Leeks (2024)


For a bumper crop of leeks,improve the growing siteby digging in plenty of garden compost or well-rotted manure, ideallyin autumn.

Leeks are best suited for growing in open ground, but you could grow several in large, deep containers or raised beds.

Traditionally, leeks are sown into a seed bed, away from your main vegetable plot, then the young leeks are transplanted in early summer. This is because sowing leeks at their final spacings in your main vegetable plot would take up a lot of room early in the growing season, when you could be growing fast-maturing crops such as lettuces.

DuringMarch or April, sow leek seeds thinly, 1cm (½in) deep, in rows 15cm (6in) apart.

If you don’t have space outdoors or only want a few leeks, you can sow in modules indoors, then transplant outdoors later. Sow one seed per module.


Leeks (1)

To increase the length of white stem, gently draw up dry soil around the plants in stages as they grow, but try not to let soil fall in between the leaves.

Water during long dry spells and weed regularly.


Start harvesting inlate summer, when the leeks are still quite small, to increase thecroppingperiod. Gently lift from the soil using a fork.

Leeks can remain in the ground through the winter until they are needed.

Recommended Varieties

Leeks — winter & early spring

'Autumn Giant-Porvite' AGM

Stands well over a long period, good resistance to bolting and bulbing and some leek rust tolerance. Height 45cm (18 inches). Mid green, erect foliage with heavy uniform barrels (stems).

'Krypton' AGM

Matures December onwards from a Spring sowing. Compact upright habit, good for smaller plots or growing space with good disease resistance.

'Stamford' AGM

Early, high yielding premium F1 hybrid. Bulks up quickly and evenly. Blue/green foliage with long stems when well blanched.

Leeks — winter

'Blauwgroene Winter - Bandit' AGM

Late maturing, Winter through to Spring. Dark leaved, thick, pure white stems when well blanched. Good garden performer and winter hardy.

'Oarsman' AGM

Modern, first British bred F1 hybrid variety with good vigour. Bulks up quickly and holds well over a long period. Good tolerance to rust and bolting.

'Porbella' AGM

Long season variety, crops for October to February. Pure white, thick stems with dark green leaves. Holds in good condition for months.

Common problems

Leek rust
Leeks (2)

This is a fungal disease causing bright yellow spots on the leaves. It is often worse in long, wet spells.


Mild attacks of rust won’t harm the plant, but serious infections may cause leaves to shrivel and affect yield. There is no control for rust once you have the infection. Make sure you don’t crowd plants, as this increases humidity and increases the likelihood of infection. Dispose of any badly affected plant material, and don’t grow garlic, leeks or onions in the same spot for three years.

Onion white rot
Leeks (3)

A soil-borne fungus that can cause yellowing and wilting of the foliage above ground, while rotting the roots and invading the bulb beneath the soil. A white fluffy fungus appears on the base of the bulb and later becomes covered in small, round black structures.


There is no chemical cure for onion white rot when it is the soil. It is important to avoid introduction to previously clean sites. It is transported in contaminated soil, for example on tools or on muddy footwear. Take particular care in areas where cross contamination can occur easily, for example on allotments.

Leek moth
Leeks (4)

This is a relatively new pest of leeks and onions and thought to be mainly concentrated around the south-east coast of the UK, although it has been found further inland and north. Caterpillars tunnel into the leaves, causing whitish-brown patches to develop on leaves. In severe cases, leaves may turn yellow and rotting occurs within them.


Once you see the damage, there is nothing you can do to control it. Remove and destroy infected plants. When planting out, cover leeks with horticultural fleece (like Enviromesh) to prevent adult moths from laying eggs.


Anthony Worrall Thompson includes leeks in his root vegetable gratin dauphinoise

Nigel Slater adds leeks to his artichoke soup with ginger and walnuts

Leeks (2024)


Are leeks just onions? ›

Leeks and green onions are vegetables that look and taste similar, but there are key differences between the two: 1. Species: Leeks and green onions both belong to the same genus, but they are different species. Leeks are part of the Allium ampeloprasum species, and green onions the Allium cepa species.

What part of leeks do you eat? ›

The most edible parts of leeks are the bottom white and light green parts because they are tender and have the most flavor. The dark green parts are technically edible but to a lesser extent because they are quite tough. If you do want to eat the dark green parts, be sure to saute them well so they soften.

What do leeks taste like? ›

Leeks are alliums, so they're related to garlic, chives, shallots, and onions. Tasting them, you can tell. They have a sweet, oniony flavor that adds depth to soups, stews, pastas, and more!

What are leeks good for? ›

Leeks and wild ramps boast a variety of nutrients and beneficial compounds that may improve your digestion, promote weight loss, reduce inflammation, fight heart disease, and combat cancer. In addition, they may lower blood sugar levels, protect your brain, and fight infections.

Can you eat leek raw? ›


Leeks are sweeter and milder than onions and can be eaten raw. If cooking, wash before steaming, boiling, or pan-frying. Any recipe that calls for onions can be easily replaced by leeks.

What part of the leek is not edible? ›

All grains start as whole grains. Whole grains are the entire seed of a plant. This seed, also called a “kernel”, is made up of three edible parts—the bran, the germ, and the endosperm—protected by an inedible husk that defends the kernel from assaults by sunlight, pests, water, and disease.

Why don't you use the top of leeks? ›

With leeks, the general trend is to use the white part and throw away the green. This green part contains a lot of vitamin C and it can be used in many recipes. You only have to remove a few centimeters of the usually woody upper part from the leaves. Boiled leaves can be used for sauces, soups or casseroles.

Is any part of a leek poisonous? ›

Although they look like a larger form of a green onion, the edible part of the plant is actually the white and light green part – sometimes referred to as the stalk or stem. The dark green part is also edible, but is quite bitter and is often discarded. They have a mild, onion-flavor and can be eaten raw or cooked.

How long does it take to cook leek? ›

To cook: Leeks can be boiled, braised or steamed. Sliced leeks should be cooked for 5-7 minutes until tender but still firm. Whole small leeks should be cooked for 10-15 minutes until tender but still firm, top with a cheese sauce and then brown under a preheated grill for 5 minutes or until golden.

What goes good with leeks? ›

Leeks partner well with chicken, ham, cheese, cream, garlic, and shallots. Complementary herbs and spices include chervil, parsley, sage, thyme, basil, lemon, and mustard. Leeks can be fried, braised, boiled in soups or stocks, roasted in an oven, and even caramelized like onions.

Are leeks A Superfood? ›

Leeks are widely known vegetables that have been used in local cuisine for hundreds of years. Their incredible properties make them a preferred ingredient for chefs and anybody trying to stick to a healthy diet. This superfood, in fact, contains high levels of flavonoids, vitamins A, E, and K, and fibers.

Do leeks have to be cooked? ›

Leeks can be eaten raw, though this is a more unusual presentation. They are best very thinly sliced when uncooked. Leeks are definitely more intense when uncooked, as are all members of the onion family.

Is leek anti inflammatory? ›

One of the sulfur compounds found in leeks is Allicin, it has been known to neutralize free radicals faster than any other compound. It is also anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and cancer and heart protective.

Is leek good for weight loss? ›

Leeks are good for weight loss

Plus, the vitamin E found in leeks helps with the elasticity of the skin for that youthful glow we're always searching for! And since they contain so few calories, they're great if you're on a diet – especially considering the feeling of satiety they also provide.

Do leeks help you sleep? ›

Have you ever thought vegetables like onions, leeks and artichokes could help you if you are suffering from sleep deprivation due to stress. Yes scientists have found that these vegetables help provide relaxation to humans- giving them a better night's sleep.

Are leeks healthy? ›

Leeks are an excellent source of vitamin A, which aids vision and supports the immune system, and bone-building vitamin K and manganese.

What happens if you eat the green part of leeks? ›

We traditionally trim the green tops off leeks and throw them away, but the thick leaves are perfectly edible and have just as much if not more flavour than the milder, pale end. Often referred to as a super food, leeks are high in flavonoids, vitamins A, E and K, and fibre.

How do you prepare leeks for eating? ›

How to prepare leeks
  1. Trim off the roots and the coarse dark green part of the tops. Don't throw them away - they're great for adding to stocks.
  2. Cut the leeks in half lengthways.
  3. Wash under a running tap, fanning the layers and rinsing away any grit or soil trapped between them.
  4. Drain thoroughly and slice as required.

Do you use the dark green part of a leek? ›

Mostly just the white and light green parts are eaten, though the darker green parts have plenty of flavor and can either be cooked longer to tenderize them, or used when making homemade soup stock.

What does raw leek taste like? ›

What Do Leeks Taste Like? Leeks taste like a mild version of an onion, with the same base flavor but far less intensity. They are delicate and sweeter than other members of its cultivar group. Traditionally, the white part and light green middle are eaten, while the green tops are often discarded.

Do leeks need to be peeled? ›

If the first layer of skin is dry or slimy, peel it off and discard. Remove the tough darker green leaves by slicing the leek crosswise at the place where the pale green color ends and the darker green begins.

How does Gordon Ramsay Cook leeks? ›

Heat a large skillet over high heat and drizzle with oil, sear leeks until caramelized, seasoning generously with salt, pepper, and chili flakes. Flip and repeat on the other side. Add half the stock to the skillet and drizzle miso around the outside of the pan, let simmer for a moment.

Do you have to soak leeks before cooking? ›

Soak the stalks in a bowl of cold water for 10 minutes or so, then rinse under cold running water in the sink. The long soak allows the water to penetrate the leek's many layers, clearing out all the bits of debris. Once your veg is all cleaned up and dirt-free, it's time to get cookin'.

Can you overcook leeks? ›

When cooking leeks as a side dish, it is important they not be overcooked. Overcooking will turn them into a slimy mush. They should be cooked until tender but still exert a little resistance when pierced.

Why can't dogs eat leeks? ›

Toxicity to pets

Toxic doses of leeks can cause oxidative damage to the red blood cells (making them more likely to rupture) and GI upset (e.g., nausea, drooling, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea).

What are leeks called in America? ›

Wild leeks, also called ramps, are native to North America and have a strong garlic-onion flavor. There are many named varieties of leeks. They vary from long, green narrow-leaf types with long slender white stems to long wide-leaf types with thicker shorter white stems and blue-green leaves.

How do you know when leeks are done? ›

Leeks are ready to harvest when the base of the stalks is 1 inch to 2 inches in diameter. Gently twist the stalks back and forth to loosen them and ease them out of the ground.

Do you wash leeks After cutting? ›

Then, slice each leek in half from top to bottom. Slice the halves into thin strips. Then rinse in a bowl of water the same way you would with the rings, scooping them into a colander to drain. There you have it! Clean, sliced leeks that can be used in a variety of recipes.

Is boiling leeks good for you? ›

One cup of leeks also has 35% of your daily needs of vitamin K and 12% of your needs of vitamin C. But if you boil the leeks and strain out the solids, you will likely not be getting many of the beneficial fibers or nutrients.

How long do leeks last in the fridge? ›

Do not trim or wash before storing. Leeks will last up to two weeks in the refrigerator if they are purchased fresh. Once cooked, leeks can be kept in the refrigerator and used within two days. Leeks do not freeze well.

Do leeks cause kidney stones? ›

Oxalates, while harmless in small quantities, have the potential to become concentrated in the body and cause health problems in some people. People with existing calcium oxalate kidney stones are advised to limit their intake of oxalate containing foods, including leeks.

Do leeks cause gas? ›

Onions, artichokes, garlic and leeks all contain fructans – carbs that can cause gas and bloating.

Are leeks good for leaky gut? ›

Improve Gut Health

High-fiber foods, such as leeks, can also help reduce inflammation to protect against conditions like leaky gut syndrome.

Is leek good for arthritis? ›

The Arthritis Foundation suggests that the following fruits and vegetables may be especially beneficial for people with arthritis: Onions, garlic, and leeks: All of these contain the anti-inflammatory compound quercetin. They also contain sulfur compounds that may reduce cartilage damage.

Is leek good for liver? ›

Leeks have liver-protecting properties, and actually reduce the level of liver enzymes. Leeks reduce fatty liver (liver triglyceride accumulation) caused by high-fat diets. Leeks improve lipid profile by decreasing total cholesterol and triglyceride levels while raising good cholesterol levels.

Is leeks good for kidney? ›

A recognized diuretic, its properties are due to the presence of specific carbohydrates and fructosan as well as its high potassium – sodium ratio. Consumed either as a broth or a vegetable, the leek facilitates renal functions and serves as an excellent antiseptic and a quality tonic.

Why are leeks better than onions? ›

Leeks have a sweeter, more subtle and mild taste than onions. And leeks won't make your eyes water!

Do leeks boiled in water help you lose weight? ›

Is Leek Soup Good for Weight Loss? Leeks are low in calories and a good source of fiber: 100 grams of cooked leeks contain 31 calories and 1.2 grams of fiber, which helps us feel fuller longer. Leeks are also made up of 83 percent water, which may help promote a feeling of fullness.

What foods can stop you sleeping? ›

Five worst foods for sleep
  • Chocolate. High levels of caffeine in chocolate make it a poor choice for late-night snacking. ...
  • Cheese. While cheese is generally considered a comfort food, it is actually one of the worst foods to eat before bed. ...
  • Curry. ...
  • Ice cream. ...
  • Crisps. ...
  • Cherries. ...
  • Raw honey. ...
  • Bananas.

What food makes you the most sleep? ›

Doing so helps ensure that your food choices support not just your sleep but all of your other health priorities as well.
  • Kiwi. ...
  • Tart Cherries and Tart Cherry Juice. ...
  • Malted Milk and Nighttime Milk. ...
  • Fatty Fish. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Rice. ...
  • Healthy Diet for Sleep. ...
  • Sleep Hygiene.
19 Sept 2022

Can you eat leeks with an onion allergy? ›

Answer. Leeks come from the same family (allium) as onions, but so does garlic and chives. If you can handle garlic, then possibly leeks would be fine.

What's the difference between leeks and regular onions? ›

Leeks have a sweeter, more subtle and mild taste than onions. And leeks won't make your eyes water!

Why are leeks used instead of onions? ›

If you are one of those people who can't tolerate an abundance of onions in a dish, try leeks instead. They're milder, even though they contain many of the sulfur compounds present in onions that are difficult for some people to digest.

Are leeks just bigger green onions? ›

Leeks are not green onions. While both are considered part of the onion family, these are two different herbs. Known scientifically as allium porrum, the leek looks like a large green onion stalk. Even the young and thinner leeks are much bigger than green onions would be.

Is leek anti-inflammatory? ›

Leeks are rich in flavonoids, especially one called kaempferol. Flavonoids are antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anticancer properties, as well as other health benefits.

Can leeks upset your stomach? ›

Some sulfuric foods can also cause an upset stomach or pressure in the abdomen, including: alliums, such as garlic, leeks, and onions. cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower.

What in onions makes you sick? ›

If you're allergic to onions, your immune system will identify onions, and possibly other alliums, as dangerous substances. Your body then takes protective measures, including the release of chemicals like histamine. These chemicals can cause symptoms ranging from uncomfortable to potentially life-threatening.

Why don't you use the green part of leeks? ›

With leeks, the general trend is to use the white part and throw away the green. This green part contains a lot of vitamin C and it can be used in many recipes. You only have to remove a few centimeters of the usually woody upper part from the leaves. Boiled leaves can be used for sauces, soups or casseroles.

How do you eat leeks? ›

You can either: Eat Them Raw: Like onions, raw leeks have a pretty strong flavor. But when they are very thinly sliced, they can be a nice garnish for soups, salads, roasted veggies, meats, fishes, or other dishes. Or you can also mix them into green salads, dips, or salad dressings.

Do leeks cause gas like onions? ›

Onions, artichokes, garlic and leeks all contain fructans – carbs that can cause gas and bloating.

Why are leeks A Superfood? ›

Leeks are an excellent source of vitamin K and a good source of vitamin A and manganese. Vitamin K is essential for bone building and blood clotting. Vitamin A is vital for vision, reproduction and immune system function and plays a significant role in normal functioning of the heart, lungs and kidneys.

How do I prepare leeks? ›

How to prepare leeks
  1. Trim off the roots and the coarse dark green part of the tops. Don't throw them away - they're great for adding to stocks.
  2. Cut the leeks in half lengthways.
  3. Wash under a running tap, fanning the layers and rinsing away any grit or soil trapped between them.
  4. Drain thoroughly and slice as required.

Do you eat the green part of leeks? ›

Mostly just the white and light green parts are eaten, though the darker green parts have plenty of flavor and can either be cooked longer to tenderize them, or used when making homemade soup stock.

What is a leek most similar to? ›

A leek is a vegetable that is part of the onion or Allium family, much like onion, garlic, shallot, scallion, and chives. Leeks are long and cylindrical: you eat only the tender light green and white bottom portion of the vegetable. It's similar to a very large green onion (or scallion).

Do leeks taste stronger than onions? ›

Leeks look like overgrown green onions, but have a milder, more delicate flavor than onions. The white base and green stalk are used for cooking in creamy soups, fresh, stocks and more.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.