Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (2024)

Introducing the Norfolk Island Pine

Norfolk Island Pine or Araucaria heterophylla is a houseplant that can usually be found easily around Christmas Time. Some people might think the plant needs discarding after the holidays are over, but this is a very easy houseplant to keep alive indoors for years and years to come. Letting you bring a bit of the forest indoors.

Araucaria heterophylla is sometimes called the Star Pine on account of its Star like appearance when looked down on from above.

Its much more common name though is the Norfolk Island Pine. The name is easily understood simply because the plant comes from one tiny island between New Zealand and Australia called (can you guess?) Norfolk Island.

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (1)

Norfolk Island Pines (Araucaria heterophylla) adapt well to life as a houseplant

Although it looks (and smells) like a pine tree and even though it has "pine" in its name, it's not a true pine. People will often find it being sold as a living Christmas tree and although this is a novel and fun use for this houseplant, it can't cope with cold temperatures and should not be left outside. This is strictly an indoor plant for most people.

How do you pronounce Araucaria heterophylla correctly? Say:

Is this an outdoor plant?
If you live in a part of the world that is mild all year round, then yes. Otherwise, it can be put outside during the summer but needs to be brought back inside before it gets colder.

Norfolk Island Pines are also non-toxic, so make an especially great choice for the family home with children and pets. It also makes it into the top 50 houseplants that clean the air list by NASA.

Low maintenance and easy-going, they don't need pruning or a great deal of fuss to look their best. The leaves are tough and can be touched without damaging them making them ideal plants for high traffic areas.

When you feel the needles, you'll notice they're very soft and have a kind of plastic quality, so much so you might even think they're artificial! However, if you get up close, you can smell the unmistakable fresh herbal pine smell. Absolutely glorious.

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (2)

The leaves are very tactile, and even gentle touching releases a herbal pine scent.

There is only one variety available and even then, it's much harder to find outside of the Christmas holiday season. It's not as popular as the Poinsettia by a long way, so you might have to really search hard for these plants. This rarity is another reason not to be in a hurry to throw it out after Christmas.

Norfolk Island Pines For Sale
Lots of people ask where they can buy these plants. We can only speak for our small part of the world, so if you let us know in the comments where you got yours, that would be a big help for your fellow readers. Meanwhile, if you're still struggling here are a few more ideas.

If you're struggling to find one, search out the big box stores and supermarkets as they'll often be used as centerpieces for displays. At other times of the year, you may have to look online at sites like Etsy or eBay.

Despite this relative rarity, the price of these plants is normally pretty reasonable considering. You can pick up a bargain if you can get hold of one towards the end of the festive period when retailers want them gone from their stores and discount heavily.

Finally, some trivia for you. This plant is native only to one island in the entire world, Norfolk Island. It even features on the island's flag. Exporting this plant is very important for the islanders as trading these plants is one of their main sources of income.

Once you've got one, you most likely want to know how to care for it. The good news here, is that they're straightforward and a "beginner" type of plant, otherwise known as "forgiving". Follow the care instructions below and your's will be thriving in no time.

Norfolk Island Pine Care Guide


The infamous "good indirect light" applies here in terms of the ideal location for your plant, but what does that actually mean? Essentially it's any spot in your home that is bright but not bathed in the intense, harsh midday sunshine. Sun early morning or late afternoon is fine too.

That said, your plant will be pretty happy with a place outside of these ranges too. A little brighter and perhaps even some sun during midday will be okay, providing your plant is gradually exposed to the increased light levels over several weeks. Just plopping it down in a place like this after growing in a lower light location could result in some burning and scorch damage.

They also do okay with a slightly darker spot. The Norfolk Island Pine isn't a "low light" houseplant by any means, but it will accept being set back into a room a couple of feet away from a window. Just expect slower growing speeds and look out for any strange lopsided growth. If this happens, rotate your plant 90 degrees every few weeks or permanently move it somewhere brighter.


Fortunately, this is a reasonably forgiving houseplant with watering. I've overwatered mine and definitely underwatered it over the years and it never shows any long term damage from this. Clearly not ideal or the way you should be looking after this plant though.

Expected Water Frequency?
On average, once a week during the growing seasons and perhaps every one or two weeks in Winter is considered normal.

If given a choice, it wants to be well watered and then allow the top couple of inches to dry out thoroughly before watering again.

How long this takes will depend on how much light it's getting, the temperature and how big its pot is. For example, larger plants grown in warm, very bright locations with a small pot, are going to need significantly more regular watering. Compared to a young plant in a cooler location with less light and a larger pot.

Further reading -
Should You Water Your Plants with Ice Cubes?


Coming from a subtropical country, this plant is going to prefer higher humidity levels, but it doesn't need to be excessive. The average home humidity is normally around 40% to 60% and if you can provide this, then you don't need to do anything extra.

Watch out for abnormal dry air spots in your home which will have lower humidity levels. Places next to and above active radiators and air conditioning vents can drastically lower humidity and cause problems.


Feed occasionally over the growing seasons, which will help keep the existing needles a lovely shade of green and fuel new growth. Standard houseplant feed is all you need. I feed mine once every two months or so and it seems perfectly happy with this, although you could do it monthly if you want faster growth.


Did you know?
It might look like one, but this is not a Christmas Tree. It will die if exposed to cold temperatures.

A common mistake with these houseplants is to treat them like you would a Christmas Tree.

Again we're going to repeat ourselves by reminding you that they're not winter hardy and must not be exposed to anything close to sub-zero temperatures. No lower than 6°C (42°F).

You'll get good levels of growth with temperatures between 10°C (50°F) - 21°C (70°F).

Repotting and Soil

Interesting plants for sure, but elegant, perhaps not so much. Large Norfolk Island Pines in some homes can look out of place or untidy, so letting it grow out of control might not be the right option for you. Most people seem to have plants that are just a few feet tall, but what if you want more height than this?

Nice big pots with lots of space for the roots to grow into will typically mean a bigger plant in a relatively short period. By keeping the roots restricted in a smaller pot will slow or stop growth almost completely, which could be the better approach.

To grow or not to grow.
We like our Norfolk Island Pines a bit on the smaller side. But by all means you can grow it much bigger if you'd prefer. If you want to do this just increase the repotting frequency to once every two years and move it into a bigger pot each time.

The excellent news with doing it this way means you seldom need to repot it. Potentially once every four years, after the existing soil medium has broken down and no longer holding water and nutrients.

Either knock off some of the soil around the root ball and replant in the same container with fresh compost or move it into a bigger pot if you're ready for a bit more growing. In either case, use a standard potting mix like one designed for houseplants.


Attempting to propagate a Norfolk Island Pine is tricky, so we don't recommend it. But if you really want to give it a go, you can do it by seed or cuttings.

This is the most reliable method. Mature older plants will produce large "cones" that contain the seeds you'll need. The main drawback here is that from when they first start to form on the branches, they'll take upward of 18 months to mature. After which, they'll fall off the plant and start to break apart. You can collect the seed and attempt to germinate more plants at this point.

Simply plant them up into pots containing moist compost. Then place them on a windowsill and keep warm. All being well the seeds should have germinated within a month.

If you decide to prune your plant you can use some of the clippings to try and grow new plants. Treat the clippings as stem cuttings and after leaving the ends to dry a little. Fill a pot or two with moist compost, then insert the cuttings, ensuring some space between each one and keep warm.

Most of the cuttings won't take. They just don't seem to respond well to this type of propagation. The best chance you will have is to propagate the very central leading tip. But in general you'll only ever remove that if you're attempting to restrict the upward growth of your plant through pruning.

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (3)

Norfolk Island Palm among a number of other houseplants all growing in an office - Credit - Emdot

Speed of Growth

Young plants tend to grow quite slowly, and then once established and happy, it'll become quite vigorous and grow pretty fast. It's not going to climb to your ceiling like Spider-Man, but it's no snail either. Some people keep them tiny and grow as a bonsai.

Growing Tip
Growth will always be slower if the light levels are lower, or the roots are restricted in a small(ish) pot. Some people opt for this to limit the growth and stop their plant from taking over.

Height / Spread

Indoors, the height will be restricted by either the size of the pot you grow it in, or the height of your ceilings. After many years they can reach 1.8 m (6 ft).

I feel that very tall plants are much more uncommon though, and the fairly slow growth rate means it will take years before it outgrows most spaces.

The bigger issue you'll face, is likely to be its spread. It will put out new "levels", each with five separate branches a few times each year and eventually they can fan out and become quite broad. This isn't the plant to grow in a narrow space.

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (4)

Close up shot showing how the branches grow to give the plant a geometric pagoda-like shape


Like most conifers, the Norfolk Island Pine doesn't flower. Instead, it will produce the familiar woody seedpods called cones (hands up if you ever collected them on walks for art projects as a child!). This is a houseplant grown for its foliage and structure only.

Are Norfolk Island Pine's safe around pets?

The ASPCA calls this plant the Australian Pine and confirms that it's non-toxic.

Pruning Norfolk Island Pine

Over time (years) the lower branches in particular, will lose vigor and start to droop. They may even start to die off by themselves. You can prune these lower down branches if you want.

When it comes to cutting back the upper branches, it gets more complicated. Part of the Norfolk Island Pine charm is its broadly symmetrical branches and geometric appearance, creating those pentagram shaped layers. As soon as you start chopping off these branches you throw the overall "look" out of balance.

You can prune some of these branches without harming the plant but we'd advise caution and think carefully about what look you're trying to achieve at the end of your pruning session before even thinking about picking up the scissors.

Finally, what about the central vertical growing stem? Mainly people ask about this because they're having height issues. In other words "Help my plants touching the ceiling!" type of problem. In any other circ*mstances, we'd advise you do not cut the central stem. There is a good chance it will stunt growth permanently as well as giving the top a "flat" and funny look.

If you're at roof height already, well, you've pretty much got no choice but to remove the top section of the plant.

Anything else?

Spray Glitter
To add to the festival charm, it's fairly normal to find these plants sprayed with glitter. However the glitter can block the leaves, which the plant needs for Photosynthesis. If your pine is coated in glitter wash it off after Christmas is over.

You're more likely to find these houseplants for sale during the festive holidays. Often they could be dressed up to look more seasonal and Christmassy. But can they be treated like a normal pine tree and decorated from head to roots?

They absolutely can be decorated with bling and even act as an alternative Christmas tree from year to year. However the branches are not stiff and firm like most pine trees, so it will only accept gentle weight before bending, but if you can look past that, then go nuts with your design skills. Show off your pictures below or tag our Instagram - @our_houseplants

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (5)

Photo of a decorated Norfolk Pine with Christmas seasonal items Credit to Flower Factor - Blumz by JRDesigns in metro Detroit USA

How to Care for the Norfolk Island Pine Recap

  1. Medium to Bright Light Very low light can cause the growth to be lopsided. Very bright intense sun can burn and damage the foliage. Anything between these extremes is fine.

  2. Moderate Watering Water well and then wait until the soil has almost dried out before doing it again.

  3. Temperature Prefers cooler temperatures, but not a hardy houseplant. Never lower than 6°C (42°F). To keep your plant happy, aim for a temperature range between 10°C (50°F) - 21°C (70°F).

  4. Feeding Try to feed once every month with a liquid fertilizer. None required in winter.

  • This is not a true Christmas Tree. It won't survive cold temperatures.
  • Keep away from very low humidity areas.
  • Do not prune the vertical growing stems as it could stop the plant growing completely.

Norfolk Island Pine Problems

Branches are browning

The branches and stem will normally brown with age. The stems age and thicken up and give the plant more support for all the newer growth higher up the plant.

If the browning is happening on the needles or at different parts of the plant then it's a possible sign of sun damage burning your plant. This should be easy to establish if you look back at how it's been cared for. If sun is indeed a factor, move your plant away from this spot or provide some window shading.

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (6)

Close up photo of some brown stems on a Norfolk Pine

Yellowing Leaves / Needles

In the photo above, you can see some yellowing needles. Although classed as an evergreen tree it will still drop old needles after many years. If this is happening lower down on the plant it's normal and a sign of aging. Older Norfolk Pine's tend not to have needles on the lower stems.

If the yellowing is happing elsewhere, then it's usually a temperature issue (too cold or too hot). Under and overwatering can also trigger some yellowing, but this plant is quite tolerant of this, so it would need to be quite extreme drought or waterlogging for this to happen. In most cases I'd be exploring the temperature it's been exposed to over the last few weeks.

Droopy Branches

Usually caused by one of three things.

  • Extreme temperature
    This is neither a hardy houseplant nor one that likes it too hot. Both cold and hot temperatures can cause drooping to appear suddenly over a day or so. Stick to the temperature range we've highlighted.
  • Underwatering
    My plant will regularly "hang" a little more when it needs watering. It's not as obvious as a Peace Lily Droop, but it's still noticeable. Feel the soil and if it's dry you'll know this is likely the cause.
  • Lack of Feeding
    If the branches and leaves look thin or weak and there is a fair amount of constant drooping over many months then it's a good sign the plant needs more regular feeding.

Random browning in the upper branches / leaves

As mentioned a few problems up, some browning is normal in the lower branches. It can also happen in the upper regions and is normally called corking. If it's confined to the "joints" where the side branches meet the central stem then it's okay. The browning is providing strength to areas under weight pressure (see photo below).

Browning on the tips of branches could signify that the humidity is very low, i.e. the air surrounding your plant is too arid.

Browning or corking in random places will likely be caused again by sun damage or some kind of pest. Check the care and placement of your plant to rule out possible sun scorch. If that's fine have a good look over your Norfolk Island Pine for any signs of pests and treat accordingly.

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (7)

Brown corking on a Norfolk Pine's branches isn't normally something to be worried about

Our story with this houseplant

Just being honest here. There is something about the Norfolk Island Pine that isn't attractive. It's unruly, untidy and up close, it kinda feels like one of those hideous artificial plastic plants.

Just being honest here. There is something about the Norfolk Island Pine that isn't attractive.

A sentiment that I think is shared by many, which might account for its scarcity around these parts. It's just not a popular houseplant. I didn't see one in the flesh for years and for someone who is always in one plant store or another that's quite a feat.

However, one year a few weeks before Christmas I spotted one. It definitely didn't stop me in my tracks from its beautiful or striking looks but more to do with shock. Here was one of these plants, in real life and right in front of me. Finally. I brought it more for the novelty and thinking that in time it would help me write an article for the site.

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (8)

Holding the leaves and branch of a Norfolk Island Pine

Christmas passed and without a clear idea where I wanted to keep it, it ended up regulated into a disused corner of my office. Despite minimal care for a good six months, it thrived. Before I knew it, it had grown several inches and still more growth was coming. At this point it caught my attention.

Yes, it still wasn't classically pretty, but the plastic-like needles were suddenly incredibly tactile and inviting. I found you could handle the leaves roughly and still, it was fine. Also the smell. So subtle but vivid from only a gentle brushing. A fresh and herbal pine smell like walking through a forest.

After researching it and learning more about its history. How unbelievably rare it was to find growing in any parts of the world other than on Norfolk Island. How important it was for the people on this island (trading these plants is one of the main sources of income for them). Similar to the Kentia Palm, which is grown and traded in a similar way (on a very nearby island, actually!).

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (9)

A Norfolk Island Travel Guide Video so you can get a sense of the Norfolk pine origin story and where these plants come from

Ecologically it's an important houseplant. These plants form part of a rich and against the odds history. How fantastic is that to have sharing your living space?

I don't know, but that rich, detailed history and backstory had me feeling all sorts of feels. It's a massive talking point when a visitor to my home asks about it. Any criticisms I felt before faded slightly and now I'm pretty proud to have acquired one.

About the Author

Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (10)

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Tom Knight

Over the last 20 years, Tom has successfully owned hundreds of houseplants and is always happy to share knowledge and lend his horticulture skills to those in need. He is the main content writer for the Ourhouseplants Team.

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(Article / Gallery) Photo credit of Christmas decorated Norfolk Pine - Flower Factor
(Article / Gallery) Photo credit of Norfolk Island Palm growing in an office - Emdot


Norfolk Island Pine Guide | Our House Plants (2024)


Are Norfolk pines good indoor plants? ›

Happily, it's easy to grow Norfolk Island pine indoors. This holiday favorite is a no-fuss houseplant that's relatively undemanding in its care. Indoors, Norfolk Island pine tolerates low, medium, or bright light, but it does best in brighter spots.

Where should I place a Norfolk pine in my house? ›

Give indoor Norfolks bright natural light — as much as your home allows. This encourages strong, healthy, horizontal branches with the graceful symmetry for which Norfolks are known. Normal indoor home temperatures are fine for this plant, but avoid placing them in drafty areas or near heating or cooling ducts.

How much light does a Norfolk pine need indoors? ›

"For this specific plant, it is ideal to have six-plus hours of bright, indirect sunlight, generous humidity, and moist, but not sopping-wet soil," Wheatley says, adding that the soil should be sandy and well-draining.

How long can a Norfolk pine live indoors? ›

Norfolk Island pine trees are easy to care for indoors or outdoors, as long as they enjoy enough humidity. How long can a Norfolk Island pine live? When this plant is protected from frost, it is long-living and can reach a lifespan of 150 years. Do Norfolk Island pines produce cones?

Do Norfolk pines clean the air? ›

4. Does Norfolk Island Pine Purify the Air? A: Yes! Scientific research by NASA showed that Norfolk Island pines can remove harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds) from the air, purifying it and making it safer for you and your family to breathe.

Should Norfolk pines be misted? ›

In their natural habitat, Norfolk Island pines grow in a tropical location by the ocean, so they like moist air. The ideal humidity for these trees is 50 percent. You can maintain that humidity by misting the tree daily with room-temperature water, or by installing a nearby humidifier.

Do Norfolk pines like small pots? ›

Answer: When repotting a large plant like a Norfolk Island pine, a good rule of thumb is to use a pot that is at least 2 inches larger than the pot your plant is in. So if your tree is in a 12-inch pot, you would want to transplant into a 14 or 16-inch pot.

Do Norfolk pines like direct sunlight? ›

Your Norfolk Pine prefers bright indirect light to direct sunlight. It can adapt to medium light areas, but it may become leggy and less full. Water your Norfolk Pine when 25% of the soil volume is dry.

Do Norfolk pines attract bugs? ›

Norfolk Island Pines are vulnerable to pests including aphids, mealybugs, scale, mites and whiteflies.

How often should Norfolk pines be watered? ›

How often should you water a norfolk island pine? Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. A tropical plant, the Norfolk Island Pine's potting mix can be kept semi-moist, but not wet, which will lead to root rot.

How do I know if my Norfolk pine needs water? ›

If the top inch of soil feels dry, go ahead and give your conifer a soak. If more than the top inch of soil feels dry, and the conifer seems to be drying out very quickly after watering, you will probably need to hydrate it more frequently – and you might want to consider repotting your living Christmas tree.

Can you overwater a Norfolk pine? ›

Overwatering and underwatering

Too much soil moisture causes foliage to yellow and then brown, but severe dryness may brown your Norfolk quickly. Check the soil by hand, a few inches below the surface. Soil should be moist and cool–neither wet nor completely dry.

When should I repot my Norfolk pine? ›

These trees grow slowly, so you should only have to repot every two to four years. Do it in the spring as the tree is beginning to show new growth. When transplanting a Norfolk Island pine, choose a container that is only a couple inches (5 cm.) bigger than the previous one and be sure that it drains.

What kind of potting soil for Norfolk Island pine? ›

For the soil, use a sandy, peaty, slightly acidic mix. The plant should be watered enough to keep the soil damp, but not soggy. In the winter let the soil dry out between waterings. Norfolk Island pine does not like its roots disturbed, so it should be re-potted as infrequently as possible.

Why is my indoor Norfolk pine drooping branches? ›

Severe drooping of the branches is usually caused by extreme temperatures. Green needles that fall off are usually in response to overwatering. Yellow or brown needles and needle drop is an indication that the Norfolk Island pine is being kept too hot and dry.

Do Norfolk pines smell? ›

Unfortunately, they have no scent. This issue may be solved by using boughs of Douglas fir or spruce since these are the trees brought from the mainland and often trimmed to improve their appearance as they fade away. The trimmings are usually discarded so tree salespeople often give the cuttings freely.

What happens if you cut the top off a Norfolk pine? ›

You will likely find other Norfolk Island Pines that have the droopy nature you admire. Unfortunately, pruning is not an option when it comes to controlling the growth of this plant. Removing top growth is not likely to prompt side growth. It would result in a tree without its top, thus destroying its natural symmetry.

Is Norfolk Island pine toxic to humans? ›

These plants are not considered poisonous, but if a child or pet eats the pine needles, it will cause severe stomach problems. If you've recognized any mistakes feel free to notify us about it.

How do you keep Norfolk Island pine indoors? ›

Norfolk Island Pines need and thrive in bright light conditions. Some direct morning sun is incredibly beneficial to this plant. Its ideal location is by a South facing window. I have mine against a white wall on a South facing room with a big window and it receives a lot of indirect bright light.

What do you feed Norfolk pines? ›

Apply a balanced (20-20-20) liquid fertilizer to Norfolk Island Pine every two (2) weeks during the growing period. In the summer, especially if grown outdoors, feed plants with an acid fertilizer such as rhododendron food as the high nitrogen concentration stimulates better foliage growth.

Should I trim the dead branches off my Norfolk Pine? ›

Pruning a Norfolk Island pine is generally not recommended. You may cut off dead branches or tips of branches to tidy up the tree's appearance, but pruning will not result in a flush of new growth, as you may have experienced with deciduous plants.

Will Norfolk Pine grow new branches? ›

Unfortunately the branches will not grow back, and your tree will always somewhat resemble a palm. Here is some additional information about optimal care for these trees: Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla) is a popular indoor conifer.

What causes a Norfolk pine to droop? ›

Incredibly dry soil

Keep a consistent watering schedule–water when 25% of the soil volume is dry. If you accidentally let your Norfolk's soil dry out completely, you may see branches go limp, droop, and crisp up.

Do Norfolk pines like fertilizer? ›

Norfolk pine trees don't require a lot of fertilization. If you are lucky enough to be able to grow these trees outdoors, they should be able to take care of themselves, especially once they have become established. If your tree is in a container, however, it will benefit from some regular feeding.

Why do Norfolk pine tips turn brown? ›

If your Norfolk pine has brown tips, it may be a victim of extreme temperatures, either too hot or too cold, it might need water, or it might have Norfolk Needle Blight. For blight, you can treat with a fungicide, but if environmental conditions have weakened your Norfolk, there may be little you can do.

How often should I mist my Norfolk Pine? ›

Mist the Norfolk Island pine liberally each time you water using a spray bottle filled with distilled water. Spray the undersides of the foliage and the trunk until the water beads and begins to drip off. Mist it at least four times a week to keep the foliage healthy during the summer.

How many trunks should a Norfolk Pine have? ›

Whether you have three or six trunks, the recommendation would be the same, do not try to separate the trunks. If the plant seems happy in the current container leave it alone. However, you will need to make sure that the container allows for proper drainage.

How do you trim a Norfolk Pine indoors? ›

First, decide how tall your want your tree to be. Then cut back the top to that height just above a complete whorl of branches. The tree will resume growing from that point. Now, shorten the side branches to restore the tree's symmetrical shape lost by shortening the top.

Do Norfolk pines like coffee grounds? ›

Do Norfolk pines like coffee grounds? Norfolk Island Pine trees like slightly acidic soil. So, adding coffee grounds to the soil – or watering with a bit of coffee – is a great way to achieve that acidity level!

What does an overwatered pine tree look like? ›

Overwatering signs

If new growth withers before it's fully grown or becomes slightly yellow or green, there is too much water present. Watch leaves carefully as well. They may look like they are green, vibrant, and healthy, but if they break easily and are overall fragile, they can be suffering from too much water.

How can you tell if a pine tree is stressed? ›

“White pine decline is a result of stress, especially for trees planted outside the species' requirements.” Early symptoms of decline include yellowish-green or browning needles that drop prematurely and thin out the tree's canopy. Bark on the branches appears shriveled or wrinkled.

How do you tell if a Norfolk pine is dying? ›

You'll know your tree has this disease if you first see spots on the leaves, then entire branch sections yellow, brown, and die. Often, the real problem when your Norfolk pine is turning brown from anthracnose is that you are keeping the foliage too wet. Stop all overhead irrigation and allow the foliage to dry out.

Are Norfolk pines indoor or outdoor plants? ›

Norfolk Island pines are often grown as houseplants, but in your gardening region they can also be planted outdoors. Indoors, provide bright light and average to cool temperatures. Water regularly from spring through autumn, but sparingly during the winter months.

Do Norfolk pines need a lot of light? ›

Your Norfolk Pine prefers bright indirect light to direct sunlight. It can adapt to medium light areas, but it may become leggy and less full. Water your Norfolk Pine when 25% of the soil volume is dry.

How do you keep a Norfolk Pine alive in the winter? ›

Keep temperatures on the cool side, preferably not over 70 degrees F in the winter. If temperatures are too high, it will drop its needles. It prefers medium humidity levels. Very low humidity can cause the needles to turn brown.

How do you keep a pine tree alive indoors? ›

Indoors, make sure your pine tree gets at least 8 to 10 hours of indirect sunlight from windows and lights. Also, take care that its soil doesn't ever dry out fully. Giving it a little drink of water each day recreates what it would experience with morning dew.

How often do Norfolk pines need to be watered? ›

How often should you water a norfolk island pine? Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. A tropical plant, the Norfolk Island Pine's potting mix can be kept semi-moist, but not wet, which will lead to root rot.

When should you repot a Norfolk Pine? ›

These trees grow slowly, so you should only have to repot every two to four years. Do it in the spring as the tree is beginning to show new growth. When transplanting a Norfolk Island pine, choose a container that is only a couple inches (5 cm.) bigger than the previous one and be sure that it drains.

How do you grow a Norfolk Pine indoors? ›

Norfolk Island Pines need and thrive in bright light conditions. Some direct morning sun is incredibly beneficial to this plant. Its ideal location is by a South facing window. I have mine against a white wall on a South facing room with a big window and it receives a lot of indirect bright light.

Can you overwater a Norfolk Pine? ›

Overwatering and underwatering

Too much soil moisture causes foliage to yellow and then brown, but severe dryness may brown your Norfolk quickly. Check the soil by hand, a few inches below the surface. Soil should be moist and cool–neither wet nor completely dry.

What kind of fertilizer do Norfolk pines like? ›

Apply a balanced (20-20-20) liquid fertilizer to Norfolk Island Pine every two (2) weeks during the growing period. In the summer, especially if grown outdoors, feed plants with an acid fertilizer such as rhododendron food as the high nitrogen concentration stimulates better foliage growth.

How big do Norfolk pines get indoors? ›

While this tree can grow quite large in its natural habitat, Norfolk Island pine is slow growing. After about a decade, it may eventually reach 5 to 8 feet tall as a houseplant, but this potted tree will not surprise you with explosive growth.

What is the lowest temperature a Norfolk Pine can tolerate? ›

Norfolk pines love the warm weather and can't tolerate temperatures below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. When it is faced with frost, the plant will begin to yellow and die. Bring a potted tree indoors if it's not already, and keep it away from drafts.

Do Norfolk pines need fertilizer? ›

Norfolk pine trees don't require a lot of fertilization. If you are lucky enough to be able to grow these trees outdoors, they should be able to take care of themselves, especially once they have become established. If your tree is in a container, however, it will benefit from some regular feeding.

Why is my indoor pine tree dying? ›

When moisture is overly abundant and drainage is poor, root rot is often the culprit. As roots die, you may notice your pine tree dying from the inside out. This is a way for the tree to protect itself from total collapse.

Why is my indoor pine tree drying out? ›

Humidity. Norfolk Island Pine trees need a high level of humidity to thrive. If they are getting brow tips or dry brittle leaves, it could be due to lack of humidity consider: misting the plant regularly.

Is pine tree good inside the house? ›

These small pine trees can make wonderful additions to your growing indoor garden all year round as they are quite easy to care for and are great in improving indoor air quality! In this post, learn more about your pine tree companion and help them thrive through our recommended care guide for them.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.