Teaching Teens & Kids About Credit Cards - Penny Pinchin' Mom (2024)

Teaching our kids about credit cards is just as important as teaching them how to do laundry and learn to drive. But, it is a topic many parents are discussing. Whether you use credit cards or not, you need to teach your kids about credit cards before they start getting applications in the mail.

Teaching Teens & Kids About Credit Cards - Penny Pinchin' Mom (1)

Part of teaching our children about finances includes budgeting, savings, and credit. We also need to make sure they understand credit and debit cards and how they work.

Our kids learn a lot of things in school, but personal finance is currently not one of them. That means this vital lesson is one that parents need to teach. And, if you don’t, they will often make financial mistakes that may last for years.

Read more:

  • 12 Financial Lessons All Kids Must Learn
  • Teaching Children Financial Responsibility
  • Money Advice for Kids For Every Age
  • Chore Charts for Kids by Age



There is not a “right” age to start educating your kids on this topic. However, it is imperative that you do so when your kids are old enough to have a checking account. Many kids will get one by the time they are 12 or 13. You may want to even hold onto the debit card until you have the chance to teach them about how it works (just avoid possible issues).

Of course, it doesn’t hurt to start sharing with your kids how you use the card at the store. It is easy to explain to them that when you use your debit card, the money comes right out of the bank, but when you use your credit card, you pay a bill at the end of the month.

Our oldest is now 13, and we started these discussions a few years ago. She recently got a Greenlight card to get her usedto using plastic and managing her money in a controlled environment.

You know your kids and how mature they are. If you feel that they are ready at age 10, then start the discussion. However, for other parents, the child will need to be a bit older before those talks commence.


The most crucial lesson kids and teens need is the difference between credit and debit. The simple way to explain this to them is:

A debit card means that the money will instantly be deducted from their checking account.

A credit card means they buy now and will have to pay for it later.


Just like adults, teens and kids need to know how much they have in their bank account before they shop. It requires them to know how to maintain and balance a checking account. They should also learn how to monitor their accounts online (just to watch for fraud).

Also, they should understand that if they use the card at an ATM to get cash. When they get money out of the ATM, it is also immediately taken out of their account. They can’t get more cash out than they have available in the bank. Kids need to understand this as well.


As stated above, using a credit card means you get the things you want now, but will need to pay for them later. Each card holder receives a bill at the end of the month that they will have to pay.

Even more important than knowing how a credit card work is learning how to use a credit card responsibly. Kids have to understand that a credit card is not a golden ticket to just shop and buy anything they want. They have to realize that it is a temporary loan. Here are some things to remember to teach your kids about credit:

Credit cards are not free money

Teens and kids must know that using a credit card is not free money. In fact, it is someone else’s money you are using for a short time.

A credit card is an agreement between your teen and the bank that they can use that money for a little while, as long as the pay it back. Your teen needs to understand that while they can make payments to pay off the balance, the longer it takes, the more it will cost. They need to know that $200 they spent this weekend could cost $225 if they don’t pay it all back at once.

You can’t miss payments

If your teen doesn’t make their bed or forgets to take out the trash, Mom and Dad remind them. But, that isn’t the case with credit cards.

The issuing bank expects payments to be made on time each month. If your teen is late or missesa payment, it will result in late charges. It could also potentially affect their credit score in a negative way, should the issuer decide to make a report to the credit agencies.

Never charge more than they can afford to pay back

Explaining this concept is sometimes difficult. After all, we often use credit cards because we don’t have any cash at the moment.

The difference is that when responsible credit card owners swipe their cards, they know that there is $50 in the bank right now, which will cover the $50 purchase they are making. Kids have to understand that if you charge too much and can’t pay it back, it means they have to pay interest.

Understanding how they affect your credit score

Every time you swipe your credit card, someone is watching. They are monitoring how much you charge and if you pay it back on time. These events affect your credit score.

Your credit score tells banks and lenders how good (or bad) you are with money. If you continually charge up to your credit limit and are late with your payments, it will result in a negative mark and could lower your score. However, limiting your monthly use and paying it in full and on time monthly, could raise your score.

Explaining why their credit score matters is part of understanding responsible credit card use. Teens need to know that if they ever want to buy a car or a house and need to take out a loan, the lender needs to know how they handle money. Their credit score can be the difference between getting approve or not and even affect their monthly payment.

A bad mistake will not go away

Teens make mistakes. Most of the time they are fixable. But, that may not always be the case when it comes to credit cards. And, even if you do fix them, they can haunt you for years.

A missed payment can place a negative rating on your credit score. Even if the card is paid in full and then closed, that negative mark does not instantly go away. It remains on their report for up to ten years.

Anytime a lender or even potential landlord, for instance, runs a credit report, that negative mark will show. It may not matter that it happened two years ago or not. The lender may decide they do not want to take the risk of you not making your payments on time.

You can’t charge whatever you want

Each credit card issuer places a limit on the amount you can charge. Once you reach that amount, you can’t charge anymore.

Kids need to learn that they should never charge too much on the card, or they may not be able to use it when they need to. Not only that, a lower balance is more manageable to pay off at the end of each month. And, the bonus is that it tells a lender you are responsible with money, which can help them when they grow up and decide to buy a car or home.

Buying with a credit card should be the last option

Kids needto understand that the best way to buy anything is to use cash or their debit card. They should use these to pay for their necessary expenses and only use credit cards when necessary.


There are some different ways to go about educating your children about credit and debit cards. The simplest thing to do is to take them with you when you shop.

Allow them to see how you add the items you need to the cart. Then, swipe your debit card. When you get home, go online to your checking account and show your child how the amount that they spent is now deducted from your account.

Practice this same thing when you use a credit card. Have your child with you and swipe your credit card. Explain to them that it is a temporary loan. Then, when the bill comes at the end of the month, show them the purchase that they made with you on the statement. Share with them how you are paying it in full every month and never carry a balance.


Of course, you don’t want to hand your 12-year-old a credit card to use. But, you can create your own! Find one of your old cards and create a new “cover” for it. Turn this into your child’s debit card.

Then, when it comes to allowance time, give them the cash as usual. However, also have your child create a check register, where they can record the deposit.

When they want something, ask them to show you their debit card. Then, use your debit card at the store to pay for the item. As soon as you get home, they need to go to their check register and find the cash to pay for the item. Teach them how to update their records to show they bought something, so they see how much they have left to spend. This allows them to see how it truly works. They will see that they were able to use plastic to get what they needed – but they had to pay for it instantly.

You can do the same thing with a credit card. However, instead of asking them to hand over the cash at that time, have them (and you) keep a running total of what they are spending for the month. They should make sure they watch their account so that they do not overspend more than the amount they have in their account.

At the end of the month, hand them a bill for what they owe. They will need to go to their cash account and then hand over the full amount due at that time. This helps them understand how they can use it to get things they need. The difference they will see is that they pay you once a month instead of it being instant — but that they still need to track their spending, so they don’t spend more than they have available!


Once your child has a grasp of how to use debit or credit card, it’s time to get them into the real world. You can start with a gift card to get them use to swiping and monitoring how much they have to spend.

Another option is a real debit card, that is safe for them to use. Using something such asGreenlightis one option. As a parent, you get complete control of their card, right down to where they spend and how much. They have the chance to learn about credit and debit in a very controlled environment.

You take the time to teach your kids how to do laundry, about the birds and the bees and how to be a good person. Make sure that you don’t forget the importance of finances too! It is just as important as other topics.

Teaching Teens & Kids About Credit Cards - Penny Pinchin' Mom (2)

Teaching Teens & Kids About Credit Cards - Penny Pinchin' Mom (2024)


How to explain credit cards to a child? ›

1) Credit is not your money and the longer it takes to pay it back, the more it costs. It's important that kids understand when using a credit card, you're essentially using someone else's money to buy something. In the case of a credit card, it's the bank's money.

What percentage do you think that 8 14 year olds have a credit card? ›

Credit and debt statistics

17 percent of children aged 8 to 14 years have a credit card, and 19 percent in this age group have a checking account (T. Rowe Price) 73 percent of parents indicate they talk regularly with their children about saving and spending habits (T. Rowe Price).

What parents should teach their kids about money? ›

To help combat the idea that money is meant for spending rather than saving, Gardner suggests that parents teach their kids all the different ways money can actually be used. He's developed four basic rules of managing money: 1) spend cautiously; 2) save diligently; 3) invest wisely; 4) give generously.

What is a credit score explanation for kids? ›

A credit score is a number that represents whether you are a person who can be trusted to borrow money or not. Credit scores are based on your personal financial history, which shows how responsible you are with money.

What is credit card very short answer? ›

What is a credit card in simple words? A credit card is a physical payment card that allows you to get credit from a financial institution. You can use the pre-approved limit to make purchases and repay the borrowed amount with an interest each month within your billing cycle.

Should 16 year old kids be given credit cards? ›

Credit cards and teens may not sound like a good fit, but giving your teen their own card can be an excellent way to learn about credit management. While teens can't get their own credit cards until they are 18, there are other ways a 16-year-old can pay for purchases.

Is it legal for a 14 year old to have a credit card? ›

Children under the age of 18 are not allowed to enter into credit card agreements, but many card issuers will allow minors to become authorized card users. Some issuers have minimum age requirements, that necessitate authorized users must be at least 13 or 16 years old.

What percent of 18 year olds have more than $1000 in credit card debt? ›

Young Americans and Credit Card Debt by the Numbers

According to the GOBankingRates survey, 28% of Americans under the age of 24 have over $1,000 in credit card debt. Of those under 24 with credit card debt, 16% have debt between $1,001-$2,500, 10% have debt between $2,5001-$7,500 and 2% have debt of over $10,000.

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Build trust

This has more to do with a parent and child relationship, but giving your child a credit card is a big sign that you trust them to make responsible decisions. That means not running up a bill or making purchases that they can't pay off.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

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Aside from teaching their children the value of hard work, wealthy parents frequently teach them the concept of delayed gratification when it comes to financial decisions. They encourage their children to save for long-term goals rather than spending money impulsively on short-term desires.

How do you teach rich kids about money? ›

Use allowances to teach children how to handle wealth. Have them divide their allowance into three equal parts. One-third goes toward their own pleasure, one-third into savings and one-third to charity. This method helps them learn about other uses of money, beyond buying them things.

What are the 3 C's that define a credit score? ›

Students classify those characteristics based on the three C's of credit (capacity, character, and collateral), assess the riskiness of lending to that individual based on these characteristics, and then decide whether or not to approve or deny the loan request.

What is credit for dummies? ›

Quick Answer. Credit is the ability to borrow money under the agreement that you'll repay the debt later. Credit agreements typically come with repayment terms that include when payments will be due, plus any interest and fees you'll need to pay.

What is a good credit score for dummies? ›

If your lender is pulling your score from Experian, they will see your FICO credit score. You would need to score between 670 and 739 to have a good credit score. If the lender is checking your VantageScore with TransUnion, you need to rate between 661 and 780.

How would you explain to a 6 year old how a credit card works? ›

Children often learn best with real-life examples, so break out your latest credit card statement, go through the different charges and explain credit card terms, such as balance, minimum payment, due date and interest.

How do you explain debits and credits to a child? ›

Explain that money spent using a debit card comes directly out of their bank account, and they must keep track of how much money is available in the account. Money spent using a credit card is borrowing someone else's money, and it must be paid back with interest.

How to explain debit to a child? ›

Help your child understand that when a person makes a purchase with a debit card, they are using the money they have deposited in the bank. In contrast, with a credit card purchase, a person is borrowing money from the credit card company.

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