30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (2024)

by thelittlefrugalhouse

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Are you ready to save more money this year? And finally get your finances under control?

It’s time to take action and start managing your money.

The 30 day money saving challenge is designed to give you action steps each day for a month that will increase your savings and decrease your spending.

Are you up for the challenge? See how much you can save in 30 days!

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (1)

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (2)

Learn to increase your savings,how to manage your money, and become financially successful.

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (3)

Changing your money habits will take time, effort, and a lot of hard work.

No matter what your finances look like, you can take control of them now.

It’s never too late to become financially successful.

About the 30 Day Money Saving Challenge

My biggest hope for you and this challenge is that you find new ways to save money that stick with you long after these 30 days.

This challenge is organized as a workbook with 30 daily challenges. You will find each day’s challenge in a printable format with tips to achieve that day’s goal.

  • Easy to follow challenges
  • Actionable tips that work
  • Learn to accelerate your savings30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (4)

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (5)

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (6)

How the 30 Day Money Saving Challenge Works

The challenge is organized into 30 days, but if you get off track or miss a day – it’s perfectly fine. Just pick up where you left off and keep going.

Once you complete the 30 daily challenges, you will have saved some money (hopefully a lot!) and learned new ways to manage your money.

After completion, implement the most powerful daily challenges into your normal life. Find a few challenges that really impacted your finances and adopt them full time. Keep finding new ways to save money!

  • Easy to follow format.The challenge is organized into 30 daily printable challenges. Each challenge is short and easy to understand. You’ll also find tips to complete each daily challenge.
  • Small and large challenges.Some challenges will be small and easy to complete. Others may be more involved and time consuming, but they will all make a difference and help you save money.

  • Keep track of your savings.Each challenge printable has a “estimated savings” box for you to keep track of all the money you are saving with each challenge. You’ll see what works best for you and what helps you save the most money.30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (7)30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (8)

Reach your big goals with the 30 Day Money Saving Challenge

I know you have big goals and dreams. They may seem out of reach or nearly impossible, but I’m here to tell you that you can do it.

Become debt free.

Pay your house off early.

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (9)

Buy a car with cash.

Take that dream vacation.

Start a business.

Quit your job and stay home.

I’m serious! When you manage your money well, you can reach your big goals much faster.

Take this 30 day money saving challenge to get started on those big goals and dreams of yours.

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (10)30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (11)

Why not start today?

Quit putting your dreams and goals off! Life is short, so go after those big dreams of yours.

Become financially successful today. Learn to save money now to reach those big money goals.

I’m here to help!30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (12)

Join the 30 Day Money Saving Challenge Today!

The 30 Day Money Saving Challenge will help yousave money today and learn money saving habitsthat will stick with you in the future.

Each daily challenge is specific and actionable.

You’ll know exactly what to do to complete the daily challenge.

You will also find helpful tips to help you complete each day’s challenge.

Join the 30 Day Money Saving Challenge and get the workbook for just $9.

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (13)

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (14)

A peek inside the 30 Day Money Saving Challenge…

  1. Daily Challenge:Each day’s challenge will be easy to understand and actionable.
  2. Tips to Complete the Challenge:You will find tips for each challenge to help you complete the daily challenge and learn more.
  3. Estimated Savings:You want to know how much you are saving, right? Record your estimated savings for each challenge and see the savings add up!30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (15)30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (16)


Accelerate your savings today!

Stop putting this off. You know you need to get your finances under control. So why not have a little fun with it?

Join the 30 Day Money Saving Challenge toaccelerate your savings today!

P.S.:If you don’t love the challenge, you can always email me within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. No questions asked! What is there to lose?

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (20)30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (21)

30 Day Money Saving Challenge - The Little Frugal House (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.