Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (2024)


Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (1)Welcome to my monthly income report for January 2017!

Since October 2015, every month I publish a detailed report with all the accounts for my online businesses. On them I include the earnings and expenses, I tell a little bit about my personal experience and what new things I have been trying during this period of time. I explain as well what my future targets are and if the previous ones have been achieved or not. Why doing this?

  1. It helps me to keep track of my personal finances.In any moment of time, I can look back at my reports and see what steps and results I got from determined strategies, like a log book.
  2. Increase trusting.I also want to show you that I am a real person starting from the first step. There are many amazing bloggers out there reporting their incomes of thousands of dollars, but I found very little bloggers reporting low amounts of money like me. I think this can help to starters and to people who are not decided yet to start their own online business.
  3. Motivation. Writing here my results will put me on that kind of uncomfortable position in which I need to demonstrate that I can go one step further instead of getting lazy and rely on excuses. My finances are open to everybody!

I know that every month I say the same, but it’s the truth. All earnings here reported are coming from Passive Income sources. I am not including any kind of outsourcing because the intention is you show you how far I can go with only passive income sources.

This is my 16th month reporting my accounts and I simply love it! I can’t believe I started blogging more than one year ago, it just feels great =)

You can have a look to some of my previous monthly income reports:

  • Income Report October 2015 – $75.91
  • Income Report December 2015 – $161.53
  • Income Report April 2016 – $307.27
  • Income Report July 2016 – $710.84
  • Income Report November 2016 – $915.99


Trip to China and Chinese New Year

January has been another family month (in January we spent a lot of time visiting my family in Spain). This month we have been to China to celebrate the Chinese New Year!

We’ve visited my wife’s family in Baise and Taiyuan and we also have been traveling a lot from south to north. The route has been amazing and we started from the south wearing T-Shirt to the north of China where it was -10°C.

Here is a picture of some places we have been visiting in China, most of the most beautiful places have been in Yangshuo, near Guilin.

Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (2)

The amazing woman in the picture is my wife. You can check out her blog here.

It’s amazing how our life has changed since we started blogging.If you want to start your own blog too, you can use my step-by-step guide on how to start a blog.

Here is another photo of some delicious food we’ve eaten in China. It looks good but it tasted even better. Yummy!

Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (3)

This month I also filled in my tax return as a blogger and left things tidy from the financial point of view.

Focus On Pinterest

On January I spent quite a few time on Pinterest. I heard that many bloggers use it to promote their articles.

This month I wanted to give more importance to Pinterest and see if I can generate traffic out of it. I already had an account but I’ve never promoted it very well.

What I did is to join as many boards as I could on topics related to my website. Then I shared some of my content and other blogs content on these boards.

The most important here is to create Pinterest friendly pins, this is vertical pins with some coloured text. You can visit my Pinterest profile here, so you know what I’m talking about.

Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (4)My New Traffic Strategy: Tailwind

Tailwind is basically a Pinterest pin scheduler. It allows you to schedule your pins at specific times and in different boards. It saves me a lot of time and I can do bulk schedule in less than 30 minutes.

I already used the free trial which allows you to schedule up to 100 pins, but I wanted more. So I paid the membership for Tailwind and it has been a total success. My traffic has increased by x4!More than 70% of my traffic is coming from Pinterest now.

If you want to start using Tailwind you can get 2 free months when paying for 12 months by using my link.

Extra Effort On Twitter

This month I promoted my Twitter as well. I put extra effort on this and it paid very well.

My blog got thousands of new followers and visits from Twitter.

10% Earnings Donation To Children With Disabilities

In September I made an important decision, a decision which will change the life of many people. From September onwards I’m putting a 10% of my monthly earnings aside.

This money will be donated every month to different charities. I want to help children with life-threatening, terminal illness or learning disabilities.

With this blog, I want to be successful but also I want to make a difference in other people lives.

But, why?

My wife has alittle dream since she was a child, she wanted to build schools in China (from where she is from) for children with problems and learning disabilities.

The first time she told me, I felt so touch that I made a promise to myself, a promise that I will never forget: if one day I make enough money to build a school, I will do it.

So, why to wait until that day? I can start helping from today.

That’s whyfrom today I promise myself and I make it public to you that a 10% of the money earned with any of my websites will be destinated to supportpeople who really need it.

So the more I grow my online business the more I will help children facing problems.

What do you think, do you like the idea?


Passive Income Wise

This monthI created a lot of new images for my Pinterest boards and also for Twitter and Facebook.

Also, I’ve been working on a few posts which you will enjoy. Most of them have been written during my trips and it’s great to be able to do it from any part of the world.

  • Passive Income Report November 2016(since in December I didn’t write any new post, I needed to catch up)
  • 7 Lessons I’ve Learnt During My First 12 Months Of Blogging
  • How To Use Ebates For Free Cash Back And Get A Free $10 Voucher
  • Passive Income Report December 2016
  • How To fill in the Tax Return Online in the UK For Bloggers
  • 14 Survey Sites To Make Extra Money In 2017

The 7 lessons I’ve learned during my first 12 months of blogging have been very successful and I’ve received a lot of positive feedback from you, thanks! I’ll keep it up.

The reason why I decided to write a post about how to fill in the Tax Return in because I struggled a lot myself to do it despite how easy it is. Now, this guide will help other bloggers in the same situation. It took quite a lot of time to complete but it already helped quite a few bloggers.

And now… let’s start with the interesting part. I know you are here to check out my numbers 🙂


Google Adsense (from niche site 1): $77.03

  • Previous Month: $118.53
  • Difference: –$41.50

Monumetric Ads(from niche site 1): $76.44 Start with Monumetric for free if you have more than 80k pageviews

  • Previous Month: $133.04
  • Difference: –$56.60

PadSquadmobile ads(from niche sites 1 & 2): $69.17

  • Previous Month:$211.89
  • Difference: –$142.72

Paid surveys: $247.40 Read my post 7 Free Online Survey Sites To Join For Extra Cash

  • Previous Month: $115.60
  • Difference: +$131.80

The websites I use to generate this income areAmerican Consumer Opinion, Swagbucks, TopCashBack,Vindale Research, Survey Downline andQmee.

Virtual Assistant:$17.30

  • Previous Month: $13
  • Difference: +$4.30

Other Income:

  • Bluehost: $65.00 How to start a blog with WordPress and Bluehost
  • Content Samurai:$0.00 Read my Content Samurai review
  • YouTube (from niche site 1): $0.12
  • Amazon Affiliate Program:$0.00
  • ShareASale Affiliate Program: $0.00 Click here to read my post aboutShareASale
  • Grammarly: $0.20 Click here tostart using Grammarly for free
  • Qmee: $1.26 Click here toread my post about Qmee
  • Disqus (Ads in comments): $0.81
  • Medianet: $0.19
  • Tailwind: $0.00


In February I needed to upgrade the hosting for my Niche Site 1. Before I was using a shared hosting with a limitation of 150 GB of transfer data, now I have my own VPS in where I have up to 5,000 GB and I can host an unlimited number of domains.

  • VPS (Host Niche Site 1):$61.00
  • Virtual Assistant Expenses and Charges:$3.46

The initial investment for the hosting and domain name (for PIW) was done in Octoberand this one is already running for free.

Net Total Balance: $555.20$64.46=$490.74

  • Previous month: $553.81
  • Difference:+ $1.39 (+0.2%)

January didn’t suffer a drop in earnings, opposing what generally happens to most of thebloggers. In general, people and advertisers spend most of their income during December for the Christmas holiday. That’s the reason why my income from advertisem*nt has dropped into half (AdSense, Monumetric and Padsquad).

However, this month I’ve increases my earning from survey companies. The income reported here is from referrals and it’s not the income my wife and me made by doing surveys every month.

Read:14 Survey Sites To Make Extra Money In 2017

Every month I try to spend around $100 in plugins and other useful stuff to improve my blog performance. This month I didn’t purchase anything. However, I would like to purchase ThriveLeads anytime soon. I’ve heard amazing things about it and it will help me grow my email list.

The virtual assistant work is coming from people who contact me to hire my services. It seems some readers like the way I do things. Great! This money helps to cover all some of our living expenses. If you want to hire me or you need any specific help, use my contact form and I’ll answer you as soon as possible.

This is my 16th month reporting my accounts and it seems to keep growing little by little which makes me so happy.Obviously, it’s nothing to compare with other famous bloggers, but for a starter like me,it’s considered an important milestone. I am having around $500 profit and this is starting to be very exciting.

Imagine what would you do with an extra $490 extra per month?

The graph below shows my income and expenses since I started with my Niche Site 1 in February 2015. It seems incredible that I’ve been on this for more than one year!

Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (5)

The graph below shows the balance or profit which is calculated as:

Balance = Income Expenses

Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (6)

January is the 5th month I am donating a part of my income to children with health issues and learning disabilities.

Since September, every month I’m sharing how much money Passive Income Wise is giving to help these families.

Income Donated This Month: 10%($490.71) = $49.07

Total Income Donated Accumulated = $280.57

Nice! One step closer to build a school in China!


After a few months, I am back reporting my traffic and metrics. And I do it because of you.

I received emails, comments, and even a phone call just asking to continue reporting my traffic.

I will report the metrics only from this blog.

Passive Income Wise

Since I started using Tailwind(Pinterest pin scheduler) my traffic has increased a lot. A few months I ago I barely received a few hundreds of visits, and now thousands!

I’ve duplicated the traffic in January, I went from 5k to 11k sessions, that’s a great achievement.

Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (7)

The traffic sources are mainly coming from Pinterest (73%) and Direct. A couple of months ago I didn’t receive any traffic from Pinterest and this month it’s my main source of traffic thanks to Tailwind and the pinscheduler tool.

Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (8)

If you want to try Tailwind for free you can do it following this link. It offers auto scheduler for 100 free pins at optimised times depending on your audience.

The most visited posts during January are:

Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (9)

It seems that people from Pinterest like tips to make/save money, 4 out of 10 of the most visited posts are related to these categories. The favorite post is my list of more than 25 ways of saving money every month, which is a compilation of tricks I use on a daily basis to save up to $800 every month.


I only report social mediarelated with PIW.

Twitter.If you don’t want to miss any of my new tweets followPassive Income Wise on Twitter

  • Followers: 10,271 (+2,538)

Pinterest. Check out my new Pins by following Passive Income Wise on Pinterest

  • Followers: 2,561 (+238)

Facebook.Support Passive Income Wise Liking us on Facebookor with a Friend Request.

  • Likes Page: 237 (+11)

Email List.

  • Subscriptions: 395 (+83)

Now I am using a free plugin for my Opt-ins. Next month I want to try Thrive Leads which is a premium plugin which hopefully will help me to increase my email list.

That’s everything for this past January. I wanted to publish also my targets for the next month, but you know what? I keep it for myself for now. If for a couple of months I see that I achieve them I will share here with you 🙂

Did you like my January Income Report?Are you interested in earning income online?

If you are thinking about starting your own blog, I createda tutorial-guide that will helpyou start your own blog for cheap, You need very little investment, starting at only $3.95 per month (this dealis only through my link) for blog hosting. Additionally, you will geta free blog domain (valued at $12-15) through myBluehost link, onlyif your purchase is for at least 12 months of blog hosting. My recommendation is for you to beself-hosted. This is importantif you want to monetize your blog because your website will look more professional.

Income Report January 2017 (Traffic And Metrics) - Passive Income Wise (2024)


How much passive income is enough? ›

Consider leaving a job you dislike when your passive income produces enough to take care of you and your dependents or when your passive income equals 30% or more of your total income.

How to figure out passive income? ›

How To Calculate Passive Income
  1. Calculate your monthly savings. ...
  2. Calculate your monthly income. ...
  3. Calculate your annual income. ...
  4. Multiply your annual income by 12 to get your monthly income target. ...
  5. Subtract your monthly expenses from your monthly income target to determine your monthly profit. ...
  6. Calculate your savings target.

What qualifies as passive income? ›

Passive income includes regular earnings from a source other than an employer or contractor. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) says passive income can come from two sources: rental property or a business in which one does not actively participate, such as being paid book royalties or stock dividends.

What is Jamie Lee's passive income? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

To find Jamie Lee's passive income, subtract his expenses from his total income. If his total income is $28,800 and his expenses are $10,000, his passive income would be $18,800.

How much passive income can you deduct? ›

Under the passive activity rules you can deduct up to $25,000 in passive losses against your ordinary income (W-2 wages) if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is $100,000 or less. This deduction phases out $1 for every $2 of MAGI above $100,000 until $150,000 when it is completely phased out.

How can I make $1000 a month in passive income? ›

Passive Income: 7 Ways To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Buy US Treasuries. U.S. Treasuries are still paying attractive yields on short-term investments. ...
  2. Rent Out Your Yard. ...
  3. Rent Out Your Car. ...
  4. Rental Real Estate. ...
  5. Publish an E-Book. ...
  6. Become an Affiliate. ...
  7. Sell an Online Course. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the easiest form of passive income? ›

11 Passive income ideas
  1. Make financial investments. ...
  2. Own a rental property. ...
  3. Start a print-on-demand shop. ...
  4. Self-publish. ...
  5. Sell worksheets. ...
  6. Sell templates. ...
  7. Create content. ...
  8. Create an online course.
Mar 18, 2024

What's the best passive income? ›

17 passive income ideas for 2024
  • Dividend stocks.
  • Dividend index funds or ETFs.
  • Bonds and bond funds.
  • Real estate investment trusts (REITS)
  • Money market funds.
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • CDs.
  • Buy a rental property.
Apr 25, 2024

Is social security considered passive income? ›

While you don't have to work for your monthly Social Security checks, you did have to work to establish your Social Security benefit, so there's a bit of gray area here. But in many ways, Social Security and other retirement income sources like pensions can be considered passive income for most practical purposes.

What is passive income per IRS? ›

Gross income from passive sources includes: Dividends, interest, and annuities. Royalties (including overriding royalties), whether measured by production or by gross or taxable income from the property.

Can I live off of passive income? ›

Yes, you can live off of passive income. It's easiest to live off of passive income if you live in a low cost-of-living area. To live off of financial investment and cash-equivalent income, you'll need a larger amount of money. To earn $30,000 per year, you'll need $600,000 invested at 5% per year.

What are the disadvantages of passive income? ›

  • Requires a larger sum to begin with (which might not always be available).
  • While it might not require a full time effort, passive income does need to me managed, and some times adjusted to meet general financial or market conditions.
Oct 20, 2021

What are Americans turning to chasing passive income? ›

But is investing in one actually a smart business move?

How to increase source of income? ›

Increasing your Income
  1. Turn Your Hobby Into A Business. If you have a hidden talent or passion you'd gladly spend more time working on, you can probably find a way to use your skills to turn a profit. ...
  2. Ask for a Raise. ...
  3. Teach What You Know. ...
  4. Rent Out a Room. ...
  5. Go Back to School. ...
  6. Look for a New Job. ...
  7. Get a Second Job.

How many streams of income should you have? ›

How many income streams should you have? You can have as many income streams as you want, but the right number for you will depend on your goals and current resources. If you don't have a lot of time to devote to establishing many passive income streams, it may make sense to only have a few until you can free up time.

How to make $100,000 per year in passive income? ›

Ways to Make $100,000 Per Year in Passive Income
  1. Invest in Real Estate. Rental properties generate income through tenants who pay rent each month to live in a property you own. ...
  2. CD Laddering. ...
  3. Dividend Stocks. ...
  4. Fixed-Income Securities. ...
  5. Start a Side Hustle.
Jul 28, 2023

How much passive income can I generate with $1 million dollars? ›

Bonds and money market accounts may be a good option for those with more conservative risk tolerance. Treasury bonds and municipal bonds typically offer lower returns but come with less risk. With a bond paying a 2% interest rate, a $1 million investment could earn you $20,000 per bond pay interest income annually.

Can you live off interest of $1 million dollars? ›

Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

What is the 70% income rule? ›

The rule states that you should allocate 70% of your income to monthly rent, utility bills, and other essential needs to improve your financial well-being. 20% of your income should go to savings. The remaining 10% can go towards your investments or to debt repayment.

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Article information

Author: Nathanael Baumbach

Last Updated:

Views: 5619

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.