Investing in your 20s: A Quick Guide (2024)

The period right after your high school graduation is a unique one, for several reasons. In many ways, you’re now a full-fledged adult, tasked with many new, exciting and (potentially) scary responsibilities, such as going to college, getting a job, and being responsible with your finances. With so many things being thrown at you at once, it’s easy to push investing to the side.

However, if you can commit to starting your investing career early, the payoff may be substantial.

This article will dive into more in-depth detail regarding the benefits of investing in your 20s, along with what you should keep in mind as you begin to build for your future.

Before we continue, Financial Professional wants to remind you that this article is educational in nature. Any securities or firms named are for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute financial advice. Always do your due diligence and consider your situation – and the help of a licensed financial professional – when making investment decisions.

If you don’t yet have industry professionals handling your portfolio, we can help! Check out Financial Professional’s investment marketplace, where we partner with some of the best in the business to help find the right investment for you.

Why Invest In Your 20s?

As mentioned earlier, your 20s are not typically known as a period where you’re banking a substantial income and investing in the stock market. Many young adults struggle to make ends meet when they’re first getting started professionally.

However, if you take a moment to understand the point of investing in the first place, it may give you the motivation and perspective necessary to sacrifice a portion of your income early on.

The entire point of investing is to accumulate assets for a future financial need or goal. For most people, this need is retirement. Whether it’s the “traditional” way of retiring (working into your 60s before riding off into the sunset) or retiring earlier in life, both retirement pictures have a common variable: the need for assets to provide liquidity to supplement or replace your salary/income.

With this in mind, it’s important to mention how compounding interest works. If you’re not familiar with the formula, time is the exponential variable. By getting started investing in your 20s, you are building up the initial principal that will snowball over time.

To see for yourself, take some time to play around with an online compound interest calculator. While $20,000 may not exactly help you retire when you’re 30, you’re in a much better position than someone who doesn’t have a dime saved up.

What Investment Accounts Should I Be Using?

Retirement accounts offer the benefit of tax-deferred growth. This is a big deal because any time you sell an investment at a gain or receive interest from bonds or dividends from equities, you are not responsible for any taxes, as long as the funds remain in the account.

By contrast, in a brokerage (taxable) account, all transactions that result in a gain are subject to taxation. The same goes for bond interest and dividends.

Look First to a 401(k)

Therefore, for the majority of people, a company 401(k) is an ideal place to begin your investing journey for a few reasons.

Chief among these is the fact that the contributions come directly from your paycheck without you even having to think about it. After a couple of pay cycles, you’ll forget the money is leaving your paycheck. This makes it less likely that you’ll stop investing your money in the account, thereby guaranteeing growth as long as you remain with the employer.

However, the real value-add in a 401(k) is the employer match. Remember how we just described the importance of dedicating money to acquiring assets for the future? Most 401(k) plans offer a match that is based on a formula built around the amount you contribute.

Let’s assume your plan offers a 100% match on the first 5% of your salary that you contribute. If 5% of your salary is $2,000, your employer will contribute $2,000 on your behalf. So, instead of only contributing $2,000 in the year, you’re actually adding $4,000 to the account. If you do that for an entire decade, it can really give you a massive head start on your future financial goals.

Consider an IRA

If you don’t have access to a 401(k), you can always contribute to an IRA, as long as you have what the IRS considers earned income. IRAs are individual retirement accounts that offer many of the same benefits as a 401(k), minus the employer match. They also have lower contribution limits.

If you’re at the point where you are maxing out both your 401(k) and IRA, it may make sense to begin investing within a taxable (brokerage) account. These accounts have no contribution limits and are not subject to any early withdrawal penalties like retirement accounts.

How Much Should I Be Investing?

The short answer, is as much as possible. One of the most common rules of thumb is to invest at least 20% of your after-tax income; however, everyone’s circ*mstances are different. The best thing you can do is do some work upfront to budget around your lifestyle and needs.

Ideally, you should be cutting down on unnecessary costs to free up cash flow in order to invest more money over time. If you are primarily investing in your company’s 401(k), you should make it a goal to at least benefit from the entire employer match. Not everyone can max out their 401(k) contributions at this stage. That’s okay!

Many 401(k)s offer automatic annual contribution increases. This is yet another way of forcing yourself to save more without having to think about it. The way this works is every January, your contribution percentage increases by a specified percentage. In most cases, this can be elected at any time.

How to Approach Investing in Your 20s

As mentioned earlier, your 20s are a unique period in your life for a number of reasons, not the least of which is your ability to get a head start on investing for retirement. However, as it relates to your asset allocation (investment mix), this stage of your life has a characteristic that stands out: your ability to take on risk.

Your Risk Capacity

If your financial goal is decades away, you have the unique advantage of being able to take on more significant levels of risk within your portfolio. Swings in the market matter much less for a young adult that is in the accumulation phase versus someone that is older and is approaching retirement. The statistical term for this is risk capacity.

Risk capacity measures how much risk you can afford to take without putting your entire financial plan in jeopardy. Even if we were to see another severe downturn (i.e. recession), in the grand scheme of things, it would have minimal impact on your overall financial future.

Generally speaking, it makes the most sense to take risk early, because without taking on risk, you will not see the appreciation in your investable assets necessary to start making a dent in your future financial goals.

Risk Vs Return

Keep in mind that risk versus return is one of the foundational laws of finance. Over time, the market tends to reward (responsible) risk. All things being equal, an aggressive asset allocation (primarily equities over bonds and cash) is most suitable early in life compared to later.

All of that being said, it’s still important that you stay true to your risk tolerance. Seeing swings in the market can be very difficult to stomach. You should always be mindful of the amount of risk that you’re okay with taking on, regardless of the amount of risk you can afford to take.

Do I Need A Financial Advisor?

Traditionally, financial advisors have been most suitable for people that have accumulated plenty of assets over a lifetime. In most cases, a full-service financial advisor may not be the cheapest option.

The good news is, you probably don’t need a full-service financial advisor when you’re working hard to establish yourself in your 20s. If you want assistance with your asset allocation, a Robo advisor may be a viable option.

What is a Robo Advisor?

The advent of technology has changed the investing world, making professionally managed portfolios much cheaper and easier to access for the everyday investor or young adult. Just keep in mind, that if you go with a Robo advisor, you may not have a direct (or human) point of contact to go to with your specific investment-related questions.

This is what makes Robo advisors much cheaper than the traditional financial advisor.

Fee-Only Advisors

If you’re finding yourself in a position where your income is increasing, and you are starting to see value in planning for your future, but you don’t have a large chunk of investable assets, a fee-only financial advisor may make sense for you. A fee-only advisor charges a flat rate for their financial planning services, and investment management in some cases.

Choose Based On Your Needs

However, everyone is different. Some people require more assistance with others. There is nothing wrong with that, especially throughout such an unstable period in your life.

Like anything in finance, it’s essential to know where you stand, what your needs are, and to explore what options make the most sense for you.

A Final Word on Investing in Your 20s

Without question, your 20s are an exciting time in your life. The urge to spend all of your excess money may be tempting, but if you can commit just a portion of it to invest, you can start getting ahead on your financial goals. There are a few things to keep in mind during this topsy-turvy time in your life:

1. Your 20s Are for Learning and Growing

As you go through this period in your life, learn about what is important to you and start mapping out the vision that you want for yourself in the future. Having a target in mind will keep you focused and will give you the motivation that’s necessary to do the difficult things in life (like investing instead of buying that nice pair of shoes every paycheck).

2. Keeping the Big Picture in Mind is Important

Keeping the big picture in mind helps you have the context necessary to start building the financial life that you want and deserve. Context is key with investing. If you know you have decades to build, thoughts of the next recession should not keep you up at night.

3. You Don’t Have to Know it All

You don’t have to have everything figured out at this stage. The most important thing you can do is get started and develop great habits along the way. Success in investing is more about consistently doing the right thing versus “trying to find the next Amazon.”

4. Your Education is Your Greatest Asset

Study what it takes to be successful. Build relationships with people that have seen success in investing. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to share their stories: their wins, and their losses.

5. Keeping Investing in Your 20s – and Beyond

Keep investing in yourself. Keep improving your skillset.

Most importantly, keep accumulating assets.

Investing in your 20s: A Quick Guide (2024)


Is investing in your 20s a good idea? ›

If you are overwhelmed, start small. Right now, in your 20s, you have time on your side to create positive financial habits and potentially compounded wealth. Investing in your 20s can increase the likelihood of reaching your financial goals and giving yourself choice and flexibility. Your future self will thank you.

What is the best investment for a 20-year-old? ›

Consider putting as much of your savings as possible in some form of equities, such as common stocks and stock mutual funds⁠. You might also consider real estate, either in the form of a personal residence or a REIT (real estate investment trust), a mutual fund that invests in real estate holdings.

How should a 21 year old start investing? ›

Contributing to a workplace 401(k) plan is one of the easiest ways to start investing in your 20s. Matches from your employer can help your money grow even faster. Using a free broker or robo-advisor to invest a little bit each month is one way to start investing as a college student.

What is the biggest advantage for investors in their 20s? ›

The Bottom Line

Twenty-somethings have some definitive advantages over those who wait to begin investing, including time, the ability to weather increased risk, and opportunities to increase future wages. Even if you have to start small, it's in your advantage to start early!

Is it normal to struggle financially in your 20s? ›

Most people, even in their mid-to-late 20s are still struggling to establish themselves. That can be hard to do if your job isn't paying you enough, you're struggling to make rent, have no savings, and are being crushed by debt.

What age is too late to start investing? ›

It's never too late to start investing, but starting in your late 60s will impact the options you have. Consider Social Security strategies, income sources and appropriate asset allocation. A financial advisor may be able to help you project out your investment and income plan into the coming decades.

What if I invest $200 a month for 20 years? ›

Investing as little as $200 a month can, if you do it consistently and invest wisely, turn into more than $150,000 in as soon as 20 years. If you keep contributing the same amount for another 20 years while generating the same average annual return on your investments, you could have more than $1.2 million.

How to start building wealth in your 20s? ›

  1. Your 20s are about establishing a foundation as you gain financial independence.
  2. Set a budget that balances your needs, wants and wishes.
  3. Create a plan to pay off debt and stick to it.
  4. Begin building your credit.
  5. Start an emergency fund of up to three months of living expenses.
Mar 8, 2024

How much money should a 25 year old have? ›

20k is the ideal savings amount for a 25 year old

“Ideally, your savings should reach $20,000 by the time you turn 25,” says Bill Ryze, a certified Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and board advisor at Fiona. The national average for Americans between 25 and 30 years of age is $20,540.

How to invest aggressively during the early 20s? ›

Start saving and investing in your 20s by contributing to a retirement plan, investing in index funds and ETFs, automating your investment management with a robo-advisor and increasing your savings rate over time.

Do I need bonds in my 20s? ›

Bonds traditionally have a low correlation to stocks, so they can act as a stabilizer in your investment portfolio. A young investor with a high risk tolerance probably doesn't need to hold much in bonds, but there are some benefits. Bonds typically offer lower returns than stocks, but they're more consistent.

How to invest aggressively? ›

Aggressive Investment Methods
  1. Small-Cap Stocks. Small-cap stocks provide the potential of very high capital appreciation. ...
  2. Emerging Markets Investing. Emerging markets are growing economies primarily located in Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. ...
  3. High-Yield Bonds. ...
  4. Options Trading. ...
  5. Private Investments.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How to set yourself up financially in your 20s? ›

6 smart money moves to make in your 20s that can help you save...
  1. 6 money moves to make in your 20s. Create a budget and stick to it. ...
  2. Create a budget and stick to it. ...
  3. Build a good credit score. ...
  4. Set up an emergency fund. ...
  5. Start saving for retirement. ...
  6. Pay off debt. ...
  7. Develop good money habits.

What are 2 things to keep in mind when you start investing money? ›

  • Have a Financial Plan. ...
  • Make Saving a Priority. ...
  • Understand the Power of Compounding. ...
  • Understand Risk. ...
  • Understand Diversification and Asset Allocation. ...
  • Keep Costs Low. ...
  • Understand Classic Investment Strategies. ...
  • Be Disciplined.

Is 25 a good age to start investing? ›

More than half (54%) of supersavers who invest started before age 30, the survey found, while only 40% of others did the same. Hope isn't lost if you missed the boat in your 20s. Starting to save now, wherever you are in your timeline, is better than starting tomorrow or next week.

How do you build wealth in your 20s? ›

  1. Your 20s are about establishing a foundation as you gain financial independence.
  2. Set a budget that balances your needs, wants and wishes.
  3. Create a plan to pay off debt and stick to it.
  4. Begin building your credit.
  5. Start an emergency fund of up to three months of living expenses.
Mar 8, 2024

How much money should I have saved in my 20s? ›

How much do you need to save in your 20s? As you embark on your career, your 20s is the time to set strong savings habits. Using the 50/30/20 model, you could aim to save upward of $500 every month (or as much as you can).

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.