How to Start & Grow A Candle Business (2024)

How to Start & Grow A Candle Business (1)

There are more than 2,000 varieties of candles available in over 10,000 scents. With such an abundant marketplace, how can you build a candle business that stands out? Whether you're just launching your company or simply looking to boost sales, we're here to help.

Below, we explore tips for branding your business, marketing your products, selling, shipping, and more.

How To Brand Your Candle Business

How to Start & Grow A Candle Business (2)

Your brand will distinguish your products from competitors in the marketplace, so take care when creating it. Decide what your company is going to represent, who it's going to stand for, and how you want your customers to feel.

If your brand is a sensual one that will inspire relaxation, consider incorporating pastels. Or maybe your candles are nostalgic – scents from grandma's kitchen, your childhood home, etc – in which case your brand might lean toward a rustic, faded palette.

Perhaps it's neither of those and your candles are fun and happy (neons) or luxurious (metallics). Keep in mind throughout the process how that might coordinate with the scents of each candle.

Asking yourself these introductory questions can help you build a brand that will reflect your mission and goals. Then follow your idea through to the end. Come up with a logo, full-fledged color scheme, tagline, and more. Once you have the basics figured out, you can even start building email accounts and social media channels.

For more tips on creating a professional business, read our 4-step branding guide.

How To Package & Label Handmade Candles

How to Start & Grow A Candle Business (3)

Once your branding is figured out, consider how you want to package it. Do you plan on pouring your candles into amber jars, mason jars, glass jars, metal tins, or something completely unique? Does your container have a lid or are you labeling the side, or both? Should you put your labeled candle into a labeled box?

Once you've figured out your containers, ask yourself: What are you going to put on the labels themselves?

Your candle label design should always include your company logo and website, a list of ingredients, a location for where it's made, the weight/net quantity, and the flavor/scent, for starters. You also want to include a candle warning label to keep your customers safe.

Check out more product label design tips.

Where To Sell Handmade Candles

How to Start & Grow A Candle Business (4)

Once you have your products prepared and ready, you need somewhere to sell. Below are popular options for online and offline selling for small candle businesses and hobbyists.

Your Website

The best place to be in this modern age is online. If you're up for building your own website, go for it! Sites like Shopify and BigCommerce make it easy for anybody to tackle their ecommerce dreams. Learn more about website builders.

An Ecommerce Platform

Marketplaces like Etsy and Amazon Handmade are great introductory tools. They provide the internet framework and customers, plus, customers already trust the sites for transmitting payment. Explore B2C marketplaces and B2B marketplace options for your business.

Farmer's Markets

Most cities have local outdoor shops and markets that meet on a weekly or monthly basis. See if they're accepting new vendors and get out there! People like to buy from people, so this could give you the facetime you need to get your brand up and running. Find out how to sell at farmer's markets.

Pop-Ups & Craft Fairs

Pop-up shops are temporary retail locations. They happen in big cities around the holidays and for special occasions. You don't need to rent or own any space to participate and there's an implied sense of urgency around your product since it doesn't last long.

Craft fairs are similar in that they're only around for a limited number of days. Hear from an expert seller on selling at fairs & markets.


Boutiques are another great option if you don't offer enough products to fill a whole store or aren't ready to take that next step. Boutiques are perfect for unique products, as they're usually diverse and full of personality themselves. Handmade, non-mass-produced products really do well in these types of shops. Check out these tips from a boutique owner.

Your Own Brick-And-Mortar

If you're looking for the greatest amount of control over your product and your customer experience, it may be time to find your own storefront. This guarantees your customers always know where to find you, you don't have to sacrifice a portion of your sales, and you can set normal operating hours.

If this is the right choice for you, consider everything that goes into expanding. Here are 9 expenses that come with growth and tips on opening a physical location.

How To Ship Handmade Candles

How to Start & Grow A Candle Business (5)

With social media, the user experience and "unboxing process" is everything. Do you plan to brand your shipping bags or boxes or simply use what's provided by your shipping carrier?

Whichever route you go, be sure to use high-quality materials that match the brand you built. Include bubble wrap or packing peanuts around your product to keep it safe during transport. Packages can get banged up, dropped, or tossed around in transit.

Equally as important is the candle itself. Most people consider the box and container when packaging a candle for delivery, but not the product inside.

Take caution shipping your products during certain seasons. When shipping candles, temperatures can fluctuate. Your wax could melt or warp in hot environments or crack in cold ones. Some sellers recommend frozen gel packs for the summer months or packing them tightly for warmth in the winter.

Are you ready to tackle the candle market? Create your personalized candle labels today. Shop our blank candle labels, then use Maestro Label Designer and our free candle label templates to get started.

Already have your design created? Send it to us and have your labels printed for you on sheets or rolls! Labels on rolls are more cost effective at a larger quantity, so consider this if you want a more efficient labeling or packaging process.

Want more support before jumping in? Hear from a candle entrepreneur on starting a candle business or check out our commentary on candle labels + feedback on customer candle designs.

How to Start & Grow A Candle Business (2024)


Is it worth starting a candle business? ›

A candle-making business can be highly profitable. Not only is there a low-cost barrier to entry, but the candle-making industry is expected to reach nearly $5 billion by 2026. People love candles, and they're most likely going to continue buying candles for a long time.

What do I need to start my own candle making business? ›

How to start a candle business
  1. Do market research.
  2. Build your brand.
  3. Create a candle business name.
  4. Write a business plan.
  5. Make candles to sell.
  6. Build your online store.
  7. Create a marketing plan.
13 Apr 2021

What type of candles sell best? ›

Top Four Favorite Selling Candles All Year
  • Vanilla Soy Candles.
  • Almond Vanilla Candles.
  • Sandalwood Amber Soy Candles.
  • Mineral Springs Candles.

Is there profit in candle making? ›

​As you have seen making candles at home can be more than just a hobby to occupy your free time and help you unwind; it can also be a profitable business.

How many candles do I need to start a business? ›

Enter: The 84 Candle Rule.

Before you even begin to sell candles, create 84 of them and give almost all of them away. There's a lot underneath this simple rule.

How much money do you need to start a candle business? ›

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Candle Making Business? The average cost to start a candle business ranges from $9,500 to $78,000, with an average around $44,000. As a small business startup, candle making doesn't take a huge hit on your personal finances.

How much money does a candle business make? ›

Candle Business Salary
Annual SalaryWeekly Pay
Top Earners$102,500$1,971
75th Percentile$63,000$1,211
25th Percentile$30,000$576

Can I make candles at home and sell them? ›

You can sell your homemade candles almost anywhere, from online selling sites to your own online store. Renting a stall at the local crafts fair? Homemade candles travel well, so you can sell them both offline and online.

What wax is best for candle making? ›

Paraffin wax—a very inexpensive wax—is most widely used across candle brands, says Fitchl, because it can hold a high amount of fragrance and color. It also comes in various melt points, making it suitable for making many different types of candles, from containers to pillars.

What is the strongest candle scent? ›

Typically Rose fragrances have more pungent, and penetrating notes, while Honeysuckle is a sweeter, blossoming type. If you were to say which is stronger, most would choose the Rose.

What is the most sold candle scent? ›

Vanilla just so happens to be America's most popular flavor, so it makes sense as to why this scent is so high up on the list.

Which smell is best for candles? ›

Best overall candle

At the top is cannabis leaf, lemon peel, and rhubarb — which you smell immediately. Then there's almond, tulip, sage, and eucalyptus. Finally, when you blow it out or let it burn for a while, you start to smell the suede, musk, and amber.

Can you sell candles without insurance? ›

The answer to this question is positive as well! You do need insurance to sell candles or wax melts online from home, or at your shop. There are some risks involved with candle businesses that might become very costly if you don't have basic insurance for selling candles that will cover you.

How do I sell my candles from home? ›

Here are a few options to explore:
  1. Etsy. As the top marketplace for creative entrepreneurs, Etsy gets your candles in front of lots of people fast. ...
  2. Social media. ...
  3. Your own website. ...
  4. Farmers markets. ...
  5. Craft fairs and festivals. ...
  6. Shops. ...
  7. Boutiques. ...
  8. Etsy wholesale.

How much does the average candle maker make? ›

Average Salary for a Candle Maker

Candle Makers in America make an average salary of $52,472 per year or $25 per hour. The top 10 percent makes over $113,000 per year, while the bottom 10 percent under $24,000 per year.

How can I make my candles smell stronger? ›

Ensuring your wick is trimmed to at least half an inch before each burn time is vital for the candle to produce a strong enough scent. If the wick is too long, then the flame will be too large and burn the melted wax at a faster rate – giving the scent less time to evaporate and fill a room.

Is it worth selling candles on Etsy? ›

Selling your candles and other handmade products online is a great way to reach new customers and spread awareness of your brand. Maintaining a website for your small business is always beneficial—we go over the basics of choosing a platform for your online store here.

Is candle business easy? ›

Candle making is one of the best small businesses you can start. It has low startup costs, doesn't require much equipment, and can be done right from home. Before you launch a business, hone your craft and get comfortable with the candle making process. Always plan ahead.

How do I start a candle business in 2022? ›

Follow along to learn how to start your own candle business in seven steps.
  1. Put a Plan Together. ...
  2. Register Your Candle Business. ...
  3. Prepare To Make Your Product. ...
  4. Build a Website. ...
  5. Choose Additional Channels To Sell Your Candles. ...
  6. Calculate Your Sales Price. ...
  7. Market Your Candle Business.
5 Apr 2022

Is homemade candle a good business? ›

If planned properly, a candle-making business can be a profitable venture. Unlike other business ideas, like launching a bakery, candle-making offers great profit margins. The cost of making candles is low, and it's easy to get started without any major capital investment.

What age group buys the most candles? ›

In terms of customer demographics by age, Danziger's research indicates that the biggest buyers of candles are under 25 or over 55.

What is the average price of a candle? ›

In a given month with 100 candle sales, you would expect to pay $961.00 just to sell those candles. Each candle would have to be priced at $9.61, just to break even.
ItemCost per CandleCost per Month (based on 100 candles sold)
Average Shipping Cost$5.50$550.00
5 more rows
15 May 2020

Do you need FDA approval to sell candles? ›

These products, including scented candles, laundry detergents, and household cleaners, fall outside the scope of FDA regulation based on their intended use and are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

What needs to be on a candle label? ›

Your company name, logo and contact information. The name and place of your business are U.S. candle label requirements, according to the Fair Packaging and Labeling guidelines. Make sure you include them somewhere on the label.

What wax does Yankee Candle use? ›

Yankee candles are made from paraffin wax, as well as essential oils for fragrance and cotton for the wicks.

What is the healthiest candle wax? ›

Beeswax candles are the healthiest choice in candles. Made from the caps of bee honeycombs, beeswax candles burn clean, are very long-burning, and give off a pleasant natural fragrance as they burn. Beeswax candles are dripless when burned properly, and release negative ions which help clean the air in a room.

What wax holds the most fragrance? ›

If you decide that you want a clean-burning candle that will give you the strongest scent throw you can get, you might choose paraffin. If you want a wax that is clean-burning, comes from a renewable source, has a great scent throw, and burns longer, soy might be the way to go.

What makes a good candle? ›

The best quality candles will have a wick that is the right size and construction for the candle. You can tell your candle has a good wick if it burns cleanly, evenly, and creates a pool of liquid wax all the way across the surface of the candle within 2 to 4 hours.

What type of candle lasts the longest? ›

The first step is understanding the wax. This is where soy reigns supreme. Paraffin wax tends to be cheaper, and burns at a much faster rate than soy wax. In comparing two candles of the same size, a paraffin candle will usually have a lifespan of 35 to 40 hours whereas a soy candle can burn for 50 to nearly 80 hours.

What is a luxury candle? ›

Luxury candles tend to use higher-end alternatives to paraffin, such as coconut wax, beeswax, and soy wax. For example, our candles are made with natural soy wax, which burns less quickly than paraffin and allows you to savor the ambience and aroma up to 50% longer.

What country buys the most candles? ›

Exporters and Importers

In 2020, the top importers of Candles were United States ($711M), Germany ($448M), United Kingdom ($318M), Netherlands ($204M), and France ($124M).

What is the most valuable fragrance? ›

Top of the list of most expensive fragrances is Shumukh, created by Nabeel. Launched in 2019, this musky scent made with rose and sandalwood costs more than €1.5 million euros.

Can you use perfume in candles? ›

Use perfume in place of fragrance oils: Just like crayons, perfume is NOT meant to burn like our fragrance oils are. It will not throw well and it could clog your wick. Always use fragrance oils that are designed for candle making. We have nearly 400 fragrances to choose from and we are adding more each year!

How many drops of essential oil do you put in a candle? ›

We recommend using 30 to 40 drops of essential oils for a single eight-ounce candle. Remember that soy and beeswax aren't known for their ability to throw scent. If you're concerned that your candle will be too strong, start with 30 drops.

Why don't my homemade candles smell? ›


Candle curing is the process where the wax and fragrance bind into one and settle. The process can take up to a couple of weeks to actually cure. Curing is important because the longer the wax and fragrance get to bind, the stronger the scent can become. Think of it like spaghetti.

Can you sell candles without warning labels? ›

Safety Labeling: Not Required, but Expected

In 2007, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), ASTM International, and the National Candle Association (NCA) developed a voluntary labeling standard concerning candle warning labels.

Can you add glitter to candle wax? ›

Once the wax melts, remove from heat and carefully pour wax into candle jars. Right away, while the wax is still nice and warm, pour tons of glitter into each candle jar. The glitter is lighter than the candle wax and will sit right on top of it – but at the same time it will blend into the wax.

How much can I make a month selling candles? ›

If you sell your candles for $20 each, that's a profit of $15 per candle (assuming a $5 cost). By selling 100 candles per month, you can make $1,500 from your candle making side hustle. Not bad! It's certainly possible to make over $200 per day selling candles.

How big is the candle industry? ›

The market size, measured by revenue, of the Candle Manufacturing industry is $2.3bn in 2022. What is the growth rate of the Candle Manufacturing industry in the US in 2022? The market size of the Candle Manufacturing industry is expected to decline -1.6% in 2022.

Can you sell candles as a hobby? ›

Candle making is a hobby that many people turn into a business. It starts as a side hustle to learn the fundamentals before evolving into a full-time small business. The National Candle Association estimates the candle industry is worth several billion dollars and popularity is on the rise among amateurs.

Where do candle makers get their scents? ›

Candle manufacturers can select from more than 2,000 aroma chemicals and essential oils to develop scents that are both pleasing to consumers and compatible with candle use. These fragrance materials are safe, high-quality ingredients that are also found in many perfumes, bath soaps, lotions and shampoos.

What is the professional name for a candle maker? ›

Did You Know? Did you know a candle maker is known as a "chandler"? The term is related to "chandelier", meaning an ornate, branched light fitting that held lot's of candles!

Is candle business saturated? ›

The candle market is saturated with competition, but this is not something to worry about. A saturated market means people are buying candles, and lots of them. Candles are not a product customers buy once and done.

Is candle making a good side hustle? ›

Making homemade candles can become a profitable side hustle due to its simple yet effective business model. Transforming raw natural materials into a product that will sell for a price that includes its production, shipping and marketing costs makes it a perfect candidate for a side business to generate income.

How much money can you make from a candle business? ›

Candle Business Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$102,500$49
75th Percentile$63,000$30
25th Percentile$30,000$14

How much you can earn from candle making business? ›

The cost of making candles is not much. The profit margin is also better than a lot of other consumer products. One can easily make a profit percentage of more than 30% on selling candles. To achieve break-even it will take a minimum period of 4 months and the expected gross profit is 35 to 45 percent.

Is selling candles a good side hustle? ›

Making homemade candles can become a profitable side hustle due to its simple yet effective business model. Transforming raw natural materials into a product that will sell for a price that includes its production, shipping and marketing costs makes it a perfect candidate for a side business to generate income.

Are candles in high demand? ›

Primarily driven by rising demand for soy candles, the total Global Candle Market is estimated to reach USD 9.9 Billion by the year 2028. The Market stood at a revenue of USD 6.8 Billion in the year 2021, and expected to exhibit a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.5%.

How much does it cost to sell candles on Etsy? ›

Fees are relatively low. Etsy's listing fee is $0.20 per listing, which must be renewed every 4 months if the item listed is still for sale at that time. Other fees include a transaction fee, shipping transaction fee, and payment processing fee.

Do candles sell well on Amazon? ›

It's no secret that online marketplaces are a great way to sell candles. Amazon and Etsy are two of the most popular platforms for selling candles and for good reason.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.