Pineapple Lilies - FineGardening (2024)

Barbara Cain of Norwell, Massachusetts, sent in these images of one of her favorite plants.

Eucomis comosaSparkling Burgundy‘ is a tender bulb in New England (hardy in Zones 8–11) and is sometimes called pineapple lily. The foliage is a rosette of dark burgundy straplike leaves. It can be 24 inches wide, with a flower stalk of 20 inches or so. It is a stunning accent in the sunny garden. I started with one bulb from Plant Delights Nursery years ago and now have four plants. I dig the bulb after a frost and let the foliage dry out before storing it in my basem*nt. To keep flowers from flopping, I plant in leaner soil with good drainage, though I often stake the blossom.

More information on Eucomis comosa ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ is here.

Pineapple Lilies - FineGardening (1)One alternative to staking the flower stems if they get floppy is cutting them and putting them in a vase. This species of pineapple lily has flowers with a pleasant scent to them, but be warned that some of the other species are pollinated by flies and so have flowers that smell rather unpleasant.

Pineapple Lilies - FineGardening (2)A closer look at the flower spike. The little tuft of small green leaves at the end of the flower spike are the source of the common name “pineapple lily.”

Pineapple Lilies - FineGardening (3)An even closer look at the green flowers. The flowers are a lighter greenish yellow—although they are sometimes flushed with pink when young—before they age to a darker green. They’re beautiful at any stage.

Pineapple Lilies - FineGardening (4)A flower spike with the whole plant. The bold, red-flushed leaves are just as desirable as the flowers with this plant. The brightest red colors develop with plenty of sun and good drainage.

Pineapple lilies are just one of many tender bulbs and perennials that gardeners in cold climates can overwinter in a cool basem*nt to save on having to buy them again next year. What plants do you like to overwinter indoors? Send us some pictures!

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Pineapple Lilies - FineGardening (2024)


How deep do you plant a pineapple lily bulb? ›

How to Plant Eucomis. Pineapple lilies are surprisingly easy to grow – especially in a container. Three bulbs fit nicely in a 12” diameter pot. They should be planted 3-4” deep, so it's best to use a container that's at least 8” tall.

Do pineapple lilies come back every year? ›

Pineapple lilies are perennials, meaning they will bloom year after year when grown in favorable conditions. In climates where they aren't winter hardy, you can grow them as annuals or preserve the bulbs for replanting the following spring by digging them up in the fall and storing them indoors in a cool, dry place.

Why does the pineapple lily make such a big impression? ›

The many tiny flowers are tightly arrayed around the upper portion of each stem and capped with a tousled topknot of leaflike bracts, making the inflorescence resemble a pineapple. That feature explains the plant's Latin name, Eucomis, from a Greek word for “good-haired.”

What does the pineapple lily symbolize? ›

🍍 A Symbol of Hospitality and Friendship

The Pineapple Lily is more than just a pretty face; it's a historical handshake of welcome. In South Africa, its native soil, it's known as the "Pineapple Flower," a nod to its unique bloom that resembles the tropical fruit.

What happens if you don't plant lily bulbs deep enough? ›

Planting your bulbs deep enough will also encourage natural division. Lilies also grow "bulblets" along the underground portion of stem, so if bulbs are planted too shallow, you are also restricting your bulb's natural ability to propagate and make new flowering size bulbs.

Do pineapple lily bulbs multiply? ›

It is possible to reproduce pineapple flowers by seed and by dividing the bulbs. There is also the more unusual and involved method of taking leaf cuttings.

Do pineapple lilies need full sun? ›

Pineapple lilies will grow in full sun or partial shade; however, a full-sun location will provide the best blooms and foliage. Depending on the species, they will grow 10-30 inches in height and will spread slowly by bulb offsets.

How cold can pineapple lily tolerate? ›

Because most of the learned horticulturists of that era were from the cold New England states, that claim makes sense, but today we know they are reliably hardy to at least zero degrees Fahrenheit. Pineapple lilies come from the wettest parts of South Africa, including areas that receive abundant summertime rainfall.

How do you divide pineapple lily bulbs? ›

In the early spring, carefully dig up the entire clump. Wash the soil off with a hose and break them apart or use a sharp knife to separate them. Replant the bulbs at the same depth as the original plant. Note that some cultivars of pineapple lily are protected by a plant patent and may not be propagated in any form.

What does 🍍 mean in texting? ›

A “complicated” relationship status.

The prickly but sweet 🍍 signifies a “complicated” relationship, but this fruit-filled code has many other ingredients in the mix: : Single. 🍎: Engaged. 🍒: Committed relationship. 🍋: Single and loving it.

What does pineapple mean in slang? ›

It has various meanings, the most common uses for pineapple is to replace the phrase, "That's what she said." The site explains that the phrase is used as “a code word in order to avoid alerting unwanted participants amid conversation.” The word pineapple can also be used to depict monetary value in Australia.

What is another name for a pineapple lily? ›

Eucomis is a summer-blooming bulb with unusual flowers that inspired its common name: pineapple lily. Depending on the cultivar, the long, strappy leaves may be green or burgundy. The stems are sometimes freckled with purple.

How deep should lily bulbs be planted? ›

The general rule of thumb for planting spring bulbs is to plant two to three times as deep as the bulbs is tall. This means most large bulbs like our Bulb-Zilla lilies will be planted about 6 inches deep while smaller bulbs will be planted 3-4 inches deep.

What is the planting depth of pineapple? ›

First, remove any excess fruit and remove a few of the lower leaves. This should expose the pre-formed roots. Plant the crown 3 to 4 inches deep in a well-drained container with good potting soil. You can also start a new pineapple plant by planting a pup or by transplanting a ratoon.

How deep do you plant magic lily bulbs? ›

Pink Magic Lily (Lycoris squamigera) Planting Advice:

Plant 4-6" deep with spacing of 9" Mark where the bulbs were planted since the leaves appear first and the blooms appear months later.

How long does it take pineapple lilies to sprout? ›

The bloom spikes start opening from their bottoms up, and they take their time doing it — normally over a month. Even as cut creations for indoor arrangements, this extended flower power remains, but do remember to change the vase water weekly. Native to South Africa, pineapple lily is still hardy in our area.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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