The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (2024)

When I first started painting furniture, the thing that confused me the most was when to use a topcoat or sealer and which one to use.

I very quickly learned that not all sealers are created equal. Some work on stained furniture but cause paint to yellow. Some leave a milky film when applied over dark paint colors. Some need to be reapplied regularly. And some work like a dream.

Since then, I’ve painted dozens of pieces of furniture and I’ve learned a ton about how to protect painted furniture so it continues to look beautiful for years to come.

And I’ve learned that the topcoat or sealer you choose to use on your painted furniture can affect the final outcome as much as your choice of paint, if not more.

I’ve shared tons of painted furniture makeovers here over the years as well as a step-by-step guide to painting furniture that walks you through all of the decisions related to painting your specific piece of furniture. And I figured it is definitely time to share all I’ve learned about choosing the perfect sealer to finish off your painted furniture.

In this post, I am answering the questions I am asked most frequently about sealing painted furniture and also sharing reviews of the most popular sealers available to make it easier to choose the perfect sealer for your next project.

The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (1)

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What does a sealer even do?

A sealer, which may also be called a topcoat, simply protects your beautiful paint finish from stains, scratches, chips, and scuffs.

Topcoats dry to a much harder finish than most paints and therefore are much harder to damage. Sealers also help protect your painted furniture from water and create a surface that can be easily cleaned without damaging the paint underneath.

When I first started painting furniture, I didn’t really understand why you would need to put sealer over the paint. I had painted walls plenty of time and they certainly didn’t need any sealer afterwards.

Of course, painting furniture and painting walls is very different. Drywall is extremely porous and absorbs paint easily; if you scratch your walls with a fingernail, you aren’t likely to be able to scratch the paint off because it adheres so firmly.

Painting furniture is an entirely different matter. Paint doesn’t permeate the hard woods furniture is made of as easily. It also doesn’t bond as firmly to the old finishes we are typically trying to paint over. Which means painted furniture is often vulnerable to being easily scratched and chipped.

On top of that some paints stain and scuff very easily and can be difficult to clean. Sealing your painted furniture protects it from all of these potential issues.

When do you need to seal painted furniture?

It can be confusing knowing when you have to seal painted furniture and when you do not. There are a few basic rules to keep in mind.

Chalk Paint – Any time you paint furniture with chalk paint, you need to protect the finish with a sealer or topcoat. Every single time.

Latex Paint – Most times you paint furniture with latex paint, you need to protect the finish with a sealer or topcoat. If you are painting a piece of furniture that will not be heavily used, you may be able to skip the sealer. If you do, be sure to be extra gentle with your furniture for the first month of use. Even though the paint may feel dry to the touch, it can take up to 30 days for it to fully harden.

High Traffic Surfaces – There are some other paints that do not require a sealer including General Finishes Milk Paint and Fusion Mineral Paint. These paints have some self-sealing properties and do not require a topcoat, but I have learned the hard way that even these paints can become worn and scratched when used on high traffic surfaces like tabletops, shelves, and kitchen cabinets. In those cases, using a topcoat will help ensure your paint job lasts longer.

How to seal painted furniture

There are several different ways you can apply furniture sealer: with a paint sprayer, with a paintbrush, with a wax brush, with a rag, or with an applicator sponge. The specific method you use will depend on which sealer you are using.

Be sure to carefully read the instructions on your specific sealer for recommended application methods. Also, pay close attention to the temperature recommendations on your sealer; working in conditions that are too cool or too warm can make it impossible to get an even finish.

Before applying your sealer, make sure to stir it thoroughly; do not shake topcoats to mix them as this can cause air bubbles to form,

In general, you want to apply furniture sealer using multiple thin, even coats. At least two thin coats of sealer is recommended but I usually apply 3-4 coats of sealer on high-traffic pieces.

If you are using a brush to apply furniture sealer, brush it on in long, even strokes. Try to work from one side of your piece to the other so that as you are overlapping your brushstrokes and your paintbrush never touches areas that have already begun to dry. Also, resist the urge to touch up your finish before it has completely dried.

A paint sprayer is a great way to get a flawless finish on your painted furniture, but I have also had great luck getting a very smooth finish using this $3 applicator sponge.

(This is the paint sprayer I use; it’s easy to use and doesn’t require an air compressor.)

The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (2)

Which furniture sealers are the best?

There are a lot of furniture sealers out there these days. Each new line of furniture paint that debuts also has its own sealer or topcoat.

I certainly have not tried every topcoat from every paint line, but I have tried the most widely available sealers as well as those that have the strongest reputation.

Each sealer has strengths and weaknesses and I have tried to be as objective as possible in my assessment of them.

The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (3)

Minwax Polycrylic

Price: $13-$20 per quart

Availability: Available on Amazon or at your local home improvement store.

Formula: Water-based, non-yellowing

Finishes: Comes in Matte, Satin, Semi-Gloss, and Gloss finishes. This polycrylic comes in a spray version as well as a brush-on version.

Application: Can be applied with a brush or sprayed. This sealer is not always the easiest to work with. When applied with a brush, it is more difficult to avoid brushstrokes and get a nice smooth finish. I have also found that it tends to leave a milky white finish over dark paint colors and can appear yellow if applied too thickly over white paint. But if you use a quality paintbrush and apply thin, even coats, it can work well.

Verdict: In my opinion this sealer isn’t nearly as easy to work with as the General Finishes sealers. However, it is cheaper and can easily be found at your local home improvement store so it wins as far as convenience. And though it can be more difficult to work with, it does give a very durable finish.

Pieces I have used this sealer on:

  • Pair of Nightstands from an Old Vanity
  • Bathroom Vanity made for a Vintage Dresser
  • Bold Kids Table and Chairs
The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (4)

Minwax Polyurethane

Price: $10-$20 per quart

Availability: Available on Amazon or at your local home improvement store.

Formula: Oil-based.

Finishes: Comes in Satin, Semi-Gloss, and Gloss finishes. This polyurethane comes in a spray version as well though I have never tried it.

Application: Can be applied with a brush, a foam brush, or wiped on with a rag. Polyurethane is generally easy to apply but it isn’t quite as forgiving as General Finishes High Performance Top Coat. If conditions aren’t completely optimal, you may be left with a streaky or bubbly finish.

Verdict: I often use Minwax polyurethane to seal stained wood furniture because it is inexpensive and is conveniently available locally. It is not a good topcoat for painted furniture because it yellows and will affect the appearance of the paint color.

Pieces I have used this sealer on:

  • Refinished Dining Room Table
  • Trash to Table Dining Table
The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (5)

Furniture Wax

Price: $8-$25 per pint (Note, this is the price per pint, while the other sealers have the price per quart listed. Even thought the quantity is different, the square footage covered by this amount of wax is comparable to the coverage from a quart of liquid sealer so this is a fair price comparison.)

Availability: There are many different brands of furniture wax. Personally I have tried Annie Sloan wax, Johnson paste wax, and Americana Decor Creme Wax. Some are definitely better than others, but I am listing them all together here because they all work essentially the same way. Many waxes are available on Amazon and Etsy, but Annie Sloan wax is only available from Annie Sloan Chalk Paint retailers.

Formula: Typically available in clear, white, or dark wax colors. Dark wax is a wonderful way to add a bit of antiquing to the details of a piece.

Finishes: Most wax dries to a more matte finish and can be buffed until the desired sheen is reached.

Application:Wax can be applied with a rag or a wax brush and then buffed with a clean cloth.

Verdict: I personally find it difficult to apply wax well. It is very easy to apply way too much wax and a bit of a pain to remove the excess. Wax is also generally not as water-resistant or as tough as other sealers. It needs to be reapplied regularly in order to continue to effectively protect the paint underneath. I know that some furniture painters love wax, but I am not a fan. It is more difficult to apply than other sealers, yet it isn’t as long-lasting and durable. Of the furniture waxes I have used, Annie Sloan was by far my favorite.

Pieces I have used this sealer on:

  • Pop of Green Side Table
  • Napoleonic Blue Side Table
The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (6)

General Finishes Flat out Flat

Price: $25-$30 per quart (You may notice a pint costs nearly as much as a quart in many stores. It is definitely worth going for the quart.)

Availability: Available on Amazon or look for a local store here.

Formula: Water-based, non-yellowing

Finishes: This is a completely matte finish which is ideal for pieces that you want to have a more vintage, aged look. Flat out flat is advertised as a more durable alternative to furniture wax.

Application: Goes on easily with a smooth paintbrush, a foam brush or sprayed with a paint sprayer.

Verdict: This is my favorite sealer for distressed furniture or any furniture you want to have a vintage feel. This is also my favorite sealer to use over chalk paint for a completely matte finish. It is extremely easy to apply and gives a beautiful flat finish that protects well.

Pieces I have used this sealer on:

  • The painted frame on my Reupholstered Vintage Sofa
  • Chippy Farmhouse Blue Dresser
  • DIY Apothecary Cabinet
The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (7)

General Finishes High Performance Top Coat

Price: $25-$30 per quart(Again, buying a quart is much more cost effective than buying a pint.)

Availability: Available on Amazon or look for a local store here.

Formula: Water-based, non-yellowing

Finishes: Comes in Flat, Satin, Semi-Gloss, and Gloss (It’s important to know that the matte finish is not truly flat and still has a slight sheen.)

Application: Goes on easily with a smooth paintbrush, a foam brush or sprayed with a paint sprayer. Can also be used over stained wood or other oil-based products. Just make sure the stain is completely dried first – you need to wait at least 24 hours.

Verdict: This is my number one pick for a great all-around sealer. It is easy to apply, holds up well, and works well over all kinds of paint and stain. I have never had a problem when using this sealer.

Pieces I have used this sealer on:

  • Neutral dresser
  • Black kitchen chairs (painted with paint sprayer)
  • Gray and White Ombre Dresser
  • Color-dipped IKEA stepstool

Dixie Belle Gator Hide

Price: $25-$32 per quart

Availability: Available on Amazon and Etsy or look for a local retailer here.

Formula: Water-based, non-yellowing

Finish: Gator Hide has a very low sheen, close to a matte finish.

Application: Can be applied with a brush but you will get the smoothest finish using Dixie Belle’s popular blue sponge applicator.Gator Hide is formulated to provide a very durable finish for tabletops, counters, outdoor furniture, and other pieces that get a lot of wear and tear.

Verdict:I haven’t personally had a chance to try Gator Hide yet, but I had to include it because it comes so highly recommended by other bloggers and furniture painters. If you have used it, I would love to know what you think.

Those are my picks for the best and worst furniture sealers. What would you add to the list? Do you have a favorite that I need to add to my list of products to try?

Here are a few more furniture painting posts I think you’ll find helpful:

  • How to Paint Furniture for the Perfect Finish Every Time
  • What is the Best Paint for Furniture?
  • The Best Paintbrushes for a Perfectly Smooth Paint Finish
  • Everything You Need to Know about Primer
The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (8)
The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture (2024)


The Best and Worst Sealers for Painted Furniture? ›

Solvent-based polyurethanes are more effective at sealing wood because they produce a stronger film. This product is a good choice when working with oil-based paints.

What is the best sealant for painted wood? ›

Solvent-based polyurethanes are more effective at sealing wood because they produce a stronger film. This product is a good choice when working with oil-based paints.

What should I seal painted furniture with? ›

Water-based sealers are the best to use over painted furniture or projects. They will not amber or change the color of the paint. They have no smell when drying as oil-based sealers do, so they are less toxic.

What kind of polyurethane should I use on painted furniture? ›

The All-Around Best Clear Coat For Painted Wood Furniture: Varathane Water-Based Polyurethane, Satin. After testing seven different products, Varathane's Water-Based Polyurethane was the clear winner! This clear coat is great for interior products including furniture, cabinets, trim, or any other pieces of wood.

How can I make my painted furniture more durable? ›

In general, you want to apply furniture sealer using multiple thin, even coats. At least two thin coats of sealer is recommended but I usually apply 3-4 coats of sealer on high-traffic pieces. If you are using a brush to apply furniture sealer, brush it on in long, even strokes.

Can you seal wood that has been painted? ›

You do not need to seal most types of painted wood with anything; however, because certain types of painted finishes are subject to duress, a wood sealer can help prolong the life of the finish. If you need to seal painted exterior furniture or decks, choose a compatible coating.

Should you put a sealer on painted furniture? ›

Sealing painted furniture gives it a protective shield. Without it, the surface is vulnerable to stains, scratches, and all sorts of mischief. Applying a good top coat to your painted furniture can make it repel liquids, resist damage, and keep it looking nice and spiffy for years to come.

How do you seal wood furniture after painting? ›

  1. Clean Painted Wood. Mix the TSP with warm water in the clean bucket. ...
  2. Lightly Sand Painted Wood. ...
  3. Remove Dust. ...
  4. Apply Polyurethane Sealer. ...
  5. Sand Cured Polyurethane. ...
  6. Remove Polyurethane Dust. ...
  7. Apply More Coats of Polyurethane Sealer.
Apr 7, 2023

Should you put a clear coat over painted furniture? ›

Applying a topcoat to your painted furniture will extend the life of the paint on the furniture. It will help protect against scratches, dings, and overall wear of the paint on the piece of furniture. Making sure you clean and prep the piece correctly is also extremely important in the longevity of the painted piece.

Which is better for furniture Polycrylic or polyurethane? ›

Which is better: polyurethane or polycrylic? Polyurethane is better for durability, but polycrylic is better for interior surfaces like cabinets, furniture, and trim. However, for light painted furniture and cabinets, polycyrlic is preferred because it doesn't yellow on the surface.

Is Polycrylic good for painted furniture? ›

The best type of topcoat for painted furniture is water-based polyurethane (also known as polyacrylic, or poly!) What is this? Water-based polyurethane is very durable, but unlike oil-based polyurethane, it won't make your paint have a yellow tint to it. Learn more about What's the Best Polyurethane for Furniture?

Is water based or oil based polyurethane better for furniture? ›

Oil based used to be unquestionably more durable. Today though, water based polyurethane has evolved with better formulations that are equally durable as oil based polyurethane. High quality water based polyurethanes is considered by many homeowners & flooring professionals to be equally durable.

What is the best sealer for acrylic paint on wood? ›

When it comes to toughness and durability polyurethane is your go-to. If you are uncertain about how to seal acrylic paint on wood for outdoors, your best option is polyurethane sealant. It provides you with a stunning clear coat that will protect your painted surface from any extreme weather and harsh wear and tear.

How do you keep paint from peeling off furniture? ›

As with any other type of finish, you need to seal paint to protect it. While paint is pretty durable, it still requires that extra bit of help. Without it, cracks will form and the paint will peel away. The solution to this is pretty simple: just apply a protective sealant to the furniture.

What is the hardest wearing paint for furniture? ›

Oil Paint. Oil-based paint, also sometimes called alkyd paint, is one of the most durable paints to use on furniture.

How do you seal a dresser after painting? ›

Although adding sealant is an optional step, Sloan recommends sealing chalk paint once it's dry because it's a water-based product and could transfer if not protected. "Use clear chalk paint wax, matte, or gloss chalk paint lacquer, and apply over the entire painted surface," she says.

What is Polycrylic vs polyurethane? ›

The debate over polycrylic vs polyurethane continues today. Both protective substances serve the same purpose for wood projects. The difference between the two is how polycrylic is water-based and polyurethane is oil-based.

Can I put sealer over paint? ›

You may want to use Paint Sealer after the surface is painted and fully dry to protect the new layer of paint from moisture damage. >> How long do I wait after I paint my surface before I can apply Paint Sealer? You will want to wait 3-4 days after painting before applying Paint Sealer on top.

How do I choose the right sealant? ›

The two most important factors to keep in mind when selecting a caulk or sealant are the temperature range and moisture level at the site of application. Let's explore the unique properties and benefits of some of the most common products to ensure you find the best fit for a variety of indoor and outdoor projects.

Is it better to apply sealant by hand or machine? ›

You can apply your sealant by either hand or machine. Applying with a machine is a great choice because not only is it faster, it allows for an even application of the product. Applying by hand could results in uneven application.

Should you wax furniture after painting? ›

Wax not only seals for protection, but it intensifies the colour of painted furniture while giving a very durable finish. It dries to a lovely velvety smooth matte finish and the more buffed it is, the more sheen you can achieve.

Can you seal painted furniture with polyurethane? ›

Polyurethane will add a higher level of durability to your painted furniture. Anything that falls into the heavy use / need to clean category will typically need 2 or 3 coats of polyurethane. Best water based polyurethane that won't yellow. I always recommend a water based polyurethane!

What happens if you don't seal wood furniture? ›

Wood is dried-out and dull if you do not apply some sort of sealer. Staining and finishing are two very different things. By applying pigments, a stain is meant to darken or dye wood, but the wood is not preserved by staining.

How long to wait before sealing painted furniture? ›

Step 1) Let your paint coat dry

It is very important to make sure that you let your last coat of paint dry for at least 24 hours before proceeding with Clear Coat, otherwise you may end up with a streaky finish.

What is best to seal wood furniture? ›

Oil-based polyurethane is the strongest, most durable topcoat. This clear finish protects heavy traffic areas in a home or items exposed to a lot of moisture, making it a good choice for wooden floors, outdoor furniture, etc.

Can you use Thompson water seal on painted wood? ›

Can Water Seal be applied to painted surfaces? No. Water Seal can only be used on bare and uncoated brick, stone or concrete. How long will Water Seal last?

What is the best clear coat for a wood table? ›

One of the most affordable and decent clear coat products is the Minwax Polycrylic Protective Finish. This clear coat is a water-based formula that dries quickly and is fairly durable. The best top coat for stained wood furniture is General Finishes High Performance Top coat.

What is the downside of water-based polyurethane? ›

Cons of Water-Based Polyurethane

Expensive cost. Requires more coats. Scratches easier due to it hardness.

What is better than polyurethane? ›

Because of the higher ratio of solids, varnish is less susceptible to ultraviolet light damage. This protection makes varnish an excellent choice for projects such as outside decks and exterior furniture. This finish gives a more tinted color when applied and requires more coats than polyurethane.

What are the pros and cons of polycrylic? ›

Polycrylic is a water-based product that is far less smelly and toxic than either type of polyurethane, which makes it easier to work with. Though it dries very quickly, the downside is that it can take a long time to fully cure.

What are the disadvantages of Polycrylic? ›

One of the drawbacks of polycrylic is that it has a loose, runny consistency that can be difficult to apply to vertical surfaces. It dries very quickly, making it a great choice for small woodworking projects.

Which is more durable polyurethane or Polycrylic? ›

Polycrylic is not as durable as polyurethane and is meant to be used only on interior surfaces such as cabinets, furniture, and trim. It shouldn't be used in exterior applications or on surfaces that are subject to lots of wear, such as floors, or that are exposed to water.

Is there a non yellowing polyurethane? ›

Floorthane is a non-yellowing single pack polyurethane, which cures by reaction with moisture in the air to an extremely tough and durable film.

Should I spray or brush water based polyurethane? ›

Brush-on waterbased polyurethane can be used without much ventilation. Detailed surfaces or flat surfaces: For detailed surfaces, spray on polyurethane is preferable to get into all of the little details without drips and runs.

What lasts longer oil or water based polyurethane? ›

Oil based polyurethane lasts longer than water based.

There is no contest on the durability between the 2 options. Water based polyurethane has lower VOC's - which is a bit of an environmental benefit (more about that in a moment) - but because it has lower VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds), it doesn't last as long.

How long after water based polyurethane can I put furniture? ›

Thus, it's best to wait until all coats have been applied and dried before walking through the room. After that final coat, your floors should be off-limits for 24 hours. This is the only way to avoid any damage. Also, if you can swing it, hold off 3-7 days before moving furniture back into the room.

What is a good acrylic sealer? ›

he Polycrylic protective finish is an acrylic polymer varnish that checks all the boxes for me when it comes to protecting my artworks. It's easy to use for sealing acrylic paint as well as for sealing painted wood, you can really put it on nice and thick and there are never any brush strokes.

How do you make acrylic paint last longer on wood? ›

Apply a primer

When applying acrylic paint on wood without primer, your project is unlikely to turn out in the desired way. Applying a thin layer of wood primer will help seal the wood, allowing the acrylic paint to apply easier.

What can I use instead of acrylic sealer? ›

Silicone sealant is more flexible and long lasting. Acrylic sealant varies depending on the climate in which it is applied. Besides, silicone sealants can be applied more easily than acrylic sealants.

How do you prevent paint strokes on furniture? ›

All you need to do is spray your paintbrush with a little water before you dip it in the paint can. It will help thin the paint out as you apply it. It is my favorite tip for getting rid of brushstrokes. You can also spray the furniture piece itself with the water bottle and then apply the paint over that.

What is the most resistant paint finish? ›

High Gloss

The most durable and easy to clean of all paint sheens, high-gloss paint is hard, ultra-shiny, and light-reflecting. Think appliance-paint tough. High gloss is a good choice for areas that sticky fingers touch — cabinets, trim, and doors.

What finish is best for furniture paint? ›

For furniture, it's best to use a satin or semigloss finish in either a latex or an oil-based paint. Never leave primer unpainted. If you choose a latex paint, a latex primer is an excellent choice for most uses. It goes on easily and blocks most stains, and it doesn't have the odor of an oil-based primer.

What is the toughest furniture finish? ›

Polyurethane is the most durable option for indoor woodworking projects. It's highly effective at protecting cabinets, doors, furniture, and floors from scratches and abrasive damage. Polyurethane is also water-resistance and is intended to enhance the natural appearance of the wood with a statin or mid-gloss finish.

Can Thompson's water seal be used on painted wood? ›

Can Water Seal be applied to painted surfaces? No. Water Seal can only be used on bare and uncoated brick, stone or concrete. How long will Water Seal last?

What can you put on painted wood to make it waterproof? ›

There are three surefire ways to waterproof your wood for years to come.
  1. Use linseed or Tung oil to create a beautiful and protective hand-rubbed finish.
  2. Seal the wood with a coating of polyurethane, varnish, or lacquer.
  3. Finish and waterproof wood simultaneously with a stain-sealant combo.
Feb 22, 2023

Can you put sealer over paint? ›

You may want to use Paint Sealer after the surface is painted and fully dry to protect the new layer of paint from moisture damage. >> How long do I wait after I paint my surface before I can apply Paint Sealer? You will want to wait 3-4 days after painting before applying Paint Sealer on top.

What to clean a paint brush with after using Thompson's Water Seal? ›

All equipment should be cleaned immediately after use with detergent and warm water.

Can you apply waterproofing over paint? ›

Yes and no. DRYLOK® may be used over any other cementitious-type waterproofing paint in good, repaintable condition, either inside or outside. However, DRYLOK® cannot be used over an oil or latex-based paint on the inside of a building.

Should I put a top coat on painted furniture? ›

Applying a topcoat to your painted furniture will extend the life of the paint on the furniture. It will help protect against scratches, dings, and overall wear of the paint on the piece of furniture. Making sure you clean and prep the piece correctly is also extremely important in the longevity of the painted piece.

Do I need to seal painted wood furniture? ›

Sealing painted furniture gives it a protective shield. Without it, the surface is vulnerable to stains, scratches, and all sorts of mischief. Applying a good top coat to your painted furniture can make it repel liquids, resist damage, and keep it looking nice and spiffy for years to come.

What sealant should I use on wood? ›

When treating wood, you have the option of water-based polyurethane or oil-based polyurethane. Oil-based sealant takes longer to dry than water-based, but it doesn't require as many coats. It's also higher in VOCs than water-based polyurethane.

Can you put a clear coat over painted furniture? ›

Can you use clear coat on wood? Yes, they are used very often, even to better enhance the natural warmth and colors of the wood essences. Should you put a clear coat over painted furniture? Yes, especially in case of restoration, but after a previous sanding.

How long after painting furniture can I clear coat? ›

For optimal durability, we recommend sealing your piece with 3-4 coats of Clear Coat. Although the full cure time of Clear Coat is about 3-4 weeks, you can start using your piece after just 24 hours. Be gentle with your piece for the first few weeks and avoid rigorous cleaning to avoid damaging the finish.

How do you seal outdoor wood furniture? ›

Products such as polyurethane, varnish and lacquer are most commonly used for the protection of outdoor wood furniture. Make sure to apply the finish over every surface — even underneath and in every crevice. If moisture works its way in, it will not be able to escape and your wood will become damaged.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.