The Ultimate Freshman Guide To Financial Aid - Society19 (2024)

The process of applying for and paying off college financial aid is absolutely deplorable for everyone. There’s just no other way around it. And to be quite honest, who even knows how to dofinancial aid?What does college financial aid even mean?If these questions boggle your brain half as much as they do mine, I can assure youyou’re not alone. Luckily I have learned somefinancial aid tricks-of-the-trade while I was inschool, thanks to my remarkably wonderful parents who helped me out along the way. And although it is still a concept that makes me feel dizzy and sleepysimultaneously, I hope to shed some light on the basics offinancial aid that still confuse so many people to this day. Keep reading for the ultimate freshman guide to financial aid!

Who can apply?

Financial aid isn’t available to just anybody. Not everyone can simply hop on the computer and submit an applicationlike they’reregistering for a Starbucks membership card. However, many more students than ever beforeare applying for financial aid because of the outrageous cost of attending collegestoday. It is by no means something to be ashamed of. In fact, ¾ of collegestudents receive financial aid. The biggest mistake people make is not applying because they don’t think they will be approved. So really, it’s kind of like becoming a part of an elite club that everyone is in on but don’t necessarily speak publicly about.


To put it simply: any student whose personalworth as well as theirexpected family’scontribution is not enough to cover the cost of attendance can apply, and most likely receive, financial aid.

Sorry can you say that again?

Sure.Any student whose personal worth (how much they have in their savings/checking accounts), in addition totheir expected family’s contribution (income, assets, etc.), is still not enough to cover the cost of attending the school of their choice (yearly tuition, room and board, travel expenses, food expenses, books and materials, etc.), may apply for financial aid.

Whatkind of math are we looking at here?

Warning: This paragraph may make you nauseous.


Every year is like a fresh, delicious, new recipe for the amount of money you can receive that year based on your current financial standing and any financial changes that happened to you within that past year. This means any change in occupation, any relationship change such as divorce or death, thenumberof children enrolled in college under one household, can relate to that year’s financial aid.

According to theCollege Board, the average cost of tuition and fees for the 2015–2016 school year was $32,405 at private colleges, $9,410 for state residents at public colleges, and $23,893 for out-of-state residents attending public universities. Remember, (and take a deep breath for this one) that is the price for onlyone year. I don’t know about you, but I figure that attending college for more than one year is probably a good idea.

So let’s say you find some middle ground and happily decide to opt for a public university even though you are an out-of-state resident. The average estimated price it would be to attend your college for four full years is 5K shy of $100 grand. (Again, deep breaths.)

Not to rub it in, but with this money you could easily purchase four carsor a house with that kind of money…

What are the different forms of applications?


Most famously known is theFree Application for Federal Student Aidotherwise known as FAFSA. This applicationis used to “determine the amount of money a family is expected to contribute to the price of attending a post-secondary institution.” The results of the FAFSA are used in “determining any scholarships, student grants, work studies, and loan amounts.” (But don’t let the “Free” in FAFSA fool you, you will still most definitely have to pay for an application for financial aid one way or another.)


This is mostly because almost every college or university requires both the FAFSA and the college scholarship service, or the CCS. This is the application distributed by the college board that allows students to apply for financial aid.


School Specific

Additionally, some colleges (but not many) require athirdfinancial aid application form as well. These forms are usually created specifically by their school and tailored only to their school. Providence College is a school to do this, for example.

What are the different types ofloans?

Un-subsidized Loan

The“standard” un-subsidizedloans are the loans that the government lends usthathave a 6% interest rate on them. (Meaning the price of the initial loan will rise by 6% the longer you put off payingit.) For some perspective: A6% interest rate of an average year’s worth of tuitioncosting $23,893 is an additional $1,500. So pay them off ASAP! I agree that this interest rate seemsabsolutely outrageous when you figure that the interest rate for a loan for a house is averaged at 4%. But a bank can always re-possess your house as collateral if you are late with your payments, and it’s a little harder for the government to essentially “re-posses” an education.


Subsidized Loan

A “subsidized” loanhas a lower than 6% interest rate.

Gift Aid

The beautiful thing we call a “gift aid”is a loan you don’t need to pay back(Score!) because they are in the forms of either grants or scholarships.

Grant– based on financial standing.


Scholarship– based on merit, achievements, and financial standing or simply on financial standing.

  • A couple examples of useful websites for applying for merit and achievement-based scholarships include: this website.
  • Only consider a loan after you are totally exhausted of trying to find and apply for scholarships and grants.It really is so worth it. There are thousands of different, random scholarships anyone can apply for such as, (no joke,) a scholarship for people who are abnormally tall. You can find a list of some of the craziest scholarship opportunities here.
  • To compare all of your private loan options, click here

Work Study-a type of financial loan in which the student obtains some type of job on campus as part of the deal.

How do I apply?

First of all, I would like to acknowledge thatif you find the concept of applying for financial aid not only terrifying, but absolutely confounding, you’re not alone. In many ways applying for financial aid is like filing your taxes. You have to do it each year, you have to file your tax return before making an application, and, (similar to an accountant) there are people whose freakin’occupations are to apply for financial aid for you. (…I know what you’re thinking…who would ever want that job?!) But have some minor comfort in that thought, though. This is definitely not an easy task!


Determinewhere you stand financially.

Tip: Any money you have saved in your bank account, (whether it is 10K from your summerhigh school babysittinggig or the $500 check your Grandma deposited in your account last Christmas),any money you have in your checking or savings account is money that schools assume you can and should use totally for your tuition.

Womp womp womp…

Therefore: If you have any debts that you are saving money to pay off forat the moment, pay those babies off ASAP and don’t let that money just sit in your account. If you do, colleges will see that money and assume that this money should be used completely towards your education. Oh, and allthose glorious graduation checks you received from your friends at family at your grad party? Wait to deposit those too, becauseCollege Board is sneaky and ruthless and even asks whether or not you received any money for Graduation.


Tip: Luckily, they will not touch upon the money you have that is the value of your home OR any money you have in a retirement fund or 401K.

Therefore:You are better off putting your money into a retirement fund beforepaying fortuitionbecause no, unfortunately there is no such thing as a “retirement loan.”


Still with me so far?(If you are, give yourself a pat on the back. This stuffisn’teasy.)

Get in front of that computer and just do it.

OK- So you have done your math, you understand where you stand financially, and you decide you do, in fact, need financial aid. Finallyyou areready to apply. But, before you send little Timmy to the family desktop with strict instructionsto apply for his financial aid, you may want to think again…

Why you may ask?


Well, it’s virtually impossible for a student to fill out the financial aid applications, at least by themselves. In fact, even my amazing mother (who is one of the most intelligent people I know and even turned down Harvard) had a difficult time filling out the applications last year for my sister, and that was her fifth year doing it. Yes, the applications are done from the “students’ point of view,” but they are compiled predominantly of questions regarding the parent’s personal and financial information.

Like I mentioned earlier, you will need to file your tax return before making your application.

After you fill out the necessary financial aid applications that each school requires, ( and you should apply for anything you can get: your financially need based loans and your scholarship or merit based loans)you will wait ever-so-patientlyto be accepted from each school.


I received my Financial Aid, now what?

If you’re accepted into a school then the college will send you your financial aid “package” which containsall the necessary information regarding what they are loaning you. It is common for a university to give you a mix of different loan opportunities bunched together.

When looking through your financial aid packages, (and I advise taking your time to do this) make sure you are reading between the lines. Nothing in life comes for free. It is highly crucial that you measure up the cost of admission you calculated previously for each school and study it beside the amount of money they are willing to loan you. (If you have received a scholarship, for instance, make sure you know whether or not this scholarship is for one year or all four years of your enrollment.) Are there possibilities of applying again for these scholarships if they don’t cover all four years? Be smart about interpreting your financial aid offers.

Tip: you may be able to negotiate your financial aid package.


So how do I pay off all these loans?

This may seem incredibly daunting, and rightfully so. But you can do it, so have faith. I recommend that once you or your child has graduated, tocompile a listof all thedifferent student loans you have left over to pay, (some subsidized and some not) as well as the interest rates for each one.

Then, once you have created this positively captivating list, pay off the loans with the higher interest rates first. You can also look into consolidating all of your loans to a lower interest loan by refinancing your student loans. You can check out this websitefor different refinancing options.

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The Ultimate Freshman Guide To Financial Aid - Society19 (2024)


What is the base year for FAFSA? ›

For an initial grant of financial aid, your family income is calculated during the "base year," defined as the full calendar year beginning two years before high school graduation—that is, the last half of sophom*ore year and first half of junior year.

How to get more money from colleges? ›

  1. Write a detailed financial aid appeal letter. An appeal letter initiates the professional judgment review process. ...
  2. Include supporting documentation. ...
  3. 3. Mail your appeal. ...
  4. Follow up. ...
  5. Appealing the appeal. ...
  6. Apply for scholarships and grants. ...
  7. Consider a 'no loans' college. ...
  8. Get a college job.
Sep 29, 2023

What are two common methods used to inform your school of which financial aid you'll be accepting? ›

Informing Your School About Aid You'll Accept

You might have to enter the amounts you're accepting in an online form and then submit the form. If you receive a paper aid offer, you might have to sign it and mail it back to the school.

What are the goals of a financial aid specialist? ›

The primary goal of the financial aid professional is to help students achieve their educational potential by providing appropriate financial resources. NASFAA members are required to exemplify the highest level of ethical behavior and demonstrate the highest level of professionalism.

How much financial aid will I get if my parents make 100k? ›

Basically, there is no set income cutoff for aid. If you still think your parents are too wealthy to access financial aid, consider using either the Federal Student Aid Estimator or your school's net price calculator.

How much does FAFSA give based on income? ›

The FAFSA formula doesn't expect students or families to use all of their adjusted available income to pay for college. The formula allocates 50 percent of a dependent student's adjusted available income to cover college expenses and anywhere from 22 to 47 percent of parents' available income.

How much do parents' assets affect FAFSA? ›

Colleges will expect parents to use up to 5.64 percent of their assets toward college.

Is FAFSA a loan or free money? ›

It is not the financial aid itself. However, the FAFSA enables the student to qualify for many types of financial aid from several sources. Some of this money is free money, some must be earned through work, and some must be repaid. There are three main types of financial aid.

What is the #1 top college? ›

National Universities
  • #1. Princeton University.
  • #2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • #3. Harvard University (tie)

What increases your total loan balance in FAFSA? ›

When interest capitalizes, the unpaid interest is added to the principal amount of your student loan. Capitalization increases your loan's principal balance, and interest is charged on the new, larger balance. Your monthly payment may also increase. Unpaid interest capitalizes only under certain conditions.

Do you have to pay financial aid back if you fail? ›

If you fail a class, do you have to pay back your FAFSA financial aid? No, failing a class doesn't mean that you'll be forced to pay back any money that you received for that class. It could mean that you'll lose out on future money because you didn't perform well, though.

What is the money you don't have to pay back? ›

Unlike loans, grants don't have to be paid back. They are pretty competitive, however, and many come with rigid requirements, so this is by no means “easy.” But nothing worth doing is easy, right?

What are the four main financial goals? ›

The four primary financial objectives of firms are; stability, liquidity, profitability, and efficiency. The profitability objective focuses on generating enough revenue to meet the firms' expenses and the desired profit margin.

Why is it important to have a financial aid advisor? ›

A financial aid advisor can simplify and optimize the process of applying for financial aid, helping their clients access all the education funding they're entitled to. By using the expertise of an advisor, clients can be sure they're availing themselves of all existing aid opportunities.

What are the important elements of a financial aid offer? ›

The most helpful financial aid offers include the yearly costs of the school. If this is not included, take the time to find each school's annual costs including tuition, fees, food (if applicable), housing (if applicable), and an estimate of other expenses, such as books, supplies, and travel costs.

Which FAFSA covers spring 2024? ›

Which FAFSA form do I need to fill out?
If you plan to attend schoolYou need to
between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025submit the 2024–25 FAFSA form.
between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024submit the 2023–24 FAFSA form.
1 more row

Which FAFSA do I fill out for fall 2024? ›

Use the 2024–25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form to apply for aid for July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.

What semester is FAFSA 2024-2025 for? ›

The 2024–25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is now available. You can complete the form to apply for financial aid to help pay for attendance at college between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.

Is FAFSA based on last year? ›

The 2023–24 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form asks for 2021 income and tax information. enables submitting a FAFSA form as early as October of the year before attending school.

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