Stock Lending: Dispelling the Myths | BNY Mellon (2024)

One of the world’s largest pension funds sent shockwaves through markets by suspending its equity lending program. The decision has brought the subject of corporate governance to the forefront of securities finance.

Last year was one of the stronger periods for securities finance since the global financial crisis. Coming off a stellar 2018, which saw beneficial owners collect $9.69 billion in lending revenues — a post-crisis record — gross full-year income for 2019 came in at a still-respectable $8.66 billion, according to statistics from DataLend.

An otherwise generally positive year for securities finance was capped off, however, by the December 3, 2019 announcement by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) of Japan that it had “decided to suspend stock lending until further notice.” The suspension does not include the fund’s portfolio of fixed-income securities, which it continues to lend.

GPIF explained its decision on two grounds. The first was that the transfer of stock ownership rights during the course of a securities loan is “inconsistent with the fulfillment of the stewardship responsibilities of a long-term investor.”

The second reason was just as succinct: “the current stock lending scheme lacks transparency in terms of who is the ultimate borrower and for what purpose they are borrowing the stock.”

Given GPIF’s status as one of the world’s largest public pension funds, the suspension attracted extensive media coverage. The fund held a $383 billion portfolio of foreign equities at the end of the first quarter of 2019, but it has not disclosed securities lending income since 2017, collecting $81 million in revenue from lending activities during that year. Calls to the fund were not returned.

GPIF is not the only fund reviewing equity lending within a corporate governance context. In October 2018, Korea’s National Pension Service (NPS) announced it would halt domestic equity lending while it analyzed the “correlation between local share lending and short selling.” NPS continues to lend its global equities portfolio, however, while it evaluates its position regarding onshore stocks.

In spite of the reviews underway by the two investment giants, a broad community of market participants insists that short sellers do provide a range of benefits to the market, not least in acting as a countervailing force against overvalued securities.

Certain regulatory bodies have agreed. In December 2019, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) issued a report analyzing short-term pressures facing corporations. The body considered arguments concerning the impact of short selling and securities lending practices and their potential link with short-termism.

“The current stock lending scheme lacks transparency in terms of who is the ultimate borrower and for what purpose they are borrowing the stock.”


“ESMA points out that short selling and securities lending are key for price discovery and market liquidity,” the report states. It went on to say that “ESMA is not aware of concrete evidence pointing to a cause-effect connection between these practices and the existence of undue short-term market pressures” and that “securities lending, if done in a controlled way, is an opportunity to add value for fund investors and [is] compatible with long-term investment strategies.”

Substantial work has also been undertaken in recent years by nongovernment standard-setting organizations and industry bodies, such as the International Securities Lending Association (ISLA), to address some of the concerns outlined by GPIF.

On December 16, 2019, ISLA announced the formation of a new Council for Sustainable Finance, which will introduce a series of Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending in the first quarter of this year aimed to promote and embed environmental, social and governance (ESG) values into securities lending.

These are just the latest developments in a long sequence of industry improvements to enhance market transparency and provide reassurance that strong corporate governance frameworks support responsible securities lending programs.

“ESMA points out that short selling and securities lending are key for price discovery and market liquidity,” the report states. It went on to say that “ESMA is not aware of concrete evidence pointing to a cause-effect connection between these practices and the existence of undue short-term market pressures” and that “securities lending, if done in a controlled way, is an opportunity to add value for fund investors and [is] compatible with long-term investment strategies.”

Substantial work has also been undertaken in recent years by nongovernment standard-setting organizations and industry bodies, such as the International Securities Lending Association (ISLA), to address some of the concerns outlined by GPIF.

On December 16, 2019, ISLA announced the formation of a new Council for Sustainable Finance, which will introduce a series of Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending in the first quarter of this year aimed to promote and embed environmental, social and governance (ESG) values into securities lending.

These are just the latest developments in a long sequence of industry improvements to enhance market transparency and provide reassurance that strong corporate governance frameworks support responsible securities lending programs.

“The rules represent a giant leap forward in terms of transparency for the industry. ”

Improving Transparency

That’s because the contractual relationship between two counterparties involves only the borrower and lender. This means that beneficial owners have no legal nexus with any third parties that may buy or sell securities from the original borrower, nor any visibility into what a borrower intends to do with the loaned stock — whether to meet regulatory requirements or to sell the securities to pursue a short strategy.

While naked short selling (that is, selling equities prior to borrowing the shares) is banned in numerous jurisdictions, securities lending is utilized to legitimately enable covered short selling in line with regulatory guidance, as the ESMA December 2019 report reaffirmed.

For beneficial owners like GPIF that may be concerned about the motivation of borrowers, agent lenders have for some time offered capabilities to lenders that enable them to precisely customize what assets they lend out, under what terms and to whom.

These tools allow beneficial owners to specify cohorts of borrowers they are unwilling to lend to — hedge funds, for example, place thresholds on the amount of securities they’re willing to lend to a specific entity, or direct that particular equities in their portfolio are restricted from being lent to particular borrowers.

Loan Recall

GPIF’s other concern over stock lending — the ability to recall a loan in order to exercise shareholder voting rights — has made beneficial owners cautious about lending out securities. Understandably, many are anxious that following the legal transfer of ownership, the ability of shareholders to engage in voting may be impeded.

While this may indeed be the outcome in a “hard” term loan, which contractually removes the standard right of the lender to recall securities, “soft” term loans and overnight rolling lending arrangements can easily address this issue through a simple loan recall. This includes calling in a loan over the record date when a coupon or dividend payment is made.

“Agent lenders can recall securities ahead of a corporate action and effectively replace the loan with the borrower for the required period,” explains Ina Budh-Raja, Director of Securities Finance Product & Strategy at BNY Mellon, who is also an ISLA board member and Bank of England Money Market Committee member. “In fact, that capability has been a staple of the market for years and is generally a seamless process for clients utilizing larger agency programs, due to the size of available stock inventory and the varying appetites of a diverse pool of lender types.”

Such recalls are a well-established element of larger agency programs and are supported by boilerplate securities finance agreements like the Global Master Securities Lending Agreement (GMSLA). Although the issue of voting rights may seem more opaque, the GMSLA is nevertheless clear that any lender may indeed exercise its voting rights by recalling lent securities.

“Lenders can recall their securities whenever they want, for whatever reason they want, and they do not have to provide an explanation. All they need to do is ensure the request is made in good time so that we do not interrupt their investment lifecycle,” clarifies Paul Solway, Head of Securities Finance, APAC, at BNY Mellon and communications officer for the Pan Asia Securities Lending Association (PASLA).

In addition to recalls of loaned securities, collateral securities may be substituted by a borrower at any time, provided they deliver equivalent acceptable collateral to the lender.

The recent emergence of collateral pledge arrangements as an alternative to the traditional transfer of title within a securities loan transaction has also introduced a partial solution to the issue of the exercise of voting rights in collateral securities — at least for the borrower. Under a pledge, legal title transfer of securities ownership does not take place on the collateral, meaning that the borrower retains all proxy rights and dividend distributions of its non-cash collateral. In addition, the body of literature providing corporate governance guidance around how securities lending can coexist with shareholder responsibilities is extensive and growing.

“Lenders can recall their securities whenever they want, for whatever reason they want, and they do not have to provide an explanation. All they need to do is ensure the request is made in good time so that we do not interrupt their investment lifecycle ”


The Bank of England’s UK Money Markets Code, for example, sets out regulatory best practice standards for UK market participants and states that borrowers should not borrow securities for the purpose of accruing voting rights.

Other resources on the importance of robust corporate governance in stock loans include the International Corporate Governance Network’s Securities Lending Code of Best Practice and the European Fund and Asset Management Association’s Stewardship Code.

An EU directive called the Shareholder Rights Directive II adds additional clarity on how a thoughtful and well-managed securities lending program can be entirely in accordance with a thorough ESG program.

Suitable Candidates

There is one final but significant point in the GPIF statement that has been largely overlooked in the coverage so far. That is the fund’s wish to continue to engage in constructive dialogue with investee companies “not only during the annual shareholder meeting season, but throughout the year.” This intention raises a deeper question: are such proactive investors that wish to be intimately involved in the direction of the companies they invest in suitable candidates for securities lending in the first instance? If investors wish to take an active role in the exercise of proxy rights and directly influence corporate governance, arguably lending out their portfolio may run counter to that goal.

The debate following the GPIF announcement has focused largely on securities finance and whether the practice is compatible with responsible governance, to the exclusion of a wider discussion about the suitability of activist investors to participate in stock lending.

“Every beneficial owner needs to develop a thoughtful and defined policy on securities lending ”


While GPIF has concluded that stock lending may be inconsistent with what it views to be its stewardship responsibilities, the fund’s decision should not be interpreted — as it has by some — as a repudiation of securities finance generally.

That is borne out by another line of the GPIF statement: “The stock lending scheme may be reconsidered in the future if improvements are made to enhance transparency.”

Whether the GPIF stock lending suspension is a one-off or the beginning of a wider reexamination of securities lending, market statistics reveal that the number of asset owners making their portfolios available for lending is actually increasing.

Analysis by DataLend shows that the supply of lendable assets being made available by beneficial owners climbed to $20 trillion in 2019 from $19.5 trillion the previous year.

To put in perspective how swiftly lendable volumes are climbing: inventories only crossed the $17 trillion threshold in May 2017, with equities representing the lion’s share of the recent increase, according to data from IHS Markit.

If nothing else, this suggests that as the fee war among the world’s largest investment firms continues to intensify, ever larger numbers of asset owners are coming to recognize the value securities lending can deliver in generating incremental alpha.

Perhaps the most important consideration for governance-minded beneficial owners is the need to establish a structured and detailed securities lending policy.The United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) Practical Guide to Active Ownership in Listed Equityhighlights eight real-world instances of companies with notable corporate governance- focused securities lending policies.

For example, UniSuper, an Australian asset owner, recalls all domestic stock for voting and determines whether to recall international stocks on the basis of cost/benefit.

BNP Paribas Asset Management, meanwhile, monitors the number of shares on loan prior to a vote. If the firm determines too many securities are on loan or the vote is an important one, it will recall stock or restrict equities lending in order to vote on its position.

“Every beneficial owner needs to develop a thoughtful and defined policy on securities lending,” concludes Paul Wilson, managing director and head of Securities Finance at IHS Markit. “Those that have a well-considered, balanced policy in place will be able to reconcile strong corporate governance and appropriate levels of shareholder engagement with the incremental economic returns from securities lending. Such a framework will allow beneficial owners to fulfill their fiduciary duties to investors and beneficiaries.”

Questions or Comments?

Write toJohn T. Fox in BNY Mellon Markets US,Stephen Kielyin BNY Mellon Markets EMEA,Paul Solway in BNY Mellon Markets APAC, or reach out toyour usual relationship manager.

Stock Lending: Dispelling the Myths | BNY Mellon (2024)


Is there any downside to stock lending? ›

What about the risks? As with all investment strategies, lending securities involves risk that needs to be considered. The main risks are that the borrower becomes insolvent and/or that the value of the collateral provided falls below the cost of replacing the securities that have been lent.

Is stock lending a smart idea? ›

Stock lending can be a safe and productive investment strategy when done carefully and with a clear understanding of the associated risks. However, like any investment activity, it carries some potential risks that investors should be aware of.

What are the problems with BNY Mellon? ›

The central bank penalized BNY Mellon for having an inadequate outsourcing governance framework, failing to comply with regulatory obligations related to that activity and for its lack of transparency once breaches were identified, it said.

Who benefits from stock lending? ›

In a short sale transaction, a broker holding the shares is typically the one that benefits the most, because they can charge interest and commission on lending out the shares in their inventory. The actual owner of the shares does not benefit due to stipulations set forth in the margin account agreement.

Should I agree to stock lending? ›

When investors lend their shares to a broker, they can receive more income over time. Loaning a stock or another asset such as an exchange-traded fund to a brokerage firm can yield investors more income passively. Securities lending is common, and share lending programs are usually conducted by brokerages.

How do rich people borrow against stock? ›

Instead, they can take loans against their shares. Securities based lending, securities based lines of credit, home equity lines of credit and structured lending are options for leveraging assets without selling them.

Can you make money with stock lending? ›

Stock Lending gives you the opportunity to earn extra income on stocks you already own. After you enable Stock Lending, if we borrow your stock, you're paid monthly for the loan. If your stocks are on loan, you can still sell them at any time and realize gains or losses as you would otherwise.

How much can you make off of stock lending? ›

How much can I earn by lending my securities?
Shares on loan10,000
Market value$100,000
Annualized lending interest rate28.50%
Daily accrual ($100,000 x 8.50% / 360 days)$23.61
Your hypothetical monthly income ($23.61 x 30 days)$708.30
1 more row

Should I agree to Robinhood stock lending? ›

Risks of stock lending: Default risk:The borrower of your shares could default on their obligation to return them. This is a relatively rare event,but it is possible. If this happens,you may have to wait for Robinhood to replace your shares,which could take some time.

How safe is BNY Mellon? ›

Fitch Ratings - New York - 25 Jan 2024: Fitch Ratings has affirmed the The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation's (BK) Long-Term and Short-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at 'AA-' and 'F1+', respectively.

Is BNY Mellon trustworthy? ›

It is considered a systemically important bank by the Financial Stability Board. Manhattan, New York City, U.S. Through its Bank of New York predecessor, it is the oldest bank in the United States and the first listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Which is better Citi or BNY Mellon? ›

Citi scored higher in 9 areas: Overall rating, Culture and values, Diversity and inclusion, Senior management, Compensation & Benefits, Career opportunities, CEO approval, Recommend to a friend and Positive Business Outlook. Both tied in 1 area: Work-life balance.

Does stock lending affect taxes? ›

Your potential tax liability

But when you're lending your stock, you'll no longer receive a dividend payout. Instead, you'll receive a cash payment, which could be taxed at your regular income tax rate. Oftentimes, an investor's regular income tax rate is higher than the tax rate for qualified dividends.

Why do traders do stock lending and borrowing? ›

You can also lend or borrow stocks from other investors to generate additional income. Stock lending and borrowing (SLB) is a crucial yet one of the most ignored aspects of the equity markets. It helps maintain liquidity in the market and facilitates various trading strategies for investors.

Is stock lending passive income? ›

Lend your stocks. Earn passive income. If you own a significant stock position, you can monetize it with minimal risk through the Cache Stock Lending Program. We make it effortless, and pass on most of the revenue to you.

How risky is Robinhood stock lending? ›

There is a risk that Robinhood Securities could default on its obligations to you under the Stock Lending program and fail to return the securities it has borrowed. If Robinhood Securities defaults and is unable to return loaned securities, you won't be able to trade such securities as usual.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of stock lending? ›

Pros and Cons of Share Lending
Potential to earn more revenueLack of SIPC protection
Allows investors to boost returns from dormant investmentsIncreased counterparty risk (the borrower may default)
Adds liquidity to short-seller marketYou're taxed at the marginal rate on payments in lieu of dividends
1 more row

Why was it a bad idea to buy stock using loans from the bank? ›

Leveraging a loan to invest increases the overall risk in your investment portfolio. If your investments perform poorly, you could not only lose the invested amount but also be obligated to repay the loan along with the interest, potentially leading to substantial financial losses.

Why is it a bad idea to borrow to invest? ›

One risk is an investment made from borrowed money may drop in value, which could be less of a concern if it's a long-term move. Additionally, the cost of the loan over time may become higher than the profit made from it.

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