Is Sending Anonymous Flowers Cute or Creepy? | Ode à la Rose (2024)

When sending flowers, you always have the choice of whether to send them with a signed card or anonymously. Anonymous flowers can create an air of mystery, which can be fun for couples who are falling for one another but not necessarily “Facebook official” yet. Signed flowers, meanwhile, ensure that the recipient knows who exactly sent the gift.

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Is Sending Anonymous Flowers Cute or Creepy? | Ode à la Rose (1)

Both options have their pros and cons, and both can be ideal in different situations. In some cases, sending anonymous flowers can go past “cute” or “mysterious” and become creepy. How do you know where the line is so that you don’t cross it accidentally? Below, we’ve outlined a few situations where it would or would not be appropriate to send flowers anonymously.

Scenario number one: You have a crush on a girl who you have only talked to a few times. She recently ended a long-term relationship and is visibly heartbroken about it. You want to make her feel better and let her know that she is special, so you send an anonymous flower gift.

Cute or creepy? Creepy. You can’t have genuine feelings for someone if you’ve rarely spoken to them or spent any real-time with them. Sending flowers in this scenario will either creep her out or cause her to think that her ex is trying to get back together with her. Either outcome is bad.

Scenario number two: You have a crush on a girl who you have been spending a lot of time with recently. The two of you have been out together on unofficial dates, text each other regularly, and clearly, enjoy each other’s company. You are ready to make the relationship official, and have maybe even just asked her out on your first true “date.” You send anonymous flowers to her home on the morning of your date—a gesture you hope she will find playful, romantic, and cute.

Cute or creepy? Cute! She will know who sent the flowers the moment they arrive, but the anonymous nature of the gift will add some romantic mystery to your budding relationship and increase her anticipation for your date. Keep in mind the do’s and don’ts of sending flowers to your crush to make sure you’re being cute and not creepy.

Scenario number three: You and your wife are celebrating your tenth wedding anniversary. You have a big date night planned, but want the whole day to be special. You send her a bouquet of flowers at work signed “Love your secret admirer.”

Cute or creepy? Cute. She will know the flowers are from her husband, but the “secret admirer” bit will add a bit of sexy mystery to the special day. Bonus points if you chose the flowers that she likes the most!

Is Sending Anonymous Flowers Cute or Creepy? | Ode à la Rose (2)

The Verdict

It may seem like the point of anonymous flowers is that the recipient doesn’t know who sent them. However, the idea of having a genuine “secret admirer” is a lot creepier and more worrisome these days, especially for a woman. Sending anonymous flowers, therefore, is most romantic among couples who are either dating (or married) or in the courtship phase. Otherwise, it can come across as creepy or even cowardly. Take the first scenario above: the guy would have been much better off just talking to the girl and being nice to her, in person. Instead, he hid behind the shield of anonymity, and it backfired. Don’t make the same mistake with your crush.

Be Bold! Deliver Your Flowers in Person

There’s nothing better than someone you admire handing you a bouquet in person. So, be that person! By delivering flowers to your crush yourself, you’ll avoid any mixed signals or feelings of fear and stress. If you know someone and think they would appreciate flowers from you, we encourage you to take charge of the situation. You are brave enough and confident enough already. The fact that you’re thinking about sending anonymous flowers is sweet, but sending them yourself will be even sweeter.

If you’re feeling nervous, that’s a good sign — it means you’re a normal human. Putting yourself out there into a potentially uncertain situation can be nerve-wracking. But you never know how things will work if you don’t try. Even if your plan doesn’t go as you’re picturing it, it won’t be the end of the world. Some girl, somewhere out there, is waiting for you to give her flowers.

Choose to Add a Note

If you do decide to go with the “sending flower from a secret admirer” plan, you should include a note. Writing a well-thought-out message will help minimize any feelings of worry.

At Odeà la Rose, you can select our “include a note” option with your order. This way, your crush will have some context for who’s sending her flowers.

Is Sending Anonymous Flowers Cute or Creepy? | Ode à la Rose (3)

The Best Ways to Sign a Card When Sending Flowers

If you still want to send flowers in disguise, but you’re also wondering “is sending anonymous flowers creepy?” We recommend this: write a few lines that leave hints as to who you might be, or how you know the girl. To avoid sounding creepy, steer clear from writing things like “I’ve noticed you doing….” or “I’ve been following you to see you extra.” Those lines will not go over well at all.

There’s no harm in doing either of those things, but imagine if someone sent you a note with that language. It would probably seem a bit creepy. We don’t want you to do that by accident.

If you’d like, you might consider including a line about not wanting these flowers to seem creepy, but that you’re still too shy to go up and talk to her in person. That way, whoever it is you send flowers to, will know you’re someone she knows.

Send the Right Flowers to Your Crush Or Loved One

Once you’ve made up your mind about how you’re going to send flowers to your crush, girlfriend or wife, the next most crucial step awaits you: choosing the best bouquet. Sending the right message is important! The following flowers are some of our top sellers:

  • Pink Roses: If you want to send a more subtle message — to the girl you admire, or a crush — a bouquet that features pink rosesis the perfect way to show new affection and admiration.

If You Want to Send Anonymous Flowers, Try These:

Is Sending Anonymous Flowers Cute or Creepy? | Ode à la Rose (4)

Is Sending Anonymous Flowers Cute or Creepy? | Ode à la Rose (5)

Is Sending Anonymous Flowers Cute or Creepy? | Ode à la Rose (6)

On behalf ofOde à la Rose, we wish you luck on either sending anonymous flowers to your crush or delivering them in person.

Is Sending Anonymous Flowers Cute or Creepy? | Ode à la Rose (7)

Is Sending Anonymous Flowers Cute or Creepy? | Ode à la Rose (2024)


Is it a good idea to send flowers anonymously? ›

A flower gift anonymously sent to a woman will not always be accepted and appreciated because she thinks it is creepy and weird to have flowers from an anonymous person. Flowers for them are a special gift and should only be given by someone who is personally close to them.

Should I send flowers to my crush anonymously? ›

Remember as well that not everyone will appreciate receiving flowers anonymously, and it can be unsettling - we suggest you always include your name with your order.

Is it creepy to send a girl flowers? ›

There is nothing wrong with sending flowers to someone toward whom you have romantic feelings. However, unless you are fairly sure that your crush reciprocates these feelings, sending flowers can create an awkward situation.

Can you see who sent anonymous flowers? ›

You can send anonymous bouquets to people, but if the recipient wants to know who sent them, we have to, BY LAW, tell them who sent the flowers. In this day and age of stalkers etc., the florist must identify the sender and the recipient must be protected and informed.

Is it okay to send flowers just because you want to? ›

Nobody says you HAVE to have a reason to send flowers. In fact, that's the best thing about “Just Because” flowers – you can send them to somebody just because you feel like it!

Can a florist tell you who sent you flowers? ›

Can a florist tell you who sent the flowers? Typically, most florists cannot divulge customers' personal information or contact details, except in cases of legal or police-related inquiries.

Can you send flowers completely anonymously? ›

Yes - you can send an anonymous. Your recipient will not receive any information on the reservation except the information is written in the greeting card order form. Therefore, if the card statement does not include your name, the recipient would have no way to know who sent the flowers.

Is it weird to send an anonymous gift? ›

If you are sending one gift, one time, that should be okay. However, it is always better to let someone know you admire them. These days, doing anything anonymously can be creepy. Just come out and be honest.

What flowers mean secret crush? ›

Gardenias. If you have a crush on someone, giving them a bouquet of white gardenias is one way to reveal your secret love.

What does it mean when a girl sends you a 🌹 🌹 🌹? ›

The rose emoji represents love.

Roses are symbols of beauty and romance, and the 🌹 emoji is no different. If you get a 🌹 from a guy or girl you like, chances are they like you too! But this emoji doesn't just show romantic love, it can also be used platonically.

When should you not send a girl flowers? ›

Ladies like to receive flowers that come with a loving note. Also, do not send a girl flowers during or after a break up. If you want to make things right, you should bring the flowers yourself. Remember to always send a card with your flowers.

How does a girl feel when you give her flowers? ›

Receiving flowers makes women happy and excited. When a woman opens her door to find a beautiful bouquet, her face lights up with happiness. She knows that the person who sent her the flowers cares about her and wants to make her happy. Receiving flowers is always a good thing, and women love getting them!

What do anonymous flowers mean? ›

As Florists we often send flowers anonymously for our customers. It could be a gesture of sympathy to someone going through a rough time. It could be a sign of affection for a friend or simply being a good friend and letting the deed speak for itself.

Can anonymous messages be tracked? ›

Can anonymous texts be traced? Under most circ*mstances, no. Since your true phone number is not included when the message is sent, anonymous texts cannot be traced. However, law enforcement can trace anonymous texts if they are used for criminal or malicious purposes, including harassment or scams.

How to send a girl flowers anonymously? ›

When you're sending flowers with Social Flowers, you have the option of writing 'Your Name On The Order" as 'Anonymous'. This will be only name the Recipient sees. A Flower Card Message is needed and is sent with the flowers but this can be unsigned or you can also sign it as 'Anonymous'.

Is sending flowers to a guy weird? ›

Is it Weird to Gift a Guy Flowers? The simple answer is: Not at all! Many women ask us this question and our advice is to remember that guys love to receive gifts and feel special like anyone else.

Do guys like when you send flowers? ›

In a poll by the Society of American Florists, over 60% of men say they would “love” to receive flowers! Especially if your guy is tough to shop for, a gift of flowers is an unexpected expression of your esteem for him. Often the people we give gifts to tend to buy the things they truly want.

What can I do instead of sending flowers? ›

10 Perfect Alternatives to Sympathy Flowers
  • Ideas for meal help after a loved one dies. ...
  • Donating a memorial book to a library. ...
  • Housekeeping Service. ...
  • Gift Card for a Spa Service. ...
  • Grief Support Book. ...
  • Journal for Grief. ...
  • Memorial Candle. ...
  • Personalized Memorial Ornament.
Jan 5, 2022

What does sending someone flowers mean? ›

The practice of giving flowers is a societal way to express love, compassion, and thoughtfulness. This custom is so powerful it can even help us communicate in times when we don't know what to say.

Is it OK to send her flowers? ›

You can certainly send flowers to a woman regardless of the length of the relationship. However, you may want to consider the length before sending the flowers to her work. If it's a new relationship, you may want to send them to her home, instead, or deliver them yourself.

Why would someone send an anonymous gift? ›

Anonymity ensures all of the attention is on the recipient. Our gifting experiences are designed to make someone feel appreciated and special, and allowing them to feel this emotion in a pure, complete way ensures they will feel the deepest sense of gratitude.

What can you send anonymously? ›

Send any of these presents anonymously to ensure a laugh from your friend (or retaliation from an enemy).
  • Send a spud. ...
  • Dazzle with a glitter bomb. ...
  • Give the middle finger. ...
  • Annoy them with a never-ending musical card. ...
  • Show how much you care by sending them … ...
  • Ship a brick. ...
  • Send a few condoms. ...
  • Make it rain (fake) money.
Jan 2, 2018

What if flowers are delivered and nobody is home? ›

What if my recipient isn't home when delivery is made? If there is a safe place to leave the arrangement and the weather permits, the florist will often leave the delivery in a secure area. If this is not the case, the florist will leave a door tag and a voicemail.

How do you find out who sent you an anonymous gift? ›

You receive a gift through the mail but are not sure who it's from. What's the first thing to try? Whitmore advises to call the company it was sent from and see if they can give you any information about the sender. “There's a tracking number on every single package that goes out,” she said.

Should I send a gift during no contact? ›

Be particularly careful about giving gifts in these situations: Holidays like birthdays and Christmas – because it could be about making you feel better instead of them. During the no contact rule – because it resets your clock and reduces your chances of success.

Do you acknowledge anonymous gifts? ›

If your donor asked for his gift to remain anonymous, the thank you letter should reflect this. If she or he earmarked the gift for a particular purpose, they want to see that noted in the thank you letter. If donors ask for pledge reminders, they want to hear that you'll take care of it.

What flower means I will miss you? ›

Orchids: Orchids are royal looking ornamental flowers and the white ones symbolize “I Miss You”. White orchids also convey purity, innocence, and elegance.

Do roses symbolize secrecy? ›

The use of the rose as a symbol for silence or secrecy goes back to the ancient Egyptians or Greeks, where initiates into the “mysteries,” or pre-Christian religions, wore roses during ceremonies to indicate that they would keep inviolate any secrets that were passed on to them.

What flower means forbidden love? ›

Coming up to the 18th century, the rose now symbolizes forbidden love. The flowers were used as a means of communication between lovers who were forced apart by the standards of the societies they lived in.

How do you remain anonymous when sending flowers? ›

How to Send Flowers Anonymously
  1. Visit Social Flowers.
  2. Write 'Anonymous' on the fields: 'Your Name On This Order'
  3. Write your Flower Card Message. A Flower Card Message is needed but you can leave it unsigned or sign it 'Anonymous'.

Is sending her flowers a good idea? ›

Sending flowers is a great gesture at nearly any moment, but there are two definite times when you should not send a girl flowers. The first is to make an impression. If you don't know the girl that well she may see this gesture as extravagant and insincere. Ladies like to receive flowers that come with a loving note.

Is Flower Confidential a best seller? ›

A New York Times Bestseller! Flower Confidential is an around-the-world, behind-the-scenes look at the flower industry and how it has sought–for better and worse– to achieve perfection.

Why are people sending virtual flowers? ›

Virtual flowers are great for a birthday, get well, thanks, and thinking of you. They're also a great way to send an invitation, greeting, or announcement to several people.

What flower means secretly in love? ›

Gardenias say “You're lovely" and are viewed as a symbol of secret love. They also signify joy and purity, and are associated with thoughts of beauty.

What flowers mean I will miss you? ›

For example, lilies and orchids usually symbolize missing someone, while roses express love. The color of the flower can modify its meaning as well. Red emphasizes love while yellow and pink are perfect for friends and family.

Are there flowers with negative meanings? ›

Red roses meant 'be mine', while white lilies expressed sympathy – two flower meanings that still stand today. But while most floriography is charmingly sweet and positive, it also features flowers with negative meanings. Think betrayal, hatred, rejection, jealousy and even death!

What is the #1 most sold cut flower? ›

Tulips are the best selling cut flowers in the U.S., with annual sales revenue of $65.3 million, reported by both wholesale and retail businesses.

What is the most smelly flower? ›

The most elusive of nature's floral stink bombs is Rafflesia, and like the odors of its peers, its stench is an irresistible lure to pollinating carrion flies but off-putting to most humans. By botanical definition, Rafflesia barely qualifies as a plant. It has no stems, roots, or leaves.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.