White

In summary, tomato leaves turning white have a variety of causes and this article has addressed some common occurrences. The solution to these problems can be as simple as moving the plant away from direct sunlight, making sure that it is fertilized more often, or reducing your watering habits. We hope that this blog post has served as a helpful guide to why tomato leaves turn white, what might be causing it, and how you can fix it!

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Tomato Leaves Turning White? What's Happening and How To Fix It. — Gardening, Herbs, Plants, and Product Reviews (2024)


What to do when tomato plant leaves turn white? ›

If tomato leaves turn white due to nutrient deficiencies, amend the tomato's soil with a fertilizer that is designed specifically for tomato plants. A well-balanced tomato fertilizer will include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Why did my tomato plant leaves turn white? ›

Plants lacking nitrogen or phosphorus may show whitening or yellowing of their leaves. A tomato fertilizer containing the proper amounts of these nutrients is a likely solution. Additionally, deficiencies of calcium or magnesium will also cause whitening of leaves with the leaf veins retaining their green hue.

How do you fix tomato leaf fungus? ›

To create a solution that prevents and treats disease, add a heaping tablespoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of vegetable oil, and a small amount of mild soap to a gallon of water and spray the tomato plants with this solution. This needs to be reapplied regularly to maintain its efficiency.

What do diseased tomato leaves look like? ›

Identifiy: Appearing as tiny, round splotches on the leaves, this tomato disease (Septoria lycopersici) typically starts on the lowest leaves first. The spots have dark brown edges and lighter centers, and there are usually many spots on each leaf. Infected leaves eventually turn yellow and then brown, and fall off.

Can you spray Epsom salt on tomato leaves? ›

Make up a solution of about a teaspoon of Epsom salts per litre (quarter gallon) of water in a spray bottle. Simply wet the foliage on your tomato plants every two weeks using a fine spray setting. It will quickly be absorbed by the leaves. Avoid spraying on hot, sunny days or when rain is imminent.

What does Overwatered tomato plants look like? ›

Overwatered plants may have wilted or yellowed stems and leaves, or the leaves might develop bumps and blisters or fall off entirely if plants continue to get too much water. Another way to tell overwatered plants from underwatered ones, once the case is severe enough, is to check the roots.

What kills leaf fungus? ›

Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda in 1 quart of water. Spray plants thoroughly, as the solution will only kill fungus that it comes into contact with. Milk spray is another effective home remedy.

What does baking soda do for tomato plants? ›

Although it seems silly, this simple garden trick really works. The baking soda absorbs into the soil and lowers its acidity levels giving you tomatoes that are more sweet than tart.

What is the best fungicide for tomato plants? ›

Active ingredient chlorothalonil is the most recommended chemical for us on tomato fungus. It can be applied until the day before you pick tomatoes, which is a clear indication of its low toxicity. Chlorothalonil can be used as soon as tomato plants are subjected to humid or rainy conditions that can cause blight.

Should I cut off diseased tomato leaves? ›

As a tomato plant matures, its lower leaves begin to yellow. Pinch or prune yellowed leaves to prevent disease, improve the tomato plant's appearance, and help the plant keep its energy focused on fruit production. Don't over prune in hot climates.

How do I add calcium to my tomato plants? ›

Natural sources of calcium include crushed eggshells and shell meal, the ground shells of marine animals. You can buy shell meal at nurseries or garden stores. Make homemade calcium for plants by mixing the shell meal or crushed eggshells directly into the soil about 6 or 7 inches deep before you plant your tomatoes.

Can tomatoes recover from powdery mildew? ›

Horticultural oils and neem oil have helped reduce and sometimes eradicate powdery mildew on plants. Do not apply oils during a drought, when temperatures are above 90º F, or within two weeks of treating plants with a sulfur product. In all cases, thoroughly cover plant with treatments.

What causes leaves to turn white? ›

This condition is called chlorosis, and it means that the plant doesn't produce enough chlorophyll to have green leaves. Chlorosis in plants results from compact roots, poor drainage, nutrient deficiency, and high alkalinity.

How do you fix nitrogen deficiency in tomato plants? ›

For naturally poor soils the best solution is to dig large amounts of well-rotted organic matter into the soil. This will add slow release nitrogen to the soil and improve its ability to make it available to plants.

Do coffee grounds help tomatoes? ›

Coffee grounds contain around 2% nitrogen as well as varying amounts of phosphorus and potassium which are all very important for the growth of tomato plants. By mixing some coffee grounds into the soil below your tomato plants you're introducing these nutrients that the plants need to thrive.

Can you sprinkle Epsom salt around tomato plants? ›

Unnecessary additives that are not taken up by plants — including Epsom salt — can contaminate ground water. Adding Epsom salt to the soil tomatoes are growing in can actually promote blossom-end rot, a truly disappointing garden woe. The tomatoes start to bear fruit and then rot on the bottom.

Should tomato plants be watered every day? ›

Water newly planted tomatoes well to make sure soil is moist and ideal for growing. Early in the growing season, watering plants daily in the morning. As temperatures increase, you might need to water tomato plants twice a day. Garden tomatoes typically require 1-2 inches of water a week.

Should you water your tomato plants every night? ›

Tomato plants need to be watered daily or every other day unless you have had recent rain. The plants need 1-1.5 inches of water per week, but container-grown tomato plants need to be watered twice per day. The best time to water your plants is early in the morning before the sun gets too hot.

Can tomato plants get too much sun? ›

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, however, and in a hot summer like this one, direct sun on some tomato varieties can cause a problem known as sunscald. Sunscald usually shows up as a whitish spot on the sun-facing side of ripening fruit. Soon the spot develops into a white or yellow blister.

Does baking soda destroy fungus? ›

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an antifungal agent and can even kill some established forms of fungus. Research has shown it's effective against some kinds of black spot and powdery mildew.

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Potassium bicarbonate– Similar to baking soda, this has the unique advantage of actually eliminating powdery mildew once it's there. Potassium bicarbonate is a contact fungicide which kills the powdery mildew spores quickly.

Is vinegar good for plant fungus? ›

Apple cider vinegar as fungicide on plants- To make a fungicide out of this, take one tablespoon of vinegar and mix it with a gallon of water. Shake this well and add to a spray bottle. Vinegar mixture can treat most fungal infections on any plant, without causing any harm.

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Step 2: Sweeten Your Tomatos

Second when tomatos begin to appear and are about 1 inch in diameter lightly sprinkle baking soda around each plant to make them sweeter. Repeat this process again when tomatoes are about half grown.

What time of day is best to spray fungicide on tomatoes? ›

The higher the temperature and lower the relative humidity, the greater the opportunity for fungicide evaporation or volatilization. This can be avoided by spraying early in the morning when temperatures are lower and the relative humidity is higher.

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Infected plants should be treated with a bactericide during periods of wet weather. Copper is frequently used to control bacterial infections, but it is often not effective with this disease because it doesn't treat systemic infections. It may be effective in the case of secondary infections.

Should you spray water on tomato plant leaves? ›

Misting the leaves of these plants would lead to excess moisture, which can cause fungal diseases, rot, and other potentially fatal issues. As a matter of fact, you should even avoid splashing the leaves of your tomato plants when you water them and try not to water them at night.

What is killing my tomato leaves? ›

Tomato plants and leaves can wilt when the soil is either too wet or too dry. Too wet and the roots literally drown, while very dry soil won't supply plants with all the moisture they need. Tomato plants may develop yellow leaves as well as looking wilted. Solutions: Pay close attention to watering.

What happens if I cut all the leaves off my tomato plant? ›

Removing some of the leaves will help the sun reach the tomatoes, and they will ripen faster. The plant will focus more energy on growing the tomatoes if you remove some of the leaves too. I remove all of the leaves up to the first tomato bunch on the main stem.

How do you keep tomato leaves green? ›

Tomatoes that don't have enough magnesium will develop yellow leaves with green veins. If you're sure of a magnesium deficiency, try a homemade Epsom salt mixture. Combine two tablespoons of Epsom salt with a gallon of water and spray the mixture on the plant.

How do you increase nitrogen in soil? ›

How to Add Nitrogen to the Soil
  1. Add Composted Manure.
  2. Use a Green Manure Crop.
  3. Plant Nitrogen-Fixing Plants.
  4. Mix Coffee Grounds in the Soil.
  5. Use Fish Emulsion.
  6. Spread Grass Clippings As Mulch.
  7. Use an Actual Plant Fertilizer.

How do I add potassium to my tomato plants? ›

For good yield and fruit quality, tomatoes need an ample supply of potassium (potash) which can be supplied with fertilizer, wood ashes and organic matter. 4. Maintain proper soil pH. This is important for optimum nutrient availability and health of many beneficial soil organisms.

What is the fastest way to add calcium to plants? ›

Foliar spray: You can add calcium via a spray that contains calcium chloride, calcium acetate, or calcium nitrate. This method is quick-acting and useful on plants showing an obvious and pronounced deficiency of calcium. In the case of sprays, plant leaves absorb the calcium directly.

What is the fastest way to add calcium to soil? ›

How to Raise Calcium in Soil. Adding lime to the soil in autumn is the easiest answer to how to raise calcium in the soil. Eggshells in your compost will also add calcium to soil. Some gardeners plant eggshells along with their tomato seedlings to add calcium to soil and prevent blossom end rot.

What is the best calcium fertilizer for tomatoes? ›

Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer works great on tomatoes and peppers to reduce blossom end rot. It also helps to prevent tip burn in lettuce and rust spot in potatoes, both of which result from calcium deficiencies. Adequate calcium levels help to reduce stem rot in broccoli plants, allowing for larger heads.

Why are the leaves in my garden turning white? ›

Frost and cold injury cause leaves to turn white. Frost injury is commonly seen in the early spring when warm-season vegetable crops experience night temperatures below 32° F. Affected leaves out-grow the injury if plants are healthy and not stressed further by low temperatures.

Why did my plant turn white? ›

The condition is called chlorosis and it means the plant is not producing enough chlorophyll to look green. Since chlorophyll uses sunlight to make food for the plant, it's a sign the plant is in distress.

What is a natural remedy for powdery mildew? ›

Baking soda solution: Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda and ½ teaspoon liquid soap such as Castile soap (not detergent) in 1 gallon of water. Spray liberally, getting top and bottom leaf surfaces and any affected areas.

Does baking soda stop powdery mildew? ›

YES. How it works: Baking Soda works by creating an alkaline environment on the leaf, and fungus (powdery mildew and blight are both fungi) cannot colonize the surface of the leaf since they need a neutral pH (around 7.0) to survive and thrive.

Can white leaves turn green again? ›

Generally when a houseplant leaf turns yellow, that leaf is dying. Chlorophyll gives a leaf its green color. When the leaf loses its chlorophyll, the plant abandons it and begins to absorb leftover nutrients from the leaf. That's why once the leaf turns yellow, you generally can't make it turn back green again.

How do you get rid of white scale on outdoor plants? ›

For lighter infestations, gently remove scale with a soft toothbrush or cotton swab dipped in soapy water or 70% isopropyl alcohol. Test a small area first, as some plants may be sensitive. Check plants every few days and repeat treatment if necessary.

How do you fix leaf discoloration? ›

Incorporate organic matter and organic mulch into your planting sites. Garden gypsum can also improve soil compaction, especially in heavy clay soils, and help keep leaves green. Improper soil pH can cause nutrient deficiencies and yellow leaves.

What is the fastest way to fix nitrogen deficiency? ›

Nitrogen deficiency can be corrected by applying either organic or inorganic fertilisers, but nitrate or ammonium-based fertilisers work the most quickly. Any general-purpose “grow” formula will usually provide enough nitrogen to correct major deficiencies.

What is the fastest way to add nitrogen to soil? ›

The fastest way to add nitrogen to soil is by applying a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. This includes certain all-purpose plant foods with a high portion of nitrogen, as well as fertilizers formulated for green plants (especially lawn fertilizers).

How can I add nitrogen to my plants fast? ›

Here are some ways to give your plants a quick dose of this vital nutrient:
  1. Blood Meal or Alfalfa Meal. One option to quickly add nitrogen to your garden soil is to use blood meal. ...
  2. Diluted Human Urine. ...
  3. Manure Tea. ...
  4. Compost. ...
  5. Chop-and-Drop Mulch. ...
  6. Plant Nitrogen-Fixing Plants. ...
  7. Stop tilling. ...
  8. Polyculture.
28 Jul 2020

How do you increase chlorophyll in plants? ›

What stimulates the production of chlorophyll? To improve photosynthesis, plant growth and yield, in addition to sufficient light and water, it is also important to provide crops with the following elements: nitrogen, magnesium, iron, manganese. Only then can the plant produce chlorophyll.

What is the white powder on my plant leaves? ›

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that results in a powdery gray or white coating on the leaves and stems of infected plants. It starts out as a few spores on the leaves, and quickly spreads, eventually yellowing the leaves and causing premature leaf drop.

What do overwatered plants look like? ›

If a plant is overwatered, it will likely develop yellow or brown limp, droopy leaves as opposed to dry, crispy leaves (which are a sign of too little water). Wilting leaves combined with wet soil usually mean that root rot has set in and the roots can no longer absorb water.

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