Kentucky FHA Loan Requirements For 2024 (2024)

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Kentucky FHA Mortgage Lender

Louisville Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loans for Purchases and Refinance

How to Qualify for a Kentucky FHA Mortgage Loan with a lender in Kentucky?

The requirements for Kentucky FHA loans are set by HUD.

  • Borrowers must have a steady employment history of the last two years within the same industry or line of work. Recent college graduates can use their transcripts to supplant the 2-year work history rule as long as it makes sense.
  • Self-Employed will need a 2-year history of tax returns filed with IRS. They will take a 2-year average.
  • FHA requires a 3.5% down payment. Can be gifted from a family member or from a retirement savings plan, or money saved up. Any type of cash deposits is not allowed for down payments. No exceptions to this rule!! This is one of the biggest issues I see in FHA underwriting nowadays.
  • FHA loans are for primary residence occupancy. Not rental houses.
  • Borrowers musthave a property appraisal from an FHA-approved appraiser.
  • Borrowers’front-end ratio (mortgage payment plus HOA fees, property taxes, mortgage insurance,homeowners insurance) needs to be less than 31 percent of theirgross income, typically. You may be able to get approved with as high a percentage as 43 percent. If the Automated Underwriting System gives you an Approved Eligible you can go higher on the debt ratios
  • Borrowers must have a minimum credit score of 580 for maximum financing with a 3.5% down payment
  • Borrowers must have a minimum credit score of 500-579 for maximum LTV of 90 percent with a minimum down payment of 10 percent. Most lenders will not go below 580 to 620 score, and very few lenders will go to 580 score. It’s best to work on getting your scores up before you apply or work with a loan officer to improve them.
  • 2 years removed from Chapter 7 is required with good pay history after bankruptcy
  • 1 year removed from Chapter 13 is okay with an excellent pay history with the Chapter 13 plan and permission from the trustee. You will need to qualify with the Chapter 13 payment along with a new house payment. Again, scores will play into your loan pre-approval.
  • Typically borrowersmust be three years out of foreclosure and have re-established good credit. Exceptions can be made if there were extenuating circ*mstances and you’ve improved your credit. If you were unable to sell your home because you had to move to a new area, this does not qualify as an exception to the three-year foreclosure guideline.
  • The property must be appraised by a KentuckyFHA-approved appraiser.
  • The property must be safe, sound and secure, in compliance withminimum property standardsas defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD.
  • You may not have delinquent federal debt or judgments, or debt associated with past FHA loans. Caivrs Alert System will show up if you owe the government money.

Why Lenders Use CAIVRS

It is true that your CAIVRS report can help lenders to predict the risk of doing business with you, just like a traditional consumer credit report. But the primary reason lenders check your CAIVRS report is because they are generally required to do so for any applications that involve a federal loan (FHA, VA, USDA, SBA, etc.). Lenders are required to conduct a CAIVRS search because of Title 31 of the United States Code (Section 3720B) bars“delinquent federal debtors from obtaining federal loans or loan insurance guarantees.”

Kentucky FHA Loan Requirements for 2024

  • Gift Rules for Down-Payment Sources Guidelines on FHA Mortgage Programs

    One of the biggest obstacles to buying a home for Americans is the down payment. There was a time when you needed a 20% down payment and a high credit score to buy a home. But in 2022, you can buy a home with average to below-average credit and low down payment in some cases. One of the most popular loan programs for these buyers if the FHA loan. A major advantage of the FHA mortgage loan is you can get approved with only a 3.5% down payment with a 580 or higher credit score. If you have a lower score than that, you need a 10% down payment.

    Still, there are situations where the borrower is having trouble coming up with the down payment for the loan. What to do then? FHA guidelines do allow other options. Keep reading to learn more.

    More on FHA Down Payments and Approved Sources

    As we noted above, you are required to have at least a 3.5% down payment to be approved for an FHA loan. The money must be verified by the FHA-approved lender to come from an ‘approved source.’ What is an approved source, anyway? Most people get their down payment from cash reserves, investments, borrow from 401k or IRA, etc. The idea behind verifying where the money came from is to make sure the borrower did not get the down payment from a credit card or payday loan, etc.

    But there are other options for your down payment. The funds also can come from a gift. The gift and the giver do need to meet FHA requirements, but this flexible guideline makes it possible to get into an FHA loan with, technically, zero money down. To determine if the down payment gift can be used or not, it is necessary to check HUD rules. According toHUD 41.55.1 Chapter 5 Section B, for the funds to be a gift, there cannot be any expected repayment of the money.

    Also, FHA will scrutinize the giver of the gift. Chapter 5 of the HUD Code states the cash gift is OK if it comes from your relative; employer or labor union; close friend with a defined interest in you; charitable organization; government agency or public entity.

    FHA also states who cannot give gift funds to you for the down payment. These are the seller; the real estate agent or broker on the deal; the builder or an associated entity.

    Gift Terms Explained

    The gift for your down payment cannot be made based upon paying it back later. You are required to get a gift letter from the person or organization. The letter should state that you are not required to pay the money back. It also should provide the contact information for the borrower, such as name, address, and phone number. Also included should be the bank account from which the funds will be sent.

    The gift donor should be OK with giving a bank statement with the letter. Also, he or she should ensure that the transfer amount matches what is in the gift letter and what is deposited into your account.

    FHA rules are very specific on these areas to ensure that the home buying process through FHA is fair and just. But as long as you follow the FHA rules, you should be able to get help with your down payment from a friend or relative.

    Don’t Have Friends or Family Who Can Help?

    Not every borrower has friends or family who can give them a gift for their down payment. But HUD lists many government programs spread throughout the country in most states that can offer down payment and closing cost help for certain borrowers.

    It also is worth checking if your employer and state have employer-assisted housing. This program can help people with moderate incomes to get a loan to cover closing costs and down payment. Look up FHA in your state on Google to see what is available.

    The FHA is actually not the lender. They insure the loans that are issued by FHA-approved lenders. FHA loans are gear more toward borrower’s with less than 20% down payment and credit issues in the past.

    Qualifying for a FHA Loan Mortgage In Kentucky

    Credit Scores and Down Payment Percentages – Each year, the rules for qualifying for these loans changes. For 2024, applicants need a minimum credit score of 580in order to get the low down payment, which is 3.5 percent.

    For those whosecredit score is less than 580, they will have to come up with 10 percent for their down payment. This does not guaranteed a mortgage loan approval if you have the certain credit scores, just a the minimum required.

    Compensating Factors for FHA loan Approval

    The credit score is just one part of the story. The FHA will also evaluate the borrower’s bankruptcies, foreclosures, prior payment history on other debts. They will also want information on difficulties that kept the borrower from making payments on other debts in the past.

    Negative strikes against qualifying for the loan include not having any credit history or abankruptcy.

    Someone with a bankruptcy will have to wait for two or more years after their bankruptcy before applying for an FHA-insured loan.

    If you havelate paymentson debt obligations, it is best to wait until you have had a full year of on-time payments before you apply for a FHA-insured loan.

    If you have had a foreclosure in the past, you may still be able to get a FHA-insured loan three years after your foreclosure. The lender will be looking at the circ*mstances behind the foreclosure.

    If you have had any civil judgement against you for money owed, collections actions or unpaid/unresolved federal debt, the FHA-approved lender will be required by the FHA to establish that all of these outstanding issues are resolved or paid before you can go through closing.

    Watch out for student loans if they are delinquent because sometime this can cause a lien against you in the form of aCAVIRS Alert with HUD

    As you can see, many types of borrowers who would not be eligible for a traditional mortgage, or who would face exorbitant interest rates, will be able to qualify for a FHA-insured loan at attractive interest rates.

    Employment and Income for a Kentucky FHA Loan

    You must have anemployment history that is steady for the last two years.Does not have to be same employer.

    Your income has to be verifiable in some way, whether that be through pay stubs, your income tax returns. No bank statements or cash deposits , or undocumented income can be used for income qualifying purposes.

    Kentucky FHA Loan Requirements For 2024 (2)

    Debt-to-Income Ratio Requirements –

    Depending on the automated underwriting system from Desktop Originator, your Debt-to-income ratio is the percentage of your income before taxes that you spend on monthly debt.

    Taking into account the proposed mortgage payment as well as the other debts, the FHA requires that these debts all total less than 43 percent of your pretax income in order to qualify for the loan.

    If your debt load is too high, you will struggle to pay all of your bills and mortgage expenses and care for yourself and your family.

    Kentucky FHA Loan Requirements For 2024 (3)

    Property Requirements for a Kentucky FHA Loan

    It must be the place where you intend to reside. You must move into the home within 60 days of closing the loan. The home cannot be an investment. There will be an inspection to ensure that the home is safe and habitable.

    It is really not too hard to pass FHA loans and the appraisal process.

    Kentucky FHA Loan Requirements For 2024 (4)

    Pros of FHA Loans –

    • New homebuyers and those who have lower credit scores or who have other blemishes on their credit history will often qualify for FHA-insured loans.

    • Even though these borrowers are considered “subprime” to a traditional lender, they will receive attractive interest rates through the FHA-insured mortgage programs.

    • The down payments required from borrowers are lower than those required by traditional mortgage lenders.

    • These loans can be combined with other forms of public assistance for lower income or new borrowers so that the borrower will not need to come up with a down payment of any kind.

    Cons of FHA Loans –

    • Since the FHA is not actually the lender, and you have to go through FHA-approved lenders, you may not qualify due to stricter standards that the lender has for the loan.

    • Because you are not paying 20 percent as a down payment, the FHA requires two mortgage insurance premiums to be paid. One is an upfront premium that is 1.75 percent of the loan amount. Lenders often will allow you to make that mortgage insurance premium a part of your loan. The second is an annual mortgage insurance premium that is .45 percent or 1.05 percent. This premium is paid monthly.



    What credit score do I need to qualify for aKentucky FHA loanis one of the most common questions I hear from Kentucky homebuyers?

    The short answer is you must have aminimum credit score of 500to be eligible for an FHA loan in Kentucky. Anything lower than 500 disqualifies you from consideration for an FHA loan.

    There are two sets of credit score requirements for a Kentucky FHA Loan

    One important thing to understand is that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) does not lend money directly to home buyers. You will fill out an application with a regular lender just as you would if you were applying for any other type of mortgage. What the FHA does is ensure your loan to help protect the lender in case you default.

    You will be required not only to meet the FHA guidelines to qualify for a loan but also meet any additional qualifications required by the lender. This means there are two sets of requirements you have to meet with your credit score.

    1. The first set of requirements comes from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD oversees the FHA and determines what a borrower’s minimum eligibility requirements will be to obtain an FHA loan.

    2. The second set of requirements comes from the mortgage lender. The mortgage lender has the right to add its requirements to those mandated by HUD.

    What HUD requires of borrowers to be eligible for an FHA loan

    TheHUD Handbook 4000.1includes the official guidelines when it comes to the FHA mortgage insurance program.

    Borrowers with credit scores from 500 to 579 are eligible for a 90% loan with 10% down.

    Individuals with credit scores below 500 are not eligible for the FHA program.

    What lenders may require of borrowers to be eligible for an Kentucky FHA loan

    Lenders have the right to add requirements over and above the minimum requirements of HUD. These additional requirements are called overlays. Your lender may or may not require them.

    This is not something that should come as a surprise to you, however. Requiring a credit score of 580 to 620 is not unusual. In addition to your credit score, you must have a manageable debt level that lenders are comfortable with and enough income to repay your loan.

  • Kentucky FHA Loan Requirements For 2024 (5)

    Joel Lobb(NMLS#57916)
    Senior Loan Officer

    American Mortgage Solutions, Inc.

    10602 Timberwood Circle Suite 3

    Louisville, KY 40223

    Company ID #1364|MB73346

    Text/call 502-905-3708

#fhaloans #fhaloan #fha #conventionalloans #conventionalmortgage #kentuckymortgage #louisville #mortgage #homeloan #firsttimehomebuyers #khcloan #fhaloanky

#mortgagebroker #mortgagelender #homeloan

Kentucky FHA Loan Requirements For 2024 (6)

Author: Louisville Kentucky Mortgage Broker Offering FHA, VA, USDA, Conventional, and KHC Zero Down Payment Home Loans

I have helped over 589 Kentucky families buy or refinance their home over the last 18 years. Realizing that this is one of the biggest, most important financial transactions a family makes during their lifetime, I always feel honored and respected when I am chosen to originate their personal home loan. You can count on me to deliver on what I say, and I will always give you honest, up-front personal attention you deserve during the loan process.I have several advantages over the large banks in town. First, I can search and negotiate for your loan options through several different mortgage companies across the country to get you the best deal locally. Where most banks will offer offer you their one set of loan products. I have access to over 10 different mortgage companies to broker your loan through to get you the best pricing and loan products that may not fit into the bank's program due to credit, income, or other underwriting issues. You will not get lost in the shuffle like most borrowers do at the mega banks; you're just not a number at our company, you are a person and we will treat you like one throughout the entire process.Give us a try or let us compare your options on your next mortgage transaction. Call me locally at 502-905-3708. Free Mortgage Pre-Qualifications same day on most applications.Email me at with your questionsI specialize in Kentucky FHA, VA ,USDA, KHC, Conventional and Jumbo mortgage loans. I am based out of Louisville Kentucky. For the first time buyer with little money down, we offer Kentucky Housing or KHC loans with down payment assistance.Customer Testimonials😍😍😍We just moved here the first of January in 2017 from Ohio to the Louisville, KY area and we found Joel's website online. He was quick to respond to us and got back the same day on our loan approval. He was very knowledgeable about the local market and kept us up-to date throughout the loan process and was a pleasure to meet at closing. Would recommend his services.Angela Forsythe"We were searching online for mortgage companies in Louisville, Ky locally to deal with and found Joel's website, and it was a godsend. He was great to work with, and delivered on everything he said he would do. I ended up referring my co-worker at UPS, and she was very pleased with his service and rates too. Would definitely vouch for him." September 2016Monica Leinhardt"We contacted Joel back in July 2011 to refinance our Mortgage and he was great to work with. We contacted several lenders locally and online, and most where taking almost 60 days to close a refinance, Joel got it done in 23 days start to finish,I would definetly recommmend him. He got us 3.75% with just $900 in closing costs on our FHA Streamline loan.Kayle Griffin“Joel is one of the best Mortgage Brokers I have ever worked with in my sixteen years in the real estate and mortgage business.” May 25, 2010Tim Beck“Joel has always worked very hard to keep his word and to work out seasonable solutions to difficult problems. He is truly an expert in FHA and other type loans.” September 1, 2010Nancy Nalley“I have worked with Joel since 1998. He is a great loan professional.” I refer most of my Louisville, Kentucky area home buyers to him and he always take special care of them. August 23, 2012Jon ClarK“Joel Lobb is a real professional in the lending industry, with many years of experience, he is the one to go to for any mortgage lending needs.” August 22, 2011RICHARD VOLZ , Residential Sales , Remax Foursquare Realty“When looking to purchase our new home in 2006, I had the pleasure of meeting Joel Lobb. Not only was he personable and easy to reach, he was extremely knowledgable in his field and made sure to find us the best rate and a top notch mortgage company. We were able to complete the process in less than 3 weeks with his expertise. I find Joel to have the utmost high integrity and I recommend him to anyone who say's they are need of mortgage assistance. He is also fantastic and keeping everyone up to date on the latest in the housing industry through his twitter posts. He provided great results for our family and we still communicate to this day!” August 21, 2010Stacie Drake"We first use Joel on our new home purchase in 2007 in St Matthews, Kentucky area and he was great to work with. We have since refinanced our home with him in 2010 when rates got really low and he has always delivered on what he says. I could not imagine using anyone else."Melody Glassco*ck March 2014Absolutely Amazing!! I emailed Joel after I had just got a denial from a bank and just thought i would try to get some advice on what my next steps would be to get a house. I honestly didn't expect to even get a reply because my credit is not great. That was about a week and a half ago. I just signed a contract on a house last night. ONLY because of Joel Lobb. He even worked with us throughout the weekend, which shocked me. Best decision I have ever made. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WORKING WITH US THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PROCESS.Cee Bellisle August 2017Contacted him about buying a home and he was great to work with. I was moving to Louisville Ky to take a new job and he walked me through the entire process. He explained to me all the different options for FHA, VA, USDA mortgage loans and credit score requirements versus Fannie Mae. Since I was a first time home buyer I needed alot of help and guidance. I would definitely recommend him. Fast to respond and available to answer questions that I or my realtor had after hours.Anderson Johnson April 2018Wow, what a great loan officer. I was referred to him by our agent and he was great to work with. We used him for a USDA no money down loan in Shelby County and we were really impressed. We were afraid we could not buy a home since we did not have money saved for a down payment, but Joe l was able to get us a zero down loan and we even got our appraisal fee and good faith deposit back at closing. We actually got money back at closing!!! I Can't think him enough. Our family moved from our apartment in the south end of town to get our own home with 5 acres for our kids and 2 dogs, at a payment that is equal to our rent payment also. .Thanks Again Joel. May god bless youPatty LockerWe contacted Joel about buying a house on our move from Ohio for my husband's job transfer with Ford. We put a lot of trust in him since we were new to the area and first time home buyers in the Louisville KY market, and he always delivered on what he said. It took us a while to find a home due to the lack of homes, but once we got one, he was always quick to respond our questions via text or email ,and kept us informed through the process. We got to meet him at the closing and he was super nice and even got us a closing gift for our home which we didn't expect at all. Super nice guy 😀!!! I would definitely recommend him for a local Home loan in the Louisville area.pam dolbyI got a VA loan with Joel and he was great. He is an ex-army guy so he could relate to my past experiences of being a veteran and moving around the country a lot. I had some credit issues that required a little extra work but Joel was able to find A VA lender to approve my situation as far as having past bad credit problems and a lower credit score. We closed yesterday on our home here in Louisville and we could not be happier. We finally have a home of our own thanks to Joel . I would definitely recommend him for a mortgage loan. Great experience and closed 8 days before expected close date so we were able to move in early.larry summitI contacted Joel about the $10,000 KY Housing Grant last month and we were able to get it and I just closed on my home. He was great to work with and if you are a first time home buyer here in Louisville, I would definitely contact him. I met him at his office and he was very nice and knowledgeable and kept me informed through the process. No surprises either so I was very happy. I am new homeowner thanks to Joel .Joel Lobb Senior Loan OfficerAmerican Mortgage Solutions, Inc.10602 Timberwood Circle Suite 3Louisville, KY 40223 phone: (502) 905-3708 Fax: (502) 327-9119kentuckyloan@gmail.com ID #1364 | MB73346EThis website is not an government agency, and doesnot officially represent the HUD, VA, USDA or FHA or any other government agency. No statement on this site is a commitment to make a loan. Loans are subject to borrower qualifications, including income, property evaluation, sufficient equity in the home to meet Loan-to-Value requirements, and final credit approval. Approvals are subject to underwriting guidelines, interest rates, and program guidelines and are subject to change without notice based on applicant's eligibility and market conditions. NMLS#57916 The content in this marketing advertisem*nt has not been approved, reviewed, sponsored or endorsed by any department or government agency. Rates are subject to change and are subject to borrower(s) qualification.View all posts by Louisville Kentucky Mortgage Broker Offering FHA, VA, USDA, Conventional, and KHC Zero Down Payment Home Loans

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Kentucky FHA Loan Requirements For 2024 (2024)
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