Lost Ark Dalian Orchard Secret quest guide - How to find the Orchard secret area (2024)

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Not so secret after all

The Lost Ark Dalian’s Secret Orchard quest is one of the game’s easier quests – if you know where you’re going.

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As you’d expect from a quest with “secret” in its name, Dalian Secret Orchard is a hidden quest of sorts that you can pick up in the Dalian Orchard, if you’re patient. It’s an easy way to get some cash and XP, though, so it’s definitely worth the short amount of time it takes to find and finish.

How to start Dalian Secret Orchard

Head to the Flowering Orchard section of the map, west of Sien Inn, and start fighting Orchard Keepers. One of them will eventually drop a special item, Connie’s OrchardKey. Use this as a consumable, similar to how you use the Moss Covered Log, and you’ll be (vaguely) directed to a nearby storehouse.

Where to find secret area in Dalian Secret Orchard

Lost Ark Dalian Orchard Secret quest guide - How to find the Orchard secret area (3)

Teleport, or walk if you’re close, back to the Sien Inn area, and then head due west along the road. At the end is a small cabin you can enter. Speak with Marco inside, and he’ll pay you off to keep you quiet about the illicit moonshine business he’s running on the side.

You’ll get:

  • 18,000 XP
  • 720 Roster XP
  • 2,900 Silver
  • 1 Battle Item Chest

Not bad for what's essentially a jaunt down the road.

And that’s it. Marco shows up later in Blackrose Chapel for a story mission, but there’s no change to your interactions with him whether you complete the secret mission or not. This is just a quick detour to add some color to your time in the Orchard and nab some freebies in the process.

If you’re still getting started in Lost Ark, check out our guides for the best classes and essential tips to make the most of your time with the huge MMO.

Greetings, fellow adventurers and Lost Ark enthusiasts! As someone deeply immersed in the intricacies of the game, I find great joy in sharing my extensive knowledge on Lost Ark quests and secrets. My understanding extends beyond the surface level, delving into the nuances that make each quest a captivating experience.

Now, let's delve into the contents of the article by Josh Broadwell regarding the Dalian’s Secret Orchard quest in Lost Ark. First and foremost, the article emphasizes the quest's simplicity, provided you are aware of its hidden nature. As an expert, I can attest to the importance of uncovering these concealed quests, as they often yield valuable rewards.

The Dalian Secret Orchard quest initiates in the Flowering Orchard section of the map, situated west of Sien Inn. The key to unlocking this quest lies in engaging Orchard Keepers and obtaining a special item called Connie’s OrchardKey. This item serves as a consumable, akin to other quest-related items in the game, and provides a vague direction leading to a nearby storehouse.

Once armed with Connie’s OrchardKey, players are directed to the Sien Inn area. By heading due west along the road, they will reach a small cabin where an intriguing character named Marco awaits. This interaction unfolds a clandestine operation involving illicit moonshine. Engaging with Marco results in substantial rewards, including 18,000 XP, 720 Roster XP, 2,900 Silver, and a Battle Item Chest. The article rightly points out that this is a worthwhile endeavor considering the relatively short time investment.

Moreover, the article emphasizes that Marco reappears later in Blackrose Chapel for a story mission, highlighting the interconnectedness of quests within the game. Importantly, the completion of the secret mission does not alter subsequent interactions with Marco, establishing it as a brief yet rewarding detour that adds depth to the gaming experience.

For those embarking on their journey in Lost Ark, the article wisely recommends checking out guides for the best classes and essential tips. This demonstrates a comprehensive approach to helping players make the most of their time in the vast world of Lost Ark.

In conclusion, my fellow adventurers, the Dalian’s Secret Orchard quest is a testament to the richness of Lost Ark's world, offering both intrigue and tangible rewards for those who dare to uncover its secrets. May your quests be bountiful, and your adventures in the world of Lost Ark be ever thrilling!

Lost Ark Dalian Orchard Secret quest guide - How to find the Orchard secret area (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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