Lizards Do Really Learn To Recognize People (2024)

Despite their cold-blooded demeanor, lizards can form personal relationships with people. A team of scientists has shown that iguanas recognize their human handlers and greet them differently, compared with strangers.

Scott McRobert and his colleagues at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia had often joked that their lab's pet iguana "Fido" would bob his head when McRobert approached but ignore everyone else. They decided to design an experiment to find out if Fido really did know his handler. They also wanted to see if the twelve-year-old lizard remembered a lab student who had cared for him four years earlier.

McRobert, the student and around forty strangers took turns reading the Dr Seuss children's book Oh, the Places You'll Go! to Fido. They read it aloud or silently, in front of Fido's cage or behind a screen, while another researcher counted the iguana's head bobs.

When Fido could see the readers but not hear them, he bobbed his head roughly equally to both the student and McRobert, but almost totally ignored the strangers. When they read aloud, however, Fido bobbed his head around three times as often to McRobert than to the student. "Visual cues alone are enough for him to recognize individuals," says McRobert, but he suspects that Fido "fine-tunes" his response with audio cues.

"I'm pretty sure that this is the first time human recognition by a lizard has been demonstrated in a scientific way," says McRobert, who described the study this week at a meeting of the Animal Behavior Society in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. He suspects Fido singles him out because iguanas are not normally handled and see handlers as a threat: "It's not that he loves me," McRobert says.

He plans to use recorded voices to see what Fido will do when visual and audio cues don't match up. "We may actually learn something about how these animals recognize individuals."

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Lizards Do Really Learn To Recognize People (2024)


Do lizards recognize people? ›

However, most reptiles do seem to recognize people who frequently handle and feed them. “I don't know if it is love,” says Dr. Hoppes, “but lizards and tortoises appear to like some people more than others. They also seem to show the most emotions, as many lizards do appear to show pleasure when being stroked.”

Do lizards have 5 senses? ›

Lizards make use of their senses of sight, touch, olfaction and hearing like other vertebrates.

What are two facts about lizards? ›

Top 10 Facts About Lizards
  • Lizards can detach their tails. ...
  • Chameleons change colour! ...
  • Geckos have microscopic hair on their feet! ...
  • Most lizards can swim. ...
  • The Jaragua lizard is the smallest lizard in the world. ...
  • The biggest lizard is the Komodo dragon. ...
  • Lizards are cold blooded. ...
  • Lizards love eating insects.
16 Dec 2020

Do lizards have a memory? ›

This study proved that lizards are capable of “spatial memory,” when they were set up in a maze and had to find their way to food. The lizards were able to memorize where their food would be without the cues of direction, helping support the existence of reptilian spatial memory.

Can lizard hear human voice? ›

Most lizards can hear. The majority have their best hearing in the range of 400 to 1,500 hertz and possess a tympanum, a tympanic cavity, and a eustachian tube. The tympanum, usually exposed at the surface of the head or at the end of a short open tube, may be covered by scales or may be absent.

Can house lizards recognize humans? ›

Lizards Do Really Learn To Recognize People. Claire Bowles, New Scientist, June 30, 1999 . Despite their cold-blooded demeanor, lizards can form personal relationships with people.

Do lizards fear humans? ›

They seem to be afraid of humans; they will run away from predators if they feel threatened. One way to manage your phobia is to take action to ensure your home is not attractive to lizards. Firstly, ensure home is free from water and moisture and all pests including lizards require fluids to keep surviving.

What are 3 interesting facts about lizards? ›

Edit This Favorite
  • Some lizards can detach their tails if caught by surprise. ...
  • Lizards live almost everywhere! ...
  • Some species of lizard will go their entire lives without drinking water. ...
  • While most lizards are not dangerous to be around, there are a few exceptions to this rule. ...
  • Lizards can change color at will.

Can lizards see in the dark? ›

With lots of light-sensitive rod cells in their retina and/or a vertical pupil that can expand to cover almost the entire eye in dark conditions, nocturnal reptiles can see just as well in total darkness as humans can see during the day — they can even see color!

Do lizard have feelings? ›

We also found four articles that explored and found evidence for the capacity of reptiles to feel pleasure, emotion, and anxiety. These findings show that reptiles are considered to be capable of experiencing a range of emotions and states.

Why are lizards special? ›

Lizards' bodies are a miracle of evolution. These odd-looking and sometimes rather cute creatures comprise over 4,675 species, all descended from reptiles who lived on the planet over 200 million years ago.

Do lizards feel lonely? ›

Do reptiles get lonely? It depends on the reptile. Most snakes don't live in groups in the wild, and if they encounter another snake outside of breeding season, they ignore it. Most lizards (like bearded dragons, monitor lizards, and leopard geckos) are also solitary.

Are lizards intelligent? ›

It turns out that while scientists have loved putting mammals, birds and even fish through intelligence tests, reptiles have been largely ignored. Scientists only recently started exploring the mind of the reptile, but when they did, they found that reptiles are actually pretty smart.

Are lizards happy? ›

As someone who's studied and kept many herps (reptiles and amphibians) before, yes, they do. Reptiles feel emotion. They feel pain. They feel happiness.

Do lizards have two hearts? ›

Most reptiles have three chambered hearts with two atria and one common ventricle. The right atrium receives blood returning from the systemic circulation via the sinus venosus, which is formed by the confluence of the right and left precaval veins and the single postcaval vein.

Do lizards like humans? ›

Not usually. I say 'usually,' because most reptiles are not social animals, so they do not form social bonds with each other - much less with a human. They aren't wired for it - they're literally not capable of warm fuzzy feelings that make them want to be with an individual just for the sake of hugs and pettings.

Can a lizard cry? ›

Birds and reptiles may not resemble humans in many ways, but they cry similar tears. The composition of human tears is well known, but until now, there was very little research into the composition and structures of tears in reptiles, birds and other mammals.

What happens if a lizard touches your head? ›

Signs of Seeing a Falling Lizard:

It has different meanings for both of them. The most common is that in the north, if a lizard falls on your head, it will bring you good luck. When the lizard falls on the head, it indicates that the person will be flourished with wealth, royalty and luxurious life.

What happens if a lizard touches you? ›

The general results of lizard falling for men and womenLizard falling on the right side of men and the left side of women is considered auspicious and is said to give favourable results. On the other hand, if the lizard falls on the left side of a man or the right side of a woman, unfavourable results are predicted.

Can lizards bond with you? ›

Lizards can actually be very affectionate. Many like to cuddle or sit on their humans, with some even becoming lap lizards. But, some of these small dinos only feel comfy being handled or petted by their owners. You can't expect too much from a reptile that you're a stranger.

Can you kiss your lizard? ›

A large percentage of healthy reptiles have Salmonella in their intestinal tracts, and anything that's in the intestinal tract ends up in the animal's habitat and on its skin. Kissing reptiles is an obvious way to be exposed to this bacterium, which can cause serious disease in some situations.

Can lizards see us? ›

Lizards have surprisingly well-developed eyesight for reptiles. In general, lizards tend to have very good eyesight. They rely primarily on their vision to find food and evade predators. In most regards, they can see just as well, if not better, than humans!

Do lizards get angry? ›

Lizards will show aggressive behaviors when they feel threatened, or are protecting food, territory, or their mate, all of which are responses that ensure their survival in their natural habitat.

Why do lizards stare at me? ›

Staring could very well be their way of asking you for something good to eat! It happens when you and your gecko have formed a good bond, and they have connected you with being a food provider. What is this?

Do lizards have hearts? ›

Lizards have a three chambered heart with left and right atria and a single ventricle - the interventricular septum is only partially complete but serves to channel deoxygenated blood to the pulmonary trunk and oxygenated blood to the circulation.

Do lizards sleep? ›

Although some lizards and humans share similar sleep stages, the length of those cycles is not the same. A fast sleep cycle for a lizard is 80 seconds. For a house cat it's 30 minutes and for humans it's 60 to 90 minutes.

Are house lizards smart? ›

Lizards, and perhaps other reptiles, may be more clever than we realize. In a new study, tropical lizards devised creative ways to get at a hidden treat of dead larvae, remembered them and adapted what they'd learned to continue snagging these baby-bug snacks.

Do lizards have dreams? ›

Lizards apparently dream like we do, a team of French scientists revealed to the world Thursday in PLOS Biology. Their study affirmed a 2016 study on bearded dragon lizards (Pogona vitticeps), which found that they have sleep states analogous to REM sleep and slow-wave sleep (or non-REM sleep).

Does lizard sleep in night? ›

They found that similar to humans and other mammals, the reptiles showed cycles of eye movements and deep sleep. However, while humans typically go through four or five 90-minute cycles of slow-wave sleep and REMs, the lizard sleep rhythm is faster and more regular, resulting in hundreds of much shorter cycles.

What color do lizards like? ›

The animals you want to see might be paying attention, such as western fence lizards. Recent research showed that these lizards were least reactive when people wore dark blue — the color most similar to the lizards' blue patches that earned them their nickname, the blue-belly.

What do lizards find attractive? ›

In the lizard world, flashy colors attract the interest of females looking for mates. But they can make colorful males desirable to other eyes, too -- as lunch, according to new research. In the lizard world, flashy colors attract the interest of females looking for mates.

Why do lizards have a third eye? ›

A series of clever experiments into the reptilian “third eye” has confirmed that lizards use this patch of light-sensitive cells as a sun-calibrated compass.

Why are lizards good luck? ›

According to the 'puranas', snakes and lizards are considered auspicious. It is believed that killing or even harming lizards in any way invites danger to your coming generations. Destroying the eggs of lizards can also bring a curse on you.

What lizards can bond with humans? ›

  • Bearded dragon. Bearded dragons are a popular beginner pet for a reason. ...
  • Leopard gecko. Leopard geckos are also known for being friendly to handling and will eat from your hand with ease in most cases. ...
  • Savannah monitor. ...
  • Blue-tongue skink. ...
  • Green iguanas.

Can lizards feel sad? ›

Yes. Reptiles have most of the same emotions that birds and mammals do - they're missing 'love' because they typically do not pair bond or care for their offspring, but they have the others - curiosity, happiness, fear, anger, etc.

Do lizards have friends? ›

' But more recent research has shown some lizards are devoted parents and mates that can distinguish their kin from strangers and recognize individuals. Many lizards spend the first few months of their lives in the company of their siblings or a family group, where they might learn important life lessons and skills.

Do lizards have a brain? ›

Lizards and humans share similar brain parts, which they inherited from fish. These parts handle basic body functions like breathing, balance, and coordination, and simple survival urges like feeding, mating, and defense.

Do lizards know their names? ›

Can Reptiles Recognize Their Name? Reptiles cannot necessarily recognize their name as a spoken word in the way that a dog or cat can. You may notice a lizard coming toward you when you call their name, but there's a greater chance this is because the lizard associates your presence with things they want, such as food.

What do lizards love the most? ›

10 Fruits and Vegetables for Lizards
  • Honeydew melon. ...
  • Celery. ...
  • Strawberry. ...
  • Yellow Squash. ...
  • Blueberry. ...
  • Collard Greens. ...
  • Grape. High in oxalates, grapes are a great treat for lizards. ...
  • Turnip Greens.
26 Jun 2015

Can lizard feel pain? ›

Reptiles have the anatomic and physiologic structures needed to detect and perceive pain. Reptiles are capable of demonstrating painful behaviors. Most of the available literature indicates pure μ-opioid receptor agonists are best to provide analgesia in reptiles.

Do lizards love heat? ›

Lizards are being wiped out as rising temperatures force them to spend more time staying cool in the shade and less time tending to basic needs like eating and mating, a study finds. Sometimes it can be too darn hot even for a lizard.

Do lizards cry blood? ›

The short-horned lizard is a one-reptile wrecking crew with a bizarre self-defense strategy. When defending its own life, this lizard squirts blood from the thin blood vessels around its eyes that rupture under pressure.

Do lizards have a third eye? ›

Purpose : The third eye, commonly known as the parietal eye, is a non-visual, photosensitive parapineal organ found in most lizards, frogs, the tuatara, and some species of fish.

Which animal has 9 hearts? ›

It is an octopus. Yes, the multi-tentacled creature that has always intrigued us has three hearts and nine hearts. Read on to know why. The two hearts of this creature are made for the gills and are used to pump blood.

Do lizards bond with humans? ›

They can bond with humans, just not to the extent dogs or cats can. For most reptiles its simply recongnition. They can learn to recognize you and grow more comfortable with your interactions. People can certainly bond with reptiles, but most of the feeling is not reciprocated by them.

Do lizards bond with people? ›

Lizards can actually be very affectionate. Many like to cuddle or sit on their humans, with some even becoming lap lizards. But, some of these small dinos only feel comfy being handled or petted by their owners. You can't expect too much from a reptile that you're a stranger.

Are lizards nice to humans? ›

Most lizards, in reality, are harmless to humans, as are most turtles; however, there are certain members of both groups that can kill, maim, make ill, or inflict at least mild levels of pain on their hapless human victims. Some lizards are, in fact, venomous, and some are quite aggressive.

Can lizards sense emotion? ›

We also found four articles that explored and found evidence for the capacity of reptiles to feel pleasure, emotion, and anxiety. These findings show that reptiles are considered to be capable of experiencing a range of emotions and states.

Can you kiss lizards? ›

A large percentage of healthy reptiles have Salmonella in their intestinal tracts, and anything that's in the intestinal tract ends up in the animal's habitat and on its skin. Kissing reptiles is an obvious way to be exposed to this bacterium, which can cause serious disease in some situations.

Are lizards smart? ›

Believe it or not, reptiles are fairly intelligent creatures. In fact, the intelligence level of some species of reptiles rivals that of birds, or even mammals! And research shows that these cold-blooded creatures are only getting smarter.

Can lizards cry? ›

Birds and reptiles may not resemble humans in many ways, but they cry similar tears. The composition of human tears is well known, but until now, there was very little research into the composition and structures of tears in reptiles, birds and other mammals.

Do lizards feel fear? ›

Yes. Reptiles have most of the same emotions that birds and mammals do - they're missing 'love' because they typically do not pair bond or care for their offspring, but they have the others - curiosity, happiness, fear, anger, etc.

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