How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (2024)

I read “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” just like everyone else, and loved the drawings, the live action movie, and the series of stuffed animals that came out many decades later.

While reading the book, I sympathize with Peter and Flopsy and Mopsy. But when it comes to cottontails making free with my home garden, I am strictly Team Mr. McGregor.

It can be discouraging to plant a flat of flower seedlings and have them disappear overnight, nothing but nubs in the morning.

As a veteran vegetable gardener, I find it just as disheartening to have row upon row of bush beans sprout, grow an inch or two, and then get consumed in the space of a day.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (1)

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What’s a gardener to do with these cute little pests?

I’m happy to report that there are solutions. You don’t have to resort to hunting these critters, either. (Sorry, Elmer Fudd.)

Instead, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with rabbit behavior. That will help you to understand and provide ways to thwart their “all the garden’s my salad bar” habits without violence.

Careful plant selection and neatening up your yard and garden are right up there, too. Live and let live? I’ve got a couple of suggestions for ways to have a flourishing garden and coexist with the occasional bunny intruder, too.

Here’s what I’ll share for those on a mission to keep rabbits out of the garden:

What You’ll Learn

  • Is That Really Rabbit Damage?
  • Don’t Shoot!
  • Why Raised Beds Work
  • Fence Them Out
  • Landscape and Tidy Up to Discourage Rabbits
  • Grow Plants They Don’t Like
  • Use Scents Against Them

Is That Really Rabbit Damage?

There’s a slim chance that the damage you’re observing on your young flower seedlings or vegetable sprouts was done by another pest.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (2)

I had that happen to me when I assumed rabbits were chomping away huge bites of my springtime greens (pictured above).

But ragged bites and holes in greens or other plants, that’s just not a rabbit’s style. That type of plant damage comes from slugs or snails.

Rabbits are much more precise. They cut completely through the main stem of a seedling, and the results look like they used scissors, not their sharp teeth.

If you’ve got nothing but nubs, that is probably rabbit damage.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (3)

Cottontails will also gnaw at the bark of young trees. You can tell that it’s them, not deer, because their marks only go up a couple of feet at the most.

You can confirm that they’re doing the damage by looking for their small, rounded droppings around the scene of the crime.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (4)

Once you’ve established which garden pest you’re coping with, you can come up with a strategy for protecting your plants and flowers.

Don’t Shoot!

If you’re already a hunter or have a gun in the house, it may occur to you to try to eliminate your rabbit infestation with fire power. I would strongly discourage that approach.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (5)

For one thing, if you live within city limits, in most places there are restrictions on shooting a firearm. Also, you run the risk of hurting other wildlife or scaring the neighbors.

In more rural areas, there are also complications with disposing of the carcass, and no guarantee that you’ll hit your mark.

And on a practical note, unless you plan to spend a lot of time waiting for your prey to appear, you probably won’t be able to keep up with the burgeoning rabbit population once they go after your garden.

According to experts at the Penn State Extension Service, mature cottontail does can have as many as 40 offspring in just one season. And they start being able to reproduce when they’re one year old.

Since the numbers are against your potential for success in eliminating these garden pests by shooting them one by one, I’d encourage you to focus on the following prevention methods, which will work for any rabbits that might be trying to establish your garden as their family buffet.

Why Raised Beds Work

While you might think of rabbits as being jumpy animals, they can’t really achieve much height.

Cottontails can jump two feet at the most, while jackrabbits might go a little higher than that, but usually only if they’re being pursued by a neighborhood dog.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (6)

That means a first line of defense is a raised bed garden with sides at least two feet tall. If that’s not practical for a vast vegetable garden, or the bunnies are after your landscape plants, you’ll need to try other tactics.

Or, you can triage, and only plant the flowers and vegetables that are most appealing to rabbits in raised beds, saving your in-ground patches for plants that are less tasty to Peter, Flopsy, and Mopsy.

Fence Them Out

If the raised bed route isn’t viable, or would only work in part of your growing spaces, consider some fencing, too.

Since most rabbits can’t hop more than two feet off the ground, fencing only needs to be about 26 inches tall.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (7)

That’s a relief for flower gardeners, because it’s easier to find an attractive or elegant fence option when it’s only a couple feet tall.

You do need to make sure the openings in the mesh or fence rails are no wider than a couple of inches, though.

Rabbits can squeeze through anything more wide, although they won’t do that if they can find what they like to eat handily outside this barrier.

Also dig a furrow and place the fence so it plunges at least 10 inches below the soil. Cottontails aren’t powerful diggers, but they can uproot a bit of earth to get under a fence if you let them.

Keep in mind, flowering plants and seedlings are particularly appealing when they’re young and tender.

So if you’re not willing to mess with a fence, try to at least put some netting over the plants you buy when you first bring them home from the nursery and put them in the ground. That’s when they’re most susceptible.

Landscape and Tidy Up to Discourage Rabbits

As gardeners, it’s easy to feel like invasive pests are the problem and we’re forced to deal with them.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (8)

But in this instance, we can actually help to create a place that provides an inviting alternative for the bunnies to dine on without destroying our precious edible seedlings and carefully cultivated ornamentals.

As prey animals, rabbits are looking for safe places to shelter with food nearby. Who can blame them if they settle on a garden spot that’s close to piles of brush or leaves?

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (9)

Discouraging them is a two-part process. First, eliminate all the untidy spots in the yard where they’d love to hide or nest.

This includes brush piles, weedy patches, and undergrowth around landscape bushes.

Second, make sure they have a more appealing spot available on the far edges of your property, or at least several yards away from the plants and blooms you’d like to preserve.

That alternative bunny oasis could be pretty simple, leaving a patch of clover in the yard unmowed, for example.

Or you could go so far as to plant a patch of something easy to grow that’s tasty to the little hoppers. Think of it as a trap crop, only not for insects.

Plant these tasty tidbits in a place they can reach far more easily than, say, your prized petunias or newly sprouted cucumbers.

Because they’re constantly on the run to avoid hawks, owls, neighborhood dogs, and the like, trust me: they’ll go for the stuff you plant that’s located somewhere accessible first.

Bunnies are the original fans of “low lying fruit.”

Some gardeners might think this is taking “live and let live” a little too far. But I like to think I’m being both practical and tenderhearted when I grow a few extra green bean plants in the ground so my harvest doesn’t suffer.

If rabbits eat those, I’ve still got my “real crop” in a distant raised bed.

Grow Plants They Don’t Like

Unlike humans, who are sticklers in terms of which flowers they consider edible, our rabbit friends will eat zinnias, mustard blooms, dahlias, and thousands of others with equal abandon.

They’ll also nosh on greens, stems if they’re soft, fruits (including tomatoes), vegetables ranging from corn to cucumbers to hot peppers, and many others.

If you’ve noticed your garden is appealing, you may want to opt for a few plants that rabbits won’t eat.

Just a few of the flowers on that list include Mexican marigolds, dusty miller, lavender, yarrow, butterfly weed, Russian sage, and Stylophorum (celandine poppy).

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (10)

On the vegetable side, they steer clear of all the alliums. If you haven’t ever grown onions, chives, leeks, or garlic, this could be your chance!

Of course, you wouldn’t be willing to grow nothing but Russian sage and chives if your passion is gladioli and winter squash.

But you can opt to put the plants rabbits love most into raised beds or fenced areas, and grow the ones that they ignore in the gardens you can’t protect as easily.

Use Scents Against Them

If you’ve tried all these tactics and still feel like you’re the unwilling host of a 24-hour salad bar, consider the rabbits’ sense of smell.

Sprinkling bone meal around your most desirable plants is a natural deterrent, for example, although it smells terrible to humans as well.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (11)

You can also have your dog leave his scent, and create a ruckus while he’s doing it.

Let Fido romp near the garden in the evenings, and the cute little furry critters might cross your garden off their list of safe harbors.

Don’t fall for the mothball myth, though. While they might be a deterrent for a time, they only work in small spaces.

They contain chemicals that are not safe to use around vegetables or any edible plants.

And they’ve got insecticides (hence the name mothball) that kill many bugs and could harm other types of wildlife or young humans.

Nothing to See Here, Peter Rabbit

Even if you don’t have an impressionable youngster about the place, it’s always simplest to try to take all the measures you can to prevent rabbit damage without doing away with the cute little critters.

No one likes Mr. McGregor and that doggone pitchfork, you know.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (12)

The less appealing your garden and yard are, the fewer bunnies you’ll have. Because they’re constantly hunted, they’ll go for the easiest shelter and food sources they come across.

Don’t make your garden that Foo Foo’s bed-and-breakfast, and you can probably avoid the bulk of issues they can create.

Have a suggestion that’s worked for you? Or an opinion about the “live and let live” approach to garden wildlife? We’d love to hear your remarks, so post away in the comments below.

And if you liked these handy tips for rabbits, here are a few other guides to garden wildlife to read next:

  • Guide to Backyard Birds and How to Attract Them to Your Garden
  • Attract Butterflies to Your Garden with These Flowering Perennials
  • DIY Guide: How to Install a Deer Fence to Keep Wildlife Out of the Garden

Photos by Rose Kennedy © Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Originally published on September 2, 2014. Last updated: July 7, 2020. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of the Garden | Gardener's Path (2024)


What is the best homemade rabbit repellent? ›

To make this rabbit repellent, first fill a one gallon container, such as a milk jug, with water. Crush 5 garlic cloves and add then to the water. Add a teaspoon of crushed red peppers and 1 tablespoon of dish soap. Shake the container very well and then place in outdoors in the direct sun for two days.

How do I stop rabbits from destroying my garden? ›

Strongly scented spices or herbs, like chili powder or garlic, work well to deter rabbits from your garden. One of the best homemade natural repellents is using chili flakes and garlic mixed in water. Try spraying that around the garden's perimeter.

Do coffee grounds keep rabbits away? ›

Will coffee grounds keep rabbits away? Sprinkling coffee grounds among your plants may help to ward off rabbits and other small mammals due to coffee's powerful scent. Plus, it composts naturally over time, giving your plants some extra nutrients!

How do you bunny proof a garden? ›

Bird or deer netting works well to protect seedlings or young plants. Simply place netting over plants and anchor the edges. Use chicken wire with one-inch or smaller mesh. As shown in the illustration at the top of the page, fencing should be at least 2 feet high to prevent rabbits from jumping over.

What smells will keep rabbits away? ›

As their twitching noses indicate, rabbits sniff a lot. Try sprinkling dried sulfur around or on your plants. Rabbits also dislike the smell of onions, so try planting these around your garden to further deter the furry creatures. To discourage pesky rabbits, try dusting your plants with plain talcum powder.

What really works to repel rabbits? ›

Common rabbit deterrents include home remedies like sprinkling plants with red pepper, garlic and onion powder, or talcum powder. It's always a good idea to alternate repellents so that the rabbits do not get used to any scent or flavor. Rabbits do most of their feeding in the evening and into the night.

Does Irish Spring soap keep rabbits away? ›

Irish Spring soap repels mammal pests, such as mice, rabbits, and deer. It does not repel insect pests. And it does not always eliminate pests completely, however, many have reported amazing results.

Do wind chimes keep rabbits away? ›

Hang wind chimes or windsocks to help deter deer.

These noise-making methods won't be as effective for rabbits though, so the use wind chimes or windsocks should be used in conjunction with fencing or plants that are deterrents.

Does vinegar keep rabbits away? ›

But don't run to the store for repellant just yet—vinegar is an easy way to deter rabbits from stealing your veggies! Simply soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and place it in a small jar or canister with holes poked in the lid. Place these around the garden, and the vinegar scent will help to keep the rabbits at bay.

What can you put on a sprinkle to keep rabbits away? ›

Sprinkle dried sulfur, powdered red pepper, or hair

Rabbits are also repulsed by sulfur and red pepper. By sprinkling a bit around your lawn or shrubs, the smell alone will help get rid of rabbits. You can also consider sprinkling some human hair as well.

Do marigolds keep rabbits away? ›

An edging of marigolds may deter rabbits. Plant deterrents. Onions, garlic, marigolds, lavender, catnip-many plants are credited with being deterrents to rabbits. What they all have in common is a strong scent.

Will cayenne pepper keep rabbits away? ›

Benefits of Cayenne Wildlife Repellent

Cayenne pepper spray is a taste repellent. It is applied to the plant and when an animal tries to taste it, it is repelled by the hot pepper taste. Spraying cayenne pepper on plants will keep deer, rabbits and squirrels as well as stray animals from eating them.

Do plastic forks deter rabbits? ›

With the tips pointed out, the plastic forks should work like a charm to keep away the deer, rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons from raiding your crop. What is this? It's also an inexpensive hack to protect your vegetables and fruits this summer!

Do eggshells keep rabbits away? ›

The egg shells sprinkled around them do wonders for preventing those cute furry fuzzballs from munching on the leaves. Rabbits dislike the smell of eggshells so they will avoid the area.

How do I keep rabbits from getting under my garden gate? ›

Barrier fencing.

A 30- to 36-inch-high fence constructed from woven wire with a mesh no larger than 1 inch is recommended for excluding rabbits. The lower end of the wire mesh should be turned outward at a 90-degree angle and buried 6 inches in the ground to discourage rabbits from digging under the fence.

Will garlic keep rabbits away? ›

Plant onions and garlic around the perimeter of your garden to discourage rabbits and deer from entering. Rabbits generally know better than to eat garlic or onions, which can trigger severe anaphylactic reactions, and even deer seem to find these powerfully potent plants less than appealing.

How do you neutralize a rabbit? ›

Water your yard's mulched areas, sidewalks, driveway and other paved surfaces to dilute rabbit urine. If an odor remains in such an area, fill a spray bottle with one part water and one part white, distilled vinegar. Wait until the smelly area dries, and spray it thoroughly with the water-vinegar solution.

Will moth balls deter rabbits in garden? ›

We have found that putting moth balls around and in the garden to help with the deer and rabbits eating our plants. We put them in the rows, between the plants and the smell keeps them out of the garden.

Is Cinnamon a rabbit repellent? ›

Simply sprinkle some cinnamon around the perimeter of your garden or wherever you don't want rabbits to go. The strong smell of cinnamon will deter rabbits from entering the area. Plus, it's a safe and humane way to keep rabbits away from your garden or home.

How do I keep rabbits and squirrels from eating my plants? ›

One way to keep unwelcome guests out of your garden is to make it too hot for their taste. You can sprinkle cayenne pepper on the seeds in your birdfeeder or add some cayenne pepper to water in a spray bottle to mist on the leaves of your plants.

Can you put Irish Spring soap in your garden? ›

Irish Spring soap does not always eliminate pests completely but can be a helpful tool to reduce the rate of attack on plants. Irish Spring won't hurt your plants, either, so if you're growing edibles you won't have to worry about contaminating your produce with chemicals.

Why should you scatter soap in your yard? ›

It allows us to preserve beneficial insects in the garden. It also means that not every insect will be bothered by soap. Small, soft-bodied insects are the best candidates for management with soapy water. Aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and mites are all good candidates for soapy water sprays.

What animal eats Irish Spring soap? ›

The Stricklands used Irish Spring soap as a deterrent to keep critters away but apparently possums like the flavored soap.

How do you block off areas for rabbits? ›

Block cords and outlets with furniture so the rabbit cannot reach them. Carpet: Cover a favorite chewing area with a large ceramic tile or a plastic office chair mat. Choose low-pile carpeting that may be less tempting. Baseboards and corners: Use plastic or decorative wood corner protectors (home centers).

Do plastic owls keep rabbits away? ›

A decoy owl can be the next best solution. Whether perched atop a post or hung from branches, realistic-looking decoys can help keep rabbits at bay.

Does straw keep rabbits out of garden? ›

One of the ways rabbits avoid predators is to stay away from vegetation that will give up their position by sound or movement. So things that are dry and papery, such as dry leaves and straw mean danger because they rustle. You'll notice that when threatened, sometimes a rabbit will freeze like a statue.

Does baking soda keep rabbits away? ›

Arm & Hammer TM Baking Soda will help keep rabbits away from your plants. “Sprinkle baking soda around your vegetable garden. Make a thin but visible ring of baking soda around each plant. This will dissuade rabbits from nibbling on them.

What does baking soda do to rabbits? ›

"Sodium bicarbonate is used as an emetic (to induce vomiting) because it produces tremendous amounts of gas when it hits the acidic stomach. Humans can vomit, but rabbits cannot. So there is the very real risk of stomach rupture if the bunny ingests enough to generate too much for the volume of the stomach.

Do rabbits hate mothballs? ›

You may have heard of using moth balls to keep rabbits and other pests out of your yard. However, this is not a good idea. Not only is it an ineffective method, but moth balls are incredibly toxic when used outdoors.

What does vinegar do to rabbits? ›

ACV keeps the rabbits body's ph regulated, clearing up skin conditions and infections. This adjustment in ph will also help with weepy eyes and other eyes issues. ACV is known for keeping the rabbits fur softer and shinier.

What does salt licks do to rabbits? ›

There is usually no harm in providing a salt lick to rabbits. They are able to regulate how much they need and avoid overeating the salt or drink enough water to compensate.

Why do rabbits keep coming in my yard? ›

Basically, if your plants are accessible, a rabbit is coming after them. Rabbits also love yards where they can easily come and go, but predators can't. Fences they can sneak under make them feel safe and make a yard a good nesting site. They'd also love to get under your porch.

What cut flowers do rabbits not eat? ›

  • Acanthus species (bear's breeches)
  • Aconitum species (monkshood)
  • Agapanthus (African lily)
  • Ajuga reptans (bugle)
  • Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle)
  • Allium (ornamental onions)
  • Alstroemeria (Peruvian lily)
  • Anaphalis.

Do rabbits eat hostas? ›

Hostas are decorative, flowering perennials often used as landscape plants. These plants are especially attractive to rabbits that will eat all the leaves and even the stems. If it is a new, young plant, rabbits may eat it down to the roots. Often, the destruction that rabbits cause ends up with the death of the plant.

What yellow flowers won't rabbits eat? ›

Daffodil. While many spring bulbs are rabbit magnets, daffodils are one of the few bulbs that pesky critters avoid. These bulbs bloom in shades of red, orange, yellow, white, and pink and offer a variety of flower shapes.

Will cayenne pepper hurt my vegetable garden? ›

Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper won't hurt your plants but it will keep many small animals away. Every few days, sprinkle about ¼ cup of cayenne pepper throughout your garden.

How do I use cayenne pepper in my garden? ›

Spread cayenne pepper flakes throughout the garden

Sprinkle crushed cayenne pepper flakes around the plants that squirrels enjoy. Sow some of the pepper flakes into the soil with a garden trowel or your gloved hand, creating a barrier around the plants, bulbs and areas where squirrels dig.

Will garlic or pepper keep rabbits away? ›

Get some chili pepper, grind them until they form a fine powder, and then sprinkle them at the base of your garden plants. Rabbits hate the scent chili pepper and will scamper once they smell it. Garlic when used alone can effectively keep away rabbits.

What materials can rabbits not chew through? ›

Precautionary measures can then be implemented. Tough metal wire can withstand a rabbit's teeth, so this material is ideal for a rabbit hutch. But rabbits can chew through most other materials, including chicken wire, plastic, vinyl, and solid wood.

Does aluminum foil deter rabbits? ›

You can protect shrubs or saplings by wrapping their bases with aluminum foil. The foil should at least be as high as your waist because deer are very adept to feeding on plants that are shorter than they are. This foil force field can also deter other pesky nibblers like mice and rabbits.

What material do rabbits not chew? ›

Rabbit-Safe Chewing Materials Include:

Grass Hay. Certain Types of Untreated Wood. Dried Apple Sticks. Cardboard.

What are rabbits afraid of? ›

Any fast or sudden movements, loud noises, unfamiliar smells or larger creatures – including their owners – can trigger a fear response. 'We're predators from a rabbit's point of view,' explains clinical animal behaviourist Rosie Bescoby, who runs animal behaviour consultancy Pet Sense.

What plant do rabbits hate? ›

Plants that rabbits dislike include lavender, penstemon, artemesia, hyssop, sages, shasta daisy, gaillardia, common butterfly bush, blue mist spirea and columbine.

Do coffee grounds deter rabbits and squirrels? ›

Deterrent For Other Animals

Coffee grounds not only repel squirrels but other pesky critters as well. So whether you're trying to minimize the number of small chipmunks or large deer (read our article about deer and coffee grounds) in your yard, there's a chance that coffee grounds can help.

Do coffee grounds repel rabbits? ›

Will coffee grounds keep rabbits away? Sprinkling coffee grounds among your plants may help to ward off rabbits and other small mammals due to coffee's powerful scent. Plus, it composts naturally over time, giving your plants some extra nutrients!

Will 2 inch chicken wire keep rabbits out? ›

The best way to prevent rabbit damage is to exclude them from your garden using fencing. Use a 2-foot tall chicken wire fence with the bottom buried 2 to 3 inches deep. The wire should have holes that measure 1 inch or smaller.

How high does a garden fence need to be to keep out rabbits? ›

The fence needs to be two feet high to protect against cottontail rabbits and three feet high to protect against jackrabbits. Fence life can be extended by removing it in the fall and storing it for the winter.

What can I soak in vinegar to keep rabbits away? ›

Rabbit Repellents

Try soaking old corncobs in vinegar for a few minutes, then placing them around the edges of the garden. Resoak them after a few weeks to renew the vinegar. Mashing up hot peppers with gelatin or wax also forms a spicy rabbit-repellent paste that you can spread around the borders of the garden.

Will wind chimes keep rabbits away? ›

Hang wind chimes or windsocks to help deter deer.

These noise-making methods won't be as effective for rabbits though, so the use wind chimes or windsocks should be used in conjunction with fencing or plants that are deterrents.

Will a fake owl keep rabbits away? ›

Yes, a rabbit may initially be fooled, but its nature compels it to forage constantly, and it will eventually realize that your plastic owl poses no threat. To give your garden lasting protection, you need to continually overwhelm the rabbit's senses with the message that there is nothing in your garden worth eating.

Is cinnamon a rabbit repellent? ›

Simply sprinkle some cinnamon around the perimeter of your garden or wherever you don't want rabbits to go. The strong smell of cinnamon will deter rabbits from entering the area. Plus, it's a safe and humane way to keep rabbits away from your garden or home.

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.