9 Scents That Mice Hate (and How to Use Them) - Pest Pointers (2024)

As you are probably very aware, rodents like mice can be quite a pain when dealing with them on your property. If you are looking for some quick, cheap, and easy solutions that will not harm these little critters but will keep them out of your space, this is the piece for you!

Mice have a very keen sense of smell that is much stronger than what humans experience. You can use this trait to repel mice and use scents that mice hate like cinnamon, vinegar, dryer sheets, clove oil, peppermint, tea bags, mint toothpaste, ammonia, cloves, clove oil, and cayenne pepper.

Before we continue our discussion of what exactly mice hate and how to use them in the correct way to repel these little nuisances, let’s dive into why you need to repel mice from your property to begin with.

But they’re so cute, surely they can’t be that bad… right? Wrong.

9 Scents That Mice Hate (and How to Use Them) - Pest Pointers (1)

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Why Do You Need to Repel Mice?

Mice are part of the rodent family, along with rats, squirrels, prairie dogs, porcupines, beavers, guinea pigs, and hamsters.

Rodentia is the single largest group of mammals, characterized by a single pair of incisors in each jaw, as well as some other muscular and size features. Mice specifically are recognized by a pointed snout, large rounded ears, and a long hairy tail.

So, take a moment to be grateful that at least you are dealing with mice and not rats.

Good, now that that’s done let’s move on to the negative aspects of having mice in your space. What exactly are you up against if these furry little troublemakers become a little too comfortable on your property?

Simply put, mice can:

  • Cause damage to siding
  • Carry in fleas from outside
  • Contaminate surfaces
  • Chew through electrical wiring

Aside from the above, mice are also quite pesky little critters. Their teeth, one of their key traits and identifying features, are very strong and durable.

Mice can chew through materials such as vinyl, plastic, wood, rubber, fiberglass, and even stainless steel mesh.

This is great for mice, it makes them adaptable and able to find resources like food in the most inconvenient of places. For you, on the other hand, it is not so great.

Mice’s ability to chew through all of these different materials makes them very apt to cause significant damage to your home, outdoor space, and anywhere they end up staking a claim.

It is for this reason that we highly recommend preventative measures as opposed to solutions after the fact.

While anything can be fixed, controlled, or cleaned up (especially by a professional), we know that there are a lot of disasters just waiting to happen before that point arrives.

Imagine you are putting off dealing with those pesky mice that live under your back deck. Then, one day, you go to plug in your decorative outdoor string lights to enjoy a nice evening get-together with friends.

Uh-oh. The lights won’t turn on, and you realize that the cord has been chewed through near the base. This is inconvenient, right?

Think about how much more frustrating this would be if it was a light inside your home, or a piece of your wall or your favorite couch, or the screen door. Aside from the electric costs, reupholstering the couch, patching the wall, or having to deal with insects and other potential pests getting into your home is not an ideal situation.

We will leave it at that, but trust us when we tell you that prevention really is the way to go!

Deter Mice Using These 9 Recommended Scents

9 Scents That Mice Hate (and How to Use Them) - Pest Pointers (2)

Bum bum bum… the moment you have been waiting for is here. The scents, the smells, the solutions. The 9 scents that we recommend because mice hate them, but you’ll probably love them, and that will aid you in your quest to get rid of those pests.

Here are a few scents that you can use to help repel mice and keep them away from your home, property, and yourself.

Like anything else, these are not going to be 100% guaranteed. But they are some pretty foolproof ways to avoid this annoyance from turning into a full-blown problem.

Please note that these recommendations are all based on the evidence that mice do not like any of these scents and will surely avoid them. This does not mean, however, that any one of these individual measures of prevention will last forever. If you have any concerns or would just rather not deal with this alone, consult with a professional!

With all of that being said, here are the 9 scents that we can recommend for best results at home.


Our first recommendation is a scent with a strong, spicy aroma that mice hate and you probably already have in your pantry.

Mice are very strongly opposed to the smell of cinnamon, so grab the powder from your spice rack and keep them at bay!

There are many ways to use cinnamon to keep mice away, and it really just depends on what you are hoping to do, the amount of work you want to put into it, and which products you already have at home.

Stash some cinnamon sticks in drawers, closets, cabinets, underneath furniture, and anywhere else that you see fit. This will repel mice and will also give a nice aroma to your home without needing to buy lots of expensive candles and wall plug-ins. A win-win!

If you’d rather use a product with actual cinnamon oil, take a peek at Grandpa Gus’s Peppermint & Cinnamon Oil Rodent Repellent Spray!

It contains BOTH cinnamon and peppermint oil spray (which, peppermint, is coming up on our list!)

If you have spotted mice and only have the cinnamon you use on your oatmeal handy, sprinkle a bit in any area you’ve spotted them such as counters, in cupboards, and even along your baseboard.


We know now that mice hate strong scents due to their intense sense of smell. Vinegar just may be the strongest scent out there, especially when it is left undiluted.

This strong, sour aroma is good for repelling many creatures, and mice are no exception.

As we all are aware, it is nearly impossible to cover your area fully with this mixture. Similarly, it is not going to be an easy feat to keep your area smelling like vinegar.

It isn’t really an ideal scent to have all over your house for a prolonged period, nor is the dispersal of vinegar in every nook and cranny going to be a fun process.

Mix some water and vinegar in a spray bottle to mist any areas where you have seen mice as well as locations you expect them to go. Using this method around doors, floorboards, countertops, and closets is recommended.

If you’d like to learn more, take a look at our full guide on using vinegar to repel mice!

Dryer Sheets

For whatever reason, mice really do not enjoy the scent of dryer sheets. This is great news because this is another product you might already have laying around. The best part? It takes even less work than spraying, sprinkling, or misting other scents.

Just stick a dryer sheet in your small spaces that mice may be drawn to and leave them for up to a week at a time.

Leaving them longer will have no negative impact, they just lose their scent after a while and will need to be replaced to continue being effective in that given area.

Basically, stick a dryer sheet under furniture, in closets or cupboards, and anywhere you suspect that your furry frenemies may try to show up.

To us, dryer sheets give off a pretty mild smell but to mice, it is pungent and unavoidable. Bounce dryer sheets have been proven to have the best results when repelling mice from a given area.

Peppermint Oil

9 Scents That Mice Hate (and How to Use Them) - Pest Pointers (3)

Salt Lake City Sustainability notes that peppermint oil is one of the best alternatives to pesticides.

You can dip cotton balls, rags, towels, whatever you please, into your peppermint oil before placing them around your home. This can be done indoors and out, wherever your problem is occurring.

However, it would take a lot of time and a whole lot of oil to cover your entire space this way and the scent will eventually fade. Instead, you can try mixing 10-15 drops of the oil with water to create a spray.

Better yet, take a look at Mighty Mint’s Peppermint Oil Rodent Repellent Spray to save yourself even more hassle. Above all else, it smells great too and is all natural!

Please note that if you DO end up using cotton balls or anything dipped with peppermint oil, just keep count and track of where you put them so you don’t end up with them all over your home.

Tea Bags

Another household item, tea bags can be used in the same way as oils, cinnamon sticks, and dryer sheets.

Peppermint tea is the most highly recommended option. Simply boil water and make the tea, let it sit, and place the teabag in different corners of your home.

This will instantly repel mice due to the strong scent of the tea.

This may be the easiest method yet, especially if you are a regular tea drinker. You just make your daily cuppa, essentially recycle your tea bag, and sit back and enjoy your drink knowing that you are taking a step toward keeping your home rodent-free.

Mint Toothpaste

Are you sensing a trend yet? If not, let us help. Peppermint, peppermint, mint. Yes, that’s right! One of the most common scents that we use in daily household items is also the one that mice truly cannot stand.

Use this newfound knowledge to your benefit and you won’t have to spend a ton of money on prevention. This, in turn, will save you more money (and headache) because you will likely avoid dealing with a larger rodent problem later on!

Simply do what you would do with any of the oils we have mentioned, and rub some toothpaste along baseboards, near doorways, next to any cracks if you happen to have them, and any mouse holes.

Again, this method works indoors and outdoors so that you can easily smear some of this minty paste anywhere you please to keep the mice at bay! If you have any gaps under the bottom of your siding where mice could enter, reapplying toothpaste every week or so could help keep them out.

To be transparent with you, this might be a little tedious. That’s okay, there are many other methods you can use.

However, this is worth a shot especially if you are serious about trying to keep these pests away from your space.


This scent mirrors that of predators’ urine and is a surefire way to keep mice out of the area. Their natural instincts kick in and your space is clear of rodents.

This method will help prevent them from coming back since they will think of your space as somewhere that hosts predators and is no longer a safe place to return to.

Just be sure to reapply when the scent seems to have faded, as mice will start to learn that the area is opening again and get back to being uninvited guests.

Cloves and Clove Oil

The strong scent of cloves is one that mice really do not like.

Keep in mind that if you plan to sit a whole clove out, it may not have a scent that is quite strong enough to repel mice. If this is the case, there is another method that is a more surefire approach.

Instead, use can clove oil itself to keep rodents at bay.

Not only is it a great repellent, but this oil actually has many benefits that you can use in your daily life. So, when this method is successful and you no longer need a mouse repellent, you can continue to make use of your clove essential oil.

This product is actually most commonly used to relieve pain from toothaches, so removing the headache that is a rodent problem is just an added benefit!

If you prefer a different scent, combine clove oil with lavender, pepper, or peppermint for a similarly effective mixture with a bit of a twist.Just make sure to dilute any mixture you create properly with carrier oils and water, similarly.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne is a type of chili pepper that gives off a strong, sharp scent that goes along with the heat of this particular pepper.

Mice hate the scent and taste of cayenne pepper, and so do many other rodents and insects.

Like you would with cinnamon, just sprinkle some cayenne anywhere that you’ve seen mice, expect them to be, or know that they might enter.

In essence, cayenne pepper infuriates the senses of mice. So it’ll do wonders making them sniffle and stay back! Check out our full guide for repelling mice with cayenne pepper here.

Keeping Mice Away Long Term

9 Scents That Mice Hate (and How to Use Them) - Pest Pointers (4)

Those powerful scents that work against mice are highly recommended as effective solutions. But keep in mind that with any scent there is variability.

The amount you use, where it is located, how often you reapply the scent, how strong the oil, powder, or other material is, to begin with, all greatly impact the effectiveness of these approaches.

You might get lucky if you follow the steps and really spend the time to keep these rodents away. You also might get unlucky and still need to contact a professional (which is okay and totally normal.)

For this reason, it is important to remember that relying on scents alone is not recommended. Combining methods and approaches is always going to yield a better result than picking one simple solution and expecting it to be a fix-all.

A backup plan is always going to come in handy, even if you don’t think you’ll need it.

Still, the most effective way to deter pests is to modify the habitat (your space) to not allow them to enter at all.

Here are some practical ways you can use to keep mice from getting into your space in the first place. Before you use our recommended methods of repelling them, try these preventative measures and make your life even easier!

Eliminate Mice’s Food, Water, and Shelter

The biggest things that rodents are looking for in your space are those that meet their immediate and deepest survival needs. Penn State Extension reminds us of this as they share their research about integrated pest management.

Without food, water, and shelter, they will have no reason to stick around.

Scraps, crumbs on counters, and food left outdoors will attract mice. Shelter areas that provide cozy nest sites include the spaces under porches and decks, in attics, basem*nts, and even inside your walls.

We recommend maintaining your yard by mowing grass, picking up any garbage or food scraps that may be left out (utilize that compost bin, not your beautiful backyard!), and fixing any leaking pipes that may be used as a source of water for mice.

Practice Exclusion Methods to Repel Mice

Keeping mice out in the first place will save a lot of time and effort in the long run. There are several exclusion techniques that you can try to keep these critters out of your home.

Mice can fit through the smallest of spaces, literally the size of a coin. Check your property for any cracks and holes that may serve as an entry point for these pesky rodents. Here’s a full list of the most common ways mice get into houses.

Another point to think about may or may not have crossed your mind by this point… pet doors. If they fit your cat or dog, they will certainly welcome mice (pet doors are just a little bigger than the coin-sized entryways that mice often employ.)

Again, this is a great example of a situation where combining tactics works out well. You can keep your pet door, but spray some oils or wipe some toothpaste around the edges.

Just check if there are any scents that your pets don’t particularly love, and avoid those so that your pets feel comfortable coming and going as usual.

That’s A Wrap!

Well, that is pretty much all. For what it’s worth, this could be a much more difficult-to-solve situation, but we hope that you can make use of these 9 scents to quickly get back on track!

It is frustrating to have rodent issues at home, but mice can be repelled when you use the following scents.

  • Cinnamon
  • Vinegar
  • Dryer Sheets
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Tea Bags (Peppermint is best!)
  • Mint Toothpaste
  • Ammonia
  • Cloves and Clove Oil
  • Cayenne Pepper

But again, to yield the best results from all of your hard work, don’t forget to maintain your space and keep rodents out in the first place. Other than that, use the scents listed above and sit back and watch the magic happen!

I hope this piece helps you in keeping these little critters away from your space so that you can enjoy your home without any trouble.

If you’re interested, take a look at our step by step guide on the different things you should do if you find a mouse in your house!


Nollet, L. M., & Rathore, H. S. (2017). Essential Oil Mixtures for Pest Control. In Green Pesticides Handbook (pp. 509-522). CRC Press.

Nolte, D. L., & Barnett, J. P. (2000). A repellent to reduce mouse damage to longleaf pine seed. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 45(3-4), 169-174.

Yang, P., & Ma, Y. (2005). Repellent effect of plant essential oils against Aedes albopictus. Journal of vector ecology, 30(2), 231.

9 Scents That Mice Hate (and How to Use Them) - Pest Pointers (2024)


What fragrance do mice hate? ›

Peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, pepper and cloves.

Mice are said to hate the smell of these. Lightly soak some cotton balls in oils from one or more of these foods and leave the cotton balls in places where you've had problems with mice.

What is the best scent to get rid of mice? ›

3 Conventional Methods To Get Rid Of Mice

Classic wooden snap traps are adequate for light mouse infestations, while bait traps and multiple-capture traps are ideal for larger mouse populations. Traps can be baited with peanut butter, bacon, or dried fruit.

What essential oil smells do mice hate? ›

Essential oils that may be helpful in repelling rats and mice include peppermint oil, lemon oil, citronella oil, and eucalyptus oil. You can make an essential oil spray by mixing 2 teaspoons of oil with 1 cup of water or rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Then spray it anywhere you see traces of rodents.

What are mice afraid of the most? ›

These creatures are sensitive to bright lights and have poor eyesight. Survival instincts cause them to avoid larger animals and being active at night helps mice avoid being seen by predators, as well as people. Because mice avoid danger, they may be scared off by bright, flashing lights or loud noises.

What can I sprinkle around my house for mice? ›

Litter tainted with the scent of a cat is a natural mouse repellent. To keep mice away with cat litter, sprinkle some along the walls where they usually pass. The more strongly the litter smells, the more effective it will be. To intensify the scent, you can mix in a few drops of white vinegar.

Does Pine Sol keep mice away? ›

Does Pine Sol deter rodents? As will most cleaners, Pine-Sol contains properties that may deter rodents and other types of pests; however, this is not a viable solution as a pest control measure.

What's the fastest way to get rid of mice? ›

Zinc phosphide is an acute toxicant that causes the death of a house mouse within several hours after a lethal dose is ingested. It appears to be the fastest way of getting rid of mice by reducing their population.

What keeps mice away at night? ›

Mice have a very keen sense of smell that is much stronger than what humans experience. You can use this trait to repel mice and use scents that mice hate like cinnamon, vinegar, dryer sheets, clove oil, peppermint, tea bags, mint toothpaste, ammonia, cloves, clove oil, and cayenne pepper.

What essential oils kills mice? ›

Peppermint oil is one of the safest and most natural ingredients to use in getting rid of a mouse infestation in your house. This is the perfect choice for you if you are looking for a humane option to get of mice and want an environmentally-friendly option.

How do you use peppermint oil to get rid of mice? ›

You are supposed to use 100% peppermint oil and either dab it on cotton balls and place them around your home, or use a spray canister and combine two teaspoons of oil for every one cup of water and spray it around where you see the mice.

What oil gets rid of mice? ›

The Essential Oils That Work Best for Repelling Mice

Not only will its great smell leave your home smelling fresh, but peppermint oil actually deters more pests than just mice. However, if you're not a fan of the smell of peppermint, you can also try clove oil or cedarwood oil.

Where do mice hide during the day? ›

House mice prefer living in cool, dark places during the day. The most common areas they like to hide are in between walls, pantries, cupboards, sofas, old boxes, and other similar areas wherein they would not be disturbed inside your home.

What time do mice come out at night? ›

Mice are nocturnal creatures, so they are most active between dusk and dawn. They don't usually like bright lights, but a mouse may sometimes be seen during the day, especially if its nest has been disturbed or it is seeking food.

How do you scare a mouse out of hiding? ›

A great way to bring mice out of hiding and steer them in the direction you want them to go is to sprinkle potent scents they find particularly unpleasant. Mice don't like the smell of garlic, onions, cayenne pepper, cloves, ammonia and alcohol.

Does Irish Spring soap keep mice away? ›

Many people errantly assume that Irish Spring soap will keep repelling mice. However, there's practically no evidence to support this claim.

Do dryer sheets keep mice away? ›

Do Dryer Sheets Keep Mice Out? Don't expect your box of Bounce to work any pest-control miracles. Dryer sheets don't deter mice. Baited traps won't solve a mouse problem, either.

What eats mice in a house? ›

They need very little water to survive. House mice fall prey to owls, hawks, cats, dogs, skunks and snakes. Barn owls are particularly efficient mice predators. A single family of these owls can consume more than a dozen mice in one night.

What does baking soda do to mice? ›

Baking soda is one of the most effective ways to kill mice and rats. It works by producing gas in their bellies. They cannot pass through burping or farting. It finishes off these pests painfully!

What is the fastest way to get rid of a mouse in the wall? ›

Bait traps with peanut butter and set them along walls where you suspect mouse activity. If mice seem to keep evading traps left out in the open, you may have to drill a small hole in the drywall a few inches off the floor and place a trap right by the hole.

What's the best home remedy to get rid of mice in your house? ›

How to get rid of mice naturally?
  1. Use essential oils like peppermint/clove. ...
  2. Apple cider vinegar. ...
  3. Deter them using mothballs. ...
  4. Place open ammonia bottles in spots. ...
  5. Use steel wool to pack spaces. ...
  6. Seal entry/exit points with tape or sealant. ...
  7. Set up mouse traps. ...
  8. Place kitty litter at strategic points.

How do you get rid of mice permanently naturally? ›

Top 6 Ways to Rid of Mice Naturally
  1. Peppermint Oil: Mice are known to not be big fans of peppermint. ...
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar & Water: Spray this mixture around the perimeter of your house as well as in any access points inside. ...
  3. Fabric Softener Sheets: Mice can't stand the smell of fabric softener.
24 Dec 2018

Will spraying vinegar keep mice away? ›

There are scents that will keep mice away, and vinegar is one of them. White vinegar is a strong substance that can ward off mice with its powerful smell and effective cleaning properties. If you spray a vinegary solution in the areas where mice have been or might be, you can keep them away.

Can you spray anything to get rid of mice? ›

Tomcat® Repellents Rodent Repellent Continuous Spray is engineered to safely and effectively deter mice and rats from entering homes. Featuring a no stink formula that is long lasting and rain resistant, this easy-to-use, continuous spray formula is tested and proven to prevent rodent entry, nesting and foraging.

What soap do mice not like? ›

Irish Spring has been the one pest repelling hack that works wonders, so let me grab a bar and show you how it's done. Look below at how to use Irish Spring to repel mice this winter, so you can enjoy a critter free season!

Does Salt keep away mice? ›

Sprinkle Epsom salts onto your trash can lid or around the areas that pests like to burrow into or dig around. Epsom salts will deter most any pests, including raccoons, mice, and squirrels among others.”

What is the best bait for mice? ›

Sweet or fatty foods are favorites of these rodents, so peanut butter, soft cheese, or wet cat food often work well. In general, a small amount of a sticky bait is most likely to make a mouse trigger the trap.

Will mice bother you at night? ›

Mice are very afraid of humans, and they know instinctively to stay away from us if they want to survive. However, if you are sleeping, and there are food crumbs or scraps on the bed, the mouse might risk it and climb on the bed to nibble on some food.

Will mice disturb you while sleeping? ›

Mice are unlikely to climb on you when you sleep unless they are already in the bedroom. The best way to keep them out is by not giving them a reason to stay.

Do mice jump on beds? ›

Mice are great climbers. Your bed is no match for their agile abilities. Plus, mice can leap about one foot into the air. Even if you don't have blankets hanging onto the floor, they can still leap to an accessible point.

What do mice do in your house at night? ›

Mice Are Active At Night

Mice go out of their nests at night, when humans are in bed and asleep. They forage for food, they play with each other, and do most of their damage after daylight. Mice's natural predators like cats, owls, and foxes know this, so they too stalk at night.

How long does it take peppermint oil to get rid of mice? ›

EarthKind founder, Kari Warberg Block, tested using peppermint oil for pest control extensively in her farm equipment over a 3 year period. Kari says, “It would work for a couple of weeks, and then just lose its scent.

Does peppermint oil really work for mice? ›

Peppermint oil and mice

Nope! It will make your home smell good, but it certainly won't get rid of your unwanted lodgers. Peppermint oil is assumed to be a great mouse repellent because, in high concentrations, it can be quite potent and mice have a very sensitive sense of smell.

Will mice leave if they smell peppermint? ›

Peppermint obviously has a strong scent, one that mice dislike. According to Victor Pest, peppermint contains very potent menthol compounds that irritate their nasal cavities. A whiff of peppermint certainly does keep them away. So do these best mouse repellents, by the way.

How long does the smell of peppermint oil last? ›

Peppermint Oil Spray

Reapply the spray as the scent fades, usually after about two weeks.

How do you use peppermint tea bags to get rid of mice? ›

To get rid of your unwelcome rodents, all you need to do is to boil a pot of peppermint tea. Once the tea is boiled, spread the used teabags throughout the house. Be generous in the areas where you think you'll find your unwanted visitors.

What repels mice immediately? ›

Peppermint Oil, Cayenne Pepper, or Cloves - Have strong scents that may repel mice.

Will keeping lights on keep mice away? ›

Unfortunately, the light inside your house is not a very effective deterrent to mice. Once inside a house or a building, they can easily look for dark areas to hide until such time as all lights are turned off. Places they can hide include inside the walls, crawl spaces, attics, and ceilings.

Do mice hate vinegar? ›

The smell of white vinegar is a natural repellent for mice. It will make them leave your home or office. Mice have a strong sense of smell and they will avoid areas where there is white vinegar sprayed or soaked cotton balls in it.

How do you protect yourself from mice at night? ›

Just put a few drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball and leave it on the corner of the room. Place a few cotton balls near the bed to prevent the rodents from climbing. Camphor – Camphor repels mice the same way peppermint oil does. It's also readily available online or in grocery stores.

Where do mice go during the day? ›

House mice prefer living in cool, dark places during the day. The most common areas they like to hide are in between walls, pantries, cupboards, sofas, old boxes, and other similar areas wherein they would not be disturbed inside your home.

Do mice climb into bed with you? ›

While mice usually do not climb on beds, they may make an exception if there is something up there that they really want. Most often this is food. A mouse's sense of smell allows it to identify even small amounts of food.

What happens if you spray a mouse with vinegar? ›

There are scents that will keep mice away, and vinegar is one of them. White vinegar is a strong substance that can ward off mice with its powerful smell and effective cleaning properties. If you spray a vinegary solution in the areas where mice have been or might be, you can keep them away.

What is toxic to mice? ›

Grapes/raisins, chocolate, avocado, garlic, onion, rhubarb, coffee, tea, alcohol, and walnuts must not be fed as they are toxic to mice. Lettuce should be avoided as it can cause diarrhoea in mice [4].

Do dryer sheets work to repel mice? ›

Do Dryer Sheets Keep Mice Out? Don't expect your box of Bounce to work any pest-control miracles. Dryer sheets don't deter mice. Baited traps won't solve a mouse problem, either.

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