Today's ARM Loan Rates (2024)

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Compare current adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) rates to find the best rate for you. Lock in your rate today and see how much you can save.

Current ARM Rates

Today’s current ARM rates are as follows:

What Is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage?

ARMs are home loans whose rates can vary over the life of the loan. Unlike a fixed-rate mortgage, which carries the same interest rate over the entirety of the loan term, ARMs start with a rate that’s fixed for a short period, say five years, and then adjust.

For example, a 5/1 ARM will have the same rate for the first five years, then can adjust each year after that—meaning the rate might go up or down, based on the market.

How Does an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Work?

ARMs are always tied to some well-known benchmark—an interest rate that’s published widely and easy to follow—and reset according to a schedule your lender will tell you in advance. But since there’s no way of knowing what the economy or financial markets will be doing in several years, they can be a much riskier way to finance a home than a fixed-rate mortgage.

Pros and Cons of an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage

An ARM isn’t for everyone. You need to take the time to consider the pros and cons before choosing this option.

Pros of an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage

  • Lower initial interest rates. ARMs often, though not always, carry a lower initial interest rate than fixed-rate mortgages do. This can make your mortgage payment more affordable, at least in the short term.
  • Payment caps. While your interest rate may go up, ARMs have payment caps, which limit how much the rate can go up with each adjustment and how many times a lender can raise it.
  • More savings in the first few years. An ARM may still be a good option for you, particularly if you don’t think you’ll stay in your home for a long time. Some ARMs have initial rates that last five years, but others can be as long as seven or 10 years. If you plan to move before then, it might make more financial sense to go with an ARM instead of a fixed-rate mortgage.

Cons of an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage

  • Potentially higher rates. The risks that accompany ARMs are no longer just hypothetical. The Federal Reserve, which sets interest rates throughout the economy, has been raising interest rates aggressively and plans to keep them elevated for some time. This means that any ARM that you take out now may have a higher, and possibly substantially higher, rate when it resets in a few years.
  • Little advantage when rates are low. ARMs don’t make as much sense when interest rates are historically low. There was essentially no cost savings in opting for an ARM during the past few years when all interest rates were at rock-bottom levels—so it always pays to shop around.
  • May be difficult to understand. ARMs have complicated structures, and there are many types, which can make things confusing. If you don’t take the time to understand how they work, it could end up costing you more than you expect.

Types of ARMs

There are three types of adjustable-rate mortgages:

  • Hybrid. The traditional type of ARM. Examples of hybrid ARMs include 5/1 or 7/6 ARMs. The interest rate is fixed for a set number of years (indicated by the first number) and then adjusts at regular intervals (indicated by the second number). For example, a 5/1 ARM means that the rate will stay the same for the first five years and then adjust every year after that. A 7/6 ARM rate stays the same for the first seven years then adjusts every six months.
  • Interest-only. An interest-only (I-O) mortgage means you’ll only pay interest for a fixed number of years before you start paying down the principal balance—unlike a conventional fixed-rate mortgage where you pay a portion of the principal and interest every month. With an I-O home loan, your monthly payments start off small and then increase over time as you eventually start to pay down the principal balance. Most I-O periods last between three and 10 years.
  • Payment option. This type of ARM allows you to pay back your loan in different ways. For instance, you can choose to pay traditionally (principal and interest), interest only or the minimum payment.

ARM Loan Requirements

While ARM loan requirements vary by lender, here’s what you generally need to qualify for one.

Credit Score

Aim for a credit score of at least 620. Many of the best mortgage lenders won’t offer ARMs to borrowers with a score lower than 620.

Debt-to-Income Ratio

ARM lenders generally require a debt-to-income (DTI) ratio of less than 50%. That means your total monthly debt should be less than 50% of your monthly income.

Down Payment

You’ll typically need a down payment of at least 3% to 5% for a conventional ARM loan. Don’t forget that a down payment of less than 20% will require you to pay private mortgage insurance (PMI).

FHA ARM loans only require a 3.5% down payment, but paying that amount means you’ll have to pay mortgage insurance premiums for the life of the loan.

Adjustable-Rate Mortgage vs. Fixed

Fixed-rate mortgages are often considered a wiser option for most borrowers. Being able to lock in a low interest rate for 30 years—but still have the option to refinance as you want, if conditions change—often makes the most financial sense. Not to mention it’s predictable, so you know exactly what your rate is going to be over the course of the loan term.

But not everyone expects to stay in their home for years and years. You may be buying a starter home with the intention of building some equity before moving up to a “forever home.” In that case, if an ARM has a lower interest rate, you may be able to direct more of your money into that nest egg.

Alternatively, an ARM with a lower rate than a fixed-rate mortgage may simply be more affordable for you. As long as you’re comfortable with the idea of selling your home or otherwise moving on before the ARM’s initial rates reset—or taking the chance that you’ll be able to afford the new, higher payments—that may also be a reasonable choice.

How To Get the Best ARM Rate

If you’re not sure whether an ARM or a fixed-rate mortgage makes more sense for you, you should research lenders who offer both. A mortgage professional like a broker may also be able to help you weigh your options and secure a better rate.

Can You Refinance an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage?

It’s possible to refinance an existing adjustable-rate mortgage into a new ARM or fixed-rate mortgage. You may consider an adjustable-rate refinance when you can get a better interest rate and benefit from a shorter repayment period.

Turning an existing adjustable-rate mortgage into a fixed interest rate mortgage is the better option when you want the same interest rate and monthly payment for the life of your loan. It may also be in your best interest to refinance into a fixed-rate mortgage before your ARM’s fixed-rate introductory period ends.

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Is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage a Good Idea?

Adjustable-rate mortgages can have lower interest rates during the introductory period than fixed-rate loans. It’s also possible for rates to fall in the future, which may result in you paying less interest over the life of the loan than if you had taken out a fixed-rate mortgage from the start.

You should also consider an ARM if you’re comfortable with a short repayment period, such as when you’re planning on paying off your mortgage early.

However, this may not be the best loan type for borrowers that need as long as 30 years to pay back their mortgage as interest rates can fluctuate widely over the life of the loan. Consider a fixed-rate refinance to lock in the same rate and monthly payment for the entire repayment period. This has the added bonus of allowing you to easily estimate your total interest costs.

Related: Is Now A Good Time To Get An ARM?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is an ARM a good idea in 2024?

In a high-interest-rate environment, ARMs can help you land a lower mortgage rate and afford more home, but they’re not the best option for every borrower. With mortgage rates trending downward and the Federal Reserve expected to cut interest rates in 2024, ARMs are not as enticing as they were, say, at the end of 2023.

If you plan to move or refinance before your ARM’s fixed-rate introductory period ends, then an ARM today may be a good idea. If not, consider exploring fixed-rate options and waiting for rates to drop even further.

When is an adjustable-rate mortgage a good idea?

There are times when an adjustable-rate mortgage might be a great choice for you. For instance, you may want to consider an ARM if you don’t plan to stay in your home for a long period of time. Many ARMs have an initial fixed-rate period of five, seven or 10 years, which may be about as long as you expect to own the home.

Another good reason to consider an ARM is if you can’t afford the monthly payment of a fixed-rate mortgage. However, you’ll want to be sure you have an exit strategy before the ARM resets to a higher rate. An ARM may also benefit you if you have owned the home for some time and temporarily need a lower monthly payment before you sell.

Why are ARM rates lower than fixed rates?

Except in exceptional circ*mstances, borrowers usually pay a little more for the peace of mind that a long-term, fixed-rate mortgage brings. ARMs are riskier, since they reset to a different (likely higher) rate once their initial phase is done.

What factors directly affect an adjustable-rate mortgage?

The primary factor that affects an adjustable-rate mortgage is the Federal Reserve. The interest rate on an ARM is linked to the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), and the Fed’s decision to lower or increase its target federal funds rate can influence the SOFR to go up or down. This, in turn, would lead to a rise or fall in ARM rates as well.

Timing is another factor, as whether the ARM’s interest rate goes up or down will depend on when the loan is scheduled to reset (and if interest rates are rising or falling at the time).

Is a 10-year ARM a good idea?

A 10-year ARM could be a good idea if you have a high income, plan to stay in your house longer and can afford to make larger monthly payments. This may allow you to pay off the loan sooner.

This type of ARM can also be a good idea if you are approaching retirement. Paying off a mortgage loan with a shorter term while still earning income helps soon-to-be retirees to save money on interest payments.

Can you pay off an ARM early?

Some mortgage loans come with prepayment penalties during the first few years of the loan, and these may lead to substantial costs on homeowners with ARMs who want to pay off the loan early before their rates increase. Many states have laws that cap the amount or duration of these penalties, though. If your ARM has a prepayment penalty, it has to be disclosed in your loan documents.

What is the fully indexed rate on an ARM?

The fully indexed rate on an ARM is the margin—a number set by your lender when you applied for the loan—plus the index (benchmark interest rate). The result is your interest rate on the ARM when the initial rate expires.

Your lender will decide which index your loan will use when you apply, and it won’t change after closing. The margin is the number of percentage points the lender adds to the index to set your interest rate after the initial rate period ends. It is set in your loan agreement and does not change after closing.

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Today's ARM Loan Rates (2024)


What are the ARM rates right now? ›

Today's ARM mortgage rates
ProductInterest RateAPR
3/1 ARM6.35%7.74%
5/1 ARM6.63%7.88%
7/1 ARM6.76%7.93%
10/1 ARM7.05%7.97%

Is a 7 year ARM a good idea right now? ›

A 7/1 ARM is a good option if you intend to live in your new house for less than seven years or plan to refinance your home within the same timeframe. An ARM tends to have lower initial rates than a fixed-rate loan, so you can take advantage of the lower payment for the introductory period.

Is an ARM a good idea in 2024? ›

The pros and cons of choosing an ARM mortgage

Monthly payments can decrease if market rates fall—as some predict in 2024, as shown above—or they may increase if rates rise after the initial fixed period. ARMs are complex, requiring careful planning for rate adjustments and potential payment increases.

What is the interest only on a 5 1 ARM? ›

For example, if you choose a 5/1 interest-only ARM, you'll only make interest payments for the first 5 years. Thereafter, your mortgage would start amortizing, which means you would begin paying principal and interest as part of your monthly mortgage payment.

Should I get a fixed-rate or ARM? ›

Fixed interest rates can give you a better sense of stability with your budget, and you can make extra payments toward principal to pay down your loan at any time. Tight monthly budgets: ARMs have low initial interest rates, but after this period ends, rates can be unpredictable.

What is a 5 year ARM rate? ›

A 5-year ARM loan is a variable-rate loan with an initial fixed-rate feature. After an initial five-year period, the fixed rate converts to a variable rate. It stays variable for the remaining life of the loan, adjusting every year in line with an index rate, which fluctuates with market conditions.

What is the downside of an ARM? ›

One drawback of ARMs is that the interest rates fluctuate over time. After the initial fixed-rate period, the interest rate on an ARM is adjusted periodically based on changes in the chosen financial index. Therefore, borrowers risk receiving rising interest rates.

Can you switch from ARM to fixed rate? ›

Refinancing can be done for many reasons, but switching from an adjustable-rate mortgage (or ARM) to a fixed-rate mortgage is one of the most common. The general rule of thumb is that refinancing to a fixed-rate loan makes the most sense when interest rates are low.

Should I do a 3 year ARM? ›

Here are some scenarios when it might be a good idea to get a 3/1 ARM: If you plan to sell the home before the first rate adjustment. If you plan to use the savings from the first three years for a higher-yield investment or other financial goal.

Is it smart to get an ARM? ›

ARMs tend to have lower starting rates than fixed-rate loans, but can get more costly after the introductory period ends. ARMs tend to work best for those who know they'll sell the home after a few years or can afford payment jumps.

How much can an ARM go up in a year? ›

7- and 10-year ARMs may only increase by two percentage points annually after the initial fixed interest rate period, and six percentage points over the life of the Mortgage.

What credit score do you need for an ARM loan? ›

ARM credit score qualifications

You'll need a credit score of at least 620 to qualify for a conventional ARM. FHA ARMs have a lower threshold: 580. VA ARMs don't have a blanket credit score requirement, but many VA lenders look for at least 620.

Can you refinance after a 5 1 ARM? ›

Yes, you can refinance an adjustable-rate mortgage with a new adjustable-rate mortgage. You'll want to compare the rate, terms, and costs of a new ARM against your existing ARM and decide if refinancing makes sense for you. Last reviewed and updated June 2023 by Freedom Mortgage.

Is a 5 1 ARM risky? ›

Any ARM is riskier than a fixed-rate mortgage, as your rate and payment can change over time. This is especially true in an increasing-rate environment. You can avoid these 5/1 ARM risks by planning to refinance or move before your rate can adjust.

Can an ARM interest rate go down? ›

After the fixed introductory period, the rate on an ARM adjusts periodically to reflect market rates. Most ARMs adjust every six or 12 months. If interest rates go down, an ARM's rate can go down as well.

How high can ARM interest rates go? ›

The lifetime cap is most commonly 5%, though some lenders set a higher cap. In the example of a 5/1 ARM that starts at 3.5% and has a cap structure of 2/2/5, the interest rate can never go higher than 8.5%.

Is a 10-1 ARM a good idea? ›

The interest rate on a 10/1 ARM is composed of a margin rate and an index rate, which can cause it to rise or fall depending on market trends. A 10/1 ARM may be a good choice for those who plan to sell their home within the first 10 years of the loan.

What is right arm rate? ›

This practice gave rise to the term “right arm rate,” signifying a member of the seaman branch. In Navy culture, right arm rates are traditionally held to be more “salty” — tough and seamanlike — than Sailors in the more technical ratings.

What are interest rates right now? ›

Current mortgage and refinance interest rates
ProductInterest RateAPR
30-Year Fixed Rate7.04%7.09%
20-Year Fixed Rate6.80%6.85%
15-Year Fixed Rate6.47%6.55%
10-Year Fixed Rate6.40%6.47%
5 more rows

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