Our guide to Contact Lens, Glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery (2024)

Updated for 2023

Our guide to Contact Lens, Glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery (1)

These days, you would think that it’s easy to decide the best option between contact lenses, glasses, or Laser Eye Surgery.

But, your opinion on this matter can vary wildly depending on who you ask, their personal experience, and even what stage of life they are in. Confusingly, your perception of Laser Eye Surgery, compared with visual aids, can be significantly affected by the opinions you are exposed to.

That’s why, here at London Vision Clinic, we want to help set the record straight. In this article, we will be taking a look at the pros and cons of all these options to help you determine the right option for you – and perhaps bust some myths along the way.

A Quick Overview

Before we get into this topic in more detail, we have put together a quick overview of each of these three popular options.

Glasses: Cheap vision correction but limited

Glasses have been around for thousands of years – and with good reason. They offer a low-cost solution to visual impairments that can suit everyone. But few people are under the illusion that glasses are without their limits.

Many glasses wearers are all too familiar with the drawbacks of their frames. They can make it difficult – or even impossible – to perform certain activities, exercises, and types of work. They can be easily damaged or lost and be generally inconvenient. Furthermore, while the low cost of glasses is often quoted as a benefit, the cost of glasses over a lifetime can often outweigh that of Laser Eye Surgery.

Contact Lenses: Clear vision, but at an unexpected cost

Contact lenses have become extremely popular in recent decades, thanks to their efficacy and discrete appearance. In fact, contact lenses often offer greater improvements in visual acuity and field of vision when compared to glasses. But it’s not all smooth sailing.

Unbeknown to many, contact lenses can put wearers at a high risk of infection, eye damage, dry eyes, irritation, and redness – even when following rigorous hygiene practices. They are not suitable for everyone and they may struggle to correct vision impairments associated with astigmatism. Last of all, contact lenses are the most expensive vision correction option when assessed over the long term.

Laser Eye Surgery: The new(ish) way to improve your vision

Unlike glasses and contact lenses, Laser Eye Surgery addresses and treats vision impairment at the source. The changes achieved through Laser Eye Surgery are permanent and can often lead to better visual acuity than other options. Furthermore, patients are able to get back to sports and other activities shortly after their procedure.

Nonetheless, Laser Eye surgery also has its drawbacks for some people. Most notable is the high upfront cost (though it may work out as better value over the long term). Laser Eye Surgery also introduces some new risks and not all people are suitable for treatment.

An In-Depth Comparison

Many people find that they never consciously chose their initial vision correction method. In many cases, this is either chosen for you – particularly if you required visual aids as a child – or simply defaulted to out of convenience. Many glasses-wearers may eventually convert to contact lenses (or a combination of both aids). This may be due to a dislike of the appearance of glasses or for other personal reasons.

Eventually, though, many stop to take stock and look at the available alternatives – like Laser Eye Surgery. But, where do you go to get all the information you need? How do you easily weigh up the pros and cons between glasses, contact lenses, and Laser Eye Surgery?

Let’s face it, opinion forums are generally unreliable and anecdotal. Similarly, news websites tend to feature sensationalized and inflated tales, and blogs are often written with the ulterior motive of selling you something.

Is it too much to ask to find a clear, impartial overview and comparison of the main methods you can use to improve your vision?

It turns out it is. So we decided to make one.

First off, let’s address the elephant in the room. Yes, we are a Laser Eye Surgery Clinic. But first and foremost, we are advocates for the general advancement of vision correction. What drives us is our ambition to bring better vision to all – in whatever way is right for them.

To meet this aim, our vision correction experts disseminate accurate information to make it more accessible – no matter how that may impact our business. We understand that Laser Eye Surgery isn’t the perfect solution for everyone. For some people, glasses may be the better option, while contact lenses may well be preferred among others. But we also want to make known the benefits of Laser Eye Surgery, so that you can make an informed decision aboutwhat’s right for you.

So, save yourself some time trudging through masses of data, opinions, and news stories, and carry on reading this article. We’re going to take a look at how glasses, contact lenses, and Laser Eye Surgery compare to one another under different circ*mstances. Of course, it is important to remember that everyone is different and, as such, this should be taken as a general guide. For a more specific understanding of your options, why not book a consultation with one of our expert clinicians?

The Case for Glasses: Cheap Vision for the Masses

Let’s first break down all the benefits of choosing glasses:

  • Glasses provide accurate vision correction at a low cost;
  • They are suitable for almost everyone and can be bought everywhere;
  • Glasses are safe and unlikely to cause any side effects;
  • Glasses can protect your eyes from injury;
  • There are several types of glasses to help manage presbyopia;
  • At least over the short term, glasses are the cheapest form of vision correction.

At least on the surface of things, glasses come out on top almost across the board – particularly when compared with contact lenses. They are suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age, gender, prescription, or even fashion preferences. They are a simple, convenient, and accessible solution to vision impairment – this much cannot be denied.

What’s more, glasses are overall the safest option when it comes to vision correction. Being an exterior visual aid, glasses never touch your eye in any way. As a result, they don’t lead to an increased risk of infection, like contact lenses, and don’t require a surgical procedure, as is the case in Laser Eye Surgery. Glasses can evenact as a barrier between your eyes and the elements. They may help prevent air pollution, dust, and debris from causing damage and harming your vision.

Glasses also have a wide scope of vision correction. That is, they are not only able to correct for distance or near vision, but they also offer an effective solution to presbyopia and reading vision impairment. This is achieved through the use of different lenses, such as bifocal, trifocal, multifocal, and varifocal progressive lenses.

The Case Against Glasses: The Overt & Limited Solution

  • Glasses are unsuitable for many activities and types of work;
  • Glasses are easily damaged and lost;
  • Some people find glasses inconvenient, stressful, and/or unattractive;
  • Reading glasses are a limited solution to presbyopia;
  • Over the long term, glasses can cost more than Laser Eye Surgery.

Above, we walk you through the many great things about glasses, but it is important to remember that they don’t come without their limitations.

Perhaps the most obvious flaw of glasses is their vulnerability to loss and breakage. Their lenses are prone to scratches and cracks, their arms are easy to snap and quick to come loose, and they’re easy to forget no matter how many years you have needed glasses!

Lifestyle Restrictions

Furthermore, traditional glasses are unsuitable for almost all kinds of exercise and sports. Specifically, avid swimmers will have to invest in a pair of prescription goggles just so that they can see where they’re going in the pool and extreme sports like skydiving and bungee jumping are practically out of the question.

But glasses aren’t only a potential hindrance to leisure activities. They can also get in the way in the cases of certain professions.When it comes to day-to-day life, glasses also cause a number of minor (but still relevant) annoyances. They fog up in cold or humid environments, attract dust and dirt, and many other inconveniences that can have an impact on your stress levels and quality of life.

While many people get used to these problems, many are also unwilling to live their lives around their glasses. The inconvenience of glasses can seem even more significant for people who aren’t used to wearing them. For example, when presbyopia begins to set in (typically around your early 40s), your new need for reading glasses may feel like a major lifestyle change that you just can’t get used to.

The Financial Cost of Glasses

On the face of it, the cost of glasses may not seem that significant. But this is a misconception that often leads to significant financial costs further down the line. To help you better understand the potential cost of your glasses, we’ve broken down the typical costs over a ten-year period.

For our calculation, we have not included the cost of eye examinations. That’s because you should have an examination every two years regardless of whether you wear contacts, glasses, or have Laser Eye Surgery.

Using an estimated cost of between £250 and £500 for one pair of glasses being replaced every two years, the average daily cost is calculated at between 34.2p and 69.4p per day. Over ten years that makes the cost of glasses £1,523.74 on the low side, and £3,047.48 on the high side (assuming a yearly inflation rate of 4.5%).

Using this calculation, glasses typically cost a little less than contact lenses, which may not be surprising. What is surprising, however, is that glasses can often cost more than Laser Eye Surgery. In contrast, though, the one-off cost of Laser Eye Surgery leaves you with permanently-improved vision! This is also not taking into consideration the potential additional costs ofprescription sunglasses and prescription sports eyewear.

The Case For Contact Lenses: Clear Vision in the Blink of an Eye

  • Contact lenses offer potentially better visual acuity when compared with glasses;
  • Contact lenses offer a greater and clearer field of vision than glasses;
  • They can allow wearers to take part in many sports and forms of exercise;
  • Some people prefer the appearance of contact lenses to glasses.

After having assessed the many drawbacks of wearing glasses, contact lenses appear to offer a ready solution to the bulk of these concerns. Among the top benefits of contact lenses when compared with glasses is their increased accuracy. Unlike glasses lenses, contacts fit around the actual eye, allowing them to bend light into the eye in a way that more accurately addresses your prescription. If you switch from glasses to contacts, you might be surprised that they appear toslightly increase your visual acuity.

Clearer Vision

Contact lenses can also appear to be more effective than glasses for another reason: they’re not exposed to the elements. While glasses lenses are exposed to steam, rain, and potential damage, contact lenses are safe behind your eyelids. This means that they stay free from greasy fingerprint smudges, scratches, and other blemishes as well as glare from light sources!

Another benefit of contact lenses is the lack of a restrictive frame. Glasses frames can hinder your peripheral vision, limiting what we can see in all directions. In comparison, contact lenses allow you to look up, down, left, right – and any other direction you can think of – without any blind spots.

But perhaps above all these advantages, contact lenses allow wearers totake part in a whole range of sports and exerciseswith less disruption or hindrance.

Contact lenses are completely unnoticeable to everyone except for the wearer. That means that you never have to worry about them looking silly or matching your outfit.

Finally, it is also possible to get monovision or multifocal lenses, which are designed to reduce the need for reading glasses – an option that many people with presbyopia may benefit from.

The Case against Contact Lenses: Rented Vision that Comes with an Unexpected Cost

  • Contact lenses put wearers at a high risk of infection and eye damage;
  • Wearers may experience dryness, irritation, and redness;
  • Contact lenses require a strict and inconvenient hygiene practices;
  • The adverse effects of contact lenses are exacerbated by lifestyle factors;
  • Contact lenses are not tolerated by many people;
  • Contact lenses may not be able to fully correct astigmatism;
  • Over the long term, contact lenses typically cost more than glasses and Laser Eye Surgery;
  • The plastic waste generated by the millions of lenses discarded every day is bad for the environment.

While the above might appear to paint a pretty picture with regard to contact lenses, the reality isn’t actually all that rosy. In fact, the feature behind the most significant advantages of contacts – that they sit directly on the eye – is also their most significant disadvantage.

An Increased Risk of Infection

The simple fact is that placing a foreign object in your eye using your finger is not very hygienic. As a result, wearing contact lenses – particularly over the long term – puts you at a higher risk of infection and eye damage.

This can include severe and even vision-threatening problems, such as corneal infection. According to the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), such conditions are characterised by irritation, redness, pain, watery eyes and/or discharge.

Information from the BCLA states that around 6 in 100,000 contact lens wearers experience vision loss every year. In comparison, vision loss related to glasses is almost nil. Furthermore, vision loss as a result of LASIK (a common Laser Eye Surgery procedure) is extremely rare; so rare, in fact, that (provided you go to a high-quality clinic) it is almost impossible to put a figure on it.

These risks are exacerbated if you wear your contact lenses for too long or fail to follow the necessary hygiene practices. Other lifestyle habits, such as sleeping in your lenses, can also increase your risk of infection by up to four times!


As we mentioned earlier, contact lenses allow many wearers to continue with many of their favourite sports and activities; however, when it comes to anything involving extreme activity or water, this is not the case. Swimming, saunas, and even something as normal as taking a shower can prove troublesome for contact lens wearers.

The very nature of contact lenses – that they sit directly on the eye – means that they disrupt the interaction between tears and the surface cells of the cornea. This can lead to further irritation and dehydration of the eyes – a problem that can be further exacerbated if you work on a computer or spend a lot of time on your electronic devices.

These combined reasons mean that contact lenses are only considered safe and suitable as a temporary form of vision correction.

“Cosmetic” Contact Lenses

The majority of contact lenses are designed to be worn by those who need them as a visual aid; however, there is also a growing industry of “cosmetic” lenses that can have some worrying consequences.

According to laser eye surgeon Mr Glenn Carp, such lenses “tend to be larger in size and have a much lower oxygen transmission rate”. In addition, many of these lenses are designed to cover part of the whites of the eye, increasing the chances of problems like acute red eye and infection.

The Financial Cost of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses tend to be the most expensive option for vision correction. The exact cost, however, can depend on a number of factors, including your prescription, age, and how often you use them. But contact lenses don’t only come at a financial cost. As you can imagine, the amount of disposable plastic needed to accommodate the global demand for contact lenses also comes at an environmental cost.

According to Adrian Knowles of the Eyecare Trust, a UK charity that raises awareness around eye health, “if you work out the cost of a year’s supply of daily disposable lenses, it comes out at about 90p per day.”

Spread out over a year, that comes to about £325. So, over ten years, assuming there’s no inflation, that’s £3,250.

With the cost rising to £5000 in just fifteen years, that’s similar to the highest-qualityLaser Eye Surgery treatment, which as well as avoiding the risks of infection, comes with a whole host of other advantages.

The Case for Laser Eye Surgery: A Revolutionary Way to Improve & Own Your Vision

  • Unlike glasses or contacts, Laser Eye Surgery is a permanent fix;
  • Many patients achieve a higher visual acuity from Laser Eye Surgery than is possible with glasses or contacts;
  • Laser Eye Surgery offers clear and limitation-free vision – even to the most active individuals;
  • Laser Eye Surgery is one of the safest elective procedures in the world;
  • Over the long term, Laser Eye Surgery may be the cheapest form of vision correction.

The main advantage of Laser Eye Surgery over glasses and contact lenses is that it isn’t just a temporary fix for your refractive error. Far from providing temporary adjustment to your vision, the results of Laser Eye Surgery are permanent. The changes made to the structure of your eye completely eliminate the refractive error, so you can enjoy restriction-free clear vision for years to come.

Obviously, Laser Eye Surgery frees you from having to wear glasses and contact lenses and all the drawbacks listed above. Repairs, replacements, trips to the optometrist, risk of infection, dry eye, irritation, exercise restrictions – all of these can be avoided with Laser Eye Surgery.

Laser Eye Surgery is the most convenient form of vision correction out there as once you’ve had it done, you can forget about itand get on with your life.

Better Results

The results of Laser Eye Surgery are not only permanent but can often bebetter. For example, virtually 100 per cent of patients who receive standard LASIK treatment are able to achieve 20/40 vision, and over 95 per cent achieve 20/20 or better!

It’s not uncommon for patients to reach an even higher level of vision with Laser Eye Surgery. For example, 97 per cent of our short-sighted patients see 20/20 or better. In fact, many are able to see at 20/16 or even 20/12.5 following the procedure. For more information about vision measurements, take a look at our guide.

Zero Restrictions

For active people – from those who enjoy a weekly run to those that pursue sports-related careers – visual aids can make life particularly difficult. Luckily, Laser Eye Surgery offers an effective alternative – without the restrictions!

Many sportsmen and women opt for Laser Eye Surgery for this very reason. Recently, paralympic hand-cycling champion, Karen Darke opted for Laser Eye Surgery to improve her vision during her races. Following her treatment, Karen explained: “I feel to be much more ‘in’ the world again, safer when I ride my bike, and grateful for the bright new world I see every day.”

High Suitability

In addition to being extremely effective, restriction-free, and permanent, Laser Eye Surgery is ever becoming a more viable option for more people. These procedures offer effective vision correction to many people – including those who cannot tolerate contact lenses and those with very high prescriptions!

Furthermore, Laser Eye Surgery isn’t only available for refractive errors like long-sightedness, short-sightedness, and astigmatism. PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision offers people a real opportunity to rid themselves of reading glasses for good. In fact, this Laser Eye Surgery procedure is considered by many experts to be the most effective way to alleviate the symptoms of presbyopia.

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is incredibly safe and easy to adapt to, therefore suitable for nearly all patients (98 per cent).

Laser Eye Surgery has now successfully treated over 35 million people around the world. It has become a well-established treatment option and is now considered thesafest and most effective form of elective surgeryin the world.

While Laser Eye Surgery may come at a significant upfront cost, this often works out as equal – or even cheaper – to contact lenses or glasses over the long term. All of these benefits come together to promote not only high patient satisfaction but also an increase in quality of life.

The Case against Laser Eye Surgery: An Emerging & Often Difficult to Navigate Market

  • Laser Eye Surgery has a high upfront cost;
  • Some patients are not suitable for Laser Eye Surgery;
  • Laser Eye Surgery is a surgical procedure that comes with some risks;
  • The market can be difficult to navigate.

Laser Eye Surgery is the most innovative development in the field of vision correction. This is reflected in the lower number of downsides when compared with glasses and contact lenses. However, that isn’t to say it is without its limitations.

Patient Suitability

For starters, as far as the technology has come, there are some people who are simply not suitable for Laser Eye Surgery. This can be due to age, pregnancy, or having certain medical or ocular conditions such as keratoconus.

Depending on the exact cause, you may be either temporarily or permanently unsuitable for treatment. For example, while people who are pregnant or breastfeeding are unsuitable for treatment, it is likely they will once again be suitable for treatment once they have finished breastfeeding.

The Upfront Cost

Perhaps the most significant and unavoidable downside of Laser Eye Surgery is the upfront cost of the procedure. As we have said, this cost often equates to less than the long-term cost of other options; however, parting with such a substantial sum in one payment can be a serious inconvenience.

That’s why, here at London Vision Clinic, we offer our patients the option to spread the cost of their treatment. Our Finance Plan allows you to pay for the cost of Laser Eye Surgery through a number of affordable instalments. For more information, visit our Prices page.

Associated Risks

While Laser Eye Surgery is considered one of the safest elective procedures in the world, it is not without its risks. As with any surgical procedure, there is always a slightchance that things may not go 100 per cent as planned. However, thanks to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, combined with the use of cutting-edge technology, this risk is extremely low.

That brings us to one final point regarding Laser Eye Surgery: the huge amount of misinformation and unclear advice surrounding the industry. Many of the misconceptions about Laser Eye Surgery stem fromcompetition between clinics and the lack of longevity of regulationwithin the industry.

However, with the RCOphth guidelines published in April 2017 and the updated Certificate of Laser Refractive Surgery, there is now more regulation on the industry. Furthermore, more training is now available, including the Postgraduate Diploma in Cataract and Refractive Surgery at Ulster University, with Prof Reinstein on the teaching faculty.

Unfortunately, this still means that it is up to the individual to be discerning when informing themselves about Laser Eye Surgery. It is also important to make sure you choose a high-quality clinic, as the quality of care you receive can vary significantly.

We hope you found this practical guide to glasses, contacts, and Laser Eye Surgery useful. If you’d like to find out if Laser Eye Surgery could be the best option for you why notget in touch?Alternatively, Book a Consultation today.

Our guide to Contact Lens, Glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery (2024)


How long do you have to stay out of contact lenses before LASIK? ›

Typically, if you wear soft contact lenses you will need to discontinue wearing them about two weeks prior. For toric or rigid soft lenses, the timeframe is around three weeks. For hard contact lenses, you will need to stop wearing them approximately four weeks before.

Do you still need glasses after laser eye surgery? ›

What many don't realize is that LASIK surgery doesn't protect against age-related eye conditions or remove certain refractive errors caused by the thickness of the cornea. For this reason, even individuals who have had successful LASIK surgery may need glasses.

Which is better LASIK or contact lenses? ›

In fact, one study from Pub Med indicated that in comparison to wearing contact lenses, patients with LASIK experienced improved ease of driving at night, no significant increase in dry eyes, and higher levels of satisfaction in each of the three years following the procedure.

What do you do with glasses and contacts after LASIK? ›

So, what to do with those items? The Optical Vision Site has some terrific ideas, including donating unused and unexpired contacts to places like Goodwill and Lenscrafters (check ahead of time to ensure they take them). Some organizations will take eyeglasses, contacts lens and contact solution.

Can you open your eyes immediately after LASIK? ›

The best thing you can do is keep your eyes closed for at least 3 hours after LASIK. It's okay if you don't fall asleep. The act of closing your eyes and resting them can make a big difference during the recovery process.

When can I shower after eye LASIK? ›

Mozayeni and Dr. Nunnery advise patients that it is okay to bathe or shower normally the day after your LASIK eye surgery. For the first week after your LASIK surgery, it's important to keep water, soap, hair care products and/or washing liquids away from the eye. Do not rub your eyes while bathing.

How long should you rest your eyes after laser surgery? ›

It may take up to three to six months for your vision to stabilize after surgery. Glare, haloes, difficulty driving at night, and other visual symptoms may also persist during this stabilization period.

What can't you do after laser eye surgery? ›

Avoid pools, whirlpools, saunas, and lakes for at least 3 weeks. No eye makeup for at least a week. Toss out partly used products to avoid an infection. Don't get your hair colored or permed for at least 10 days.

How long do I sleep with glasses after LASIK? ›

Protect Your Eyes

Continue to wear the shields any time you are napping or sleeping at night for 5 days. If pets or children share your bed, you should wear shields for 10 nights after your LASIK procedure.

Who should not have laser eye surgery? ›

Patients with autoimmune diseases are not good candidates for laser eye surgery. Many autoimmune conditions cause dry eye syndrome. A dry eye may not heal well and has a higher risk of post-surgery infection. Other conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, glaucoma or cataracts often affect results.

Is there a permanent contact lens? ›

What Are Permanent Contact Lenses? This type of contact lens is typically called a Visian ICL (Implantable Collamer® Lens), which many people simply call an implantable contact lens or just ICL. The ICL is made from biocompatible materials, including collagen.

Can you wear contacts 3 years after LASIK? ›

The bottom line is that YES, you can wear contact lenses after LASIK if you choose to. And there are a few occasions where you might chose to do so.

Can you wear contacts if you have had laser eye surgery? ›

The good news is that, in most cases, it's safe to wear contact lenses after laser eye surgery. It is advised to wait for 6 months after laser eye surgery before considering wearing cosmetic contact lenses and it is essential that you consult your optometrist before using them.

Can I use my phone 24 hours after LASIK? ›

Since your eyes are still healing, they will be especially sensitive in the first 24 hours after the LASIK procedure. Because of this, it's recommended to wait at least 24 hours before using your phone, computer, tablet or watching TV.

Why can't I wear contacts after LASIK? ›

Because LASIK can significantly alter the shape of the cornea, fitting contact lenses on a post-LASIK eye is more challenging than fitting lenses on an untouched cornea. Special gas permeable or hybrid lens designs are usually recommended for people who need contacts after LASIK.

Can I sleep sideways after LASIK? ›

Since your risk of infection is higher after surgery, wearing your eye shield following your procedure is very important, even when sleeping. You will need to be careful not to sleep on the side with the recovering eye in addition to wearing your eye shield.

How do you fall asleep after LASIK? ›

You will be offered a mild sedative pill to help you relax for your procedure. It's usually a good idea for patients because the pill helps them relax some and it helps them take an excellent nap afterwards. Often times, patients report that their post-LASIK nap was one of the best naps they've had in a long time!

How do you wipe your eyes after LASIK? ›

You may gently clean the lids with a wash cloth, but don't put any pressure on the eyes for the first 3 months. ✓ Wear protective eye wear for sports or any activities where you could get hit.

What not to do before laser eye surgery? ›

On the day of LASIK, don't wear makeup, perfumes, or lotions. On the day of your procedure, don't load up on heavy makeup, perfumes, or lotions. You should take a shower and make sure your face is clean of any contaminants the morning of LASIK. Make sure to skip any perfumes as well.

How do you wash your hair after eye surgery? ›

You can shower or wash your hair the day after surgery. Keep water, soap, shampoo, hair spray, and shaving lotion out of your eye, especially for the first week. Do not rub or put pressure on your eye for at least 1 week. Do not wear eye makeup for 1 to 2 weeks.

How long after laser eye surgery can you watch TV? ›

Since your eyes are still healing, they will be especially sensitive in the first 24 hours after the LASIK procedure. Because of this, it's recommended to wait at least 24 hours before watching TV.

What is the fastest way to recover from laser eye surgery? ›

Tips For Fast Recovery After LASIK Eye Surgery
  1. Keep your follow-up appointments.
  2. Take it easy. Driving immediately following LASIK surgery is not allowed. ...
  3. Luxuriate with a bath. Bypass the shower at first. ...
  4. Use eye drops as recommended. ...
  5. Play no sports. ...
  6. Wear eye protection. ...
  7. Dim light is recommended.
  8. Make it all about you!

Can you bend over after LASIK surgery? ›

You need to avoid any kind of activity that will need you to bend over at the waist as well. This can cause too much intraocular pressure. Avoid these activities until your doctor says you can take part in them again.

What eye drops to use before LASIK? ›

Use Vigamox or Zymar antibiotic drops, 1 drop in the eye(s) to be treated 4 times a day for 1 day prior to surgery. The easiest schedule for most people to remember is to do one drop at breakfast, one at lunch, one at dinner, and one at bedtime.

What age is best for laser eye surgery? ›

Generally speaking, most LASIK eye surgeons agree on 25-40 as the ideal age range for LASIK eye surgery candidacy for a few reasons. By the age of 25, eyeglasses and contact lens prescriptions have most likely stabilized. A stable prescription is one of the hallmarks of a good LASIK candidate.

How do you know if you are suitable for laser eye surgery? ›

Who is it suitable for? Laser eye surgery is suitable for most people over 18. Ideally your eye prescription will have stayed more or less the same for about 2 years. Lens surgery may be more suitable if you have a high spectacle prescription or later in life.

What are the chances of something going wrong during laser eye surgery? ›

What is the LASIK complication rate? The LASIK complication rate is only about 0.3%. The most commonly reported LASIK complications are infection or dry eye that persists for more than six months.

Can you shower with contacts in? ›

Avoid water while wearing contacts.

Keep your contacts away from water. Make sure to remove your contacts before showering, bathing, or swimming. Don't rinse or store your contacts in water, and if it does occur, make sure to throw away or disinfect them thoroughly. Use clean hands.

Can you cry with contacts on? ›

Crying with contact lenses is completely safe, whether you are crying tears of laughter, sadness or watching a weepy movie, those tears will not damage your contact lenses, although they may dislodge them.

How many times can you touch up LASIK? ›

Surgeons can perform a second LASIK surgery, called enhancement, several years after the first surgery. A repeat surgery can be repeated immediately after the recovery time of the first surgery ends or many years after. Additionally, there is no limit to the number of times one can undergo repeat LASIK surgeries.

What happens after 10 years of LASIK surgery? ›

There is a myth that LASIK, after 10 years, wears off. But, LASIK is permanent. LASIK permanently corrects the vision prescription that you have at the time of surgery. This means that it cannot wear off.

Can LASIK be redone after 20 years? ›

If a second procedure has been deemed necessary, another flap will be created. Most surgeons won't perform a second LASIK procedure unless it's 5-10 years after LASIK.

Can you shower after laser eye surgery? ›

You are fine to shower or bathe the day after you have had laser eye surgery. However, you do need to try to ensure you do not get any soap or water in your eyes for at least a week.

Can I work 2 days after LASIK? ›

The majority of LASIK patients are back to their normal routine within a day or two. In fact, if you're a LASIK patient, you'll most likely be able to return to work the next morning after surgery!

Do I have to wear sunglasses forever after LASIK? ›

How long do I need to wear sunglasses? Your eyes are especially sensitive for the first week after you have LASIK. Plan to wear sunglasses for at least the first week after your LASIK procedure. Also, even post-LASIK surgery, you should continue wearing sunglasses.

Can your eyesight worsen again after LASIK? ›

It permanently reshapes the tissue in the front of your eye, and these changes last your whole life. However, most people's vision gets worse over time as part of the natural aging process. LASIK can't stop this, so your vision may become blurry again as you get older.

Can I wear mascara after LASIK surgery? ›

Patients who've had LASIK should wait at least a week before going back to regular use of eye makeup. However, this timeframe can vary on a case-by-case basis. Some people will be ready after only a few days, while others may take a bit longer.

Can I wear contacts for a few hours before LASIK? ›

We ask that you don't wear contact lenses the day before, or the day of, your surgery if you wear soft contact lenses, or, if you wear hard lenses, leave them out for the 7 days prior to your surgery.

Should you stop wearing contacts before LASIK consultation? ›

Discontinue sleeping in your contacts at least 10 days before your LASIK consultation. If you wear contacts for astigmatism (toric lenses), discontinue wear for 10 days before your LASIK consultation. If you wear regular contacts, discontinue wear for 5 days prior to the LASIK consultation.

Do you have to wear glasses for 2 weeks before LASIK? ›

If you wear rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses, or hard lenses, stop wearing them for at least a month before your baseline exam. If you wear hard lenses, stop wearing them for at least four weeks before your initial evaluation.

How long before cataract surgery do I need to stop wearing contacts? ›

Your doctor will probably instruct you to stop wearing contact lenses for 1 – 4 weeks prior to cataract surgery. It is very important to follow your doctor's instructions. Contact lenses alter the shape of the surface of the cornea, a surface that is extremely important to measure for proper IOL selection.

How many hours after LASIK Can I watch TV? ›

Since your eyes are still healing, they will be especially sensitive in the first 24 hours after the LASIK procedure. Because of this, it's recommended to wait at least 24 hours before watching TV.

What happens if you wear contact lenses before laser eye surgery? ›

Contact lenses can distort the shape of the front surface of your eye, the cornea, and corneal measurements are crucial in LASIK calculations. After your consultation, you cannot wear contact lenses leading up to your dilated pre-op exam and surgery. This will allow your cornea to go back to its most natural shape.

Can I shower before LASIK? ›

You should take a shower and make sure your face is clean of any contaminants the morning of LASIK. Make sure to skip any perfumes as well. Don't put on any hand or face lotions, as this can make your skin greasy.

How do you stay calm during LASIK? ›

3.1 How do you stay calm during laser eye surgery?
The trick is to keep breathing at a slow and steady rate.In the days leading up to LASIK, practice this technique:
  1. Inhale deeply for five seconds.
  2. Hold it for five seconds.
  3. Exhale for five seconds.
  4. Repeat.

How long do I have to sleep with goggles after LASIK? ›

We typically recommend that patients wear these goggles for the remainder of the day following surgery. However, patients should wear these protective goggles while sleeping for at least the first night of recovery.

Can I drive 2 days after LASIK? ›

How Soon after LASIK Surgery Can I Drive? The length of time each patient must wait to drive after LASIK surgery will vary based on the individual. However, most people are given their doctor's approval to drive as soon as the day after surgery.

Why can't you drink water before cataract surgery? ›

So why do you need to fast? Fasting before cataract eye surgery reduces the risk of stomach contents/acid going the wrong way down into your lungs while you are asleep.

Why do you have to remove contact lenses before surgery? ›

Your surgeon will need to take measurements before your surgery and these tests are most accurate when done on the natural shape of the eye. Essentially, taking out your contacts and allowing your cornea to return to its normal shape ensures a better visual outcome for your procedure.

What do you wish you knew before cataract surgery? ›

Here are some things that you may want to avoid before and after cataract surgery to ensure that you heal properly. Avoiding eating and drinking before your surgery. Don't wear makeup to the surgery appointment, and avoid wearing makeup until your ophthalmologist allows it so that you can better prevent infection.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.