30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (2024)

Table of Contents
First Month Blog Income Report {Example #1} Life and Essie First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #2} This Outnumbered Mama First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #3} Dollar Diligence First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #4} Pinch Of Yum First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #5} Frugal For Less First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #6} AROMA MAMA First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #7} Productive & Pretty First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #8} The Money Pixie First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #9} Messy Nest Mama First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #10} Smartnancials First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #11} Well and Wealthy First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #12} BelieveIn A Budget First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #13} Ladies Make Money First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #14} Making Sense of Cents First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #15} My Veteran Woman Life First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #16} Miranda Nahmias First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #17} Toot’s Mom is Tired First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #18} By Laura Iancu First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #19} Taylor Stanford First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #20} Start a Blog for Profit First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #21} Mommy On Purpose First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #22} Chasing Foxes First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #23} The Practical Saver First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #24} The Mostly Simple Life First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #25} Start A Mom Blog First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #26} Deby Coles First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #27} The Budget Mom First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #28} Redefining Mom First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #29} Just A Girl And Her Blog First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #30} The Frugal Millionaire First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #31} The Bewitchin Kitchen First Month Blog Income Highlights: First Month Blog Income Report {Example #32} Income Diary First Month Blog Income Highlights: FREE Blogging Income Printable Pack Frequently Read Together

Let’s be real, most bloggers are hoping in their little blogging heart to earn some money with their blog. Heck, first month blog income would be super dreamy! With Pinterest full of bright shiny blog income reports that show blogging can be lucrative, it can also be deceiving because some of those money-making bloggers have been at it for the same amount of time it takes to graduate with a degree – in other words, years and years.

What kind of real, not-take-forever hope is there for brand new bloggers? Is there such a thing as making money your first month blogging? Can first month blog income become a reality for real? Is there cause to celebrate in the beginning stages of blogging and not just in the full-time income days that may lie years ahead?

Oh there is hope abounding! Yes, as a new blogger you can make money from the very beginning. Yes, there is reason to celebrate the beginning parts of blogging and not just the lucrative ends. In fact, for every blogger they all have that one thing in common: Every blogger has a blogging beginning so let’s all congratulate each other on starting something special, no matter how it ends up doing!

We’re going to show you there’s endless possibility when it comes to blogging so there’s no more doubting, fearing, and waiting around to start that blogging dream of yours.

Here’s to brave blogging beginnings, fresh starts, and not knowing what the future will hold but diving in and trying our best anyway!

30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (1)

Up ahead are over 30 blog income reports from bloggers’ first monthof blogging and/or first month of reporting income from blogging. This is super exciting!

In some cases, the blog income report will be from a blogger’s very first month on their brand new blog and in other instances the blog income report will be the blogger’s first income report, though the blog may have been in existence for a few months or longer.

Some bloggers share their income earnings from the very beginning and other bloggers later decide to monetize their blog and start sharing their income based on when they intentionally start making money and/or when they choose to start sharing income reports.

Whether new blogger or seasoned blogger, all of these featured income reports are first month blog income reports in that they are either from the first month of blogging or the first month the blogger started showing income reports on their blog.

For each example, the blog is listed, and there is a link to the actual blog income report post so you can check out all the blog income report details for yourself.

Underneath the name of the blog there will be an indication of if the blog income report is from the first month of blogging or from the first month of reporting blog income earnings. These will look as such:

  • *This blog’s first month blogging. (Meaning this is the first month blog income report from a blog that has only been in existence for one month.)
  • *This blog’s first month reporting blog income. (Meaning this is the first month blog income report from a blog that has been in existence for more than one month and this is the first month the blogger has begun sharing an income report. So blogs with this indicator could be two months old or even two years old.)

To keep things even more interesting, each first month blog income report example has a First Month Blog Income Highlights section in which there are three points of standout information from that specific report. Essentially, this is where I point to some sensational stats, inspiring income info, and/or fabulous facts.

For your blogging inspiration, each example has the reported income earned (not the profit, just the income, so we aren’t accounting for expenses here) and also I make note of some worthy takeaways from each income report that you are sure to find fascinating.

To learn as much as you can, instead of only focusing on the money each blogger earned (which is, of course, awesome!) also see what tactics the bloggers used to earn money from their blog so you canuse that information for your own blogging success.

If you are a brand new blogger in your first month of blogging, or if you are going to be a new blogger soon, use these awesome income reports to give you hope and perhaps help you set some goals for yourself.

Who knows, before you know it you might be publishing a month one blogging income report of your own showing how you launched your blog and began earning an income right from the start! If you do, please share so others can learn from you. As we celebrate others’ successes we can also all benefit from learning how we might make our own version of success.

If you are a more seasoned blogger, maybe even a blogger for years, use these income reports for ideas on how you might start your own income reports!

One word of caution though for those of us who sometimes quickly feel worse about ourselves when viewing the success of others (it can happen to us all sometimes), try to celebrate and not compare. Another blogger’s success is a beacon of hope for all bloggers!

There is enough internet space for everyone to have their bright shiny spot so when you look at another blogger’s blogging wins, feel encouraged as those wins prove winning is possible and your big win could be just around the corner!

[bctt tweet=”One blogger’s success shows the success of all bloggers is also possible! #happyforyou” username=”perfectplaying”]

So get excited, because we are going to spotlight some blogging victories!

Psst…You may want to take notes!

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #1}

Life and Essie

*This blog’s first month blogging.

This lifestyle blog is run by a 21-year-old dog mum named Maddison (the dog is Essie).Maddison has a super fun, upbeat tone to her writing and you’ll just feel a little bit better about life after reading her words. Plus Essie is super cute!If you’re looking for a fresh blog that will give you tons of great advice, check out Life and Essie.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 29 Posts (Wow, she killed it with writing so many posts in one month!)
  • 430 Pinterest Followers
  • 2,125 Pageviews

First Month Blog Income: $11.81 (Affiliates & Ads)

Take Note –If you are starting a blog there is one thing you may want to devote most of your time to and that thing is likely writing posts. The amount of blogging tasks to complete as a new blogger boarders on insane and you can’t do it all (well unless you have a team working for you and you have gobs of time). The main thing about blogging will always remain the main thing, and that is writing posts. If you focus on writing posts, you’ll be doing a lot of good for your blog, no matter what else you are able to accomplish.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Start.: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, and Do Work That Matters

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #2}

This Outnumbered Mama

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

Over at This Outnumbered Mama, a new reader will be immediately taken by Kaylene’s straight up inspirational life. Seriously, just read her About page and you’ll be hooked. She blogs about parenting, parenting children with disabilities, homeschooling, and working from home. If you are a mom looking for some honest mom type posts, this is a blog to curl up with tonight.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 5,578 Pageviews
  • Facebook (Top referrer)
  • Wrote 2 Posts In The Mighty

First Month Blog Income: $19.07 (Affiliates & Ads)

Take Note – One of the noteworthy facts about Kaylene’s first blog income report is that even as a “tiny” blogger she branched out and wrote for a major website. Her bravery is something we can all learn from and seriously consider what ways a new blogger can tackle other innovative tasks as a new blogger looking to get noticed. If you hope to get your words published in a bigger-than-yours website, go for it!

Helpful Blogging Resource: Starting a Successful Blog when you have NO CLUE! – 7 Steps to WordPress Bliss… (Beginner Internet Marketing Series) (Volume 1)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #3}

Dollar Diligence

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

Dollar Diligence is written by Jacob, a 20-something-year-old hoping to retire by 35. Jacob offers tons of money related posts on things ranging from money mistakes to retirement accounts for millennials. For readers interested in blog writing that has an element of personal story mixed in, with actionable financial advice, there are a lot of engaging posts to be read before making that next money decision.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 30 Subscribers
  • Twitter (Main promotional tool)
  • 2,650 Pageviews

First Month Blog Income: $20.00 (Affiliates)

Take Note – Upon reading Jacob’s first blog income report, we see an encouraging remark when Jacob says, “When I first started the blog, just two months ago, I was told it would take me nearly 6 months to make a dollar from the site. I’m happy to report that I made my first dollar about 40 days into blogging” and that is great news for any new blogger!

Jacob’s first blog income report is certainly in the new stages of blogging and seeing any blogger earn some funds so quickly is a celebratory event for the blogger and a hopeful goal for would-be bloggers.

Helpful Blogging Resource: The One Hour Content Plan: The Solopreneur’s Guide to a Year’s Worth of Blog Post Ideas in 60 Minutes and Creating Content That Hooks and Sells

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #4}

Pinch Of Yum

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

If you love food, you will probably find it quite easy to stay on Pinch Of Yum for quite a long time. Seriously though, we are talking about curries for days, salads that make anyone want to be healthy, and desserts you can bring over to anyone’s house and leave a star. If you are hungry just go check out some of their pictures and start visually feasting.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Report Is From 9/5/2011
  • All Income From Foodie Blogroll
  • Humor Abounds In This Income Report

First Month Blog Income: $21.97 (Ads)

Take Note – Since this initial blog income report, Pinch Of Yum has gone on to accomplish an income that most bloggers dream of (as in thousands a month earned as income). This report is totally wonderful and exciting for any new blogger just beginning their blogging journey to see because it shows everybody starts somewhere!

In the beginning stages of blogging you never, ever know what the future will hold and for Pinch Of Yum, from this first initial blog income report, there later grew blog income reports large enough for the bloggers to focus full-time on this blog and earn enough income to not only support themselves but also other people who work for them.

Please be encouraged new blogger, that you can blog your best and one day maybe your blogging dreams will come true. And perhaps always having a sense of humor helps along the way as well.

[bctt tweet=”Blog your best and one day maybe your blogging dreams will come true! #blogger” username=”perfectplaying”]

Helpful Blogging Resource: Will Write for Food: The Complete Guide to Writing Cookbooks, Blogs, Memoir, Recipes, and More

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #5}

Frugal For Less

*This blog’s first month blogging.

This blogger lives on about $800 a month and can perhaps help you do the same if you’re interested. If you are on the lookout for some awesome money advice that includes categories like the psychology of money and how to save money while traveling, spend some time at Frugal For Less and unlock the potential of your frugality.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 8,422 Total Visitors (Wowza, that’s a lot of folks for month one of blogging!)
  • Ibotta Affiliate
  • Made About $6 On AdSense One Day

First Month Blog Income: $24.50 (Affiliates & Ads)

Take Note – If you read this income report you will notice a few standout pieces of advice one of which is the importance of the blogging community. I also really appreciate this quote the blogger gave towards the bottom of the income report: “Despite the number of ‘you can’ts’ that I receive, I will continue to write my blog. Anything else would just be not following my heart.” There it is, following your heart might be the key to being a blogger.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Chase the Lion: If Your Dream Doesn’t Scare You, It’s Too Small

30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (2)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #6}


*This blog’s first month blogging.

When you visit Aroma Mama you will find a treasure chest full of tips, recipes and even reviews leading you to great information on all things related to healthy living. If you are looking for some new ways to be more educated about living a life of vibrant health, you’ll be so happy you found Stephanie’s blog!

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 23 Subscribers (She wisely started with collecting emails from the beginning!)
  • 242 Instagram Followers
  • 1,117 Pageviews

First Month Blog Income:$36.00(Affiliates)

Take Note – One of the many interesting points raised in Stephanie’s first blogging income report is that she has so many Instagram followers! She had a fantastic strategy of sharing her recipes with her Instagram followers even before launching her blog and that seems to be super smart.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Instagram Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Following Fast, Driving Massive Traffic & Generating Predictable Profits

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #7}

Productive & Pretty

*This blog’s first month blogging.

Led by Jennifer Grayeb, a 30-something-year-old wife, and mom who works for a Fortune 50 company and who has an unmistakable talent for organization and productivity, this is your go-to blog for getting things done in a fun and appealing way! For some amazing tips in all things productivity and prettiness (and for sure bullet journaling!), head over to Productive & Pretty.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 9 Posts
  • 55 Subscribers
  • 10,017 Pageviews

First Month Blog Income: $43.27 (Affiliates)

Take Note – Wowza, do you see those pageviews!? One of the ways to focus on pageviews is to focus on taking blogging courses. Education, yep blogging education, can be a super wise investment to make whether you’re a new blogger looking to launch strong or are a seasoned blogger looking to up your game.

Helpful Blogging Resource:EPIC BLOG: One-Year Editorial Planner

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #8}

The Money Pixie

*This blog’s first month blogging.

The Money Pixie is a financial blog by Beth Nelson, who encourages readers in making money, saving money, and getting out of debt.Beth has some amazing money saving resources on her blog that anyone could use to increase the numbers in their bank account.If you’ve been looking for a little fairy to instantly give you sound money advice, head over to The Money Pixie.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 24 Posts
  • 203 Pinterest Followers
  • 683 Pageviews

First Month Blog Income:$43.28 (Affiliates & Ads)

Take Note – Affiliates for sure seem to pay off even for brand new bloggers. There are some affiliate programs who accept new bloggers right away such as Amazonand Ebates.If you’re looking to get started with affiliates you can start with the stuff you’re using already such as the places you already shop at and love.

Helpful Blogging Resource: Performance Partnerships: The Checkered Past, Changing Present & Exciting Future of Affiliate Marketing

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #9}

Messy Nest Mama

*This blog’s first month blogging.

Messy Nest Mama is a blog about managing motherhood and life authored by Andrea. Andrea is a new mom and started a blog as an outlet for her new stay-at-home mama role. If you’re looking for some parenting advice from a mama who keeps it real, check out Messy Nest Mama.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 53 Pinterest Followers
  • 1,408 Pageviews
  • $50 From Stitch Fix

First Month Blog Income:$50.35 (Affiliates)

Take NoteMoms are busy and don’t have time to mess around. If you’re thinking of starting a blog and you’re a mom wondering how you can find time for this new passion of yours, you may want to start by reading top blogger, Ruth Soukup’s book: How to Blog for Profit: Without Selling Your Soul. She also happens to be the amazing woman behind Elite Blogging Academy (and yep, she does all this with kids).

Helpful Blogging Resource: How to Blog for Profit: Without Selling Your Soul

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #10}


*This blog’s first month blogging.

Yandra, a 20-something-year-old beganSmartnancials.com (formerly Sheblogsaboutjobs.com) in 2016 and has made a super resourceful blog full of helpful money advice. If you’re looking for some smart financial tips that will up your money game, her blog might be your new obsession.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 12 Posts
  • 211 Pinterest Followers
  • 3,528 Pageviews

First Month Blog Income: $51.29 (Ads)

Take Note – In her highly informative post, Yandra mentions all aspects of blogging from her struggles to her successes with mixes of her goals and dreams blended in. While the details vary, every new blogger is bound to face frustrations as soon as a blog starts. If you’re looking for a little bit of an edge to minimize your blogging heartaches and propel you straight away to success, you may find your own inner strength to be your greatest blogging asset.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Will It Fly? How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money

30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (3)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #11}

Well and Wealthy

*This blog’s first month blogging.

Sammy has started Well and Wealthy to escape the typical 9-to-5 in order to have a life full of health and wealth. This blogger offers a plethora of information on the topics of health, blogging, and money. If you’ve ever been hoping to get out of the normal work schedule (because it’s driving you insane and making you sick) and wondering if you’re not alone, you’ll surely find a friend in Sammy.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • £60.00 From SiteGround
  • 699 Pageviews
  • Pinterest Groups Matter

First Month Blog Income: £60.00 (Affiliates)

Take Note – One of the interesting things Sammy says in this blog income report is: “Not joining Pinterest groups until the last half of the month was a mistake. I definitely should have been marketing to them from day one of launch!”

Time and time again we see the importance bloggers place on Pinterest; it really is remarkable. Pinterest is mentioned in almost every blogging income report by bloggers from all sorts of niches and specialties. If you spend time on one blogging thing that isn’t writing posts, you may want to make that one thing Pinterest.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Social Media Marketing when you have NO CLUE!: Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook (Beginner Internet Marketing Series 4)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #12}

BelieveIn A Budget

*This blog’s first month blogging.

Kristin Larsen blogs about budgets, freelance work, side hustles, and various money-related issues. If you are looking for a friendly blogger who has a lot of wisdom to share and does so freely and honestly, you may want to check out Believe In A Budget.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

First Month Blog Income: $61.83 (Affiliates)

Take Note – Starting a blog can entail a lot but doing things like commenting on blogs even though it’s hard when you are shy anyway and have few posts up yourself, can all add up to greater results than you can ever imagine. Even though your confidence might be lacking at times, if you have a passion for blogging, go for it because you never know what good things boldly blogging will bring.

[bctt tweet=”You never know what good things bravely blogging will bring! #braveblogger” username=”perfectplaying”]

Helpful Blogging Resource:Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #13}

Ladies Make Money

*This blog’s first month blogging.

This blog is a resource for ladies wanting to make money online. There are tons of tips on this blog to help any girl begin making money right away or making even more money than they are currently. If you’re a budding entrepreneur eager for online success, you’ll be excited to check out Ladies Make Money.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 19 Posts Created
  • 4,000 Pageviews
  • Created & Sold Course & Guide

First Month Blog Income: $83.14 (Products)

Take Note – It is amazing to think a brand new blogger can not only launch a blog and have posts coming out every week, but also create and sell a course and guide! If you are a new blogger and you want to achieve your blogging dreams, you might have to work a ton, but you might get rewarded a ton as well.

Helpful Blogging Resource:#GIRLBOSS

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #14}

Making Sense of Cents

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

If you are familiar with blogger income reports, you have likely heard of Michelle Schroeder-Gardner from Making Sense of Cents. She now famously makes over $100,000 a month (yes, a month), but what about her early days as a blogger?

Well, I went into the archives of her blog (which are super fun to read!) and while her blog income reports didn’t start the very first month she made her first dollar, thisis the earliest income report(the numbers I’m using for her income report here) that somewhat outlines how she earned her first blogging income (then she just referred to this as “extra monthly income”).

I think her first reportings of income here are a good representation of her early, early days as a blogger, although perhaps not exactly her first month of earning, but her first month of reporting.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Michelle started blogging in August of 2011
  • In a post in January 2012 she tells her readers for the first time:

    And I’m sure you guys have noticed, but I have recently startedmonetizing from my blog. I promise I don’t just blog for the money, I honestly love reading everyone’s blogs and sharing my life with you guys. The only things you all have probably noticed are the sponsored posts lately, please ignore these. With this extra income, I feel much more stress free now because I’m not freaking out about my student loans as much, thankfully. What’s your opinion on blog advertising?

  • In a post in February 2012 she lists:Ad link on my blog– $103Sponsored posts– $60″

First Month Blog Income:$163.00 (Ads & Sponsored Posts)

Take Note –The numbers referenced above for Michelle’s blog income report are from February 2012, although she had been making money from her blog in January 2012(as she stated, “I made over $600 from blog income and surveys!”) and perhaps before January 2012.

It wasn’t clear how much of the January $600 earnings was from blogging and how much from surveys, but in February’s post (the one referenced above with the $163 total) she lays out the details a bit more clearly so I used that one for this example.

The thing about Michelle’s early income earnings is that you can get incredible hope from her early beginnings. I’m sure most bloggers think of Michelle as a person totally unlike themselves, as in she must have some superpowers of blogging and while she is certainly amazing, her early blog income reports give hope to all bloggers.

Michelle is incredible, but she’s also a person who works really hard and experiences blogging setbacks along the way like the rest of us. In her archives, you learn things like her account was deleted, but she had a great attitude about it and kept going.

Michelle’s current blogging income started in a dare I say, “normal” type of blogging way. You get your domain, you get hosting, and you get blogging.

If you are inspired by Michelle (and who isn’t?!) you might want to learn all you can from the master herself (it’s easy to see why she’s a favorite blogger of so many!).

Helpful Blogging Resource:You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (4)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #15}

My Veteran Woman Life

*This blog’s first month blogging.

LeeAnn is a retired Navy veteran, who has a heart for helping other veterans transition to civilian life, make and save money, and find a new career they will love. If you enjoy reading upbeat blogs that serve up actionable advice that can really improve a person’s life and well-being, My Veteran Woman Life is a blog you’ll want to devour and share with others too!

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Uses Google AdSense
  • Uses A Variety Of Affiliates
  • 16,838 Average Monthly Views (On Pinterest)

First Month Blog Income: $179.37 (Ads & Affiliates)

Take Note – It is possible to not only make money your first month blogging as a brand new blogger, but it is also possible to make money in ads! One of the easier ways to start bringing in some income from your blog is to join an ads program and just let those ads sit on your site as viewers come in.

LeeAnn does mention, which is a very valid point, that: “It is important to note that you will get better results the higher your site traffic.” So you will see more ad revenue when you have more people coming over to where those ads are. If you’d like to focus on your blogging traffic, here’s a popular blogging traffic resource.

Helpful Blogging Resource: SEO – The Sassy Way of Ranking #1 in Google – when you have NO CLUE!: Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing (Beginner Internet Marketing Series) (Volume 3)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #16}

Miranda Nahmias

*This blog’s first month blogging.

Miranda is just a joyful person according to the tone of her blog. Seriously, as you read her words you’ll likely get a sense of excitement for life mixed in with a zest for business. If you are interested in being a skilled digital marketer, or you are looking for a fab resource for online services, head on over to Miranda Nahmias and take in all the great advice and options!

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Dual First Month – First Month Blogging & First Month Starting A Business
  • 428 Pageviews On Launch Day
  • 8 Paying Clients

First Month Blog Income: $220.13 (Client Design Work & Ads)

Take Note – This is a great blog income report that has more emphasis on the non-blogging services side of things than on the blogging side of things and that’s so great! Here we see that blogging can be awesome for launching other career moves you care about and that again first months can have all sorts of success! If you are hoping to earn money blogging and/or doing freelance work or virtual assistance stuff, go for it!

Helpful Blogging Resource:Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive, and Build Your Dream Business

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #17}

Toot’s Mom is Tired

*This blog’s first month blogging.

Niki is a mom of a toddler named Toot and she blogs about parenting and mom stuff.Niki has some super helpful content for parents so if you’re a stressed out mom with a toddler wondering how you can survive and even blog at the same time, Toot’s Mom is Tired will make you feel understood and give you some hope.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 53% Of Traffic From Pinterest
  • 3,520 Pageviews
  • Top Affiliate – Bluehost ($130 earned)

First Month Blog Income: $230.00 (Affiliates)

Take NotePinterest seems to be pretty important for blogging, even for brand new blogs that are just a month old. It’s amazing to see that a brand new blogger can get hundreds of Pinterest followers in just one month.If you’re looking to get started with Pinterest but don’t know where to begin you may want to start with this Pinterest book that many bloggers recommend.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Pinteresting – Pinterest Strategies for Brands and Bloggers

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #18}

By Laura Iancu

*This blog’s first month blogging.

Laura’s blog helps other bloggers with their blog, vision, business, and brand. This blog is new for Laura, but she is not a new blogger. Using her previous experience of being an inconsistent blogger who eventually got serious and worked her way up to a full-time blogger income,By Laura Iancuhas a lot of great advice for the blogger looking to get some extra money for that next vacation or being able to quit the job they hate.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 5 Posts
  • 152 Subscribers
  • 2,679 Pinterest Followers

First Month Blog Income:$246.00 (Affiliates)

Take Note – While this is a first month’s blog income earned from a brand new, just one month old blog, this is a blogger with years of blogging experience on previous blogs. Seeing that she knows what she is dong, it is further noteworthy to see that once again, affiliates are a way to earn money straight away as a blogger and the main affiliate that worked for her was Bluehost.

Yep, $200 of the $246 was from good old Bluehost, the hosting service just about every blogger (not really “every blogger” because there are tons of other hosting options) starts with and swears by.

If you are thinking of starting a blog, one of the benefits is that you can also earn money as an affiliate and be able to describe your firsthand experience of being a blogger with that hosting service. If people are going to sign-up with Bluehost after seeing your recommendation, it for sure helps if you actually use Bluehost. Which I happen to do. 🙂

Helpful Blogging Resource:Ask: The Counterintuitive Online Method to Discover Exactly What Your Customers Want to Buy…Create a Mass of Raving Fans…and Take Any Business to the Next Level

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #19}

Taylor Stanford

*This blog’s first month blogging.

Taylor is a college student who amazingly also has time to run an online business. One of the things Taylor blogs about is blogging and she has a unique voice to add to the topic by penning posts about things such as adding blogging to a resume and using your blog to pay for college (that just sounds so smart!).

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Ads Minimally
  • Amazon & Bluehost Main Income Sources
  • Opt-In/Freebie Right Away

First Month Blog Income: $300.00 (Affiliates & Ads)

Take Note – I really like that in her first month’s blogging income report, Taylor addresses something all bloggers feel at some point and that is fear. One of the benefits of making money right away from blogging is that it helps zap that fear of “I’ll never make money blogging” because well, you just made some money blogging!

Blogging can be scary, especially when you are just starting and feel like you don’t have a clue. No matter where you are on your blogging journey, know that your fear is something all bloggers feel at some point but try to move past it anyway.

[bctt tweet=”Don’t let fear stand between you and your blogging dreams. #blogger #fearless” username=”perfectplaying”]

Helpful Blogging Resource:CREATE Blog and Editorial Planner: Create Exceptional Content, Get More Done and Smash Through Your Blogging Goals

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #20}

Start a Blog for Profit

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

Start a Blog for Profit is written by a freelance writer who has a goal of making full-time income from blogging and helping others do the same. When you visit this blog you’ll be met with a wealth of information that will soon have you well on your way to making more informed blogging decisions.

One thing to note about this income report and blog is that it is largely in reference to another blog. This blogger started Start a Blog for Profitin January 2017 and listed the first income report on the blog, but the income report is actually in reference to another blog that the blogger has been blogging on since 2012, but has only now started monetizing. So this report is actually about another more established blog, a travel blog, that is just now being used for blog income. In short, this first month blog income report reflects a blogger’s journey to monetizing an established blog for the first time.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Over $200 From Amazon
  • 25,682 Pageviews
  • Focused On Pinterest

First Month Blog Income: $308.44 (Affiliates & Products)

Take Note – This is a very interesting and unique blog income report. The blog income report isn’t from the blog it’s on, but is about the blogger’s travel blog that has been up and running for years but is only now being monetized.

If you have had a blog for a while but haven’t been making money from it, this report shows that it’s never too late to start! If you are interested in making money off an established blog that could be more profitable, you might get a lot of encouragement from this blogger.

Also, when you read the blogging income report, you see that the blogger shut down the blog’s Facebook page and decided to only spend time on Pinterest. Again, if you are interested in upping your Pinterest game, you may want to check out this Pinterest book that many bloggers recommend.

Helpful Blogging Resource: You Started a Blog – Now What….?: 6 Steps to Growing an Audience, Writing Viral Blog Posts & Monetizing your Blog (Beginner Internet Marketing Series Book 2)

30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (5)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #21}

Mommy On Purpose

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

Carly’s blog is a fun read for just about anyone. She blogs about parenting stuff, money stuff, and how to have a great life in general. Her tone is really honest yet friendly, she is one of those bloggers you’d swear you could be real friends with in real life.

One of the exciting things about reading Carly’s first blog income report is that she started making money about six months into blogging and then it was hardly any time after that when she started making a full-time blogging income. If you want to learn all about living life on purpose, spend some time reading Mommy On Purpose.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Over $400 In Ads
  • 157,794 Pageviews
  • Pinterest Main Traffic Generator

First Month Blog Income: $483.31 (Ads & Affiliates)

Take Note – Carly says something wonderful in her first ever blog income report:

“I didn’t take a single computer class in high school and 6 months ago I literallydid not know the first thing about blogging. You just have to want it bad enough, and be willing to put the time, effort, and money into it.”

Don’t you just want to scream an “Amen” to that?! Who else wants to raise their hand up high and say, “Me, too, me too, I don’t know anything about tech-whatever but I work hard and I want my effort to pay off!”

I think honesty and inspiration in blog income reports is what draws us to them, but also embedded deep into a first time blog income report from a blogger who has gone on to successfully earn a full-time income is the knowledge that: “Wow, this blogger stated just as I am starting now, full of hope and not sure if any of it will bear out. But I know that it did work out for her so I think I can keep going too!”

Sure this is a great blog income report all on its own, but perhaps it is even strengthened by the fact that Carly does continue to make money and does accomplish things that while writing this blog income report she only dreamed of.

You see, there is beauty in beginnings, and no matter where you are at right now in your blogging journey, enjoy your time and make the most of it knowing huge blessings might be on the way. But you always have to have a beginning.

[bctt tweet=”The beginning of your blogging journey is just as meaningful as the middle and the end. #blog” username=”perfectplaying”]

Helpful Blogging Resource:The Kickass Single Mom: Be Financially Independent, Discover Your Sexiest Self, and Raise Fabulous, Happy Children

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #22}

Chasing Foxes

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

Silas and Grace, a married couple traveling the world thanks to their profitable blog endeavors, created Chasing Foxes which is a collection of lifestyletips and advice. If you’re chasing after the life of your dreams, you may want to check out their blog as soon as you can.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Over $450 From Google AdSense
  • Started With ConvertKit
  • Had Computer Issues (Likely lost money due to tech problems!)

First Month Blog Income: $514.85 (Ads & Affiliates)

Take Note – Silas and Grace devote a large portion of their blog income report discussing the importance of getting started withConvertKit. The big takeaway they seemed to learn after just two months of blogging was how they needed to build their email list right away because early blog readers tend to be the blog readers that turn out to be the most loyal over time, hence the importance ofConvertKit.

The email service, ConvertKit,ensures that while you are busy doing as much as you can as a brand new busy blogger, all of your new fans are being accounted for and will be accessible to you later.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Email Marketing Demystified: Build a Massive Mailing List, Write Copy that Converts and Generate More Sales (Internet Business Series)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #23}

The Practical Saver

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

The blog,The Practical Saver, is written by Allan, a husband and father who has gone from $40,000 in debt to having over $200,000 in savings. On his blog you can find all sorts of good stuff ranging from coupon information to losing weight without losing your savings.

This is Allan’s first blog income report after only three months of blogging, and even while looking at his thorough explanations for his blog income earnings, we can see his passion for all things related to finance and for being able to have an eye for detail.

If you like things explained very well and love it when you get to a post and feel like the blogger addressed all your questions, you might find yourself constantly at his blog.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Nearly $600 From Affiliates (FlexOffers & ShareASale)
  • Helped In Facebook Groups
  • 16,960 Pageviews

First Month Blog Income: $657.17 (Affiliates & Ads)

Take Note – Here we have another fantastic story showing the value of affiliates. While every blog will be different in the types of affiliates it will use and refer to, just about every blogger anywhere could benefit from using affiliates in some way.

To get started with affiliate marketing on your blog and to feel like you are doing it well from the beginning, consider all your affiliate options and make affiliate marketing a focus in your blogging tasks.

Also, this blog income report also speaks to the importance of being helpful not only in blog posts, but also in blogging groups; so if you have some information to share, share it, and then people might come check out your blog after.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #24}

The Mostly Simple Life

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

Over at The Mostly Simple Life, by Christine, the blogger behind this super upbeat and informative blog, a reader willdiscover great treats on organizing, money, and even marriage.

This blog is delightful to read; honestly, you will walk away feeling better prepared for life in general after reading just a few posts. Plus, her blog design choices are so clean and lovely, seriously, it’s just refreshing to look at her blog.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Decided To Treat Blog As More Of A Job Than As A Hobby
  • Posted 3 Times A Week Most Weeks
  • $770 (Ibotta)

First Month Blog Income: $940.70 (Affiliates & Ads)

Take Note – One of the things Christine makes a point to address in her first ever blog income report is that taking courses and reading books really helped her. It is not unusual for a blogger to invest in a course or read a book and then see profit from it in terms of real money the following month.

Also, Christine mentioned that she wasn’t surprised a lot of her income came from Ibotta because she writes about them a lot. It is important to see that if a blogger is really passionate about something often a reader can pick up on that too so if there is a passion that can be shared, go ahead and share away. People love honest reviews of whatever another person has found super helpful in life.

Helpful Blogging Resource: Lifestyle Blogging Basics: A How-To for Investing in Yourself, Working With Brands, and Cultivating a Community Around Your Blog

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #25}

Start A Mom Blog

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

Suzi is the mom blogger atStart A Mom Blog, and this income report is kinda extra fun because it is written not by Suzi, but by her husband, John. John is super supportive of Suzi’s blogging and it shows in this report which is just a delight to read. Suzi’s blog is full of blogging tips for a blogger who is just getting started and looking for some encouragement along the way.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 15,313 Pageviews
  • $827.54 (Product sales/book launch)
  • Wrote The Book In One Month

First Month Blog Income: $1,007.48 (Products & Affiliates)

Take Note – I really enjoyed reading this part from John, Suzi’s husband, “The big lesson for me as a husband is that blogging is a team sport! We had a great time pushing the babies through the neighborhood and bouncing ideas off each other to complete the book.”

I just love that! Maybe if you are married and you are getting your blog going, even if your spouse isn’t a blogger at all, you can get a ton of ideas from them if you just ask! Also, Suzi wrote that book in one month. Wow, right?

Helpful Blogging Resource: Published.: The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author

30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (6)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #26}

*This blog’s first month blogging.

Deby Coles

Deby Coles’ blog is focused on helping entrepreneurs get ahead by giving website, blogging, and marketing advice. She isn’t a new blogger, but this is a new blog. She has made a great deal of money in the past with a site called Moms Make Money so she comes with experience and basically a lot of advantages that most new bloggers don’t have.

This blog for sure has a lotof information for new bloggers as the blogger is quite seasoned, but now with a new blog. You may want to check out Deby Coles’ great tips and more on her exciting new blogging adventure.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • $658.88 From ShareASale
  • Didn’t Promote Except Joining Some Facebook Groups
  • 706 Pageviews

First Month Blog Income: $1,007.64 (Mostly Affiliates)

Take Note – This is such a unique blog income report, I want to point out a unique way to view it. This blogger is coming from having earned a lot from previous blogs and is now using that information again. If you are a blogger who is thinking about starting a new blog, keep in mind that your first blog needn’t be perfect, in fact it might not even be your only ever blog!

Just get going on your blogging dreams and let the blogging take you away to new exciting places.

Helpful Blogging Resource:The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #27}

The Budget Mom

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

If you are a mom on a budget, you might get really excited about findingThe Budget Mom and all the resources she offers. The blogger, Miko, has a background in finance and offers tons of tips about how to budget better, get out of debt, and even how to be fit both in your finances and in your physical health.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 92,783 Pageviews
  • 3 Posts Went Viral
  • $841.76 From Product Sells

First Month Blog Income:$1,043.09 (Products & Sponsorships)

Take Note – Here we have a fun blog income report that shows the value in promoting your posts on Pinterest as well as getting going on that product idea you’ve had.

Here’s is an honest insight about bravely launching a first product from Miko herself, “To be honest, I had no idea on what I was doing or how to market it, so I believe my income could have been a lot better if I researched things more.” I’m sure most bloggers who launch a product feel that way – that yeah things could maybe go better but I’m going to give it a go and see how it goes!

It’s refreshing to see that even bloggers who have been at it for a while are still doing things that are daring. No matter where you are in your blogging journey go ahead and be brave and see how it goes!

Helpful Blogging Resource:Launch: An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And Live The Life Of Your Dreams

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #28}

Redefining Mom

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

Redefining Mom is a blog intended to help moms succeed in online businesses. If you are on the hunt for solid online business practices, hurry on over to Redefining Mom.

This blogger quit her job to blog full-time online, and this is her first month blog income report since quitting her job. Note that this income report is the result of a blogger spending about six months building her blog up behind the scenes while she still worked at another job.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • 10,099 Pinterest Followers
  • Various Income Sources
  • Mastermind Helped

First Month Blog Income:$1,134.88 (Freelance, Affiliates & Products)

Take Note – One of the advantages of this successful-from-the-start mom blogger is her built-in business sense. Monica comes from a background in business and seems to know what she’s doing. If you’re interested in starting off your blog strong and wondering about how the heck to use all your experience and strengths to your advantage you may want to check out this post on being the blogger you were born to be.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Mastermind Group Blueprint: How to Start, Run, and Profit from Mastermind Groups

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #29}

Just A Girl And Her Blog

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

This is a blog income report from back in 2014 and is the first ever blog income report of the popular blog,Just A Girl And Her Blogwhich is run by Abby and Donnie Lawson (a wife and husband duo). If you check out this blog, you’ll be greeted with posts on organizing and decorating that will inspire you for days, weeks, and years.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • $1,088 (Evernote affiliate)
  • $671 (Amazon)
  • 77.4% New Visitors (Another site shared their post)

First Month Blog Income:$2,446.00 (Affiliates & Ads)

Take Note – It is really fun to see Donnie say at the beginning of the blog income report: “I’ve stated before thatour goal is to earn$10,000/month by April of 2015throughJust A Girl And Her Blog.It’s difficult to even write that number because we are so far off!” Hint: They were earning over that amount by January 2015!

I just love this because once again, instead of just looking at the more recent blog income reports that show gobs of money being made each month, we can get so much encouragement looking at beginning blog income reports and seeing that a blogger’s dreams come true with time and focused productivity!

Helpful Blogging Resource: Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #30}

The Frugal Millionaire

*This blog’s first month reporting full-time blog income.

Sarah is a blogger form Charlotte (don’t the nicest people seem to come from there?) and her blog, The Frugal Millionaire, is a great place to go for ideas on making money online, making wise decisions once you get some money, and honestly if you just want to check out a pretty looking blog, head over there because her way of doing things is just plain old nice.

This is her blog income report for her first month of blogging full-time. Before blogging full-time she was earning much of her income from freelance work so if you are a freelancer looking to start a blogging gig of your own, you may find a lot of great tips from Sarah.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Over $2,000 In Affiliates
  • 45,000 Pageviews
  • Quit To Stay At Home With Kids

First Month Blog Income: $2,615.73 (Affiliates, Products, & Ads)

Take Note – Sarah clearly says she quit her former job not just to blog, but mainly to focus on her kids (a dream of many moms!).Sometimes what your blogging needs more than anything, is a goal you’ll fight hard for in order to win.

No matter if you’re starting a new blog or starting to get more excited about a blog you’ve had for years, keep in mind your goals, your dreams, and before you know it, you’ll be the remarkable blogger you were born to be.

Helpful Blogging Resource:Money-Making Mom: How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #31}

The Bewitchin Kitchen

*This blog’s first month reporting blog income.

This blog is more than just recipes like you might assume by the title. There are in fact several things to check out on The Bewitchin Kitchen such as travel tips, incredible health information, and some super fun DIY posts. If you are in the mood for having some overall life-based inspiration come your way, you might be on this blog all day.

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Over $3,500 From Sponsorships
  • Switched Ad Networks
  • Other Bloggers Helped Her With Some Blog Issues (Always remember the importance of the blogging community!)

First Month Blog Income: $4,482.35 (Sponsorships, Affiliates, & Ads)

Take Note – One of the things we learn by reading over this blog income report is that even established bloggers are constantly having to change things up.

Sometimes new bloggers feel that all the problems will be worked out and income will just come worry-free once a new blogger becomes a more seasoned blogger. But with blog income reports like these, we can see that blogging is constantly an evaluation process of what is working and what is breaking and making adjustments accordingly.

For Randa, there were some ad network issues that she dealt with that ended up giving her more income once resolved, but for any blogger at any point, there could be all sorts of things that crop up that need to be addressed to make the most of the blog’s income earning potential.

If you are a new blogger feeling like something is off with your blog, don’t give up, keep trying to fix it, and make your blog into what you know it can be!

And if you really can’t figure out your blogging problems, ask for help from other bloggers! They’re usually nice!

[bctt tweet=”#Blogging is constantly an evaluation of what’s working and what’s breaking and then adjusting.” username=”perfectplaying”]

Helpful Blogging Resource:Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

First Month Blog Income Report {Example #32}

Income Diary

*This blog’s first month blogging. (Yes, this is correct.)

This financial blog is run by Michael Dunlop and has been featured in The New York Times, Business Insider, and Reddit.

This blog is perhaps more of a website, but the blog income report is focused on the blog specifically. Michael started the company in 2005 as a graphics forum and the blog income report featured here is from 2009 when the blog portion was considered official. There have now been four more blogs launched, each with millions of visitors so there definitely are some lessons to learn from this blog income report although the blog may be atypical.

If you’re looking for tons of ideas for blog traffic, how to make money online, and business tips in general, Income Diary might be your new obsession.

Oh, and you might be inspired by Michael describing himself as a “dyslexic college drop out” who has had incredible success. Go, Michael!

First Month Blog Income Highlights:

  • Twitter Followers (Added tons daily)
  • Interviews (Interviewed people with huge followings)
  • Course Freebie (His opt-in was a week-long course)

First Month Blog Income: $5,000.00 (Affiliates)

Take Note – Here’s my favorite quote by Michael from this first month blog income report: “I did not wait for PERFECTION before getting started.”

Getting started is the key.

We can all dream of blogging, we can envision blog posts, and opt-ins and social media followers all dancing around in our heads, but we need to have all that stuff be real, be live, and actually be published on the internet in order to start.

If you are looking to start your blog, don’t delay. Every day you put off your blog, you’re putting off your very own exciting first month’s blog income report – whether you share it or not. Who knows, maybe your first month of blogging will bring you more income than you could have ever imagined!

You have to start to find out.

[bctt tweet=”Just start. Don’t wait for anything to be perfect because you’ll be waiting forever. Just #start.” username=”perfectplaying”]

Helpful Blogging Resource:Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living

Money doesn’t have to be a taboo topic, in fact, it can be a super inspirational topic!

Blog income reports can come at any time in a blogging career, but I think you will agree that there is something extra special about a first month blog income report!

With these awesome first month blog income reports, it is clear that bloggers of any niche, bloggers of all sorts of backgrounds, and bloggers with total variations in their blogging timelines can all earn money!

There is so much to celebrate with blogging! Forget the comparison, and just cheer for the amazing blogging opportunities all these first month blogincome reports point to! There is enough blogging success, traffic, and yes, income, to go around and around and around!

Blogger, if you are about to jump heart first into blogging, have been blogging, but have been discouraged, or you are a longtime blogger who has forgotten why you ever started, I hope you can find some hope, some encouragement, and some renewal for your blogging!

There is great fun to be had in a blogger’s first month! First month of launching, first month of reaching a blogging goal, and first month of sharing a blog income report (and that could mean you just share your blog income report with your spouse or your dog!), whatever first month of blogging you might be in, I hope it’s wonderful, I hope you celebrate, and I hope you have something exciting to report!

Every month is a good month to be blogging. High-fives blogger, keep doing your blogging thing!

30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (7)

Loving this blog income report inspiration? *Pin* this post to keep track of these awesome first month blog income reports! If you’re a blogger looking for some pin-errific blog pin happenings, come followPlaying Perfect’s Pinterest Page!

NOW… WHAT awesome actions WILL YOU BE beginning on your blog?!
  • Will you start making blog income reports?
  • Will you begin affiliate marketing?
  • Are you gonna start publishing more posts?
  • Maybe you’ll finally start blogging?!
For more blogging inspiration, check out these ways to be a blogger’s hero!

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30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (8)

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30+ First Month Blog Income Reports That Will Make You Excited To Be A Blogger (Hint: All Made Money The First Month!) - Playing Perfect (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.