The History of Giving Flowers (2024)

Written By Bloomaker

The practice of giving flowers is a societal way to express love, compassion, and thoughtfulness. This custom is so powerful it can even help us communicate in times when we don’t know what to say. But, where did this tradition come from? It turns out, humans have been using flowers to express emotion for a very long time. In fact, we can trace this tradition all the way back to ancient Egypt.

The History of Giving Flowers (1)

Imagery from ancient Egypt depicts flowers being offered to the dead and laid in tombs. The Egyptians made bouquets, wreaths, garlands, floral headdresses, and more for these occasions. The Greeks and Romans also believed flowers could be used to express emotion and status. The ancient Greeks gave floral crowns to the winners of contests and competitions to signify success and victory. In Ancient Rome, lovers often conveyed their feelings by giving each other flowers, especially in the form of hair wreaths.

The Middle Ages saw the rise of plant symbolism, and flowers were given and used to convey particular meanings. This tradition continued through the Renaissance and eventually into the Victorian Era, where it blossomed into floriography (cryptologic communication through flowers). The Victorians were so fascinated by this practice that they even had floral dictionaries to decode the messages they received through flower arrangements.

The History of Giving Flowers (2)

Today, the art of giving flowers is a fusion of its intricate past. Similarly to the Egyptians, we find that flowers are a touching way to express condolences. We hope to brighten the day of our loved ones through floral gifts, just like the Greeks and the Romans. And, we associate certain flowers with particular emotions and meanings, just like those in the Middle Ages and the Victorian Era (think of the red rose). Just as our ancestors did before us, we continue to let flowers help us better connect with and speak to others. Bloomaker bulbs are a beautiful gift of living and growing flowers that can often be replanted to bloom again and again.

The History of Giving Flowers (2024)


What is the history of giving flowers? ›

The earliest dates of gifting flowers go back to the time of Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and the Roman Empire. These three societies often used flowers in religious traditions. They based their personal use of flowers on their beliefs. The Greeks used them as props for storytelling.

Why do we give someone flowers? ›

To Communicate Emotions

Whether its love, joy, affection, appreciation, sympathy, romance or apologies; flower giving communicates the deepest feelings in the most elegant manner. It's been said that no tradition is as effective in communicating human emotions as gifting flowers or bouquets is.

When did people start giving flowers at Valentine's Day? ›

Sending Valentine's Day flowers became a tradition in the 17th century, since roses—which symbolize love—were (and still are today) the most popular choice for the day. The rose is known as the favorite flower of Venus, the Goddess of Love, because of it often was used to represent strong feelings.

What does it mean to give a girl flowers? ›

Show of love

Flowers are viewed as an outside sign for a man to show a woman that they really love them. There are different kinds of flowers that are given to showcase love. This means that when a man gives a woman a flower, this is a good indication they love them.

Where did the tradition of giving flowers at a funeral come from? ›

For centuries, flowers have had symbolic value, both in general society and for funerals and remembrance services. One of the oldest known uses of burial flowers was discovered during an archaeological excavation of an Iraqi cave, where several human burial sites dating back to 62,000 BC were surrounded by flowers.

How did the tradition of giving flowers became what it is today? ›

The tradition of giving flowers carried on to the Middle Ages, especially among the English and the French. It is believed that the tradition of giving a meaning to each type of flower was started in Europe after it was witnessed being done in Turkey. The Victorians widely practiced this custom as well.

What flowers symbolize? ›

What Does a Flower Symbolize? With their colorful and beautiful blooms, flowers are often seen as symbols of joy and pleasure. However, different types and colors of flowers bring unique meanings. Some flowers are seen as symbols of friendship and purity, while others are tied to forgiveness and death.

Why would a person give a rose or flowers to anyone? ›

1) To show you love someone.

For example, white roses symbolize innocent love, red roses symbolize true love, and orange roses symbolize passionate love. Because roses are recognized as a sign of love, you can be sure your recipient understands your message. Rose delivery is an ideal way to tell someone you love them.

Who started the tradition of sending flowers on Valentine's day? ›

The story goes that the tradition of giving Valentine's Day flowers dates to the late 17th century, during the reign of King Charles II of Sweden.

Who started the Valentine's day tradition? ›

The English poet Geoffrey Chaucer was the first to record St. Valentine's Day as a day of romantic celebration in his 1375 poem “Parliament of Foules,” writing, ““For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day / Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.”

How did the tradition of exchanging valentines start? ›

Given their similarities, it has been suggested that the holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery.

What does 🌸 mean from a girl? ›

Some people use this flower emoji to say, “I love you.” Whether it's a romantic partner, friend, or parent, the 💮 can be used to express care. Think of sending this emoji on special occasions or holidays like Mother's Day and Father's Day.

What flower means cheating? ›

For many years, the yellow rose was considered a symbol of infidelity and cheating. The legend obviously has many variations, but its meaning remains the same: yellow roses are a sign of betrayal and separation.

How do flowers make a woman feel? ›

It provides lasting joy

If a woman receives flowers, it immediately brings a smile to her face. But that feeling of joy lasts for longer than just that moment! After she has received the flowers, she busies herself arranging them in the vase, her moment of delightful me-time.

Why do we offer flowers to the dead? ›

Modern Funeral Flowers

Today, flowers are used at funerals for many reasons. First, they help facilitate emotional release, as it is frequently very difficult for mourning families to express their grief verbally. To send flowers is an expression of respect, sympathy, and love to the deceased.

Why do people give flowers after a death? ›

First, they do it as a means of expression. Since it can be difficult for those in mourning to put their feelings into words, flowers can act as an expression of love, comfort, sympathy, and respect. Flowers also create a background of warmth and beauty, adding to the dignity and consolation of the funeral service.

Why do we give plants when someone dies? ›

By giving them to a grieving family member or friend, you're reminding them that, although times are hard now, they are strong, they'll get through this and you're there for them whenever they need some support.

What is the purpose of the flowers story? ›

"The Flowers" short story is mainly one of loss of innocence for the main character, Myop. She experiences the beauty of summer and enjoys her days at her family's cabin. Her world is described as bright and warm, but upon discovering the lynched man in the woods, her innocence is erased.

Why does everyone give flowers today? ›

Sending flowers as gifts is a tradition. Whether it is Mother's Day or Valentine's Day sending flowers as gifts is one of the best ways through which the day can be celebrated and your feelings can be conveyed to the person to whom you are sending the gift. Flowers are easy to get.

Why are flowers important to culture? ›

Flowers are the alive decorations that are used to adorn a special occasion. Their vivid, beautiful, and cheerful faces make any place look more striking. The spectacular and auspicious presence of flowers is what makes weddings, the biggest and most important day in a person's life, full of meanings.

Which flower means love? ›

The red rose is known as the flower of love. The red rose symbolizes deep emotions and desires. Red roses are traditionally given to symbolize love, but aren't the only ones to earn this title. Other types of love flowers include peonies, sunflowers, or tulips, which symbolize happiness, prosperity and romance.

Do flowers have a meaning? ›

Each and every flower has a meaning. Some represent love – your classic red rose, for example – while others can give you strength or simply brighten up your day (looking at you dahlias and sunflowers.)

What flower means first love? ›

Lilac. Purple lilacs represent the beginning of love or a first love and are a perfect gift for new couples. The recipient of lilacs is sure to recall this bouquet given early on in the relationship every time she smells lilacs, and every spring while lilac shrubs are in bloom.

What does 3 roses mean? ›

A bouquet of three roses means “I love You” and is the traditional one-month anniversary gift.

What does 12 roses symbolize? ›

11 Roses – 'you are my treasured one'. 12 Roses – gifting someone you are fond of with 12 single roses is a simple way to ask them to be yours. 13 Roses – the meaning of roses when presented in the number 13 can either symbolize eternal friendship or a secret admirer.

What does 7 red roses mean? ›

7 Roses Meaning – It expresses the feeling of infatuation towards someone. 8 Roses Meaning – It signifies support. It is ideal for someone who is going through a tough time and giving eight roses means, “I support you, no matter what” 9 Roses Meaning – It signifies eternal love.

Why do we give flowers on Valentines day? ›

Why do we give red roses on Valentine's Day? For centuries, flowers have symbolized fertility, love, marriage, and romance. During the Victorian era, it became popular to use flowers to send secretive messages.

What is the importance of flowers in Valentine's day? ›

Way back in the 17th Century, flowers became part of the Valentine's Day traditions. Roses were especially used as they represent love in every ways. Apparently, roses were Venus' favourite flower, the Goddess of Love, as she believed that they stood for strong feelings.

Why are flowers associated with Valentine's day? ›

From Aphrodite and her lost love to the Victorian language of flowers, the red rose continues to be a symbol of passion and deep intimacy. It goes to show that love can be beautiful and painful, like a red rose and its thorns, but it can also stand the test of time.

What is Valentine's Day originally? ›

The earliest possible origin story of Valentine's Day is the pagan holiday Lupercalia. Occurring for centuries in the middle of February, the holiday celebrates fertility. Men would strip naked and sacrifice a goat and dog.

Is Valentine in the Bible? ›

That Valentine is not in the Bible, and really, it has no spiritual meaning. For us, everyday is Valentine, as we experience God's love everyday.

Where did Valentine's Day originally? ›

The history of Valentine's Day goes back to 3rd century Rome with the execution of a priest named Valentinus known today as St. Valentine. Every February 14th, millions across the globe send their loved ones heart-shaped cards and Valentine's chocolates to express their love and affection.

What does 😏 mean from a girl? ›

It's used to communicate a range of feelings, including smugness, self-confidence, self-indulgence, mischief, cheeky humor, and general satisfaction. 😏 Smirking Face especially implies, however, flirtation and sexual innuendo.

What does 💜 mean from a girl? ›

Who uses 💜 Purple Heart emoji? Like the many other heart emoji such as Red Heart ❤️ and Blue Heart 💙, the Purple Heart emoji 💜 is generally used to convey love and other strong, affectionate, positive feelings.

What does 🐸 mean from a girl? ›

The 🐸 can be a shorthand way of saying “I don't find you attractive.” If 😈, 😉, and 😏 are considered flirty emojis, think of the 🐸 as an anti-flirting emoji. If you're in the middle of a flirty text exchange and you get a 🐸 in reply, there's a good chance that sparks aren't really flying between the 2 of you.

Which flower means jealousy? ›

Yellow roses

Nothing screams infidelity and a broken heart like receiving a yellow rose, the ultimate symbol of jealousy and greed in the Victorian language of flowers.

What flower means forbidden love? ›

Coming up to the 18th century, the rose now symbolizes forbidden love. The flowers were used as a means of communication between lovers who were forced apart by the standards of the societies they lived in.

What flower means kiss? ›

Delighted, Frigg then declared mistletoe a symbol of love and vowed to plant a kiss on all those who passed beneath it.

What flower defines beauty? ›

Calla Lily

This gorgeous, white bloom symbolizes magnificence and beauty. It can also mean purity and rebirth—which is why the calla lily is so popular during the Easter season.

How can flowers change my life? ›

Flowers have a long-term positive effect on moods. Specifically, study participants reported feeling less depressed, anxious and agitated after receiving flowers, and demonstrated a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction. Flowers make intimate connections.

What feelings do flowers represent? ›

Flowers have a complicated socio-emotional connotation since they are frequently used to express a wide range of emotions, including sympathy, sorrow, shame, love, pride, joy, and even religious sentiments.

Where did the tradition of giving gifts come from? ›

The old pagan custom of gift-giving was rationalised into Christianity by attaching strong associations with the gifts of the Magi to Jesus, and was also likely influenced by the life of Nikolaos of Myra, a 4th century saint who was famed for his fondness of giving people gifts.

Where did flower meanings come from? ›

The language of flowers originated in France and the first popular book on the subject was published in 1819: Le langage des fleurs by Charlotte de la Tour. The author offered around 300 meanings for particular flowers to be used in making bouquets.

What is the flower throwing tradition? ›

The tradition of bouquet toss is said to have originated in England. This tradition required everyone to touch the bride or grab a piece of her clothing. This act was said to bring good luck to the wedding guests, especially in aspects of suitors and marriage.

What is the true meaning of gift giving? ›

We often give gifts to re-confirm or establish our connection with others, which means that they're a reflection of both the giver and the receiver, as well as their unique relationship. Giving a gift to someone we care about allows us to communicate our feelings and appreciation for them.

When did humans start giving gifts? ›

Gift-giving is way older than you think. Extraordinary excavations have revealed that even cavemen were already giving each other gifts. According to the paleoanthropologist Ariane Burke, between 35,000 and 10,000 years ago our ancestors were exchanging symbolic objects.

Why is giving gifts important? ›

Gifts are not just only given on the occasion but also when you want a person to be happy. Gift giving is nowadays common everywhere and in every relations. Gift giving is something what a person doesn't expects for and when you get something unexpectedly then it makes your happiness or excitement to an another level.

How do flowers symbolize life? ›

Theme Overview. From new life to death, from purity to passion, flowers have had many meanings in myths and legends. Swelling from tender bud to full bloom, flowers are associated with youth, beauty, and pleasure. But as they wilt and die, flowers represent fragility and the swift passage from life into death.

What flower means God? ›

Pinks hold a deep Christian significance. They were associated with the nails used in the Crucifixion and coronations, while the name dianthus translates to “flower of God” (from the original Greek Dios for Zeus), and can be found represented in numerous illuminated manuscripts.

What is the secret language of flowers? ›

What is Floriography? In simple terms, floriography is the language of flowers. The language is spoken by selecting specific flower types with associated meanings to communicate feelings or wishes. Artists too have used floriography to communicate deeper messages in their work.

Who started the tradition of throwing the bouquet? ›

The tossing of the bouquet started in England when unmarried women would try to rip off pieces of the brides dress or flowers to try and gain some of her good luck in hopes to become the next to get married. To prevent a wedding dress rampage, the bride would throw her bouquet into the crowd and run.

Why do Christians throw bouquets? ›

“The bouquet toss tradition was created, in part, to bestow luck on guests without going to such extreme measures.” While ripping off pieces of someone's wedding dress might seem over the top today, back then, marriage was really a woman's only form of upward mobility.

Why do flower girls throw petals? ›

The petals she scatters represent the bride's transformation into a devoted wife. The tradition of the flower girl going in front of the bride to protect her from harm on her wedding day likely originated from the belief that the scent of the petals might drive away evil spirits.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.