How to grow leeks – from seed or existing plants (2024)

Once you have learnt how to grow leeks, you will do it year after year. They are so delicious and versatile, and add interest to the veg patch in the coldest months of the year.

Choose a selection of early and late varieties and you can keep harvesting from late summer right through to early spring. If you leave a few plants to go to seed, they will even produce beautiful allium flowers into the summer. This makes leeks a truly year-round crop, and an essential addition to your kitchen garden ideas.

The good news is that leeks are not difficult to grow. ‘Leeks are pretty straightforward; just don’t get soil down between the leaves as it’s the devil to get out,’ says gardening expert Matt James, who recommends varieties Musselburgh and Torledo.

Other leeks worth your time include Lancelot, Dawn Giant, Pandora, and King Richard, but there are plenty of tempting varieties to try.

How to grow leeks –from seed or existing plants (1)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How to grow leeks from seed

‘March is the main month for sowing many crops, including leeks,’ says Period Living’s gardens expert Leigh Clapp. However, you can sow earlier or later depending on the variety and your local climate. ‘You can plant them out from May, and harvest through fall and winter.’

While you can sow direct, it’s best to start leeks off under cover in the greenhouse or a windowsill. Otherwise they will dominate the veg patch when you could be growing other, quicker crops such as lettuce.

If you sow seeds successionally every few weeks, you will have a continual supply rather than one glut. Early and late varieties will need sowing at different times, so check the seed packet.

  • To grow leeks from seed, fill small pots or seed modules with potting mix that has a fine tilth – seed compost would work well.
  • Sow one seed per pot or module and cover with a fine layer of potting mix.
  • Keep the soil moist, but not overwet.
  • The seeds should germinate within two weeks.
  • Once the seedlings have grown to 6-8 inches tall, you can plant them outside in early summer.
  • To plant out your seedlings, make holes around 6 inches deep with a dibber or pencil, spaced around 6 inches apart in rows around 12 inches apart. ‘You can get more crops in a plot by growing them closer together than usual. That way you’ll get baby leeks that you can pick earlier,’ says James.
  • Tease out the leeks from their pots, trim the roots to about 2 inches long, and gently insert one per hole.
  • Covering the stems in this way will blanch them so they will be white, and taste sweeter.
  • Fill the holes with water, but don’t fill with soil. As the leeks grow, you can gently pull the soil around the base, but do not let it fall between the leaves as it will get trapped between the layers.
  • Feed leeks every 3-4 weeks with liquid fertilizer.
  • You can harvest your leeks in late summer when they are small and tender, or in the fall or winter.
  • If you leave some of your leeks to flower, you can save the seed for the next year, although they will not grow true to type.

If you would prefer to start your seeds off direct, then plant each seed about 8 inches deep using a dibber. ‘For successful direct outdoor sowings of leeks, warm soil is essential. This is particularly important with thick clay soils that warm up slowly,’ says James. ‘Cover your plot with black or clear plastic sheeting two weeks before you plan to sow to help get early crops off to a flying start.’ Aim for a soil temperature of at least 45°F (7°C).

How to grow leeks –from seed or existing plants (2)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How to grow leeks from leeks

As well as growing leeks from seed, you can buy seedlings from the garden center to plant in position, or even grow them from the offcuts of leeks you have eaten.

Leeks are surprisingly easy to regrow in water, and it cuts down on food waste.

‘To regrow leeks simply put the root end in a jar of water for a few days, replacing with fresh water as needed,’ says Clapp.

When the leek has sprouted lots of new growth, plant it in potting mix and it will grow to full size once again.

How to grow leeks –from seed or existing plants (3)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How to grow leeks in pots

Leeks are a great option for a container vegetable garden. Grow them in pots on the patio or balcony, and they will be close to hand when you need to harvest them for cooking.

‘They will need a good size pot, about 12 inches in diameter, with plenty of depth. You can always thin them later if they need more space; the thinnings are absolutely delicious,’ says Aaron Bertelsen in Grow Fruit & Vegetables in Pots (opens in new tab).

‘Plant the seedlings good and deep, and fill the hole with water rather than soil to help the roots settle in. Add some grit to the compost (potting soil) too – drainage is particularly important for winter crops.’

Bear in mind that when growing leeks in pots, you will get a bigger harvest it you space them closer together – say, 2 inches between each plant, and begin to harvest them when they are young.

How to grow leeks –from seed or existing plants (4)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How to harvest leeks

Harvest leeks as and when you need them, to retain their freshness. If the soil is fairly light, you might be able to pull the leek out with your hands. Otherwise, insert a fork down into the roots and gently lever the leek up.

The great thing about leeks is that you can start harvesting them when young and tender, and the plants in the ground can keep growing right through winter, staying in place until you need them.

How to grow leeks –from seed or existing plants (5)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Problems and pests

Leek rust – which appears as orange or brown blotches on the leaves – is a common issue, but won’t harm the plant unless the infection is severe. Avoid overcrowding and dispose of infected plant matter. You should also practice good crop rotation, as planting them in the same spot the following year will increase the likelihood of problems.

Allium leaf miner and leek moth can also be an issue in some areas, and where present can weaken the plants. If you are affected, then the following year cover the crops with mesh to prevent them from accessing the plants.

Companion planting is a good way to ward off pests and improve planting success. ‘Leeks are good companion planted with carrots, onions, garlic, beets, celery, tomatoes, fruit trees, parsley,’ says Clapp.

Are leeks easy to grow?

Leeks are easy to grow as long as you sow them at the right time, and follow the correct procedure in planting out. You should then suffer few problems.

How long does it take leeks to grow?

Leeks take between 6-10 months to grow, but this wil depend on the variety, sowing time and whether you choose to harvest the plants when young or mature.

When should you plant out leeks?

Plant out leeks in late spring to early summer, when the seedlings have reached around 6-8 inches in height.

How to grow big leeks

To grow big leeks, select a large variety, such as Dawn Giant or Giant Winter. Start them off indoors as early as possible, plant in soil enriched with organic matter, giving plenty of space between plants, as this will affect size. Feed regularly with liquid fertilizer.

You should also leave it as late as possible to harvest the leeks, to allow them to grow to bumper proportions.

Do leeks come back every year?

It is possible to grow perennial leeks that come back every year. However, for the best crops you should treat the plants as annuals, sowing new seeds every year.

How to grow leeks – from seed or existing plants (2024)


How to grow leeks – from seed or existing plants? ›

Sow one seed per pot or module and cover with a fine layer of potting mix. Keep the soil moist, but not overwet. The seeds should germinate within two weeks. Once the seedlings have grown to 6-8 inches tall, you can plant them outside in early summer.

Do you grow leeks from seed? ›

They're easy to grow from seed, and if you sow at intervals from February to June, you can harvest them from late August, through winter until the following February. Follow our step-by-step guide to growing leeks from seed, below.

Can you regrow store bought leeks? ›

Gardeners can regrow leeks by cutting them rather than pulling the entire plant from the ground. Keep the roots watered and the cut leek will send up new growth. Both garden and store-bought leeks can also be regrown in a glass of water. When growing leeks from scraps, be sure the roots are intact.

What is the best way to grow leeks? ›

Fill small pots or modular trays with seed compost, water gently, then sow seeds thinly, 1cm (¾in) deep. Keep the seedlings warm (at least 10°C/50°F) and in good light, and water regularly. Move into slightly larger pots if the roots appear from the drainage holes.

Will leeks reseed themselves? ›

Onions, leeks and scallions (alliums) are easy to let reseed. These are biennials that will overwinter, break dormancy in the spring and put their energy into producing seeds.

How long do leeks take to grow from seed? ›

Leeks can take between 25 - 40 weeks to mature depending on the time of year you sow them. Overwintering leeks take longer to mature and should be ready about then. You can begin harvesting your leeks when still quite small to achieve a long cropping season.

How do you grow leeks in toilet rolls? ›

Use a bulb planter to make a hole 6in deep, put the cardboard insert from a toilet roll into the hole, trim off roots to 1/2in and leaves of leeks so that the leeks are approx. 8-10in tall, and then place into the toilet roll insert. Fill with water. Once leeks grow, bank up with soil.

Do leeks multiply? ›

Leeks have long, strap-like leaves and many develop a roundish bulb. This plant is a true perennial, even though it is generally referred to as a biennial. It multiplies by means of small lateral growths and often develops a roundish bulb at the base of the main growth.

Can I root leeks in water? ›

Leeks. Leeks are related to green onions so it should be no surprise they can be regrown in the same way (and just as easily). Cut off the root and about 2" of the white part. Regrow in a jar with water reaching halfway up the leek.

What time of year do you grow leeks? ›

Plant leeks during the cool weather of early spring and fall. They grow well in raised beds, containers, and in-ground gardens. Space leeks 6 inches apart in an area that gets 6 or more hours of sun daily and has nutrient-rich, well-drained soil.

Is it worth growing leeks? ›

Growing leeks requires a bit more patience than other vegetables, but the payoff is well worth it. There's some misconception that growing leeks is a tough job. However, the plants have few problems and aren't particularly fussy.

Can leeks be grown with tomatoes? ›

Leeks will help deter pests like aphids and ants from your nightshade vegetables like peppers and tomatoes. Leeks also take up very little growing space in the garden and can be interplanted around the tomatoes and peppers to help fill in gaps.

How many leeks to plant per person? ›

Leeks. Grow 12 to 15 plants per person. Yield 4 to 6 pounds per 10-foot row. Space plants 2 to 4 inches apart equidistant or in rows 6 to 10 inches apart.

Are leeks easier to grow than onions? ›

Leeks are much easier to grow than onions, partly because they don't produce a bulb that you need to worry about. Plant by seed or seedling. Grow over the winter and harvest as you need them. They won't start to seed until the soil warms up.

Can leeks survive winter? ›

Leeks can be extremely frost tolerant and are considered to be one of the hardiest winter crops. In areas with hot summers and mild winters, leeks do best as an overwintering crop. This should be started in early summer (indoors or out). Leek seed germinates fairly well in cold soil.

How hard are leeks to grow? ›

Leeks are easy to grow. They require little to no attention and are generally pest-free. In the kitchen, they can be substituted for onions and, unlike onions, can be chopped and frozen for use in the winter after you run out of your own onions.

What do leeks look like when they go to seed? ›

The leeks will form the “bud” on top which then flowers (the flowers look like alliums and can range from white to lavender, and from what I have read they are EXTREMELY good at attracting bees and butterflies).

Should I cut the tops off my leeks? ›

We traditionally trim the green tops off leeks and throw them away, but the thick leaves are perfectly edible and have just as much if not more flavour than the milder, pale end.

What is the best fertilizer for leeks? ›

FERTILIZING: Leeks require a lot of nitrogen. Give plants a supplemental feeding of liquid fish emulsion or other fertilizer about 3 weeks after planting; continue to fertilize every 3-4 weeks thereafter. If you use a dry granular fertilizer, water it in well.

How do you overwinter leeks? ›

Long-term, leeks are best overwintered in the garden and dug as necessary. Hill up the soil around the plants and cover them with a heavy layer of mulch. Leeks can be stored for 7 to 10 days in a refrigerator.

Do leeks need full sun or shade? ›

Most leeks require a long growing season of about 120 to 150 days, and a minimum of eight hours of bright sunlight daily.

Can you grow leeks from kitchen scraps? ›

From Scraps

Simply cut off and use the top, leaving at least an inch of stalk at the end, with the roots intact. Place this bit in a cup, add water to cover about half the stalk, put it in a sunny window, and soon you will have more greens shooting up.

What eats leeks in the garden? ›

Phytomyza gymnostoma. Allium leaf miners are devastating pests of garlic, onions, shallots, chives, and leeks – and can destroy an entire crop. These invasive insects are spreading rapidly throughout the mid-Atlantic and northeastern regions of the US. Learn how to control then destructive pests with this guide.

How much does 1 leek yield? ›

Test Kitchen Tip: Wondering how many leeks you need? One medium leek (8 oz.) will yield about 1 cup chopped leek.

Can you eat leeks that have flowered? ›

All of the plant is edible. The young plants can be uprooted when found in profusion and treated as baby leeks or spring onion, the leaves and flowers can be used in salads or the leaves in soups or stews, the more mature onion like roots can be used as onion or garlic.

Why do you soak leeks? ›

Soak the stalks in a bowl of cold water for 10 minutes or so, then rinse under cold running water in the sink. The long soak allows the water to penetrate the leek's many layers, clearing out all the bits of debris. Once your veg is all cleaned up and dirt-free, it's time to get cookin'.

Can you freeze leeks? ›

To freeze: Leeks can be frozen! Simply slice and freeze them on a tray, before popping into a sealed container. To defrost: When you take food or drink out of the freezer, it's important to defrost it safely. Don't defrost at room temperature.

Why do you have to trim leeks before planting? ›

Trimming the main growing shoot(s) helps to prevent them becoming hopelessly leggy and tangled. It also encourages the growth of new leaves from the basal plate at the bottom of the leek, and that's what you want: a thickening of each seedling to roughly 'pencil thickness', ready for planting out in June or early July.

What is the lifespan of leek? ›

How Long Do Leeks Last?
Leeks (whole)3 – 5 daysup to 2 weeks
Leeks (cut-up)3 – 4 days
Leeks (cooked, leftovers, etc.)3 – 4 days
Feb 16, 2021

Can you grow leeks in summer? ›

Leeks are one of the most trouble-free crops. Leeks grown in the summer can simply be left in the ground all winter, to be harvested as needed for the kitchen. Leeks can be used in place of onions, they are of the same family. Leeks are especially good when braised with other vegetables, fish and meats.

Are leeks annuals or perennials? ›

That's because the leek is actually a hardy perennial (“winter leeks” are especially hardy selections, tolerating down to USDA zone 2!).

Is Miracle Grow good for leeks? ›

If you are looking for an all-around great option for leeks then I recommend the Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food. This is one of the Best Leek Fertilizers EVER! This fertilizer instantly feeds providing bigger, better leeks. You can apply it every two weeks with a garden feeder.

Where is the best place to grow leeks? ›

Leeks need a sunny, sheltered site with well-drained, well prepared soil with plenty of added manure or fertiliser. To plant the traditional way, make a hole with a dibber, 20cm deep, drop a seedling in and water in. This method, called 'puddling in' will produce large single leeks with well-blanched stems.

Why are leeks so expensive? ›

In a reverse-method of blanching leeks, they can also be planted in trough-like depressions that the grower fills in as the leeks mature. This labor-intensive growing method is one reason why leeks are expensive, compared with onions.

Do leeks repel bugs? ›

Many insects that are garden pests are repelled by the scent of leeks, making it an excellent companion plant for many vegetables.

What vegetable is closest to leeks? ›

Shallots. Shallots are by far the best alternative on this list as they have the closest flavor comparison to leeks. Shallots, similar to leeks, have a delicate mild onion flavor with a hint of garlic and could be used as a substitute in any cooked dish you would use leeks.

What month do you plant leek seeds? ›

'March is the main month for sowing many crops, including leeks,' says Period Living's gardens expert Leigh Clapp. However, you can sow earlier or later depending on the variety and your local climate. 'You can plant them out from May, and harvest through fall and winter.

Are leeks easy to grow? ›

Leeks are easy to grow. They require little to no attention and are generally pest-free. In the kitchen, they can be substituted for onions and, unlike onions, can be chopped and frozen for use in the winter after you run out of your own onions.

Should you soak leek seeds before planting? ›

As a general rule of thumb, your seeds will sprout even if you don't soak your seeds before planting, but with soaking, the germination time decreases, and the germination rate increases. Seeds that have a continual flow of moisture to uptake have much higher chances of success.

Can you grow leeks from seed heads? ›

Like most onions, leeks can take up to three weeks to germinate. Otherwise, use a standard seed starting mix to plant your leek seeds. If you have enough, plant leek seeds in individual pots to make transplanting seedlings SO much easier. Otherwise, plant leek seeds a few inches apart so their roots don't tangle.

Do leeks like a lot of water? ›

Leeks have shallow root systems and need plentiful watering. Leeks are tolerant of cold, so you can delay harvest until after the first frosts.

What happens if you leave leeks in the ground? ›

Leeks can remain in the ground as long as it is not frozen. Leeks do not go dormant in the fall but continue to grow slowly, so harvest time can be very flexible. Dig leeks any time after they are an inch or more in diameter, but leave them in the ground until you're ready to use them.

Can you save leek seeds? ›

Leek seeds will remain viable in cool, dry storage for a couple of years.

Is leek good for high blood pressure? ›

Moreover, leeks are a good source of allicin and other thiosulfinates, which are sulfur compounds that may benefit heart health by reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, and the formation of blood clots ( 13 , 15 , 19 , 20 ).

Can I plant leek seeds in the fall? ›

Plant leeks during the cool weather of early spring and fall. They grow well in raised beds, containers, and in-ground gardens.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.