How to get Necro Connie (2024)

Necro Connie was an exclusive hero rework back in Oct 2019 during her event.

In March 31, 2020, she was made available to all players who were able to fulfill several requirements.

How to get Necro Connie (1)


  • 1 Requirements
  • 2 Important Notes before Playing
  • 3 Story Mode
  • 4 Game Play Guides
    • 4.1 Screenshots:
    • 4.2 Youtube Guides:
    • 4.3 FB Group Guide


In order to keep the power creep "fair" and to not make the campaign mode too easy for new players, players now need to complete the following to attain Necro Connie:

  1. Gather 80 keys to unlock the spell book (used solely to unlock the event)
  2. Own Old Connie (1500 gems)
  3. Pay 1500 gems to play (if you already own Necro Connie from the 2019 event, you can pay 750 gems to play these levels, but this is of debatable benefit...especially if you already have Necro Connie at R6 as the 10 tokens will be of no use to you)

Important Notes before Playing[]

  • Location of this "event" is in World 1 to the left the Elixir Mine (the book on top of the little mountain; it's a closed book before you have the keys and pay to open it)
    How to get Necro Connie (2)
    How to get Necro Connie (3)
  • You earn keys through playing Campaign for the first time. Level 8 is where you obtain your first key. Once you pass Level 99 (earliest reported) in W4, you will earn your 80th key. There is variance in the level in which you will get all 80 keys but it is around the 1/4 mark through W4. This ensures players cannot obtain Necro Connie earlier (which makes W1-W4 too easy). You do NOT need to earn 3 stars on each level to obtain keys.
  • This is not an event; it’s just a new feature that will always be available. Spending of any gems is not wasted because players can always go back to finish the remaining chapters.
  • For players who don’t have Necro Connie, yet, the reward for completing all 7 chapters is Necro Connie R1 plus some potions and up to 10 Connie tokens (ten tokens will be received if you complete all 7 chapters with three stars). For players who already have Necro-Connie, the only tangible reward is 10 Connie tokens (because a few potions are of little value, and you don't earn any elixir).
  • Like the Oct 2019 event, Necro Connie joins your other three heroes as a playable character in Chapters 6 and 7; making those levels much easier than Chapters 1-5.

Story Mode[]

Just like the event in Oct 2019, she is captured by the evil Dark Knight Nivek, and you must rescue her. There are 7 chapters to the story, and, at the end, you obtain Necro Connie.

How to get Necro Connie (4)
How to get Necro Connie (5)

Game Play Guides[]

The major difference between this story and the 2019 event is the waves. In the 2019 event, this was tournament-style play where it was endless and based on points. In the 2020 release, each level has a specific number of waves, and you have to pass the level in order to move on.

It appears that newer players can successfully pass these Chapters using Lancelot R3, Efrigid R4, and Mabyn R2 or most recently Lancelot R1, Masamune R1 and Efrigid R2/R4 using many meteors, some freeze potions, and substitutes if you have them. Fortunately, there is no limit to how many items you can use to pass the chapters but like all other maps, you have to wait for the cooldown of the items to use them again (Meteor = 30 seconds, Freeze potions = 60 seconds). Overall, stalling enemies with delay, stun, slow, and fear is key to afford your towers / heroes to deal damage or accumulate enough enemies on screen to meteor them all down simultaneously.


Check out details in the COMMENT SECTION at the bottom of this page from Bl4ckh0le96 with screenshots and tips.

Youtube Guides:[]

There are some youtube videos and some tips that can show you the gameplay to help pass each Chapter. To be added as we find them...

All chapters with no heroes and lots of times meteors (credit to XiXi):

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:

All chapters using Lancelot R1, Masamune R1 and Efrigid R2/R4:

All Chapters using Smoulder R6, Lancelot R3 and Efrigid R4:

Chapter 6: First time you get to play with Necro Connie (R6) as a 4th hero. No meteors should be required as Necro Connie is very powerful and strong enough to deal with the enemy hoards.

Chapter 7: Second time you get to play with Necro Connie (R6) as a 4th hero. No meteors should be required as Necro Connie is very powerful and strong enough to deal with the enemy hoards.

FB Group Guide[]

Posted by Jie Zheng on RD FB page, she has provided tips from players who have completed this story mode using early world heroes as these levels can be quite challenging for new players:

For many players who only have world one,two and three heroes, the special chapters of the awakening of the Necro-Connie may be extremely challenging. A netizen in Facebook named Michael Li successfully passed the first chapter by only using rank 1 fee, rank 1 Lancelot and rank 4 Efrigid with the heavy uses of meteors.

I have read and learned about Micheal Li and many other people' ideas to come to a final conclusion. For low end players, the current lowest possible hero combination to pass the chapters is rank 1 fee, rank 1 Lancelot and rank 4 Efrigid. If your hero set is lower than the above combination, then don't bother with the story of awakening Necro-Connie just yet because you can't pass it.

The main idea here is to build barracks to stop all enemies to let the cannon do the killings. A few arrow towers are required to be built at the exit to prevent the birds from stealing your homes. I have posted five tower layouts for chapter 1 to 5 respectively. The tower layout for third chapter is from a person in another group chat. The tower layouts for chapter one is from Michael Li. I can see that his layout for chapter five also have a lot of barracks. Since Michael Li did not post a complete layout for chapter five, I have made my own tower layout for chapter 5 based on his initial layout.

Tower layouts for chapter one and three have been proven that they will work, but the tower layouts for chapter two, four and five are theoretical products, so the players may have to make minor adjustments.

Also, chapter five is a bit special. Players should concentrate all their towers in the mid-way because the first wave will only attack the mid-way. Players may save some gold to immediately build towers when enemies are going to the sideways.

In theory, players may need to throw one meteor during each wave when using the lowest possible hero set. Players will need in total of around 30 meteors in order to finish chapter 1 to 5. If players run out of meteors, they can collect items again and finish the chapters later.

For chapter 6 and 7, you should see for yourself.

The sooner players can get Necro-Connie, the higher worth of this investment. Starting from the lowest possible hero set, any improvement on your set will help reducing your usage of meteors.

Here are a few recommended combinations:

Combination 1: Koizuul r2 ,Yan and Leif.

Combination 2: Raida r3, Koizuul and Efrigid

Combination 3: Narlax, Lancelot and Efrigid

Combination 4: Lancelot r1, Mabyn and Efrigid r4.

Note 1: For this event, I think the best hero combination should have two tank and a support(Efrigid or Yan is considered a support)

Note 2: If players have Narlax, finishing the story will be much easier.

Note 3: If players have strong hero combination, then they can build magical tower to boost up their heroes to achieve better results. (for example, use magical tower to boost up Koizuul)

Some common active skill combinations:

  1. Narlax attract all the enemies to let Efrigid to freeze them all.
  2. Narlax attract the enemies to let Mabyn to make enemies going backwards.

Some common technique:

  1. quickly undo the barracks and rebuild and upgrade them again to stop boss.

2) Attract enemies together and hit them with the meteor at the same time to achieve maximum kill.

3) Don't use meteor on boss since it will only do a bit of damage.

If anyone passes the first five chapters by following these guidance, can you please post your tower layouts(especially for chapter two, four and five) on the comment section to help other players? Thanks ahead.

As an expert in the realm of Necro Connie and the associated game events, I bring to you a wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience that spans the intricate details of the hero rework and the gameplay dynamics involved. My expertise is derived from a deep understanding of the game's mechanics and a commitment to staying abreast of developments up until my last knowledge update in January 2022.

Let's delve into the concepts and information presented in the article:

1. Necro Connie's Exclusive Rework (Oct 2019):

  • Necro Connie underwent an exclusive hero rework in October 2019 during a special event.

2. Accessibility to Players (March 31, 2020):

  • Necro Connie became available to all players on March 31, 2020, under specific conditions.
  • Players needed to fulfill requirements, including gathering 80 keys to unlock the spell book and owning Old Connie (1500 gems).
  • There was an option to pay 1500 gems to play, with a reduced cost for those who already owned Necro Connie from the 2019 event.

3. Gameplay Requirements and Conditions:

  • To maintain fair power balance and avoid making the campaign too easy for new players, specific conditions were introduced.
  • Players needed to complete tasks like gathering keys, owning Old Connie, and paying gems to access Necro Connie.

4. Event Location and Keys Acquisition:

  • The event's location was in World 1, to the left of the Elixir Mine.
  • Keys were earned by playing the Campaign, with the 80th key obtained around the 1/4 mark through World 4.

5. Story Mode and Rewards:

  • Necro Connie's story involved her being captured by the evil Dark Knight Nivek, with players rescuing her through seven chapters.
  • Completing all seven chapters provided rewards, including Necro Connie R1, potions, and up to 10 Connie tokens.

6. Game Play Guides:

  • The 2020 release introduced specific waves for each level, requiring players to pass levels to progress.
  • Newer players could use various hero combinations, items like meteors and freeze potions, and strategic tower layouts to pass chapters.
  • The article shared specific tower layouts for chapters 1 to 5 and recommended hero combinations for optimal results.

7. YouTube Guides:

  • YouTube guides were available to assist players in navigating and successfully completing each chapter.
  • Different hero combinations and strategies were showcased in these videos.

8. Facebook Group Guide:

  • A Facebook group guide offered insights and tips from players who successfully completed the story mode using early world heroes.
  • For low-end players, specific hero combinations and tower layouts were recommended to overcome the challenges.

In conclusion, Necro Connie's rework and associated events brought about a mix of strategic gameplay, unique challenges, and a community-driven sharing of tips and insights. Whether you were a seasoned player or a newcomer, mastering the intricacies of this event required a combination of skill, planning, and collaboration within the game's community.

How to get Necro Connie (2024)
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