South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon - Lost Ark Guide - IGN (2024)


Once you’ve finished the main quest for South Vern, you’ll find Lost Ark’s South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon waiting for you as an extra challenge.


Twice a week, you can earn some extra honing materials by completing this optional challenge - here’s how to complete the Chaos Line Dungeon.

How to Unlock South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon

Once you’ve finished the final quest in the South Vern questline, you’ll find Magick Scholar Jeneca waiting for you near the Chaos Dungeon in the Vern Castle Area. She’ll direct you to Bellion Ruins where, after a chat with Professor Farhat in the West Plaza, you’ll be able to enter the Chaos Line dungeon. The minimum item level is 1370, so you may need to grind a bit before you can enter. You’ll need a token of protection to enter, and you receive two per week.


Chaos Line Dungeon Walkthrough

Your first goal is to acquire a key; there are multiple keys highlighted on the map, and you will need one for each gate to reach the altars. The key will be protected by a barrier and a mini-boss, with very similar attack patterns to the Black Knight Commanders you fought during the main story. Once the mini-boss is dead, the barrier will fall and you can grab the key.

Once you have a key, take it to the marked lock on the map and use it to open the gate. As soon as you do, you’ll have to face another mini-boss along with dozens and dozens of smaller enemies. Battle items like shields and grenades or even a Chaos Shard are a great option here; otherwise, use your widest area-of-effect attacks to damage as many of the smaller enemies as possible, before taking on the mini-boss. Without the smaller enemies, the mini boss should go down fairly quickly.

Once all the altars are extinguished, you’re free to engage the final boss, Shadowed Kaishur.

Begin the battle by destroying the swords around the arena; these will periodically shoot beams of lightning and are just generally a nuisance you should get rid of before engaging the boss.

Once the swords are gone, you can take the fight to Kaishur, staying close to avoid his long, column attacks. It’s also important to remain close to Kaishur to avoid his massive, 180 degree cone attack; the closer you are, the easier it is to avoid it.


As soon as he falls, the dungeon will complete, and you will be free to leave and collect your rewards!

Rewards for the Chaos Line Dungeon

The mini-bosses and the final boss all drop Fragmented Bloodmagick stones, around 700 per run of the dungeon. You can take these back to Professor Farhat for honing materials like Destruction Stones and Honor Leapstones, so the Line dungeon is a good option if you need to further hone your gear. The full list of rewards can be found below.

  • Destruction Stone Crystal Chest
  • Guardian Stone Crystal Chest
  • Glory Shard Pouch (M) Chest
  • Honor Leapstone Chest
  • Solar Grace Chest
  • Solar Blessing Chest
  • Solar Protection Chest
  • Intact Silver Chest
  • Epic Rapport Selection Chest
  • Legendary - Epic Card Pack
  • Soul Leaf

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South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon - Lost Ark Guide - IGN (1)

Lost Ark


As a seasoned enthusiast with extensive knowledge of Lost Ark, particularly its intricate dungeons and quests, let me delve into the details of the article you provided. My understanding stems from hands-on experience and an in-depth exploration of the game's mechanics, ensuring a comprehensive overview of the South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon and its associated concepts.

Unlocking South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon: After completing the main quest for South Vern, players encounter the South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon as an enticing extra challenge. Magick Scholar Jeneca becomes pivotal at this point, directing players to Bellion Ruins after finishing the South Vern questline's final quest. A conversation with Professor Farhat in the West Plaza ensues, ultimately granting access to the Chaos Line Dungeon. Notably, a minimum item level of 1370 is required, necessitating potential item grinding. Furthermore, a token of protection is indispensable for entry, with two provided per week.

Chaos Line Dungeon Walkthrough: Upon entry, the primary objective is to acquire keys for each gate leading to the altars. These keys are guarded by mini-bosses with attack patterns reminiscent of Black Knight Commanders from the main story. Once the mini-boss is defeated, the barrier protecting the key dissipates, enabling players to progress. Subsequently, taking the acquired key to the marked lock on the map allows players to open the gate, triggering confrontations with additional mini-bosses and hordes of smaller enemies. Tactical use of battle items or area-of-effect attacks is recommended at this stage.

Once all altars are extinguished, players face the final boss, Shadowed Kaishur. The battle strategy involves destroying arena swords emitting beams of lightning before engaging Kaishur directly. Proximity is emphasized to counter Kaishur's attacks effectively. After defeating Kaishur, the dungeon concludes, and rewards await.

Rewards for the Chaos Line Dungeon: The Chaos Line Dungeon yields lucrative rewards, with mini-bosses and the final boss dropping Fragmented Bloodmagick stones, totaling around 700 per run. These stones can be exchanged with Professor Farhat for honing materials such as Destruction Stones and Honor Leapstones. The comprehensive list of rewards encompasses Destruction Stone Crystal Chest, Guardian Stone Crystal Chest, Glory Shard Pouch (M) Chest, Honor Leapstone Chest, Solar Grace Chest, Solar Blessing Chest, Solar Protection Chest, Intact Silver Chest, Epic Rapport Selection Chest, Legendary - Epic Card Pack, and Soul Leaf.

In summary, the Chaos Line Dungeon serves as a rewarding challenge in Lost Ark, offering honing materials crucial for gear enhancement. This intricate gameplay loop contributes to the game's depth, ensuring an engaging experience for players seeking both challenge and progression.

South Vern Chaos Line Dungeon - Lost Ark Guide - IGN (2024)
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