The quickest way to make money on Instagram (even with a small following) – VidzMak (2024)

Disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you,I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

I’ve read many blogs that say “How I earned $x in my first x months of blogging”, but soon people are going to read blogs on “How I earned $x in my first x months of Instagramming“. And those blog posts would be written byYOU.

So let’s start your Instagram money making journey…

If you don’t knowwhat is an affiliate link?

An affiliate link is a link to a product or service and is unique to you. You receive a commission for every sale that is made through that link.

This is the guide that encouraged me to START making money through affiliates!And by following the steps fromFROM ZERO TO SUPERHEROI was able to make my first $100 on Instagram.

Keep reading to learn how I did it…

So now that you know that the key to earning quick money on Instagram is promoting affiliate products,I’m gonna show youthe exact strategy that I used to make money on Instagram step-by-step…

But before we jump into the steps, there are2 important thingsyou need to keep in mindabout affiliate links:

  1. Whenever you use an affiliate link, you should always,always, disclose itto your audiencethat you will receive a commission if they buy from your link, with no extra cost on them. And this is pretty much easy in Instagram. You just need to use a hashtag, either #affiliate or #affiliatelink into the caption. As simple as that.

  2. Never ever try to sell something that you haven’t tried or will never use.Always recommend honestly. If you already have an engaged following or you are trying to build one, people are only looking for honest opinions. You need to build their trust. And they will only listen to you and buy your recommended products if they feel it is genuine. This will help you long term.

Now that we are done with these, let’s get to the steps you need to follow:


If you’re wondering how I managed to make money from so less followers, this is the most important tip you need to know.

There are 2 factors that helped me through this:

  • I have a VERY targeted audience (targeted followers)

  • I drove external traffic to my “money” post

If you ever want to make money on Instagram, you always want to make sure that you have a very niched audience. To do so, you need to post around a niched topic. Like for me, I post around Instagram tips and hence, my followers are the only ones who are interested in knowing Instagram tips.

So, if I recommend a product that will help them along their Instagram journey, they are going to love it! And that is what helped with my first $100.

Coming to the second point,I drove targeted Pinterest traffic to my “affiliated” Instagram post.

Here comes the fun part…

Obviously, if you have a small following, very few people are going to go and check that link in your bio. And hence, you’ll make less money.

But, what if I told you there’s a workaround to this?

You can make people visit your post directly and then they will go and checkout your link in bio!

And all of this can be done by Pinterest.

Now, you might be thinking why am I asking you to promote your Instagram post on Pinterest?

That’s because thePinterest-Instagram combination works really well.

✅This is something I’ve tried and tested myself, and it works amazingly.

And I must say that this works though it might sound silly! Try doing it yourself and then tell me how it went!

One of themajor advantages of this is, when your source URL is Instagram on any pin, that pin becomes a rich pin (which is one of the major things to make yourPinterest pin take off).

Now that you know this, these are the steps you need to follow:

  • You don’t have to use the same Instagram picture on Pinterest (and you shouldn’t). Your Pinterest image needs to be tall. Ideally, with 2:3 ratio of width:height.

  • Add your Instagram image into the Pinterest image. And add some convincing text onto the Pinterest image. This text should make people click on it.

  • Add your Instagram post URL into the URL section of the Pin you just created.

  • Add some keywords related to your image in the image description.

  • Pin your image strategically on several Pinterest group boards (15 recommended, with somerelevant time interval in between).

If you don’t have a strategy,this is the Pinterest strategythat I used to make my pin take off. I love this strategy because first, it made me money, and second, because it drives my blog and Instagram free traffic and likes! Not a bad deal, is it?Check out this strategy to get the same results as mine!

Champion Tip:Pinterest images usually take2 days to take off, so you need to keep sharing these pins extensively for 2 days and don’t change that URL on Instagram for at least 3-4 days if you really want this to happen.

Recommended:How to double your Instagram Engagement

Now, let’s talk about the steps you need to take:


  • What Instagram Experts are not telling you…
  • This is why your audience is watching, but not buying from you
  • Your content mistakes costing you new paid dream clients


If you are already using a product or service that might helpyouraudience, find out if there is anyaffiliate program available for it.

✅ To find a program, just search “[Your product/servicename]” + affiliate link” on Google.

Or, if you don’t use a product that might help your audience, start doing someresearch on the influencers in your niche. Go to their websites and find out which products/services they are promoting to their audience.

A good way to find this is in their “tools” or “resources” page. This page would be filled with their affiliate links.

And the best part is…

If the influencers are using these products to promote, it’s a surefire that they swear by it. Because they won’t recommend anything that their audience won’t enjoy. They have to keep their reputation anyway 😉

Once you have found a few products/services to promote. Go and join their affiliate programs.

Some of them will want you to have a website, some of them won’t. Also, for some of the affiliate programs your application needs to get approved by them. So this might take a while as well.

If you want to join affiliate programs and don’t know where to start, here are a few that you can join easily:

1. EarnEasyCommisions

This is one of thebest affiliate programsI’ve used so far. This affiliate program does not want you to sell anything. You get $1 for each referral – no selling required.

✔️ You don’t even need to buy anything to join this affiliate program.

Join for FREE here.

2. Ultimate Bundles

You can earn40% of each saleyou make. This will turn out to bethe best converting affiliates for you. It includes “bundles” for different niches. If you’re a beauty blogger, parent blogger or evenblogging blogger, they have something for you over there.

Many of these bundlescome for several times in a year. Somake sure you check the upcoming bundlesso that you can create a good post beforehand and make use of that bundle.

Plus, did I tell you thatyou get a complimentary bundle for yourself when you make 5 sales? It’sa win-win.

✔️Join this network for FREE here.


It’s a verypopularnetwork with over 4000 merchants in over 40 different categories.

I recommend every blogger to join this network.It’s easy to join and there are high chances that you will find products related to your niche.

✔️ Join this affiliate network for FREE here.

4. Sendowl

This is a marketplace where you will find many products to become a part of affiliate program. All products have their own commission percentage. This is thebest platform for newbies.

You don’t want to miss this one.This is the most easiest platform of all!

✔️ Join this affiliate network for free here.

Want more affiliate programs to join? ✅Click here for a list of 500 more affiliate programs to join.


  • 8 powerful reasons every blogger needs to start marketing on Instagram
  • 5 Instagram Story Link Hacks: Share links without 10k followers
  • The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Hashtags: How to Use Them to Gain Maximum Exposure


This might seem obvious, but bare with me for a while.There’s a trick to these high-quality images…

Not every high-quality picture that promotes an affiliate earns a good amount on Instagram. Some even earn no money at all.

The quickest way to make money on Instagram (even with a small following) – VidzMak (2024)


How much does Instagram pay for 1k followers? ›

Do you get paid for 1,000 followers on Instagram? Instagram accounts with 1,000 followers make $1,420/month on average and up to $100 per sponsored post.

How many followers do you need to make money on Instagram? ›

You can accomplish this with 1000 followers, but more followers can often mean more money. According to some research, an Instagram influencer needs approximately 5000 followers to earn around a hundred thousand per year. That number will vary based on each individual profile and its follower base.

Does Instagram pay you for views? ›

Instagram doesn't pay creators directly for views, whether 1,000 or one million people watch the content. How much money you make on Instagram depends on the number of followers you have, your engagement rate, and the monetization strategies you use.

How to make money on Instagram without selling anything? ›

Join Affiliate Programs

When someone makes a purchase using your link, you earn a commission. This method doesn't require you to sell anything directly, making it an ideal option if you're wondering how to make money on Instagram without selling anything.

Does Instagram pay for reels? ›

Short answer: Yes! Long answer: While building an audience and making an income can take some time, it is possible to earn money from Instagram Reels. It's just not quite as easy as it used to be. In the past, Instagram touted its Reels Play bonus program as a way for Instagram users to make money from their Reels.

How to start earning from Instagram? ›

One of the most promising ways to make money on Instagram is by becoming an influencer, micro influencer or nano influencer. As any of these types of influencers, you will be compensated with gifts or money in exchange for creating and sharing engaging content around a brand or business.

What is the minimum views to get paid on Instagram? ›

Does Instagram pay for reel views and likes? Instagram pays creators for the number of views their Reels get. Creators with a business or creator account can earn money if their Reels get at least 1,000 views within 30 days. The more people play a Reel, the more money the creator can earn.

Who is eligible for Instagram monetization? ›

Instagram Subscriptions allows you to monetize your video and audio content. You must be eligible for Instagram Subscriptions to enable Subscriptions. Remain compliant with Instagram's Community Guidelines and Content Monetization Policies. Have a professional account on Instagram with at least 10,000 followers.

Do faceless Instagram accounts make money? ›

The Numbers: In 2023 alone, I've averaged an impressive $2,783 per month from my faceless Instagram account. While this income may fluctuate based on various factors such as sales volume and brand partnerships, it serves as a significant supplement to my overall financial portfolio.

Is it too late to make money on Instagram? ›

Ultimately, putting time and effort into Instagram is a great investment that builds over time. And it's never too late to jump on the bandwagon and start the monetization of your Instagram account.

How many followers do you need on Instagram to start earning money? ›

On average, earnings tend to correspond with these follower numbers: Nano-influencer: 1,000–10,000 followers ($10–$100 per post) Micro-influencer: 10,000–50,000 followers ($100–$500 per post) Mid-tier influencer: 50,000–500,000 followers ($500–$5,000 per post)

How much is 100k Instagram followers worth? ›

Instagram influencers with fewer than 100k followers earn around $200 per post. Instagram influencers between 100k – 300k followers may expect to earn around $600 per post. Instagram influencers with more than 1 million followers earn more than $2000 per post.

How much does 1 million followers on Instagram pay? ›

Instagrammers with 1 million followers can easily make $15K per month through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, product sales and other income streams. To maximize your earnings at the mega-influencer level, you need to diversify your revenue streams and focus on creating quality content consistently.

How much is 10k followers on Instagram earn? ›

On average, an account with 10k followers can make about $88 per post. If you post daily, that's around $616 per week and $2,640 per month. However, you need someone willing to pay you for these posts or find other ways to monetize them.

How much do you get paid for 5K followers on Instagram? ›

On average, Instagram pays $100-$250 per post for 2K-5K followers. However, having a large follower count doesn't always guarantee engagement or conversions. Therefore, to attract lucrative brand partnerships, it is essential to be authentic and build trust and credibility.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.