Master Limited Partnerships Generate Safe Income for Seniors and Savers (2024)

By Dennis Miller

It's time to answer the "who, what, when, where, and why" of investing in master limited partnerships (MLPs)…....

Andrey Dashkov, senior research analyst at Miller’s Money Forever, is the rare person who, when you asked for a hammer comes back with a hammer, nails, staples, and glue. In short, he often comes up with better solutions to tricky problems than I ever thought possible.

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Since Andrey and I are on a nonstop mission to unearth the best opportunities for generating safe income, we have looked to MLPs more than once. Many Business Development Companies (BDCs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) also fit the bill. Today, however, we are focusing exclusively on how MLPs can produce a healthy and steady income without exposing your nest egg to unwelcome risks.

The Nuts and Bolts of MLPs

By Andrey Dashkov
An MLP is an entity structured as a limited partnership instead of the traditional C-corporation. This allows the company to avoid corporate-level taxes. The limited partners pay most of the taxes, which means that MLPs are essentially pass-through entities.

In the United States, the net effective rate of corporate income tax is 40%. That means a corporation calculates its profit, pays the appropriate income tax to the government, and then pays dividends from what remains. With an MLP all the profits are passed through to the unit holders.

While a traditional corporation can choose to pay a dividend, an MLP does not have that option. In order to maintain their status, MLPs are required to generate at least 90% of their income from qualifying sources and distribute the major portion of that income. In most cases these sources include activities related to the production, processing, and distribution of energy commodities, including gas, oil, and coal.

The government gives a special treatment to these activities to encourage investment into the United States' energy infrastructure.

Limited partners (LPs) own the company together with a general partner (GP). The GP takes care of the day-to-day operations, typically holds a 2% stake, and can usually receive incentive distribution rights (IDRs). LPs, called unit holders, (which we can become by buying shares of publicly traded MLPs) receive dividend-like cash distributions. LPs, unlike traditional shareholders, do not have voting rights.
There are many advantages to MLPs, including:

  • Attractive yields;
  • Inflation protection;
  • Portfolio diversification;
  • Tax advantages; and
  • Resilient business model.

    Attractive Yields

    MLPs pay various yields that average 5-10%. Data for the Alerian Index, which tracks the top 50 MLPs, show that in Q2 2013MLP yields varied from 3-12%, with an average of 6.5%.Besides the actual yield, MLP investors can count on distribution growth. Dividends per share of Alerian Index constituents grew at a compounded rate of 4.1% over the past five years.

    Inflation Protection

    Several factors hedge against inflation:

    • Inflation-adjusted contracts renewed periodically;
    • Distribution growth has historically outpaced the growth in CPI; and
    • MLP unit (share) prices are weakly correlated with movements in inflation and interest rates.

    Portfolio Diversification

    MLPs have a low correlation to other asset classes, including equity, debt, and commodities. However, for a short time they may correlate with any asset class or the market in general.

    MLPs are less volatile than the broad market. Currently at 0.5, the average beta of Alerian Index, is quite conservative. This suggests that if the broad market goes down by 10%, we should expect the Alerian Index to drop by 5%. An individual company's volatility may stray from the average, but in general MLPs should be much less volatile than the market as a whole.

    Generally, the vast majority of MLPs operate in the energy sector, but usually do not own the underlying commodities; this is part of the reason for the decreased volatility. Their income generally consists of transportation fees. However, some MLPs can be exposed to commodity risk (coal, propane, and oil exploration and production MLPs, among others). Economy-wide consequences of a severe recession may impact the demand for energy commodities and, in turn, the profitability of transportation companies.

    Tax Advantages

    An MLP investor typically receives a tax shield of 80-90% of one's annual cash distributions, which is a very nice feature. This defers tax payments until the unit (your share) is sold.

    The tax payment schedule for an MLP is illustrated below. Assume you bought one unit of an MLP for $20 and sold it after five years for $22, having received $2 annually in years 1-5. Assuming your ordinary income tax is 35%, and the long-term (LT) capital gains are taxed at 15%, you can see the breakdown.

    Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
    Purchase price $20.00
    Distribution per unit $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
    Income per unit $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00
    Depeciation expense $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60
    Cost basis $20.00 $18.40 $16.80 $15.20 $13.60 $12.00
    Sale price $22.00

    Earnings per unit

    $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40

    Depreciation recapture

    Amount subject to ordinary tax rates $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $8.40

    Ordinary tax rates

    35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
    Taxes owed at ordinary rates 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 2.94
    Amount subject to LT capital gains $2.00

    LT capital gains rate

    Taxes owed at ordinary rates $0.30
    Total taxes owed $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 $3.24
    Source: Credit Suisse

    Resilient Business Model

    During periods of economic uncertainty, MLPs remain a solid source of income. In 2008-2009, 78% of all energy MLPs either maintained or increased their distributions. In comparison, 85% of real estate investment trusts (REITs) either cut or suspended dividend payments.

    Master Limited Partnerships Generate Safe Income for Seniors and Savers (1)

    Now, a note of caution is in order. Despite the excellent income track record, MLP share prices stumbled as they became more correlated to the general market. However, the investors who held them through the difficult times saw the share price rise again.MLPs returned to January 2008 levels in early 2010; the S&P 500 did not do the same until 2013.

    The same plunge could happen again if a severe economic crisis hits. As we said, MLPs may move with a falling market. The fact that more investors are aware of MLPs now than a decade or two ago adds to this risk. As investors have searched for yield, MLPs have become more mainstream; however, they are by no means your average S&P 500 stock.

    Also, there are two immediately positive outcomes to the higher investor awareness of MLPs: higher liquidity and access to more capital. In theMoney Foreverportfolio we look for the best and safest available and then protect our downside with protective stop losses.

    Principal Risk Areas

    With any investment offering a reward, there is a corresponding risk. Here are the key risks of MLPs.
    Risk #1: Economic downturns.If the US economy is hit by a severe economic crisis that drives the demand for energy products down, MLPs will take a blow. Like a trucking business that transports products for which the demand is going down, if less product is shipped through a pipeline owned by an MLP, their revenue may decrease.

    This, however, is where some investors may get confused. If a pipeline MLP has a contract with an energy company, the price of the transported product may increase or decrease, but at the same time, the MLP may have a fixed-fee arrangement with the energy company. So, if the volume flowing through the pipeline remains steady, its revenue should not fluctuate.

    Risk #2: Access to capital and interest rates.As a general rule, MLPs return 100% of their distributable cash flow (DCF), less a reserve determined by the general partner, to the unit holders. Unlike real estate investment trusts that must give away a certain share of their cash flow every quarter, MLP distributions are governed by individual partnership agreements, so the terms vary.

    However, the majority of cash an MLP earns will be distributed, so it's only natural that they turn to issuing debt or equity to finance growth projects. When their interest costs rise MLPs that need capital right away will be at a disadvantage. We prefer companies with enough internally generated capital to finance growth, and no major ongoing projects that require billion dollar loans and thereby run the risk of being underfunded or funded at an unfavorable interest rate. We also prefer companies with fixed rate debt to floating rate.

    Risk #3: Management and execution.Management should have a track record of successful investment in new assets and cash generation to finance distributions.

    We also look for companies that have 5 to 10 year capital plans as part of the write up, and a history of following those plans. They tend to fare better when it comes to keeping capital costs under control.

    Risk #4: Sustainability of cash distributions.The above three risks boil down to whether or not an MLP will be able to churn out cash for its unit holders. The distributions should be sustainable, and should grow year after year.The primary reason for buying an MLP is income.We need to make sure the cash keeps coming in.

    A company's track record of cash payments is a good, but not perfect, indicator of how it will perform in the future. Variable-rate distributions tend to, well, vary more significantly than those of traditional MLPs.

    Distributions in the midstream sector tend to be more predictable; natural gas pipelines and storage generate the most stable cash flows while refining/upstream MLPs do so to a lesser extent. We carefully consider these factors when evaluating our investment options.

    The "Taper" Factor

    WhenBen Bernanke uttered the word "taper" on June 19, the markets jittered. Even the traditionally defensive sectors such as utilities took a hit.

    Master Limited Partnerships Generate Safe Income for Seniors and Savers (2)

    MLPs were not immune to the potential implications of the Fed easing up on its bond-purchase program which many believe is helping the US economy. The market panicked, and MLPs dropped in price. Readers will note the index dropped in the middle of 2013. The drop was less steep than those in either the broad market or the utilities sector and MLPs rebounded—in less than a week, while it took approximately three weeks for both the S&P 500 and XLU to get back to their June 18 levels.

    When evaluating a potential candidate, a prudent investor will see how they have performed during times of market volatility. Sometimes trading a bit of yield for much less volatility is a smart move.

    The IRA Caveat

    We do not recommend putting MLPs in an IRA account. By placing an MLP in a tax-deferred account, you may lose part of the tax advantage the MLP structure provides. In an IRA account, unrelated business taxable income (UBTI) of over $1,000 is subject to federal income tax. If you earn more than $1,000 annually from an MLP's cash distributions and other sources of UBTI, the excess will be taxable. This becomes more likely over time, since most MLPs increase their cash distributions.

    A Peek Behind the Curtain

    In summary, an MLP gives us a couple of advantages from a tax perspective. There is more money to pay out in dividends. Unlike a traditional corporate dividend, which is paid after a corporation pays income taxes, MLPs do not pay corporate income taxes. An MLP's income is taxed only once, when the dividends are received.

    Initially, when you buy an MLP, only 10 to 20 percent of the MLP distribution is considered taxable income. The rest of the distribution is considered return of capital and isn't subject to tax when you receive the dividend. Basically you put off paying some taxes for the short term. When you eventually sell your MLP, the tax is adjusted so the net amount of taxes is the same. The formula is technical, but the information you receive from your broker can be given to a competent CPA and you should be fine.

    You can see why MLPs have become so popular in a yield-starved environment. While they have attracted a lot of investors, there are still some great opportunities for those willing to do their homework.

    Dennis and I added our favorite MLP to theMoney Foreverportfolio in October, and we are chomping at the bit to share it with you… But, because of the special relationship we share with our paid subscribers, you'll need tosign up to for a premium subscription at no-risk to your pocketbookto find out what it is. Subscribe to our regular monthly newsletter and take a peek at the MLP we recommended, along with our entire portfolio.

    If, after 90 days, you decide it's not right for you, we'll return 100% of your money without a fuss.Click here to get started.

    Being the Architect of your next "Big Trade"....This weeks FREE webinar!

    Master Limited Partnerships Generate Safe Income for Seniors and Savers (2024)


    What are the benefits of a master limited partnership? ›

    A key benefit of the partnership structure is that the income distributions are not taxed twice the way the dividends of a common stock are taxed. MLPs tend to generate higher yields than bonds and stocks due in part to the favorable tax structure.

    Are MLP checks legit? ›

    Be ready for their prices to move up and down a lot because they're tied closely to industries that can change quickly. Verdict: MLP Checks are legit but the potential payouts that Charles Mizrahi talks about in his recent presentation are optimistic.

    Are master limited partnerships good investments? ›

    The Bottom Line. Master limited partnerships (MLPs) carry the best of both private partnerships (tax benefits) and publicly traded companies (liquidity). General partners provide all operational services and MLPs are low-risk, long-term investments.

    Is it good to have MLP in an IRA? ›

    MLPs high distributions, for the most part, are considered “returns of capital.” As such, they reduce your cost basis in the MLP and aren't taxed right away. When you sell the units, you would then pay the tax on the new cost basis. By placing them in a tax-deferred vehicle like IRA, you basically waste this fact.

    What is the major disadvantage to a limited partner? ›

    Experts consider the risk exposure to lawsuits and debts of the partnership to be the major disadvantage of limited partnerships. GPs are fully exposed to all liabilities of the partnership; LPs' liability is limited to the size of their investment – but it still can be a factor.

    Why would someone want a limited partnership? ›

    Limited partnerships are generally used by hedge funds and investment partnerships as they offer the ability to raise capital without giving up control. Limited partners invest in an LP and have little or no control over the management of the entity, but their liability is limited to their personal investment.

    How do I know if it's a fake check? ›

    6 Ways to Spot a Fake Check
    1. Feel the edges. Legitimate checks will usually have at least one rough or perforated edge. ...
    2. Look at the logo. A hallmark of any legitimate check is the logo of the bank where the account is held. ...
    3. Verify the bank address. ...
    4. Check the check number. ...
    5. Rub the MICR line. ...
    6. Examine the paper.
    Sep 29, 2022

    How do I know if I received a fake check? ›

    One way to quickly verify the legitimacy of a check is by calling the issuing bank to verify the account. You can also call the issuer to verify that the check is real. It's best to look for the issuer's phone number online rather than relying on the contact information printed on the check.

    How do master limited partnerships work? ›

    MLPs combine a private partnership's tax advantages with a stock's liquidity. MLPs have two types of partners; general partners, who manage the MLP and oversee its operations, and limited partners, who are investors in the MLP. Investors receive tax-sheltered distributions from the MLP.

    Do you pay taxes on master limited partnerships? ›

    Distributions from MLPs to unit holders receive favorable tax treatment under the IRS code. 1An MLP is a pass-through entity, and partnership income is only taxed at the level of the partner. Distributions are not taxed when they are received, unlike stock dividends, which are taxed the year they are realized.

    How do MLP checks work? ›

    MLP checks are payouts from Master Limited Partnerships, a unique business structure in the energy sector often involved in oil and gas pipelines. These MLPs provide investors with cash distributions, which sometimes referred to as "MLP checks," offering potentially high returns and tax advantages.

    Can you hold an MLP in a retirement account? ›

    Yes, you can invest in a master limited partnership (MLP) for your Roth individual retirement account (IRA), but you'll need to be aware of the special tax rules on these investments. The rules become especially tricky when your MLP investment within an IRA earns more than a certain amount.

    Is MLP income taxable? ›

    The distributions from the MLP are often tax-free due to depreciation and other similar deductions claimed by the MLP, but those deductions must be recaptured upon the sale – meaning that portion of the gain is taxed as ordinary income, not as a capital gain.

    How much taxes do you pay on MLP distributions? ›

    You do have to pay regular income taxes on that portion of the distribution (not the lower qualified dividend tax rate), but it's usually only 10% to 20% of the total distribution (although it varies by MLP and the performance of the underlying business that year).

    What are the tax implications of a master limited partnership? ›

    MLPs have partnership tax consequences.

    As partnerships for federal income tax purposes, MLPs generally do not pay federal taxes. Instead, limited partners report on their tax returns their share of the MLP's income, gains, losses, and deductions, and are taxed at their individual tax rates.

    Is a master limited partnership taxed like a partnership? ›

    1An MLP is a pass-through entity, and partnership income is only taxed at the level of the partner. Distributions are not taxed when they are received, unlike stock dividends, which are taxed the year they are realized. Instead, the distributions are considered a reduction in the cost basis of the MLP investment.

    How does a limited partner make money? ›

    LPs invest their money in funds managed by venture capital firms. These funds are typically formed as limited partnerships, with the VC firm serving as the general partner. VC firms then use those funds to invest in private companies, and the LPs receive a share of any eventual profits.

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