What is the Strongest Candle Fragrance? - Keystone Candle Blog (2024)

Before we can identify the strongest fragrance, we should determine a family of fragrances that we prefer. These families include: Florals, Perfumes, Fruits, Berries, Melons, Sweet, Spicy, Bakery, Pine, Woody, Exotic, and Incense Type. These are just some of the major categories. This identification process will help eliminate types you aren’t interested in. From here you can begin to evaluate the exact fragrance from the family of your choice. Then you can begin to choose the strongest of these.

The strength or potency of a fragrance is determined by its QC factor, Quality and Character. Quality refers to the different essential and synthetic oils used to create the desired effect. Perfumers are challenged daily to find and blend these oils in the proper percentages to achieve the desired essence and at the same time keep it in the expense ratio for the customer. A more expensive fragrance does not necessarily determine its potency. Character refers to its sensory value. For example, in the floral family, lets choose Rose and Honeysuckle. Typically Rose fragrances have more pungent, and penetrating notes, while Honeysuckle is a sweeter, blossoming type. If you were to say which is stronger, most would choose the Rose. Each fragrance contains its own unique character and perfumers are so talented in combining different aromatic oils to achieve the desired effect.

Strength is finally determined by the individual. This can be the most important factor when it comes to fragrance evaluation. Every person, with their likes and dislikes, is different when it comes to perception.

Perception is evaluated in 3 ways. First, each person has varying degrees of sensitivity to fragrances. Heredity, environmental influences, physiology, ingested chemicals or medications can have a dramatic effect on the stimulus of the nerve endings in your nasal passage. Some customers may enter a candle shop and be overwhelmed with either the multitude of the fragrance mixture or just one type of fragrance that inundates their sensitive nasal receptors, while others may compliment the inviting aromas, and still others may have difficulty in noticing a fragrance, even when the package or container is freshly opened.

Secondly, strength is determined by the Throw of the fragrance. The throw, or the notice-ability of a candle, depends on the molecular action created by the warming or melting of the scented wax and the amount of warmed liquid wax that is in contact with the air. A pillar candle with its higher melt temperature, to protect it from run off or dripping, creates a limited wax pool. While the pillar candle is aesthetically beautiful, its ability to add fragrance to the room is limited. Jar or container candles normally use a much lower melt temperature wax and the same flame size can create a larger pool of warmed liquid scented wax. This type of candle generally emits more fragrance molecules into the air of the room. Obviously, then, the more warmed liquid fragrant wax that comes in contact with the air, the more fragrance molecules will be emitted. A 26 Oz jar has about a 4” diameter pool of liquid wax after about 3 hours of burn time. Our 64 Oz jar candle has more that 3 times the amount of surface area with 3 flames drawing the fragrance molecules from the wax essentially increasing the throw by 3 times. Likewise, when purchasing a tart warmer, if you want to get the best results, choose one with a larger warming dish.

And finally, keep in mind that the receptors in you nose can become desensitized to a particular character when stimulated even for a period of an hour or two. Even though the candle is emitting the same amount of fragrance molecules, the notice-ability can be diminished for you. However if you leave the room for a period of time and return later you will be able to observe the pleasant fragrance you chose. Likewise someone entering your house will compliment you on how wonderfully you house smells.


What is the Strongest Candle Fragrance? - Keystone Candle Blog (2024)
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