How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (2024)


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    How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (9)

    Home / Blog / What Repels Mice? Scents, Sounds & Other Things They Hate

    By: EarthKind

    A surefire way to get rid of mice is to make sure your home is not filled with their favorite things. Doing so can be tricky since they like a lot of the same things as people. Having a few things in common with these tiny home invaders doesn’t mean you have to live with them, though.

    Find out what kinds of things mice don’t like (and some of what they do) and how you can use that information to make sure they stay outside where they belong.

    A Few Facts

    How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (10)

    These critters can live up to two years in captivity but typically lead shorter lives in the wild. They can reproduce when they are just two months old. A female can give birth to a litter every 6-8 weeks, and each litter averages between 2-12 baby mice. This means if you notice one of these pests in your home, it can quickly lead to a big mouse problem.

    Rodents are motivated by survival instincts, meaning they will do whatever they can to find food, water, and shelter. However, just like you and me, mice have preferences; there are some things they love and some things they hate.

    Now that you know some facts about them, we’ll move on to explore things mice like and what they would prefer to avoid.

    How to Repel Mice

    There are a number of ways you can repel mice away from your home in the first place. The most important approach is to keep a neat and tidy home with possible entry points sealed off. Reducing clutter means there will be fewer places for them to hide. If there aren’t crumbs available and they can’t find a way in, your house isn’t a good home for them.

    It’s good to take a proactive approach with deterring these pests and put other methods in place, as well.

    Here’s a list of common tactics homeowners often try to help keep mice away:

    • Repellents
    • Bright lights
    • Strong smells
    • Loud sounds

    We explore the effectiveness of each of these tactics and natural solutions to consider below.

    Botanical Repellents

    A proven option is to use a plant-based mouse repellent in place of a trap or poison. Fresh Cab® and Stay Away® Rodent repellents are made from botanical ingredients, including plant fiber and balsam fir oil. These scent pouches contain essential oils that create an odor that is overwhelming to rodents, but pleasant to people. When rodents smell the pouch, they don’t want to come anywhere near it and will avoid treated areas.

    By simply putting the pouch in your home, garage, or other problem areas, you will deter mice effectively, without the danger of harmful chemicals.

    Will Keeping Lights on Keep Mice Away?

    Although mice aren’t exclusively nocturnal, they tend to be more active at night for a few reasons. These creatures are sensitive to bright lights and have poor eyesight. Survival instincts cause them to avoid larger animals and being active at night helps mice avoid being seen by predators, as well as people. Because mice avoid danger, they may be scared off by bright, flashing lights or loud noises.

    What Scents Will Keep Mice Away?

    Strong, fresh odors tend to overwhelm rodents and their sense of smell, scaring them off. They avoid danger by relying on their keen sense of smell, which makes up for their weak eyes. They rely on this sense to find food, detect danger, and follow scent trails as a way of navigation.

    Some strong scents people often use as a natural mouse repellent include lavender, peppermint oil, other natural essential oils, and vinegar solutions. These tactics can work when used by themselves, but there aren’t clear instructions about how much to use, how to apply the scents, how often reapplication is needed, or how long the scents will remain effective. The strong smell of peppermint and other oils can quickly disappear when simply applied to a cotton ball (a common approach). This means the results for these methods can be inconsistent and inconclusive. That’s why we recommend Stay Away® Rodent, which utilizes these scents to effectively keep mice away and provides continuous protection for 30 days.

    Placing dryer sheets around the house is another common DIY solution, however, the smells don’t last long and the results are inconsistent.

    The scent of another animal, such as a cat, can sometimes scare mice away. Again, their goal is to avoid danger, so the smell of a cat or their litter box may cause the pest to go elsewhere. The scent of another mouse also may alert them to avoid an unfriendly neighbor.

    Lastly, contrary to what cartoons may have led you to believe, mice don’t actually like cheese very much. If you think about it, cheese is quite stinky and the strong smell may actually keep them from coming close to a mousetrap.

    Sounds That Repel Mice

    Loud sounds suggest danger, which these pests want to avoid. Mice prefer to be alone, away from humans and animals, so being around a lot of noise is not ideal.

    High-pitched noises may affect rodents, but research has shown the effects are often overcome within a day or so, regardless of whether the frequency is variable, intermittent, or random. There are sound-based deterrents available, however, you will need a consistent power source for these to work properly. While people may not notice the sounds, other animals, such as household pets, may find them irritating. Consumer reviews indicate that not all of these products work as advertised, and they have not been adopted by pest control professionals despite decades of availability.

    What Attracts Them?

    Now that we know mice hate strong, fresh smells, loud noises, bright lights, and anything that signifies danger, it’s important to consider what attracts them.

    In favorable conditions, such as spring and summer when the weather is warm and food is abundant, these pesky pests will live mostly outdoors because nature can satisfy all their needs. When the temperature drops during fall and winter, they look for shelter in homes, garages, farm buildings, stored vehicles, and other places that offer protection from the elements.

    These critters are omnivores and can eat almost anything. Indoors, they are attracted to food pantries, uncovered garbage cans, stored seeds, and pet food. They like to eat 15-20 times each day, meaning they must nest near a reliable food source. They are constantly chewing wiring, books, magazines, wood, cardboard, and plastic because it feels nice on their teeth, which never stop growing.

    Cleaning up possible gnawing and nesting materials, as well as any cluttered areas where they may find shelter, will reduce the chances of an infestation. Storing food in air-tight containers and using garbage cans with a fitted lid will also help prevent the little pests.

    For the best repellent option, check out Stay Away® Rodent or Fresh Cab®, plant-based solutions that repel mice without harming them. EarthKind® products are backed by a 100% money-back guarantee!

    How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (11)

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    1. How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (12)

      Rita Stadler 7 Nov 2022Reply

      Hi Catrina,

      That sounds like a very stressful situation! The good news is you are doing the right things by storing food in airtight containers and keeping the place clean. Blocking entry points with steel wool is a really good idea too. Sometimes rodents will still seek food or shelter in undesirable places when there is overpopulation or a lack of resources. I would suggest doing another inspection of the areas around your home where mice could be getting in and making sure everything is sealed correctly. Dryer vents, electrical outlets, utility lines, attics, and garages are some of the most susceptible points. For added protection, try placing EarthKind’s rodent repellent pouches in the areas you wish to protect.
      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!

  • How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (13)

    izaiah 8 Aug 2022Reply

    hi, I’m 14 and I’ve been dealing with a mouse for a week now and i know it can climb onto my bed and i can’t sleep with the little critter scurrying around my room. I’ve tried glue mouse traps with peanut butter on them and wait till it comes out to try to trap it myself. i can’t get any sleep because I’m afraid it will bite me. there is this one stain on my carpet floor which is syrup that i litteraly cannot clean, though i dont know if thats what the mouse keeps going in my room for. please reach out. thanks

    1. How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (14)

      Rita Stadler 11 Aug 2022Reply

      Hi Izaiah,

      Thanks for reaching out! I’m so glad that you’re doing your research and trying to find a solution 🙂 The first thing you can do is make sure your room is clean – this is important because it will ensure there isn’t any food anywhere that might attract a mouse to the area (mice love dog food and other pet food, so make sure that is stored securely if you have any). Keeping your room clean will also mean that there are fewer places for mice and other pests to hide, so it’s well worth it! Next, you’ll want to look for entry points like any holes or cracks in the walls or flooring, or gaps around windows or doors. Mice can fit through very small openings, so make sure to seal them with steel wool and/or silicone caulk. The last thing you’ll want to do is put a few pouches of rodent repellent in the room, and anywhere you’ve seen mice or signs of rodent activity. Please let me know if you have any other questions, and thank you for taking the time to read and comment!

  • How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (15)

    DAvid 7 Nov 2021Reply

    I woke up this morning to find a mouse in my room, tonight I found out that there are more, and I am scared to leave my chair, any good ways to scare them off? It’s 2AM so I can’t look for any items around the house to repel them but I just want them out of my room, and to STAY OUT!

    1. How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (16)

      Rita Stadler 10 Nov 2021Reply

      Hi David,

      I’m so sorry to hear about the stressful situation you’re dealing with! For an immediate issue like you’re describing, turning on the lights may or may not cause the furry intruders to scurry away, but it will definitely help you see what you’re dealing with, so I’d start there. Next, if you are directly facing a rodent and there is anything with a strong scent nearby like air freshener or body spray, you could chase the critter off with a couple quick sprays. For a longer-term solution, you’ll need to make sure the area is neat and tidy, free from exposed food, liquids, uncovered trash bins, pet dishes, and anything else that may attract mice. Then you’ll need to look for openings mice could use to get inside – closely inspect doors, windows, cable and utility lines, etc… Seal any openings you find with steel wool or silicone caulk. For proven protection and peace of mind, keep a couple pouches of Stay Away Rodent nearby as well. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions.
      Thank you for reading!

  • How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (17)

    Kaitlyn Estes 14 May 2021Reply

    I have a dog so I can’t use poison or hire an exterminator so what do I do my dog can’t eat at night due to mice

    1. How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (18)

      Rita Stadler 14 May 2021Reply

      Hi Kaitlyn,
      That sounds really stressful! Stay Away Rodent is a natural alternative to harmful chemicals like an exterminator might use. It’s made with plant fiber and botanical oils, so there’s no need to worry about using it around your dog. I would suggest keeping a pouch nearby where your dog eats, another pouch where your store the dog food, and if you have any idea where the mice are coming from, put a pouch there too. Once you notice that the rodent activity has calmed down, make sure to seal any potential entry points with hardware cloth, steel wool, or silicone caulk. If you have more questions, feel free to contact us: or call (800) 583-2921 Monday–Friday, 8:00–4:30 EST

  • How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (19)

    Tyshawn 23 Jan 2021Reply

    im only 13 i just heard a mouse in my room, ive seen it before during the day time. it was really tiny and fat but it was really nasty and i need to clean my room but im terrified of anything non human. I dont want to accidentally come across it while im cleaning or its droppings and urine. You saying they can climb 10 foot tall walls isnt making it any better, its only making me more scared because now i know they can come onto my bed if they really wanted to. Now im freaking out. i need sleep its only 3am and i want to enjoy my day tomorrow so i highly suggest if you didnt say anything? i dont know if you’re bluffing or not but either way i dont like it.

    1. How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (20)

      Rita Stadler 25 Jan 2021Reply

      Hi there!
      I’m sorry to hear you’re stressed out and having trouble sleeping. Cleaning your room is the best thing you can do to make sure there are no mice hiding anywhere. There are a few things you can do to avoid any surprise rodent run-ins when you’re cleaning. First, have lots of light in the room, which will make it easier for you to see what you’re doing, and mice tend to avoid well-lit areas. Next, play some music, the noise and vibrations will cause mice and other common pests to avoid the area. Strong scents also cause pests to avoid the area, so try using an essential oil diffuser, or even some scented cleaning spray or a homemade mix of vinegar and water in a spray bottle for cleaning surfaces will help. It might help you feel a little better to have a plan for what you’ll do if you see a mouse such as having an empty shoebox nearby that you can cover it with, then place something heavy on the box and go get an adult to help you remove the rodent, or you may want to keep a broom nearby so if you see anything scary, you can sweep it out your door.
      I really hope this helps, and if you still feel stressed, send us a message on FB or IG – we’re here for you! <3

    2. How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (21)

      Trevor Reed 15 Nov 2021Reply

      Same thing here i just saw one

  • How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (22)

    Amy 29 Nov 2020Reply

    Came home friday to find a dead mouse on my floor an my cat at side of it really proud of her self never seen any signs of having mice came back today an there we go again another mouse does this mean I av a nest of them any help plz x

    1. How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (23)

      Rita Stadler 4 Dec 2020Reply

      Hi There! Unfortunately, when you see one mouse, there are usually more nearby. It sounds like your cat is doing a great job, but getting rid of mice is important for your health as well as the health and safety of your pets. Our rodent repellent doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals and can be used in your home and around your pets. We suggest placing pouches in the areas where you’ve seen mice, or signs of mouse activity. Then you’ll need to see if you can find what is attracting mice to the area; they may be sharing your pet’s food, or taking advantage of another food source such as an uncovered trash can or items stored in your kitchen. Make sure all food is stored securely in airtight, chew proof containers such as glass cannisters; try only giving your pet a single serving at meal times instead of leaving a full dish of food out all of the time if that is an option. Next, you’ll need to inspect your home for any holes, cracks or gaps that mice may be using to get inside. Pay special attention around doors and windows, and look at the places where plumbing and utility lines pass through the floor or walls – if you see any openings, fill them with steel wool and silicone caulk so the mice can’t get inside.
      Thanks for reading!

  • How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (24)

    Mike Mickley 9 Apr 2020Reply

    We have a mice infestation in our basem*nt. I’ve been using live traps and have caught over 20 mice in the past 3 weeks. We’ve just received your rodent repellent and fresh cab, and have some questions:
    1. Our basem*nt is ~800 sq. ft. If we repel them in the basem*nt, will they come upstairs? So far we have no evidence they’ve been in or near the upstairs.
    2. If we place the pouches around the basem*nt perimeter, where will they go? We believe they came in thru the crawl space, but have sealed that off now, so they can’t get out where they came in.
    3. The outside walls in the unfinished basem*nt have insulation. We see that they’ve been chewing insulation, so are likely nesting there. What’s the best way to position the pouches?

    Thank you for your help.

    1. How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (25)

      Rita Stadler 14 Apr 2020Reply

      Hi Mike,
      It sounds like you have made an excellent assessment of the situation, nice job!
      1. Mice can climb stairs so you will want to be on high alert that they don’t leave your basem*nt and end up in another area — using Fresh Cab throughout the home will prevent this and give you peace of mind.
      2. Mice are pretty resilient and may still find a way out even if you blocked the original entrance, but you can also use the live traps in unison with Fresh Cab, relocating and releasing the caught mice a safe distance from your home.
      3. If possible, you can place Fresh Cab inside the wall voids, but try tying a string of some sort to the pouches so you can retrieve and replace them when the scent has worn off.
      For more support, give us a call (800) 583-2921 Monday–Friday, 8:00–4:30 EST.
      Thanks for reading!

  • How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (26)

    Bernice 8 Apr 2020Reply

    Deep clean my home and cover the area where there coming clean cupboards got new foods and still finding ways still coming in bleached the floors an cupboards . Need to clean under home really stink of rat or mices urines still help plz . I got food for me not them.

    1. How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (27)

      Rita Stadler 14 Apr 2020Reply

      Hi Bernice,
      What a frustrating situation! It sounds like you have taken all the right steps, but we’d love to talk to you if you’re able to call us(800) 583-2921 Monday–Friday, 8:00–4:30 EST Make sure you’ve stored your food in airtight, chew-proof containers and are using our rodent repellent pouches in areas where you’ve seen signs of mice.
      Thanks for reading!

  • How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (28)

    Luis 7 Apr 2020Reply

    They don’t climb just 13in I’ve seen them climbing the walls in my backyard 10 foot high like lizards and my walls are smooth doesn’t even have a texture..

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    How to Repel Mice - What Scents & Sounds Keep Mice Away (2024)


    What sounds make mice go away? ›

    These pesky animals hate high-intensity ultrasonic sounds. The sounds whose frequencies are greater than 20kHz are regarded as ultrasonic sound waves. The sound frequency lying in the range of 22kHZ to 35kHz is irritating and acoustically unbearable for rats, mice, and other rodents.

    What are mice afraid of? ›

    These creatures are sensitive to bright lights and have poor eyesight. Survival instincts cause them to avoid larger animals and being active at night helps mice avoid being seen by predators, as well as people. Because mice avoid danger, they may be scared off by bright, flashing lights or loud noises.

    What time do mice come out at night? ›

    Mice are nocturnal creatures, so they are most active between dusk and dawn. They don't usually like bright lights, but a mouse may sometimes be seen during the day, especially if its nest has been disturbed or it is seeking food.

    What's the fastest way to get rid of mice? ›

    Mouse traps are one of the most effective ways to get rid of mice that have taken up residence inside your home. Place mouse traps in the more vulnerable areas of your house, like along walls and behind trash cans. There's a variety of mouse traps to choose from, all of which range in cost, function and design.

    How do you keep mice out forever? ›

    Mice can't chew through steel, so use a wire mesh screen to close off any opening you find outside, and steel wool and caulk for any mouse holes you find indoors. Once you seal off all the possible entrances, the next step in getting rid of mice is choosing and strategically placing traps.

    What keeps mice away at night? ›

    Aromas like peppermint, spearmint, and eucalyptus repel rodents. Set up a diffuser or use cotton balls to spread their smell throughout your room. Not only will they keep mice away—they'll also make your room smell great. Ammonia, found in many cleaning products, is another smell that rodents hate.

    What does mouse hate the most? ›

    Peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, pepper and cloves.

    Mice are said to hate the smell of these. Lightly soak some cotton balls in oils from one or more of these foods and leave the cotton balls in places where you've had problems with mice.

    Where do mice hide during the day? ›

    House mice prefer living in cool, dark places during the day. The most common areas they like to hide are in between walls, pantries, cupboards, sofas, old boxes, and other similar areas wherein they would not be disturbed inside your home.

    Do mice run across your bed? ›

    If mice have already taken refuge in the bedroom, there's a chance that they will crawl on you in bed. They typically do this when the fastest way to get from one place to the other is across the bed.

    Will mice get near you while sleeping? ›

    Mice actually prefer to avoid human contact and are rather shy creatures, so the chances of them snuggling up with you in bed is not likely.

    Can mice go in your fridge? ›

    Kitchens & laundry rooms - Check behind all appliances, as mice can easily squeeze into gaps behind a fridge, freezer, or under the base of a stove.

    Will keeping lights on keep mice away? ›

    Unfortunately, the light inside your house is not a very effective deterrent to mice. Once inside a house or a building, they can easily look for dark areas to hide until such time as all lights are turned off. Places they can hide include inside the walls, crawl spaces, attics, and ceilings.

    Will mice disturb you while sleeping? ›

    Mice are unlikely to climb on you when you sleep unless they are already in the bedroom. The best way to keep them out is by not giving them a reason to stay.

    Where do mice go during the day? ›

    House mice prefer living in cool, dark places during the day. The most common areas they like to hide are in between walls, pantries, cupboards, sofas, old boxes, and other similar areas wherein they would not be disturbed inside your home.

    How do I keep mice away from me while I sleep? ›

    Just put a few drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball and leave it on the corner of the room. Place a few cotton balls near the bed to prevent the rodents from climbing. Camphor – Camphor repels mice the same way peppermint oil does. It's also readily available online or in grocery stores.

    Do mice go in people's beds? ›

    Mice actually prefer to avoid human contact and are rather shy creatures, so the chances of them snuggling up with you in bed is not likely.

    How do I keep mice out of my room at night? ›

    How to Keep Mice Away from Your Bed
    1. Stop Eating in Your Room, Or Clean Meticulously After.
    2. Remove Clutter in Your Room. ...
    3. Try Using Barrier Methods to Make Mice Avoid Your Room. ...
    4. Let Your Pets Have Access to Your Room. ...
    5. Look for Mouse Access Points. First off, you need to look for how mice could be getting into your room. ...
    31 Jul 2022

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