Keeping Hydrangeas Fresh – Dipping Cut Hydrangeas In Boiling Water Or Alum (2024)

By: Tonya Barnett, (Author of FRESHCUTKY)

For many flower growers, hydrangea shrubs are an old-fashioned favorite. While older mophead types are still quite common, newer cultivars have helped the hydrangea see renewed interest among gardeners. Regardless of the variety, there is no denying that hydrangea blooms are both vibrant and attention grabbing. It is only natural that you may wish to pick and use them as cut flowers. However, doing so may present some difficulties.

One of the most common issues related to keeping hydrangeas fresh in a vase is making sure that the flowers do not wilt. Wilting of hydrangeas occurs most often after the flowers have just been cut or after they have just been arranged. Due to the large flower heads, the prevention of wilt will require careful attention to hydration and conditioning.

How to Make Hydrangeas Last

When going into the garden to cut hydrangea blooms, make certain to bring a bucket of clean water. Immediately after cutting, place the flowers into the water. Cut hydrangea blooms perform best when older flowers are selected, as younger blooms may be more difficult to keep hydrated. Before arranging, allow the flowers to sit in water in a cool place to rest for several hours.

Many gardeners and florists follow additional post-harvest procedures in order to reduce the likelihood of wilt. Among these methods of keeping hydrangeas fresh is the process of dipping the stem of the hydrangea in boiling water or placing the stem of the hydrangea in alum.

Dipping cut hydrangeas in alum is one of the most popular methods of preventing wilt. Alum can be found in the spice or baking aisle of most grocery stores. After cutting, simply dip a small section of the hydrangea stem into the alum powder before putting the flower in a vase. It is believed that this process will help the flowers with water uptake.

If the use of alum is not an option, many suggest dipping the stem of hydrangea in boiling water after cutting. Place the bottom inch (2.5 cm.) of the stem directly in the water for about thirty seconds. Then, remove the flower and place it in a vase of clean water. Never use kitchen containers for this process, as hydrangeas are toxic.

If hydrangea flowers still wilt, many can be revived with a thorough soaking. To do so, fill a clean bucket with water and place the flower heads inside. Allow the flowers to soak for several hours then remove and place them in a vase. This additional hydration should fully restore freshness to the hydrangea blooms.

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Read more about Hydrangeas

Keeping Hydrangeas Fresh – Dipping Cut Hydrangeas In Boiling Water Or Alum (2024)


Do you put hydrangeas in boiling water? ›


Yes, boiling water! Hydrangeas produce a “sap” that clogs their stems and blocks water from traveling up it to those gorgeous blooms. The boiling water helps to do away with the sap. Put boiling water into a cup.

How long do you put hydrangeas in boiling water? ›

Use the Boiling Water Method: Boil water and pour it into a cup. Stand the stems of the wilted hydrangeas in this water for 30 seconds. Immediately put into room temperature water (this usually means back into the arrangement). If the blooms are not too old, within a couple of hours they will have completely revived.

How do you make cut hydrangeas last longer in a vase? ›


Replacing the water in the vase or containers that hold hydrangeas will keep them fresher longer! Also, give hydrangeas a fresh cut and dip them in boiling watern or alum before putting them in the fresh water!

What to dip hydrangeas in to last longer? ›

Dipping cut hydrangeas in alum is one of the most popular methods of preventing wilt. Alum can be found in the spice or baking aisle of most grocery stores. After cutting, simply dip a small section of the hydrangea stem into the alum powder before putting the flower in a vase.

How do you preserve hydrangeas after cutting? ›

Arrange in Vases of Water

It may seem counterproductive, but drying hydrangeas in vases of water helps preserve their color. Place cuttings in vases or other clear containers and fill with water until several inches of the stem are submerged. Do not overcrowd the vases.

How do you revive a cut hydrangea with boiling water? ›

Remove the wilted hydrangeas from your arrangement and re-cut the stems on a 45-degree angle. Make a vertical slit in the incision and hold the stem upright in the boiling water for about 60 seconds. Place the hydrangeas back in your floral arrangement and they should revive themselves in an hour or so.

Should you put hydrangeas in hot or cold water? ›

Revive Hydrangeas With Warm Water

"This is why a tired-looking bloom can be revived with a quick dunk in warm water," she says. All you need to do is submerge hydrangeas bloom-down in a bowl of warm water for 30 minutes to an hour, taking care not to leave the arrangement submerged for too long.

Does sugar water help hydrangeas? ›

Add 1/4 cup of sugar to room temperature water. This helps to feed the hydrangeas' stems. Add a few pumps of hand soap to the water. Soap helps to keep bacteria way.

Can you leave hydrangeas in water overnight? ›

You might be able to revive less-wilted blooms in just an hour or two, so check on them a few times while they soak to see if they're back to looking their best. If you notice that they're still looking wilted after a few hours, leave them to soak overnight to see if that does the trick.

What temperature water do hydrangeas like? ›

Once you've cut the stems, you'll need to get your hydrangea in water as quickly as you can. Fill a clean vase up with 3 in (7.6 cm) to 5 in (13 cm) of lukewarm or room temperature water. Do not crush the stem ends, as this can prevent your hydrangea from hydrating.

How long will hydrangeas last after being cut? ›

For lasting arrangements (about two to three days for fresh cut flowers), take our advice and gather blooms in the morning. Pick ones that are open and colorful. Mature flowers with a slightly papery feel will hold up best. Immediately place the stems, cut at an angle, in a bucket of water.

How do you dip hydrangeas in water? ›

When a hydrangea is cut, displayed in a vase, and looking quite lifeless, turn the flower upside down and completely submerge its head into a bowl of water overnight. “Hydrangeas are one of the only flowers that actually absorb water through the petal,” the florist said in the video.

How do you dip hydrangeas in alum? ›

How? By dipping the bottom half-inch of the cut stems' ends into the fine white powder before placing into a water-filled vase. As a result, the hydrangeas will draw more water from the vase, and you're left with happy blooms for days.

How do you keep hydrangeas from drying out? ›

Small pots can dry out too quickly and restrict root growth. To revive hydrangeas water them generously, apply a mulch of compost and protect hydrangeas from direct sun and too much wind. Prune back any frost damaged or sun burnt growth to promote healthy growth.

How do I prolong the life of my hydrangea? ›

Cut the stem on the Hydrangea bloom as long as possible, immediately place the stem into your bucket of water and cut the Hydrangea to you desired length in the water and on a 45 degree angle. This will allow the hydrangea to drink more water.

How do you dry hydrangeas so they don't crumble? ›

To dry the blooms, simply put your picks in a vase filled with a couple inches of water and place the vase out of direct sunlight, anywhere the air circulation is good. The water doesn't rehydrate the hydrangeas; it simply keeps them from drying out too quickly and turning brown.

Does alum help hydrangeas? ›

Before putting your flower in the vase, one option is to dip the cut stem into powdered alum then place into ice cold water. This causes the hydrangea's vascular system to tighten up and helps the hydrangeas remain full.

Is coffee water good for hydrangeas? ›

If you're growing hydrangeas, use coffee grounds to affect their color. Coffee grounds add extra acidity to the soil around hydrangeas. On a chemical level, this increased acidity makes it easier for the plant to absorb naturally occurring aluminum in the dirt. The effect is pretty blue clusters of flowers.

Should you mist cut hydrangeas? ›

If they start to droop after a few days, cut the stem again and change the old water out to hot water once or twice a week. You can also mist the blooms daily – hydrangeas are one of the very few flowers that can actually drink water from their blooms!

Should I water hydrangeas morning or night? ›

Hydrangeas need more water than most garden plants and will begin to wilt quickly without it. To ensure that Hydrangeas thrive, water deeply two to three times a week in the summer. Be sure to water in the morning or evening so that water does not evaporate as quickly as it would during the heat of the day.

Do you water hydrangeas from the top or bottom? ›

The hydrangea should be watered thoroughly at least 3 times a week. Always water the plant all the way around the container, not just in one place. Water should come out the bottom of the pot.

What is the best liquid feed for hydrangeas? ›

  • BEST OVERALL: Miracle-Gro Acid-Loving Plant Food.
  • RUNNER UP: BIOADVANCED All in 1 Rose Care.
  • BEST VALUE: Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Bloom Booster Flower Food.
  • BEST FOR BLOOMS: JR Peters Jacks Classic Blossom Booster Fertilizer.
  • BEST ORGANIC: Dr. Earth 703P Organic Acid Fertilizer.
  • BEST FOR BLUE: Espoma GSUL6 Soil Acidifier.
Mar 30, 2022

What does Epsom salt do for hydrangea? ›

Hydrangea macrophylla, ones with pink and blue ones, are affected by the pH of the soil. A pH below 6 is best for blue flowers; above 6 encourages pink ones. Adding Epsom salts to your plant increases the amount of magnesium in the soil.

Is lemon water good for hydrangeas? ›

DON'T do it! Lemon water will act like acid rain if poured onto plants and can do more harm than good.

How long do you leave hydrangeas in water upside down? ›

Dunk the heads of the hydrangeas right under the water. Leave them for at least 15 minutes or submerged overnight.

Does ice water help hydrangeas? ›

Tip One - Ice Bath for Cut Hydrangeas

Fill a tub with ice water and let the hydrangea stems soak for a bit before arranging them. This helps cool them down and helps with the shock to their system!

How much vinegar do you put in water for hydrangeas? ›

Use vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 20 parts water to one part apple cider vinegar. Water the plants along their base. Try not to get the vinegar-and-water solution onto the leaves, because it can burn the foliage.

How do you prepare cut hydrangeas? ›

Preparing Cut Hydrangeas
  1. Cut hydrangeas early in the morning before the dew has dried. ...
  2. Cut at an angle with sharp shears. ...
  3. Plunge the stems into cold water immediately after cutting them.
  4. Boil some water on the stove. ...
  5. Place the bottoms of the stems into the hot water and leave them there for a count of 30 seconds.

Why put cut flowers in boiling water? ›

Hot water might be also considered as a means to kill bacteria or unclog the stems of a fresh cut flower to allow greater water absorption and preserve the blooms for longer, Gaumond says, which is where this boiling water tip may have begun growing.

Does alum make flowers last longer? ›

But did you know that it helps prolong your blooms too? Especially a bloom with a woody stem, such as hydrangeas or roses. Florists often freshly cut the stems of these flowers, and dip the edge into alum powder before placing the stem in water. This helps the flowers draw more water.

Does boiling water revive cut flowers? ›

For restoring wilted stems, hot water (110 degrees Fahrenheit) is recommended. For woody or badly wilted stems, very hot water (180 to 200 degrees) is better. Florists then move them into a refrigerator.

Can you put too much aluminum sulfate on hydrangeas? ›

Aluminum Sulfate Concerns

If over-applied, it can be toxic to hydrangeas, causing root damage. Instead of aluminum sulfate, elemental sulfur, sphagnum peat moss and ammonium sulfate all are good soil acidifiers that lack the toxic side effects of aluminum excess.

How often do you put aluminum sulfate on hydrangeas? ›

Drench with aluminum sulfate immediately after planting. A solution of ½ oz (1 Tbsp) per gallon is a good start. Be sure the plants are well-watered before applying the aluminum sulfate to prevent burning the roots. Drench again in 10-14 days then test the soil pH.

How often should you add aluminum sulfate to hydrangeas? ›

Although a soil test is necessary to reveal how much modification your soil requires, a good rate of application to start with is 1 tablespoon of aluminum sulfate dissolved in 1 gallon of water. Drench the plant's root zone with the solution in March, April and May.

Are eggshells good for hydrangeas? ›

If you want pink hydrangeas, crushed eggshells may be one way to get them. Eggshells will slowly break down and reduce the acidity of your soil—making it harder for hydrangeas to absorb aluminum.

Does white vinegar help hydrangeas? ›

No, not really. The vinegar will quickly dilute in the soil, especially if it rains or is irrigated, not making much of a pH difference. Plus, for your hydrangeas to change colors, they need a pH change sustained over a long time.

Can I spray vinegar on hydrangeas? ›

Though vinegar can be fatal to many common plants, others, like rhododendrons, hydrangeas and gardenias, thrive on acidity which makes a bit of vinegar the best pick-me-up. Combine one cup of plain white vinegar with a gallon of water and use the next time you water these plants to see some amazing results.

How do you dry hydrangeas in boiling water? ›

Hot Water Method
  1. Boil water in a cup or other container.
  2. Cut the hydrangea stems to the desired length.
  3. Place the cut end in the boiling water for about half a minute.
Sep 2, 2010

What temperature water should you put hydrangeas in? ›

Once you've cut the stems, you'll need to get your hydrangea in water as quickly as you can. Fill a clean vase up with 3 in (7.6 cm) to 5 in (13 cm) of lukewarm or room temperature water. Do not crush the stem ends, as this can prevent your hydrangea from hydrating.

Do hydrangeas need hot or cold water? ›

Put hydrangea in very hot water – boiling temperature. Nearly all flowers like warm to very hot water. Never use cold water. The only exception to this is bulb flowers, like tulips.

How do florists keep flowers fresh? ›

While the ingredients vary depending on the manufacturer, most contain sugar to feed the flowers, acid to maintain the pH levels of the water, and a bit of bleach to reduce the bacteria and fungi in the vase water. All three help extend the life of the flowers.

Why dip flowers in boiling water? ›

Use hot H2O is a last resort.

Hot water might be also considered as a means to kill bacteria or unclog the stems of a fresh cut flower to allow greater water absorption and preserve the blooms for longer, Gaumond says, which is where this boiling water tip may have begun growing.

Does adding sugar to water help cut flowers? ›

Sugar increases fresh weight of the flowers and prolongs the vase life. Use 0.5 - 1% Floralife (concentration of sugar not specified). 2% sugar solution doubles the vase life of the cut inflorescence. Some sugar in the vase solution increases the number and size of open flowers as well as prolongs the vase life.

Is it better to water hydrangeas in the morning or evening? ›

Watering in the morning will help prevent hydrangeas from wilting during hot days. Add mulch underneath your hydrangeas to help keep the soil moist and cool.

Does Hairspray preserve hydrangeas? ›

Spray: Once your hydrangeas are fully dried, spray them down with aerosol hairspray (sorry, aerosol spray just works better than the pump spray kind…it just does). I used to think that this was to coat the flowers so that their color would be preserved a bit longer.

Does baking soda help hydrangeas? ›

The plants begin to produce fuller and healthier blooms. If your hydrangeas just aren't wowing you like they should, give baking soda a try. And while you're at it, try baking soda in the rest of your garden!

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