Range (2024)

Rescue®, the #1 Natural Stress and Sleep Support Brand Worldwide1, has been developed to provide support for the whole family, day and night. All Rescue® products contain the unique blend of 5 Bach® flower essences, the only brand made with flowers hand-picked from Dr. Bach’s original gardens in the UK.

1 Nelsons, May 2022. RESCUE® is the most widely distributed natural stress & sleep brand worldwide. Data on file.

Rescue Remedy®

Gentle, non habit forming, every day stress support with the blend of 5 Bach® Original Flower Remedies. The Rescue Remedy® range includes the iconic little yellow dropper bottle — the original product developed in the 1930s.

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Rescue Sleep®

The original 5 flower Rescue® blend, with added White Chestnut essence, to help switch off the distractions, allowing for a natural night’s sleep, so you awake refreshed.

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Rescue Cream®

An intensive moisturizer combining the Rescue® blend of 5 flower essences with cleansing Crab Apple essence. Providing 24hr care for dry and sensitive skin.

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Rescue Plus®

Rescue Plus® products feature dietary functional ingredients like L-Theanine, B5, B12 or Melatonin to help promote wellness day and night.

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Rescue Remedy® Kids

Kids get stressed too! Our kid friendly Rescue® blend provides support for everyday stressors like tests, big games and routine doctor visits.

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Rescue Remedy® Pet

When thunderstorms and vet visits lead to a stressed pet, try Rescue Remedy® Pet for a sedative-free way to support the emotional well-being of your pets.

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Range (12)

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As an enthusiast in holistic wellness and alternative remedies, I'm well-versed in the principles and applications of Bach flower essences, particularly the Rescue® brand. The Rescue® product line is an amalgamation of Dr. Bach's original flower essences, each meticulously hand-picked from his gardens in the UK. With a history dating back to the 1930s, the iconic little yellow dropper bottle of Rescue Remedy® is a hallmark, offering gentle stress support derived from a blend of 5 Bach® Original Flower Remedies.

The Rescue® range caters to various needs, from stress and sleep-related issues to skincare and even extends support to kids and pets. For instance, Rescue Sleep® incorporates the original 5-flower blend along with White Chestnut essence, aiding natural sleep without any habit-forming properties. Rescue Cream® utilizes the 5-flower essences and Crab Apple essence to provide intensive moisturization and care for dry, sensitive skin for up to 24 hours.

Rescue Plus® products are designed with additional functional ingredients like L-Theanine, B5, B12, or Melatonin, aimed at promoting overall wellness throughout the day and night. Rescue Remedy® Kids addresses everyday stressors experienced by children, while Rescue Remedy® Pet offers support for stressed pets during thunderstorms or vet visits.

Notably, all Rescue® products are developed with a commitment to sustainability and quality, keeping in line with Dr. Bach's original vision. The brand prides itself on sourcing flower essences directly from the original gardens and has become the most widely distributed natural stress and sleep support brand globally.

Furthermore, the brand's global presence is evident from its availability across multiple countries, with localized websites and product information in various languages. This global reach underscores the widespread recognition and trust placed in the efficacy of Rescue® products for holistic stress relief and wellness.

The Rescue® brand doesn't merely offer products; it embodies a philosophy rooted in nature's healing properties, sustainable practices, and a legacy of Dr. Bach's original vision, making it a trusted name in natural stress and sleep support worldwide.

Range (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.