Should You Combine Bank Accounts After Marriage? (2024)

I’ve been married for almost two months now and it’s great!

The Mr. and I are settling in to the exact same life we had before except now we have a piece of paper that says we’re married and our bank account is $15,000 less.

I’ve been thinking a lot aboutmoney and relationships lately.

I’m super nosy curious when I hear about other couples who manage their moneyin a totally different way than we do. It didn’t really occur to us to manage our money in any other way.

The point of this article is to not present one way of managing money as better or worse.It’s to present the various options that couples have when managing their money.

Seriously, every couple is different and has a method that totally works for them. No judgements here.

Should We Combine Our Money After Marriage?

We fit into this category. We combine our money completely into one joint account.

We do technically maintain individual checking accounts but they are a complete joke.Every bit of moneywe have is shared freely between us.If one of our individual checking accounts gets low, we ask the other to sendmoney over.

We also do not track our spendingas individuals, only collectively.

We typically talk to each other before we make big purchases but we don’t keep tabs on who spends what. He’s actually better at double checking with me than I am with him. (I’m working on it).

We track our spending as a couple with the free app, Personal Capital. All of our individual accounts are linked to one Personal Capital account so we have the total view of our finances.

Pros & Cons of Splitting vs. Combining Money

There are pros and cons of splitting vs. combining your money into joint accounts as a couple. As The Balance points out in this article, here are the pros and cons of combining your money as a couple:


1. By combining your money, it’s more convenient for daily use.

2. You can streamline any legal affairs when you combine your money in joint accounts.

3. You have two pairs of eyes on your accounts so you can keep a better eye out for unusual spending or fraud.


1. By combining your money, you lose some independence since your partner can always see what you’re spending money on.

2. The most obviousconis the fact that you will have different amounts of money that you’re each contributing. One of you is likely to have more savings or more debt than the other, which means this could cause some tension or arguments.

3. When you combine your money, this makes for messy legal issues if you ever break up.

Related:If you’re wondering about the ins and outs of opening a joint account, check out this article that serves as a nice introduction guide.

Will We Retire At the Same Time?

Allof our retirement accounts are pooled assets as well. Some accounts are individual accounts by nature, such as IRAs, but they count as a shared total.

We would plan to retire at the exact same time (we want to retire before standard retirement age for those who are new to this blog) but my husband actually never wants to stop working because he loves his job. In some ways, I do too.

If you’re confused by this (who doesn’t want to stop working?), I am too but my husband has one of those passion jobs that are rewarding. You know, the type of jobI wrote about previously as being completely overratedand a waste of time.Hey, opposites attract I guess?

In all seriousness though, I love that he has a passion job because I feel like we balance each other out.

I also find that I am choosing jobs that better align my skills and interests, which make me more interested in continuing to work in return.

I contribute95% of our income and I have no problem with that.

(Although, if you’ve seen the Ali Wong Netflix Comedy Special “Baby Cobra” and read this articleI wrote on being the female breadwinner, you’ll know how I really feel about that, LOL).

Here are some other couples who have blogged about having completely shared finances:

Should WeCombine Finances Before Marriage?

We combined our finances when we were dating too.

Paying For Dates

When we first met, my husband paid for the first few dates and then we loosely traded off going forward.

Wemetwhen I was 21 and I had only been on a few dates before that (college guys = losers) so I don’t have a great gauge on whatis common in that regard. When anyone did payfor my datethough,I remember feeling ridiculously uncomfortable.

In fact, I still feel uncomfortable when anyone pays for anything for me. Even if its a $3 coffee – but that’s beside the point.

Paying For Rent & Mortgage Together

For the first year and a half we lived together, we split the rent 50/50, although wenever kept tabs on who spent what on groceries and shopping outside of the rent.

He was the breadwinner for the first three months that we lived together. Then I switched to a job in tech and that ended quickly.

I started to pay for more things as my income grew – likevacations that I really wanted to go on but that we probably couldn’t afford if we split 50/50.

We got into this bad habit of inflating our lifestyle based upon what we could afford collectively versus what we could afford split 50/50.

If I wanted something for us, I paid for it.

When we bought our house, which was a big mistake, we needed my higher income to afford the mortgage.

It would have made way more financial sense to buy something we could afford 50/50 and I wish we did that.Think of the crazy savings we would have now!

We’re not alone in combining finances before marriage:

Couples Who Keep Their Money Separate (Sort-of)

Even though we combined finances before marriage, there are plenty of couples who keep their finances separate.

Here are a few of my favs:

All of these bloggers have some sort of way of tracking spending and figuring out shared expenses, whether it’s through google docs or real talk conversations.

Their money is still separate but they tackle the topic together.

It makes sense to keep finances separate before marriage and I’m a bit jealous because I think this approach could have helped us save more money.

Should We Keep OurBank Accounts SeparateWhen We’re Married?

Whenever I come across this unicorn of a couple I’m shocked.

I’m kind of in awe and I want to ask them a million questions but not be rude at the same time.

  • Do you put money into one big joint pot for housing and utilities?
  • What do you do when you don’t pay for things out of that pot?
  • Do you do a big reconciliation at the end of the month and bill each other for what is owed?
  • Do you go from snuggling to saying, “Hey, you owe me $50?”

I am fascinated.

Should You Combine Bank Accounts After Marriage? (1)

Those who choose this approach saythat keeping separate finances helps themavoid disagreements about money.

Here are some bloggers who are married who keep their finances separate, and it works for them!

Would We Like Having Separate Finances?

Ialready spend enough time balancing spreadsheets at work, Idon’t think I would want to keep tabs on who spends what and I definitely don’t want to follow up on it.

At the same time, I can totally see how this approach would work – especially if you have different ideas about how you want to spend or save your money.

Even though we do have joint assets, sometimes the money monster in me comes out and I get this natural urge to protect my money. It’s almost like a dog protecting his food bowl in the morning.

Should You Combine Bank Accounts After Marriage? (2)

I also get a little resentment from time to time which is only natural. I am definitely the money-hustler in the relationship.

Whenever I start feeling resentment about my hustle, I remember that my husband is just as disciplined when it comes to physical health. For example, he is at the gym right now and I just ate a 400-calorie cheese danish and haven’t worked out in two weeks. LOL, but not. #2017goals

Together, we totally balance each other out and helpeach other improve.

I can see how having separate finances in marriage could help avoid some of these natural feelings.

I’d ConsiderSeparating Our Finances Again To Decrease Spending

I’ve considered separating our finances recently because I think it will help us get to our goals faster.

For example, if we can only afford a closet under the stairs a la Harry Potter when we split things 50/50, we would be forced intodownsizing and would overall spend less money.

It would be kind of like those people who pay for things with cash so they avoid temptation with a credit card. We’d avoid the temptation to scale up our lives based on our collective income.

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I don’t think we’re ready to do that where we live now though. We’d probably have to live in a van.

Another benefit of separating our finances is that I could push my husband to build out his online personal training business.

But in all fairness, this is how he motivates me to be healthier:

Should You Combine Bank Accounts After Marriage? (3)

Now that we’ve talked about the different ways to split your finances, let’s dive into some common relationship and money questions.

Should IPay OffMy Spouse’s Debt?

Once we were engaged, I paid off my husband’s student loan debt which tallied up to $36,000. Manypeople don’t even believe in paying off their spouse’s student loans when they’re married so I guess it was kind of weird that I did that before we were married.

I can’t imagine a future without my awesome husband though and I wouldn’t want the money back even if we broke up (dead serious).

I’m confident I can find a way to make money in the future.

(In fact,I’m reminding myself of this every day through daily affirmation. If you’re like, “what are daily affirmations?” – check out this post which explores the latest daily affirmation craze).

Plus, I didn’t want to end up like most couples who have to start their marriage with a crazy amount of debt.

Should You Combine Bank Accounts After Marriage? (4)

Should IBuy A House With Someone I’m Dating?

We also bought a house together before we were married which is another typical money & relationship no-no. Oops.

Turns out I’m not alone:

It turned out alright for us butI can see how things couldget awkward real quick.

This is how we broke down the expenses:

Since I paid the downpayment and paid the majority of the mortgage each month, I deducted the interest on my taxes for the years we owned the house and were not married.

When we had roommates living with us, my husband collected the rent check. Some months, he only paid $300 towards the mortgagewhen I paid over $2,000.

Our incomes were verydifferent so it was fair.

Although, I have to admit, there were times before we were engaged that I freaked out about that disparity. Especially, the longer it took him to propose (being honest here).

If we broke up, Iwould be at risk to lose most of the money Iput into the house. Plus, what was he doing taking so long? 😉

Any time I freaked out though, I had to remind myself that I created this situation by choosing a house we couldn’t afford 50/50.

We’ve since downsized and went through a major financial wake up period where we paid off tons of debt, sold one of our cars, and increased our income.

And, we’re married now.

Should You Combine Bank Accounts After Marriage? (5)

Should I Get aPrenup Before Marriage?

Despite all of the financial advice out there saying to get a prenup – we didn’t sign a prenup when we got married. Wow, we’re really on a roll for all of the couples money mess ups here.

To all the financial bloggers writing about prenups lately (I’ll link to you below), I’m sorry. I just didn’t see the need for a prenup – at first.

Although, I never considered the point that you might want a prenup to be able to control what happens in the event of your or your spouse’s disability, mental incapacity, lawsuit, etc..

Point noted.

Glad a post-nup is a thing that people can do nowadays. Time to research.

Well that was a bit of a novel but marriage and money is a complicated topic. My feelings on it range more than a Mariah Carey song.

Readers, how do you manage your money with your partner?

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Millennial Boss

Julie paid off nearly $100k of debt and is on her way to financial independence. She is the creator of the Make Money with Printables side hustle course where she teaches people how to sell printables on Etsy and blog as a side hustle.

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Should You Combine Bank Accounts After Marriage? (2024)


Should You Combine Bank Accounts After Marriage? ›

"In most instances, I advise newlyweds to fully merge their finances by opening joint bank accounts," He says. But if you keep an individual bank account open for your own personal spending or business purposes, he says, "This is OK as long as they retitle the accounts to payable on death to their spouse.

Should you merge bank accounts when married? ›

Merging finances helps newlyweds align their financial goals and avoid scorekeeping. Newlyweds must make a host of decisions that could affect the trajectory of their marriage: where to live, whether to have children, how to divide housework.

Should you combine finances after marriage? ›

Combine your bank accounts and credit cards.

Budgeting is easier and more organized when your money is in one place. A joint savings account also helps you work toward taking your next vacation or purchasing a new home.

Are joint bank accounts the secret to a happy marriage? ›

However, research from MarketWatch Guide shows that joint banking could lead to fewer arguments and increased relationship satisfaction. According to the study, 55% of couples who use solely joint bank accounts claim they never fight about money, compared to only 39% of partners who have personal accounts.

What percentage of married couples keep separate bank accounts? ›

We know that the percentage of married couples with separate bank accounts is 39% at least for those having completely separate accounts. We know that academic research points to more positives by completely combining accounts which is the direction that financial experts also point people in.

What are the disadvantages of joint account? ›

  • Shared Responsibility: Joint accounts require a high level of trust and financial responsibility. ...
  • Ownership and Liability: Both account holders are equally liable for any overdrafts, debts, or liabilities associated with the account. ...
  • Privacy Concerns: Joint accounts lack privacy.
Sep 27, 2023

Why do couples merge bank accounts? ›

Ask financial planners about the benefits of joint checking accounts, and they will likely point out that shared accounts foster communication and trust. In order to manage money together successfully, couples must be open about their financial wants, worries and goals.

Should I keep my finances separate in marriage? ›

Ultimately, you should do whatever makes the most sense for you and your partner. Whether you choose to have separate, joint or both types of accounts, the key is to communicate frequently and openly to find the best path forward.

Should married couples combine finances, pros and cons? ›

Here's what they found: Couples who kept separate accounts or had no intervention experienced the usual decline in relationship quality over time. Couples who merged their finances were shielded from the decline.

Is it normal for couples to keep finances separate? ›

Almost half, or 46%, of people who are in relationships keep their finances separate to avoid losing their financial independence, according to a recent survey from the financial services company.

What is the most fair way to have bank accounts marriage? ›

A joint account makes budgeting simplest but can lead to more conflicts if partners' spending habits don't mesh. Combining a joint account with a private checking account for each spouse lets you track expenses and creates fewer money conflicts.

What is financial infidelity in a marriage? ›

Financial infidelity occurs when one partner hides or misrepresents financial information from the other, such as keeping secret bank accounts or hiding purchases. It does not necessarily involve marital infidelity, though it can lead to divorce.

What does the Bible say about joint bank accounts? ›

The Bible doesn't say explicitly that spouses should share one account. People didn't have bank accounts back then. So, we have to look at the bigger picture. Jesus said in Mark 10 that marriage is about two people becoming one.

Who owns a joint account when one person dies? ›

Joint bank account holders generally have the right of survivorship, which grants the surviving account holder ownership of the entire account balance. The surviving account holder retains ownership regardless of which owner contributed the money, and the account doesn't go through the probate process.

What is the best bank for married couples? ›

Best Joint Checking Accounts for 2024
  • Best Overall: Ally Bank.
  • Best for Parents & Teens: Capital One.
  • Best for Frequent ATM Users: Axos Bank.
  • Best for Branch Banking: Wells Fargo.
  • Best for High Interest: Presidential Bank.
  • Best for Cash Back: LendingClub Banking.
  • Best for Debit Users: Liberty Federal Credit Union.

Is it better to be married or single financially? ›

Married people can qualify for higher income thresholds, tax deductions, and tax credits. Here's one powerful example: When you sell a home as a single person, there's a home sale exclusion of up to $250,000 available. For a couple, it goes up to $500,000.

Do most couples combine bank accounts? ›

Key couple banking statistics

Many couples (34 percent) have a mix of joint and separate bank accounts, while 23 percent have completely separate accounts. Millennial couples are the most likely to have separate accounts of any generation, with 69 percent having at least some finances in separate accounts.

Are couples with joint bank accounts happier? ›

Key Findings. Respondents who used only joint bank accounts were also the most likely (60.3%) to say that they were “very satisfied” with their relationships. 55% of couples who use only joint bank accounts say they never fight about money, while only 39% of partners who have personal accounts can say the same thing.

Does combining bank accounts affect credit score? ›

Checking accounts, including joint accounts, are not part of your credit history, so they do not impact credit scores. Your credit report only includes information about your debts, and accounts have the same effect on your credit whether you are associated with the account as an individual or as a joint owner.

What percentage of married couples combine finances? ›

Deciding to combine your finances with your significant other can be a big step in the relationship. Nearly 2 in 5 couples, or 39%, of couples who live together completely combine their finances, whether they're married or not, according to a new report by Bankrate.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.