The $2 Meal That Changed My Budget | Cup of Jo (2024)





Tags: finance, trader joes

The $2 Meal That Changed My Budget | Cup of Jo (2)

I’ve learned that the one of easiest ways to stick to a budget is managing how often I go out to eat. Say I bought five lunches during the work week, at an average of $10 a piece: by the end of the year I would have spent $2,500 on mediocre deli sandwiches. For the same price, I could have purchased items I would have truly appreciated, like 11 roundtrip flights to visit my family, 215 movie tickets or 2,131 king-size (!) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Luckily, I discovered a solution…

Behold, the glory of Trader Joe’s zero-prep, no-hassle Southwestern Chopped Salad. The $2.99 kit contains cabbage, romaine, carrots, radishes, crumbled cotija cheese, pumpkin seeds, tortilla strips, green onion, a bit of cilantro and a zesty avocado dressing. When I add a scoop of black beans or some avocado, it’s enough for two meals — at less than $2 each. (There’s also a tangy Broccoli & Kale version that tastes delicious in flour tortillas or with leftover rotisserie chicken.)

Is the salad kit exciting and beautiful? Not exactly. Delicious and a conversation starter? I promise you. Walking through the store with this little guy in my basket sparks more conversations and compliments from fellow fans than I ever imagined. Once prepared (mixed in a bowl and sprinkled with flaky salt), even officemates lean over their $14 chicken sandwiches to say, “Wow, where’d you get that?” Anyway, I thought I’d give you a heads up!

What are your go-to easy meals? Any budget-friendly tips? Or other Trader Joe’s items I’m missing out on? ;)

P.S. Trader Joe’s meal hacks, and what food geniuses eat for lunch.

(Top photo of Elvis in 1958. Bottom photos by Stella Blackmon.)

Tags: finance, trader joes








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January 3, 2020 5:36pm 5:36 pm

It’s not on my single-use plastic diet, alas.


Reply to Carol

September 18, 2021 1:39pm 1:39 pm



Sara Carroll

August 12, 2019 11:13am 11:13 am

Love your salad idea. I’m sending my son off to college with quick meal ideas. He’s trying to save money and skip the meal plans. He actually is turning out to be a pretty good cook.


July 10, 2019 3:46pm 3:46 pm

This is so stinking smart I’ve got to try it. Thanks for the tip!

– Grace



Reply to Grace

January 28, 2020 3:20pm 3:20 pm

This salad mix is my go-to for tacos! I brown hamburger or ground turkey with taco seasoning and add to the salad mix. I love the crunch it gives my tacos!



June 12, 2019 4:01pm 4:01 pm

For those of you without some of these stores, try the Sunflower Bacon Crunch salad mix from Walmart (Walmart is everywhere, right?) — my latest fave, and my kids love it, too.


May 30, 2019 1:33am 1:33 am

Now, this could be a cultural difference, but here (the Netherlands), we’ll just take a few sandwiches with us in a box.

A few slices of bread with soms cheese, peanutbutter or whatever with some tomato or cucumber with it.

Easy to make, easy to eat, filling, easy to buy and cheap…



October 28, 2018 11:08am 11:08 am

These tips are amazing! Now I need to attack my addiction to picking up a latte! Does anyone have tips for making excellent quality lattes at home/work?



Reply to Min

December 5, 2018 7:00pm 7:00 pm

Yes. It starts with a pricey investment but in the long run it has saved me thousands (a latte a day at $4-$6 incl. tip) over the years: a high quality milk frother. You can get cheap ones but the more expensive the milk frother, the higher quality your at-home latte, or cappucino or hot chocolate or dirty chai will be. I have a one by breville that cost about $100.



Reply to Min

February 20, 2019 1:03pm 1:03 pm

I have a cheap way of making what I think is a great home latte. I make the coffee in a stovetop espresso maker (mocha pot). It’s not as concentrated as true espresso but works well. I heat up milk in a mason jar in the microwave then, once it’s hot, whisk it. It produces good foam with no batteries to replace. I have yet to find a milk frother that lasts more than a year, and I hate using batteries.


June 28, 2018 7:45am 7:45 am

We don’t have Costco her in the UK – or at least not where I live. We do have bagged shop bought salads though! This is a great idea and an easy way to make a lunch interesting and healthy.



December 7, 2017 11:44am 11:44 am

I know that other commenters have backed this up, but the Costco bagged salads have completely changed my work lunches. They’re very inexpensive, extremely tasty, and pretty much guarantee that I don’t go out and buy lunch. I often have leftover meatballs, or chicken, or grains from last night’s dinner to load it up with too. At any given moment there are at least 4 bags of the salads in our work fridge.



October 12, 2017 1:37pm 1:37 pm

Hi! I’m a longtime reader who rarely comments but just wanted to let you know that this post was so helpful! I tried buying the southwestern salad kit soon after this article but my Trader Joe’s said it was a seasonal item and out of stock. To my delight, it was in stock this week and I agree that this is such a great desk lunch (with the added avocado, of course :)! I am guilty of spending $12+ on unsatisfying salads on a regular basis which makes me so glad you shared this tip with us! Thank you, Stella, for this great post and thank you, Jo, for consistently useful, relatable, and all around great content!


Stella Blackmon


Reply to Holly

October 12, 2017 1:45pm 1:45 pm

Thank you so much for your kind comment, Holly! Means so much. Stella xoxoxo



July 24, 2017 7:07pm 7:07 pm

Just wanted to let you know that we tried this salad based on your review. Unexpectedly, my 2 yo son absolutely loves it! — possibly more than I do. It is the cutest thing when he asks me if I want to eat “sawad” with him. It’s so adorable. Thanks for the recommendation!



June 20, 2017 4:29pm 4:29 pm

My go-to lunch is Trader Joe’s Cruciferous Crunch Collection with their Goddess dressing. I let the dressing break down the veggies overnight and add avocado and rotisserie chicken the next day, I sometimes add a little hot sauce also. I’ve been eating this lunch for years and it’s so delish!



June 19, 2017 7:10pm 7:10 pm

I have been struggling to find this in stores, despite my desperate attempt to do so after reading this article, and was recently told by a TJ’s employee that it is seasonal. ~crying emoji~



Reply to Christine

September 25, 2017 1:39pm 1:39 pm

I had the same problem – if there’s one near you, Harris Teeter has similar salads! I’ve been snagging a bunch every week to throw in my lunch or accompany dinner. Happy Dance!!!


June 13, 2017 8:21am 8:21 am

Wish we had something like this here in Scotland, the land that Salad forgot :(



Reply to Bry Jaimea

March 23, 2019 12:31pm 12:31 pm

Your comment made me laugh because we were in Scotland for two weeks this past summer and all I wanted was a salad after so many Scottish breakfasts and fish and chips…finally about 8 days in we went to dinner at the Loch Shiel Hotel in Acharacle and had the best salad of my life…and the first of the trip! I don’t even know what all the greens were that they put in it but it looked like they had just gone out into the garden and picked whatever they could find!



June 12, 2017 2:14pm 2:14 pm

This post and all the comments seriously made my day! AND you saved me money – I was about to run out for Poke, read this, and thought, “Eh, I’ll just make my soup and tuna.” Now I have more room for dinner. :) Thanks!



June 11, 2017 1:48pm 1:48 pm

My easiest and almost tastiest dinner is this:
Half a jar of watered down tomatoey/garlicy pasta sauce.
A can of tuna.

Cook the rice, heat the tuna in the pasta sauce, stir in a good sized dollop of pesto, and dump the lot over the rice. It turns into this soupy, almost-risotto-like concoction that literally takes 10 minutes. It’s one of my late-home-from-work dinner staples!



June 10, 2017 9:10pm 9:10 pm

Love love love all the ideas! My coworkers call me the “health nut” because of the yummy things I bring for lunch but they also tell me they’re jealous because it looks so good! Now if I could just get those things made the night before so I’m not late to work anymore …… !



June 10, 2017 3:55pm 3:55 pm

TJs soyrizo sautéed with a little olive oil, chopped onions (I freeze the chopped onions from the produce section), & a big handful of the frozen yellow/red/green peppers. Toss that on some brown rice and mashed sweet potato.

If you re-heat it with a wet paper towel over it, the rice tastes almost as yummy as it was fresh!


June 9, 2017 3:29pm 3:29 pm

LOVE everything at Trader Joe’s .

Cruciferous Crunch salad with chicken, goat cheese, nuts and dried cranberries
Ricotta cheese with no additives that make the texture gummy. Most store bought ricotta is gross!
Riced Cauliflower and Broccoli (made into fried rice here
Sparkling Vino Verde

I could go on and on.


June 9, 2017 10:08am 10:08 am

Of course our Trader Joe’s is on the other side of town from me, but I’d be willing to make the drive for an inexpensive lunch! It looks incredible. But I’d probably need to add some chicken to it as well. Thank you for the suggestion! Where I live, there is one place I can think of where you can find $5 lunches but they are definitely not the healthiest. Everywhere else will cost about $10, like you said. So I am super thrilled to find this suggestion. I’ve been trying to think of something cost-efficient I could do for lunch everyday without the prep hassle, still healthy, and packing the protein for a workout. This sounds like just the ticket. ??



June 9, 2017 10:03am 10:03 am

Bought this yesterday for the first time coincidentally. I had this for dinner and plan on consuming the other half for lunch. Chewing on something is so much more satisfying than drinking a smoothie or having soup, etc.
Happy crunching.

Taylor Farms makes great salad mixes as well.


I’ve been buying the Taylor Farm chopped salads too; so good, and now my hubby eats more salads too



June 9, 2017 9:44am 9:44 am

Kroger has at least 10 different versions of these bagged salads as well, and they have also changed my lunch game. I will also buy the pre-cut organic chicken slices ($ but worth it for the cooking-averse) to up the protein even more. Breaks down to less than $4/lunch and it’s super healthy.



June 8, 2017 9:33pm 9:33 pm

We have a Whole Foods literally next to my office. The hot bar is like kryptonite for my wallet.

My office pals and I have started having an informal competition for budget-friendly lunches from WF. My coworker got a can of black beans ($1), a hard boiled egg and some grated cheese from the salad bar (about $0.75), and a splash of hot sauce (free from condiments section). It was very good when all heated in the office microwave. My current fave is ready-made egg salad (about $3.50), crackers ($2.50 for the pack), and an apple (about $1). The egg salad is enough for 2 lunches so I think my lunch costs under $4, since the crackers are such a big pack.



June 8, 2017 9:08pm 9:08 pm

Great post! When the weather gets warm I like to make a big batch of tuna macaroni salad (pasta, tuna, bag of shredded carrots, bag of frozen peas, mayo, relish) and rely on that for a quick lunch all week. It’s cold, filling, and a total 80s throwback :)



Reply to Holly

June 9, 2017 12:04pm 12:04 pm

80s throwback? Try the 50s. My mom made a version of this when I was growing up and I’ve made it since at least the early 70s. I was just thinking that this summer’s inaugural batch will probably appear this weekend since we’re due to have highs in the 90s.



Reply to Holly

June 13, 2017 8:59pm 8:59 pm

This was always a regular dish while I was growing up. When I moved out on my own and was broke, I’d buy a pound of macaroni, jar of miracle whip, some radishes, eggs, an onion
And 2 cans of tuna and some frozen peas. Throw it all together and my boyfriend and I could eat on it for a week. Back in 1980 this cost $10 for 2 people for an entire week



June 8, 2017 8:15pm 8:15 pm

This is the content I crave! :)


June 8, 2017 5:42pm 5:42 pm

We try to pack our lunch to work every single day and to me, that’s probably the most budget-friendly (not to mention nutritious) thing we could do to our bodies :)


June 8, 2017 4:37pm 4:37 pm

Stella, this is a really good reminder that it’s so easy to waste cash on unnecessary things… especially when you consider how much you could save over the course of a year. I stopped drinking wine for 10 weeks and we saved a small fortune lol. And isn’t Trader Joe’s just the best?!


Stella Blackmon


Reply to Belle @ This Life Is Belle

June 9, 2017 3:54pm 3:54 pm

You are so right, Belle!! xx



June 8, 2017 3:53pm 3:53 pm

This is hilarious! Started a new job with no lunch options whatsoever- have been seriously patting myself on the back for bringing these baggies in everyday!



June 8, 2017 3:38pm 3:38 pm

I was so exhausted last night and hadn’t prepared my lunch for today that i just sliced half a cucumber and about 4/5 cherry tomatoes; i added feta cheese, salt, pepper and fresh basil, et voilà ! It was super simple and yet turned out surprisingly delicious – i’m hooked now and doing it again for tomorrow!
It’s a light lunch; i wouldn’t eat that during winter season but it’s absolutely perfect for summer!



June 8, 2017 3:17pm 3:17 pm

I’m always bummed that Trader Joe’s doesn’t open earlier on mornings when I realize there’s nothing in the fridge for me… On weeks when I’m well prepared, I love making this salad and it holds for at least 4 days in the fridge. Great over quinoa or mixed greens too.


June 8, 2017 1:56pm 1:56 pm

My roommate loves this stuff. She makes five tupperwares full of it at the beginning of the week and puts a paper towel in the container to soak up moisture.



June 8, 2017 11:54am 11:54 am

I thought I was the only one excited about this salad! I am thankful for it on a daily basis, and very glad it’s so popular…hopefully not going away anytime soon. Will definitely be adding beans!



June 8, 2017 11:50am 11:50 am

Ha! I’m on my third bag this week! LOVE THIS STUFF! I often add a protein – a hard boiled egg, sausage or chicken to the salad as well.


Abby atkins

June 8, 2017 11:48am 11:48 am

I am truly the most boring person in the lunch room and am teased relentlessly for my lack of creativity, but I just sit silently and smugly as I know how much money I save by my budget friendly lunches. I buy a bag of spinach that lasts the week, grab either a five pack of adeles chicken sausages or two cans of tuna (yes – I’m that office mate who dares to open a can of tuna within the vicinity of peers), and a side. I don’t use any dressing but I’ll heat up the sausage and eat it directly with dry spinach and you may be surprised at how tasty it actually is because the juices from sausage get soaked into the spinach. Sometimes I’ll make a tuna salad with stolen mayo and relish packets from a deli. And then I’ll chop some cucumbers or strawberries or just a handful of pistachios on the side. I eat this everyday. And I haven’t calculated how much I’ve saved since the days of going out for lunch but I do know my lunch costs an average of $2-3 a day.



June 8, 2017 11:19am 11:19 am

I rediscovered tuna melts. During my 20s that’s what I lived on. While lamenting the weight I’ve put on since then, it dawned on me one day that I now consume a much bigger meal at dinner than a tuna melt. And one night, when my husband was at a loss as to what to cook (he does the cooking in our house), I said, “Tuna melts coming right up!” They were such a hit with him — you’d think I’d suddenly graduated from the Cordon Bleu! I use a good whole wheat bread, mix a dollup of mayo and good mustard, sprinkle dried basil with tuna (fresh dill if we have it), top with a tomato if in season, slap on a piece of cheese and stick it under the broiler ’til the cheese is bubbling. Delish!

It’s making me hungry right now!



Reply to Elizabeth

June 8, 2017 5:44pm 5:44 pm

My dad says that he lived on tuna melts in med school, and now I am in med school….and living on tuna melts. :) > cue lion king circle of life music <



Reply to Elizabeth

June 9, 2017 6:31am 6:31 am

I sometimes add a crisp finely chopped apple into the mix- sounds weird, but it adds a delightful crunch and sweetness! I also live on Tuna Melts, if you’d have told me when I was a kid, I’d be like… hard pass.,



June 8, 2017 11:18am 11:18 am

Lately when I’ve been in a rush I’ll grab those premade bean salads from TJ’s or the Co-op across the street. They’re like $4 for one serving. But the ingredients are clearly listed and very simple, so the next week I go to the store, buy those 8 ingredients, and throw together a big bowl of the same salad, and it lasts me a week!



June 8, 2017 11:08am 11:08 am

THANK YOU for this post! I’m always interested in trying new things from Trader Joe’s, so I just added this salad kit to my shopping list.

Recently, I made these Quinoa Stuffed Peppers (, but added 1lb ground turkey, which doubled the recipe. I stuffed some of it into peppers and have been eating the rest of the filling plopped on top of mixed greens with a dash of hot sauce. I haven’t calculated the price per serving, but my bet is that it’s pretty cheap!



June 8, 2017 10:38am 10:38 am

Stella, it looks like you are making admirable progress on your financial goals that you mentioned in the post awhile back about tax season. Would love to see more budget-conscious posts and ideas! Keep up the good work!!



June 8, 2017 9:00am 9:00 am

Your website is forever making me wish we had Trader Joe’s here in Canada! The majority of salad kits in my local stores look wilted and sad. The few good ones are always 6-8 bucks! You’ve got a good thing goin’, American friends. ;)



Reply to Sarah

June 8, 2017 3:58pm 3:58 pm

Me too! Also wishing Targets expansion to Canada was successful!

I often get those brocolli/carrot slaws in a bag and just add dressing but it’s more of a side than a meal.



Reply to Sarah

June 9, 2017 6:32am 6:32 am

Trader Joe’s and Target… (RIP)


Lindsay Yuasa

Reply to Sarah

June 9, 2017 10:29am 10:29 am

So true, I regularly lament the lack of TJs and Target! Costco has a salad mix that is almost the same as this. It’s so good!


June 8, 2017 6:54am 6:54 am

Seriously, you are speaking my language with this post! My husband and I loved this salad mix, that we considered a blog called “Bagged Salad B**ches” to review different premade salad mixes.

As a vegetarian, I am ashamed that I didn’t think to add black beans. You just took this to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!



Stella Blackmon


Reply to Sandra Manley-Eichler

June 8, 2017 9:57am 9:57 am

This is making me laugh so much, Sandra. I would definitely be a reader!

Stella xxo



Reply to Sandra Manley-Eichler

June 8, 2017 12:01pm 12:01 pm

Oh my gosh, you need to start this blog! Or at least an Instagram account!


Joanna Goddard


Reply to Sandra Manley-Eichler

June 8, 2017 12:04pm 12:04 pm

haha i would definitely read this too!


Reply to Sandra Manley-Eichler

June 8, 2017 8:55pm 8:55 pm

Please make this blog/instagram account a reality! fellow bag salad b**ch here!



Reply to Sandra Manley-Eichler

June 13, 2017 9:04pm 9:04 pm

Let me know when you start it up! Would love to read that daily!


June 8, 2017 6:20am 6:20 am

Oh my gosh that looks soooo good! I wish I lived near a Trader Joe’s still, maybe I should move back to Pittsburgh just for this. XD



June 8, 2017 4:08am 4:08 am

I live in Germany, so unfortunately no TJ here :( BUT, my hack is getting a small tub of hummus from the grocery store next door and a few carrots. It´s really good and satisfying and I can eat on my desk :)



June 8, 2017 12:34am 12:34 am

Fried egg in a corn tortilla with hot sauce.



Reply to Jenny

June 8, 2017 2:49pm 2:49 pm



June 7, 2017 11:57pm 11:57 pm

So very well written. We found that saving a few dollars here and there while out and about made a big difference. Well done.



June 7, 2017 11:45pm 11:45 pm

Trader Joe’s Japanese Style Fried Rice with a fried egg on top! I can make three meals from one bag of the fried rice and three eggs. The rice is about $3-4, so that’s a pretty cheap meal.



Reply to Rebekah

June 8, 2017 9:26pm 9:26 pm

What is in the rice??? I haven’t been to TJ’s in a while because life has been hectic, and it out of my usual path. I love their premade foods though!



June 7, 2017 11:10pm 11:10 pm

A few favorites at TJs: the frozen garlic naan (I love making little naan pizzas with this!), the corn salsa, and the chocolate covered almonds with turbinado sugar (dangerously good)!

I’ve been making a much more concerted effort to bring my lunches in. This Monday I brought in a few everything bagels along with pickles, sliced cheddar, avocado, and mustard for bagel sandwiches throughout the week. Nice and filling to get me through the long day!


June 7, 2017 11:05pm 11:05 pm

I’m all about eggs – fried, scrambled, hard/soft-boiled or omelette-style – with veggies and avocado…plus a bite or so of good, hard, preferably raw cheese.

I buy the best eggs available (pasture-raised, local), which run around $7-ish a carton in my world. May seem pricey for eggs, but quality makes all the difference…and given their protein and nutrient-density, it’s still a total deal. (Plus, I love the taste!)



June 7, 2017 10:17pm 10:17 pm

These comments are all so great! I’m a high school teacher so I always bring my lunch (mediocre canteen food, ick) and I never have more than 20 minutes to scarf it down so pre-prepped or picnic-y lunches are a major win.

I swear by the app Wanderlist for all my listing needs, and I’ve got a folder of lists of ideas for each meal/snack. Then when I’m stuck for inspiration, I can just look at the list on my phone and I’m back to great lunches.

My lunch list just got much, much longer and more inspiring thanks to these comments. :)



June 7, 2017 9:40pm 9:40 pm

Love all this love for TJs! Have you all seen this website?
This guy reviews every product at TJs – beware: it’s super addictive!


Joanna Goddard


Reply to Stephanie

June 7, 2017 9:49pm 9:49 pm

wow, how cool! thanks, stephanie!


June 7, 2017 9:39pm 9:39 pm

Yes!!! This salad is SO good! It’s incredible with carnitas. I make mine in the crockpot and eat it all week. This carnitas recipe is my go-to:

Now I know what I’m buying on my way home from work in the morning!



June 7, 2017 8:35pm 8:35 pm

I love these salad packs! I usually dress up the broccoli kale mix with some quick chopped red onion and a portion of 15-minute lemon-dijon salmon – a total slam dunk for a first year teacher otherwise living mostly on Clif bars.

The only problem is that when I am at the market, I usually have to reach over the locally grown kale to grab this bag filled with vegetables from 1,000 miles away and like 4 separate plastic sachets of add ons. The sad price of convenience :(



June 7, 2017 7:21pm 7:21 pm

I’m a little surprised by some of the negative comments- this isn’t worth the money or there are better options. The truth is there are million ways to eat lunch. I used to stress out so much about making everything from scratch- I could make 4 salads for the cost this bag, I could make a gallon of dressing for the cost of this bottle, etc. Maybe those things are true but at some point I just gave myself permission to take shortcuts. Turns out a bag of precut broccoli means we actually eat broccoli. Grabbing a Trader Joes salad bag keeps us from a sad overpriced sandwich. In the long run our meals are better for it. It’s striking a balance between your wallet and your sanity and your hard earned free time. That balance looks different to everyone.


Reply to Danielle

June 7, 2017 11:04pm 11:04 pm

Thanks for voicing this sentiment, Danielle! I often get caught up in the mind game of thinking I need to do things the *best* way, that often stresses me to the point of not doing it at all.


Reply to Danielle

June 8, 2017 6:58am 6:58 am

Well said! Seriously, I know I could buy pineapple/butternut squash and cut it myself, but why do that when it seriously is like another .50 cents and it saves my sanity (and probably my fingers…my knife skills need work).




Reply to Danielle

June 8, 2017 8:40am 8:40 am

Danielle, you’ve hit the nail on the head. If buying a premixed bag of chopped salad gets me to have fresh veg at lunchtime, I’m going to do it.



Reply to Danielle

June 8, 2017 8:44am 8:44 am

Yes! On the whole I hate buying pre-packaged foods but to be honest, on a busy week, the pre-cut tray of vegetables or the bag of salad keeps me healthier than the take out I would end up buying otherwise. We can be too hard on ourselves sometimes.



Reply to Danielle

June 8, 2017 12:08pm 12:08 pm

YES sometimes the semi-convenient way to do something is much better than not doing it at all!!



Reply to Danielle

June 8, 2017 1:03pm 1:03 pm

Danielle this is such a good comment I came back to read it again. lol



Reply to Danielle

June 8, 2017 2:17pm 2:17 pm

“Turns out a bag of precut broccoli means we actually eat broccoli.”




Reply to Danielle

June 8, 2017 3:32pm 3:32 pm

Thank you Danielle! I have discovered that if I buy all the ingredients for some complicated fancy lunch, there’s about a 50/50 chance I’ll actually take the time to put it together while I’m running out the door in the morning. On the other hand, if I have something quick and ready to go, I’ll always pack it in lieu of eating out. Convenience is huge.



Reply to Danielle

June 8, 2017 9:45pm 9:45 pm

For us, the other option is takeout or delivery. So basically we could have $8 worth of premade TJ’s stuff that we throw together at home in 10 minutes… or $35 worth of takeout or delivery. That’s a huge difference for our overall budget.



June 7, 2017 7:00pm 7:00 pm

I’ve always just made dinner with an eye towards bringing leftovers for lunch the next day – the flavors are always so welcome compared to a bought lunch. Plopped atop salad, I’ll eat it with dressing or bring a wrap (usually a couple sheets of nori!) to roll it all up in. I always add a treat, either a baggie of homemade trail mix (huge jar pre-made in the pantry), or some kind of treaty bar like tray-bake like fancy homemade granola bars topped with chocolate or the like that I make in advance specifically so I am not tempted to buy something.
Something else I am trying this year along this theme is putting money I would have spent on lunch and the inevitable daily special treat in a piggy bank (jar) where I can see it and seeing how much I did not spend on food I did not need to buy! I actually am doing this will all my random purchases in an effort to get a tangible idea of just how much money I spend senselessly. I tally at the end of each month and keep a record for the year. It’s been eye-opening. After reading that most Europeans have like, 50K average in their savings vs most Americans who have, like 5K average, I realized I’ve got to get smarter about saving money.



Reply to june2

June 7, 2017 7:03pm 7:03 pm

Actually, I’d love to see an article on what women here have on average in savings..



Reply to june2

June 8, 2017 1:55pm 1:55 pm

June2 – The attention you’re paying to your spending and the intention behind redirecting spending to savings makes my financial planner heart happy! I’m just as guilty of mindless spending, but also a firm believer that if you measure it you can manage it. It’s also worth saying that in all things (even financial things) there exists a balance. I recently began using a budgeting solution called You Need a Budget (aka YNAB). The idea behind it is that every dollar has a job and those jobs are assigned based on your goals and priorities. Ultimately, I think it’s an approach that has just enough flexibility to deal with life’s curveballs while maintaining the accountability needed to work toward goals. It’s not a silver bullet one-size-fits-all solution, but I think it could really help a lot of folks start moving in positive direction. I’d also love to see more conversations on CoJ about money – budgeting, saving for retirement, all of it.


Melanie Felix

Reply to june2

June 15, 2017 5:16am 5:16 am

Could you please share your trail mix and granola bars recipes?!




June 7, 2017 6:19pm 6:19 pm

I’m in this really stressful time at work, so please don’t think I’m weird when I tell you this made me cry. It’s so hard to figure out what to do for lunches when I’m this harried. You never let me down, Cup of Jo.


Joanna Goddard


Reply to Haylie

June 7, 2017 9:52pm 9:52 pm

oh, haylie, sending you the biggest hug! hang in there. we’ve all been there. it must be so exhausting to have so much on your shoulders, but you’ll get through it, you’re doing a great job, and there are good times ahead. xoxoxoxo


Reply to Haylie

June 8, 2017 6:31am 6:31 am

sending you a big hug from Johannesburg today, Haylie. I have had those overwhelmed times too (matter of fact, it’s probably a week or two out for me – year-end coming up :))



June 7, 2017 5:21pm 5:21 pm

You can get other cheaper versions of this anywhere. Its literally broccoli bits and scraps of frozen vegetables that customers didn’t want to buy. BROCCOLI stalks sheds of baby carrot.
Save further money with skin on chicken thighs. ROAST IN OVEN, ADD A CUP OF COLE SLAW, ADD WATER OR BROTH TO CHICKEN. The extra skin makes broth especially for marinated chicken. It is a perfect lo carb lunch that has less prep then a cup of noodles. If you are on Keto you can even eat the skin. It probably could be vegan broth too. With a bit of salt or msg.


Alexandra Marie

June 7, 2017 4:59pm 4:59 pm

Just got a $3 can of salmon to make salmon patties. This recipe makes 6-8 patties, so that will be 3 to 4 meals for my husband and me.


Reply to Alexandra Marie

June 7, 2017 8:47pm 8:47 pm

wow that sounds so good!



June 7, 2017 4:22pm 4:22 pm

Currently eating TJ’s curried chicken salad (in the fridge section, and WAYYYY better than their plain “white meat” chicken salad). It tastes great on everything – bread, crackers, pita… I actually prefer it on tortillas! One container is enough for 2 lunches.



June 7, 2017 4:20pm 4:20 pm

Literally eating this salad right now! Added avocado and leftover steak. NOMZ



June 7, 2017 4:08pm 4:08 pm

Eating the shredded kale one with added avocado and goat cheese while I read this! Love it.


June 7, 2017 4:00pm 4:00 pm

This is awesome! Lunch is so challenging for me. I work from home and very often skip it all together! It feels like so much of my day is spent figuring out what to eat and actually eating, that it gets tiresome – especially around dinnertime. Having some go-to’s always helps, like yogurt and shakes, but I haven’t really found a go-to for lunch. I’m really interested in trying this! My energy has been so low lately and I have been skipping exercise, that I’ve decided to seek out some help from a nutritionist. I’m hoping she’ll get me back on track and give me some great, easy, ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner – like this one. Anyone else out there feel similar about meal planning? I never ends! Haha.



Reply to Eva

June 7, 2017 8:38pm 8:38 pm

I really struggle with lunch too….no great wisdoms to offer unfortunately. I chop up one romaine heart and add whatever is floating around the fridge, bring some pita and dressing. I try to add some fruit in the salad for a different dimension. Always SO grateful when there is a work lunch to save me from myself.

Maybe Joanna and team can help Us? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.



Reply to Eva

June 9, 2017 9:29pm 9:29 pm

Meal planning can be hard, but I find that if I keep a couple of staples on hand I can keep from getting hangry. I love pre-washed spinach or salad kits. You can put spinach in anything: eggs, a sandwich, pasta, stir fry. I always keep lunch meat, cheese and tortillas in the fridge. It only takes five minutes to whip up a quesadilla. (Warm it up enough to melt the cheese in either the microwave or on the stove.) Big batch cooking also helps. On Sundays, I boil 4-5 eggs. They are easy, convenient snacks. Maybe I’ll make a big pot of soup to reheat by the bowl throughout the week. In summer, it’s I love to keep a big batch of egg salad or tuna salad in the fridge to eat on toast.



June 7, 2017 3:51pm 3:51 pm

trader joe’s lazy meals are the best! i love getting new ideas. our favorites:

-they sell a bag of peeled eggs. cut the egg in half & top with their whole grain Dijon mustard. quick protein fix without having to boil & peel eggs

-bowl of cottage cheese + can of chili (+ chicken sausages if we make at home)

-butternut squash ravioli w/ a bag of their frozen mushroom medley
or Japanese rice frozen bag (weirdly addictive)

-frozen mango mochi dessert (mango flavored ice cream wrapped in mango flavored mochi)


June 7, 2017 3:39pm 3:39 pm

One of my favorite Trader Joe lunch hacks is their Tomato & Roasted Red Pepper Soup, some arugula and feta. YUM!



June 7, 2017 3:31pm 3:31 pm

My coworkers make fun of my snack drawer but I dip into it daily and am always glad not to be dropping another $4 on a muffin from the lobby coffee stand. Snack drawer staples: clif bars, sweet & sour cashews, at least one can of soup, instant oatmeal packets, and usually a bag of M&Ms. Daily, I try to make a sandwich at home and grab an apple, a banana, chips, and a yogurt. I also generally keep hardboiled eggs in the office fridge.



June 7, 2017 3:20pm 3:20 pm

My favorite thing about this is seeing that “what to do about lunch” is such a universal thing. My latest super lazy go to meal is ramen with a TON of pre grated ginger tossed in. Every time I think about making it I think this is so wrong but it’s so warm and quick and satisfying.



Reply to liz

June 8, 2017 10:15am 10:15 am

Just make regular pasta or soba with a drizzle of sesame oil and soy sauce! Same ginger and green onions and you are good to go!


June 7, 2017 3:14pm 3:14 pm

this looks yummy! I usually bring a peanut butter and banana sandwich on wheat bread. I cut it into threes thinking I might snack on one third at 11am but usually end up eating the whole thing then ;-)



June 7, 2017 3:01pm 3:01 pm

I love Trader Joe’s and always appreciate these articles for the great TJ’s hacks – thanks fellow readers!

I always try to bring my lunch and usually will make a big batch of dressing for the week and bring in fresh ingredients to stow in my office fridge (a big bag of kale/arugula, nuts/chickpeas, another veg). Lately I’ve been really into a PB dressing (I use this with a bit more water: A couple other favorites here ( and here (



Reply to Mimi

June 7, 2017 3:37pm 3:37 pm

Thank you for sharing!



June 7, 2017 2:36pm 2:36 pm

This is also my go-to lunch. I like to use half and beef it up with extra shredded carrots (also at TJ’s). Sometimes I buy the frozen chicken breasts and put a few in the crock pot with salsa verde or hot sauce and use that to top the salad. Also! They now have ranch flavored crispy chick peas and they make an amazing addition.



June 7, 2017 2:35pm 2:35 pm

I wish we had Trader Joe’s in Canada :(



Reply to Meghan

June 7, 2017 2:56pm 2:56 pm

I’m an American living in montreal and it’s my #1 import wish!



Reply to Meghan

June 7, 2017 3:37pm 3:37 pm

Have you guys heard this episode of the podcast Start Up? So crazy!


June 7, 2017 2:32pm 2:32 pm

I kind of wish I made lunch more, but when I eat a lunch I make I almost always end up eating it at my desk. Whereas when I go out and buy lunch, I tend to eat it there, or in a nearby park. It’s a much-needed break in the middle of my day.



Reply to Mary Kate

August 1, 2017 9:25am 9:25 am



June 7, 2017 2:29pm 2:29 pm

I love this idea for lazy day (or should I say night – if I don’t pack lunch at night, it ain’t happening) lunches. Also, I’m bookmarking this because of all the genius TJ recipe hacks in the comments. thx!



June 7, 2017 2:13pm 2:13 pm

Perfect timing for this post!! Thank you!!


Beverly Ann Towry

Reply to Joanna

June 7, 2017 3:21pm 3:21 pm

No Trader Joe’s in Huntsville, AL? Great business opportunity for someone….


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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.