Nvidia Settings Effect on VR Performance & Quality Tested | Smart Glasses Hub (2024)

Nvidia Settings Effect on VR Performance & Quality Tested | Smart Glasses Hub (1)

Some people prefer a smooth VR experience. Others aim for maximum visual fidelity. And there are numerous ways you can optimize the PC VR experience to match your personal preferences and hardware capabilities. The most obvious ones are adjusting the render resolution, headset refresh rate, and in-game graphics.

Those who have an Nvidia graphics card can additionally change various settings from the Nvidia Control Panel. I personally have an Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060 laptop GPU and I decided to test out if and what effects do Nvidia settings have on the overall VR performance and visual quality.

With that being said, here are my OpenVR Benchmark test results on how changing Nvidia settings affects the overall VR performance:

Baseline (Default Settings)Default40.75630.57827.994
Power management modePrefer Maximum Performance40.89031.08828.480
Anisotropic Filtering16x41.29831.58429.200
Antialiasing – FXAAOn40.51830.43427.932
Antialiasing Mode / SettingsOverride application settings / 8x40.11232.32427.634
Antialiasing – TransparencyMultisample40.37030.64228.080
Antialiasing – Transparency8 x (supersample)40.61230.10626.954
Low Latency Mode On40.75630.0227.402
Low Latency Mode Ultra41.25731.97729.693
Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA)On41.36730.68728.500
Texture Filtering – Quality High Performance41.92031.72029.333
Vertical syncFast41.75031.84729.623
VR pre-rendered frames 341.39030.41727.353
NVIDIA BALANCED PRESET 41.21831.37328.953
NVIDIA QUALITY PRESET 40.78529.32026.893
CUSTOM PERFORMANCE SETUP 41.688 31.805 29.420

Quick Summary

Based on my benchmark tests using the OpenVR Benchmark utility, modifying Nvidia Control Panel settings made only minor differences in both the VR performance (+- 1.5 frames per second) as well as visual quality (very slightly sharper textures with anisotropic filtering and less jagged edges with antialiasing).

The truth is that you can (and should) change most of these settings (antialiasing, anisotropic filtering, etc) in the game you are playing, where the settings provide more optimized results. Additionally, adjusting VR refresh rate, in-game graphic settings, and render resolution will give much better results whether you are optimizing for performance or quality.

Do give you a quick example – let’s say you want to optimize your game for better performance. In my tests, optimizing the Nvidia settings for better performance gave an improvement of about 1 frame per second. However, lowering the resolution from 1.0x (3264 x 1648) to 0.9x (2944 x 1504) gave an improvement of about 7 frames per second compared to the base scenario.

Sure, the results might vary for different games/hardware. However, based on all my previous experience with VR and the tests conducted for this article, you should start optimizing your games by modifying rendering resolution/refresh rate / PC and in-game graphics settings first.

Use Nvidia control panel settings for “final touches” or when some setting is missing from the specific game you are playing. Most of the time, however, it should be totally fine to leave the Nvidia settings untouched altogether.

Testing Methodology

Benchmarking VR performance is not a trivial task. In order for the tests to be accurate and comparable, you would have to make sure that each benchmark run gets identical frames with the same head movement. This is almost impossible to achieve with regular VR games.

OpenVR Benchmark

In order to get reproducible VR performance tests, I used a VR benchmark tool called OpenVR Benchmark. This free utility runs a 60-second simulation inside your headset and presents you with result scores (nominated in frames per second).

As also stated in the software, the results don’t indicate the actual FPS you can expect from real games. Additionally, the tool represents a specific type of graphics rendering (Voxels), that may or may not represent other types of games accurately.

However, we can definitely use the test to compare if and what effect do Nvidia control panel settings have on the VR performance and quality.

System Specifications & Settings Used

Nvidia Settings Effect on VR Performance & Quality Tested | Smart Glasses Hub (2)

Testing Process

The process I used for testing the Nvidia settings (and how I got the average frame per second metrics listed in the table) is following:

  1. Apply specific Nvidia Control Panel setting
  2. Restart PC
  3. Launch Oculus Air Link and OpenVR Benchmark
  4. Run each test 5 consecutive times (5 x 60 seconds test)
  5. Calculate average values based on 5 runs (listed in the table)

The reason I ran each test multiple times is that I saw quite a big variation (+/- 1.5 FPS) in the results for the same test. Running the same test multiple times and calculating the average values should help to get closer to “real values” and better eliminate outlier values.

I initially also started running the tests consecutively for all different Nvidia settings. However, I started seeing the FPS values decreasing gradually. For this reason, I restarted my PC after testing each separate Nvidia setting.

Nvidia Control Panel Setting for VR (Tested & Explained)

Next, I am going to give a very brief overview of the Nvidia Control Panel settings I used for my tests and give a short description of what they actually do. For settings that affect the visuals of the VR experience, I have also included a side-by-side comparison video with the baseline scenario.

Note! Don’t be discouraged by the same thumbnails shown in the video examples below. They will actually show you the video comparison of that specific Nvidia setting.

Power Management Mode

One of the most common recommendations to improve your VR performance seems to be enabling “Prefer Maximum Performance” in the power management mode. This keeps the graphics card at a maximum performance state when 3D applications are running (regardless of actual GPU usage).

One definitive result you can be sure of by applying this setting is increased electricity consumption. When it comes to the actual improvements in the performance, my tests showed that there was barely any difference.

Anisotropic Filtering

Anisotropic Filtering makes surfaces in the game appear more detailed and clear with a relatively small effect on the performance. For most PCs, you can safely turn it up to the maximum value (16x) without noticing any significant drop in frames per second.

This is one of the few settings I would recommend enabling from the Nvidia Control Panel. However, if the game you are playing has a setting for configuring Anisotropic Filtering, make sure you do it there and leave Nvidia settings untouched.

Antialiasing (AA)

Antialiasing reduces the jagged edges (staircase effect) of 3D objects in the game. Most applications have AA built-in, which is also the reason, the default value for the setting in the Nvidia control panel is “Application-controlled”

For the video above, I changed the antialiasing mode “Override any application setting” and applied 8x antialiasing which should provide a “smoother” image. Applying the setting gave the worst FPS result of all the tests I did, however, I had a hard time noticing the improved smoothness of the image. Maybe it is because of the “cube-like” jagged nature of the test itself.

Antialiasing – FXAA

FXAA stands for “fast approximate antialiasing” and it should reduce the “jaggedness” of essentially every line you see in the game (sometimes resulting in unwanted blurriness). This AA method should work at a lower “performance penalty” compared to other antialiasing which also shows in the test results (sort of at least).

Antialiasing – Transparency

Antialiasing transparency is meant to reduce the jaggedness on the edges of transparent textures. The problem here is that for most games, this is already built-in, and modifying the setting in Nvidia Control Panel can cause compatibility conflicts in games.

For testing purposes, I did try turning it on (both the multisample as well as 8 x supersample). Even though multisampling should offer better performance (compared to supersampling), in my tests it was the opposite. When it comes to the visual changes, I had a hard time noticing any difference at all.

Low Latency Mode

This setting used to be called “Maximum pre-rendered frames” and controls the number of frames the CPU can prepare before the frames are processed by the GPU. While setting the option “On” had literally no effect, selecting “Ultra” did increase the FPS by about 0.5 compared to the baseline test.

One of the reported downsides of enabling Low Latency Mode, however, is input lag. If you do decide to enable this option, take note of whether you experience a delay in your controller actions to be registered in the game you are playing. I personally would (and do) keep the option disabled altogether.

Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA)

Multi-Frame sampled AA is yet another method for antialiasing (reduce “staircase effect”), which is similar to MSAA (multisample anti-aliasing) but at virtually no cost to the overall performance.

This is proven by the fact that when MFAA was enabled in benchmark tests, the FPS was actually better compared to the baseline scenario. Since it does improve the visual experience at no cost, this is one of the only Nvidia settings I would recommend keeping enabled.

Texture Filtering – Quality

Modifying the “Texture Filtering – Quality” option enables you to choose whether you prefer quality, performance, or a balanced option between the two. The default option is “Quality”

When I set this option to “High Performance”, I was actually able to achieve the highest average FPS of any of the combined test runs I did. So if you are struggling with your VR performance and are looking for ways to improve, this actually might be one of the viable options to do it.

Vertical Sync

Vertical sync is the synchronization of your GPU with the monitor (headset’s) refresh rate. To be honest, even after reading about the topic, I didn’t fully understand whether the setting applies to VR headsets or not. I do know for sure that VR headsets utilize v-sync internally, but I am not sure how it relates to the current setting.

Nvidia Settings Effect on VR Performance & Quality Tested | Smart Glasses Hub (3)

A comment from Guy Godin (the developer of Virtual Desktop) seems to indicate that it does something at least. But “something” doesn’t mean anything good here and it caused them to change the setting to “Use the 3D application setting” each time you launch Virtual Desktop.

Based on the OpenVR Benchmark test runs I did, it does seem to improve the frame per second count when set to “fast”. So, if you have the time and the need (e.g performance issues) then go ahead and test it out and see if it makes any difference for you.

Virtual Reality Pre-Rendered Frames

Similar to “Low Latency Mode” (or maybe it is the same?), this setting controls the number of frames the CPU can prepare before the frames are processed by the GPU. The default value is 1 (frame).

Selecting a higher value can improve the performance at the cost of increased latency. My benchmark tests showed that raising the value (to 3) did indeed seem to offer a higher FPS count on average. However, the test did not cover the “latency” issue which you must find out for yourself.

Nvidia Presets (Quality / Balanced / Performance)

When you open the Nvidia Control Panel and open the first settings tab (“Adjust Image Settings with preview”), you have the option to use Nvidia preset configuration sets (Performance, Balanced or Quality). The default option is “Quality”.

Nvidia Settings Effect on VR Performance & Quality Tested | Smart Glasses Hub (4)

If you choose any of the three preset configurations, it automatically adjusts a combination of values (which you can see and compare from the “Manage 3D settings” tab. Since the default values are based on the “Quality” preset, I also did the benchmark runs with the “Balanced” as well as the “Performance” preset.

And the test runs do indeed show a gradual improvement in the average frame per second count. You can see the visual differences of “Quality” vs “Performance” from the video below:

Custom Performance Setup

The “custom performance setup” is based on one of the current most popular Youtube videos for achieving high FPS in games (flat screen games in this case). The settings are as follows:

  • Image Sharpening (Off)
  • Ambient Occlusion (Off)
  • Anisotropic Filtering (Off)
  • Antialiasing (Off)
  • Background Application max Frame Rate (Off)
  • CUDA – GPUs (All)
  • DSR- Factors (Off)
  • Low Latency Mode (Off)
  • Max Frame Rate (Off)
  • MFAA (Off)
  • Power Management Mode (Max Performance)
  • Shader Cache (On)
  • Texture Filtering (High Performance)
  • Threaded Optimization (On)
  • Triple Buffering (Off)
  • Vertical Sync (Off)
  • VR Pre-Rendered Frames (1)
  • VRSS (Off)

Using these settings to run the benchmark tests, I got a fairly good average FPS count. However, in the grand scheme of things, 1 FPS improvement over the baseline test is not that much.


Changing Nvidia Control Panel settings does have “some” effect on the overall VR quality and performance. However, the improvements are not very significant and you should instead focus on finding the best balance between render resolution, refresh rate, and in-game graphics settings first.

After you have found the sweet spot and are looking for further “tweaks” then turn your eyes towards Nvidia Control Panel settings and see if you can further fine-tune your overall VR experience.

* Meta Quest 2 (My “daily driver” headset, which I absolutely love & recommend)
* Lenovo Legion 5 Pro (AMD Ryzen 5 5600H, Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060, 16GB RAM)
* TP-Link Archer C6 (budget dedicated router for Air Link, see my full setup tutorial)

* VR Cover Foam Replacement (one of the easiest & cheapest ways to improve headset comfort)
* BoboVR M2 Head Strap (reduce pressure on your head and improve the overall fit of the headset)

Nvidia Settings Effect on VR Performance & Quality Tested | Smart Glasses Hub (2024)


What is performance vs quality in Nvidia settings? ›

Do you want more fps and smooth gameplay? Choose 'Prefer maximum performance'. Keep it off if you want as many fps as possible, but set a maximum if you want a smooth display. Choose 'Performance' for a higher fps, but set it to 'Quality' for a realistic and even lighting for your games.

What settings improve VR performance? ›

How To Optimize VR Performance From Your Gaming PC
  • Update your drivers and operating system. ...
  • Benchmark your performance as you troubleshoot. ...
  • Adjust the settings in your graphics card's control panel. ...
  • Lower the graphics settings in your VR games. ...
  • Get your connection up to speed. ...
  • Make sure your PC has at least 16GB RAM.
Feb 22, 2023

How do I optimize my Nvidia 3D settings? ›

  1. From the NVIDIA Control Panel navigation tree pane, under 3D Settings, select Manage 3D settings. ...
  2. Click the Program Settings stab. ...
  3. Under Select a Program to Customize, click the list arrow and then select the game for which you want to customize the preset 3D settings.

Does VR rely more on CPU or GPU? ›

VR experiences are very similar to games in terms of overall system requirements, so both the CPU and GPU are important – but because of the need to run two displays (one for each eye) at very high refresh rates the demands on the video card (GPU) are more intensive than average games.

Should I use performance mode or resolution mode? ›

For instance, if you want to get higher graphical quality, pick the Resolution Mode. To obtain a smooth game experience, select the Performance Mode.

Should you change your Nvidia settings? ›

Using the best Nvidia Control Panel settings is guaranteed to boost general PC and gaming performance. Make sure to update your Nvidia GPU drivers for the latest performance improvements and new settings in the Nvidia Control Panel.

Should I use balanced or quality in Nvidia control panel? ›

Balanced offers an optimal blend of image quality and performance. The result is optimal performance and good image quality for your applications. Quality results in the best image quality but at some expense to application performance.

What refresh rate should VR glasses be? ›

In Varjo VR and XR headsets, the refresh rate is 90 Hz, meaning that the image can be refreshed 90 times per second for the user.

What refresh rate is best for VR? ›

Studies have shown that in practice, any VR setup that generates frame rates below 90 frames per second (FPS) is likely to induce disorientation, nausea, and other negative user effects. The lower the frame rate, the worse the effects. Thus, the goal for VR developers is to target 90 FPS at all times in their software.

How do I make my VR clearer? ›

Try these troubleshooting suggestions:
  1. Make sure that you've removed the protective film on the headset lenses.
  2. Check that the lenses are clean. Use the cleaning cloth provided in the box to wipe the lenses.
  3. Make sure that you're wearing the headset properly. ...
  4. Make sure your IPD is set correctly.

What is prefer maximum performance vs consistent performance? ›

Prefer maximum performance: Use the GPU only at maximum performance when running most 3D applications. Prefer consistent performance: Maintain the GPU at a consistent performance state when 3D applications are running. This setting is often used to provide reproducible results during software development and tuning.

What is the best scaling mode for Nvidia? ›

We recommend choosing “85% or 77%” for the best gaming experience without losing too much image quality. Here is an example that shows you what difference it makes when you enable NVIDIA Image Scaling in-game.

Is Nvidia good for VR? ›

Both AMD and Nvidia have powerful graphics cards that are more than capable of driving a high-end VR experience. As you can see from the minimum specs above, a GeForce GTX card will do for VR basics; following from that, any of Nvidia's more powerful GeForce RTX GPUs are up to the challenge of gaming in VR.

How do I turn on Nvidia 3D vision? ›

3D is Enabled

Press the > green ON/OFF button on the front of the emitter. Emitter is on when the button is bright green. Activated the GeForce 3D Vision > glasses.

What GPU is best for VR? ›

Recommended GPU for PC VR gaming

The RTX 3060 is possibly the best value RTX card out there right now, being more than capable of playing 1080p titles with Ray Tracing and DLSS, but also being hugely popular in VR builds.

How much RAM do I need for VR gaming? ›

RAM Requirements for Running VR

The majority of VR headsets require at least 8 GB of RAM. The only exception is HTC Vive Pro and HTC Vive Pro Eye that can run with just 4 GB. HTC Vive Cosmos also requires 8 GB+ RAM.

What type of CPU is best for VR? ›

Intel's Core i7 and Core i9 processors are some of the most powerful CPUs on the market and are ideal for VR. AMD's Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 9 processors are also great options for VR. These CPUs offer excellent performance and are more affordable than Intel's offerings.

Should I turn on high performance mode? ›

In essence, no, the high-performance mode doesn't unlock any hidden capabilities of your phone to provide magical performance. At the same time, however, it may significantly improve gaming performance on your phone if you usually have lots of background processes running.

What does best performance mode do? ›

The Best Performance mode inherits the settings configured for the Balanced (default) profile. Configure these profiles to customize the settings that are engaged in the associated slider modes.

What is the best resolution to play on? ›

1080p is especially great for gaming as it means that you are more likely to be able to max out your games graphics settings or at least run high settings should you have a decent gaming computer.

Should I leave my Nvidia settings on default? ›

Making settings with one particular application in mind may negatively impact other applications where those settings are sub-optimal. NVIDIA's advice is: “Users should leave Global Presets in the default Base Profile.

Do games run better on Nvidia? ›

1440p 360+ FPS Gaming

A faster graphics card delivers higher frame rates that let you see things earlier and give you a better chance of hitting targets. That is why players with better graphics cards average higher Kill/Death (KD) ratios. NVIDIA GeForce GPUs deliver the highest FPS for competitive games.

What happens if I close Nvidia settings? ›

So, closing it would not do anything but free up a little bit of memory on your computer. If you were to unload the drivers for the display itself, you would simply see Windows revert back to the default, stripped down VGA driver, and you'd just lose all your 3D acceleration and higher resolutions.

Should you use high performance Nvidia processor or integrated graphics? ›

Assuming you're using a laptop, integrated Graphics processor provides lower performance and longer battery life. Nvidia Graphics Processor provides higher performance with shorter battery life when you're running your device on battery power.

Should I keep GPU scaling on or off? ›

The best practice for GPU rendering is to only scale the graphics if you have to, and only down if absolutely necessary. Let's say you are running a game at 1080p or the standard resolution of most monitors. Now, let's say you want to play at 720p, which is a common resolution for lower-end monitors.

Should I enable GPU scaling Nvidia? ›

When you're gaming at the right resolution and aspect ratio, there's no reason to use GPU scaling for anything at all. As such, we recommend only enabling this setting for playing retro games and then turning it back off when you're done.

How do I adjust my VR for glasses? ›

Loosen both side straps on the top strap. Move the on-ear headphones outwards. Put on your headset, starting at the front, to comfortably place the headset against your glasses. Tighten the side straps first, and then the top strap.

Is 120Hz refresh rate better for eyes? ›

A higher refresh rate means a smoother-looking screen that's easier on the eyes. So, if you're trying to ease your eyestrain, a refresh rate of 120 Hz is optimal.

How do I know if my PC is good enough for VR? ›

Using Your Existing Computer
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 equivalent or greater.
  • CPU: Intel i7-11800 equivalent or greater.
  • Memory: 32GB+ RAM.
  • Video Output: Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output.
  • USB: Ports 4x USB 3.0 ports plus 1x USB 2.0 port*
  • OS: Windows 11 64 bit.

Is higher resolution better for VR? ›

Resolution. The resolution, usually listed per-eye, has the greatest effect on image quality in a VR headset. The higher the resolution, the crisper the visuals, and the less chance of seeing the grid of lines between the individual pixels—the so-called screen-door-effect.

What is the recommended refresh rate for Oculus Quest 2? ›

For a more immersive experience, Oculus Quest 2 comes with 90Hz display. Home Environment, Explore, Store, Browser and Oculus TV will support the faster refresh rate out-of-the-box.

What refresh rate is good enough for gaming? ›

The general rule of thumb for gamers is this: if you are a fairly casual gamer without a powerful GPU, 60Hz will be fine. if you play competitively, you need a minimum refresh rate of 144Hz. if you want to play at the eSports standard, go with 240Hz.

Why are my VR graphics so bad? ›

There can be limitations related to the power of the computer, graphics processor, and the amount of included RAM. Moreover, most people currently using VR don't use extra sensors to track their entire bodies, so sensor-based tracking is limited to what's built into the headset and any accompanying hand controllers.

Why is VR quality so low? ›

However, when moving from a standard to an immersive viewing platform, like a VR headset, the image is going to be stretched across a viewing area 3-4 times larger. This immediately reduces the effective resolution and makes the picture grainy.

How do you recalibrate on VR? ›

How to calibrate your PlayStation VR. Go to Settings > Accessories > PlayStation VR > Adjust VR Headset Position, and move the headset until the image is clear.

How do I improve my VR performance Oculus Quest 2? ›

Link graphics performance preferences
  1. Open the Oculus Desktop app on your computer.
  2. Click Devices on the left side of the app.
  3. Click Quest 2 or Quest Pro.
  4. Scroll down to Graphics Preferences.
  5. Here, you can adjust your Refresh Rate and Render Resolution.

How do I improve my VR performance Quest 2? ›

Turn on your headset and open the Oculus app on your phone. Go to Menu>Devices>Scroll down to headset settings and select 'developer mode' and make sure that the toggle is on. Reboot your headset and connect it to your PC via a USB-C or link cable.

Will increasing RAM improve VR performance? ›

However, ram is very essential for VR. From experience, 16 GBs is enough if you play “1080” and at 60 FPS. Otherwise, you don't have to buy a new set of ram to upgrade. I'f you have more slots then sometimes just getting a 4 stick makes everything so much smoother.

What is the best VR resolution for Quest 2? ›

1920x1080 is plenty of resolution for rectilinear videos in today's VR headsets. Traditional video playback in VR is almost always done on a virtual screen in an immersive environment. A 1920x1080 video is enough to saturate Meta Quest 2's display of a virtual screen that is more than 90 degrees wide.

What is the max resolution for Oculus Quest 2? ›

Even tho the max resolution is 8K, Oculus does recommand to render in 7200x3600 / 60fps h265 with 100Mpbs bitrate. The visual fidelity is almost identical between 8K and 7.2K.

Why is my Quest 2 so blurry? ›

Clean lenses are important for an optimal VR experience. We recommend you to clean the lenses with a microfiber cloth regularly. Proper adjustment of the VR headset helps against blurriness. Make sure to pull the headband backwards when you put the headset on.

How do I get the best out of my Oculus Quest 2? ›

The 17 best Meta Quest 2 tips and tricks you need to know
  1. Add some friends. ...
  2. Create an avatar. ...
  3. Quickly change settings. ...
  4. Use voice commands. ...
  5. Switch up your virtual surroundings. ...
  6. Download apps and games from your phone (and try some free stuff) ...
  7. Get your mobile notifications in VR. ...
  8. Augment your headset with some accessories.
May 16, 2023

How do I get better quality on Oculus? ›

How to improve Oculus Quest 2 Graphics?
  1. Register as an Oculus developer.
  2. Download ADB drivers.
  3. Enable Developer mode.
  4. Install SideQuest.
Mar 8, 2023

What is the biggest problem with VR? ›

VR Sickness Among Consumers

A new term has cropped up in the VR community — VR sickness. Essentially, VR sickness is a term that describes the negative physical effects some users experience while immersed in a VR world. Common symptoms include eye strain, nausea, dizziness, disorientation and motion sickness.

Does a better graphics card make VR better? ›

We recommend purchasing at least a minimum recommended GPU to ensure consistent 90+ FPS refresh rate. Cheaper GPU might handle VR apps, but the lower FPS may cause nausea.

What is a good resolution for VR? ›

HP Reverb G2 Virtual Reality Headset

Its 2,160 x 2,160 resolution per-eye is one of the highest resolutions found in any VR headset, minimizing the screen door effect. Text is crisp and easy to read, and you can make out a lot more detail about characters and objects in the distance than on most other VR headsets.

What is the best amount of RAM for VR? ›

Memory (RAM) Due to this we recommend 32GB for most systems, to have plenty of space for applications and a measure of future-proofing. For VR developers, we recommend 64GB or more depending on the full suite of software being used.

What is the best RAM speed for VR? ›

The third-most important part to consider is RAM. The recommended onboard RAM for most games and VR headsets continues to hover around 8GB.

Is 16GB of RAM good for VR? ›

Recommended memory (RAM) for PC VR gaming

This is a very easy one. 16GB should be the minimum RAM in a VR gaming PC, enabling you to dump large amounts of data into system memory, and multi-task with applications. 32GB will give you extra headroom, but few VR games will push you to the limits of 16GB right now.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.