People Are Planting Plastic Forks In Their Gardens. Here's Why. (2024)

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It’s July and your seeds are finally starting to sprout, your happy because that green thumb of yours is being put to good use!

People Are Planting Plastic Forks In Their Gardens. Here's Why. (1)

That is until you have to start from ground zero again because the bunny rabbits and squirrels ate your hard work for lunch.

People Are Planting Plastic Forks In Their Gardens. Here's Why. (2)

S to prevent animals from eating your entire vegetable garden this year, garden enthusiasts are planting plastic forks in the ground and here’s why.

People Are Planting Plastic Forks In Their Gardens. Here's Why. (3)

It’s genius really, to get animals to turn away from your precious plants, grab a few plastic forks from the pantry or the Dollar Tree and stick them in the soil to scare away the animals.

People Are Planting Plastic Forks In Their Gardens. Here's Why. (4)

With the tips pointed out, the plastic forks should work like a charm to keep away the deer, rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons from raiding your crop.

People Are Planting Plastic Forks In Their Gardens. Here's Why. (5)

It’s also an inexpensive hack to protect your vegetables and fruits this summer!

People Are Planting Plastic Forks In Their Gardens. Here's Why. (6)
People Are Planting Plastic Forks In Their Gardens. Here's Why. (2024)


People Are Planting Plastic Forks In Their Gardens. Here's Why.? ›

Luckily, there's a clever little trick that will keep our pets and other wild animals from stepping in the garden! The answer is to plant some plastic forks in the soil. This practical method will help prevent pets and other wild animals from entering your vegetable garden

vegetable garden
A vegetable garden (also known as a vegetable patch or vegetable plot) is a garden that exists to grow vegetables and other plants useful for human consumption, in contrast to a flower garden that exists for aesthetic purposes. It is a small-scale form of vegetable growing. › wiki › Kitchen_garden

Why do people put plastic forks in plants? ›

Gardeners often use plastic forks stuck in the soil to deter animals, such as birds, squirrels, or cats, from digging or foraging in the garden beds.

What is the plastic fork gardening trick? ›

Essentially, the plastic fork hack involves inserting plastic forks into the soil, prongs upwards, to keep animals at bay from your backyard. 'The fork prongs irritate critters and establish an environment they prefer to avoid,' explains Diana Cox, gardening expert at The Gardening Talk.

Will plastic forks keep chipmunks away? ›

According to House Digest, placing plastic forks in your garden does work. It's a fairly inexpensive and chemical-free method of warding off unwanted critters.

Do plastic forks keep rabbits out of your garden? ›

Plastic forks can help prevent these issues in several ways. First, the prongs of the forks create an uncomfortable surface for rabbits to walk on or dig through. This discomfort deters them from venturing further into your garden, thus protecting your plants from their voracious appetites.

Will plastic forks keep birds away? ›

Stick toothpicks or plastic forks in the soil—this makes it hard for a bird to find a place to situate a nest.

How do you keep animals out of raised beds? ›

Mesh Covers to Go Over Your Raised Beds. This is the easiest type of barrier to add, but it's actually quite effective at keeping insect pests and smaller animals like rabbits and squirrels out of the garden. You need a mesh fabric like tulle or agfabric from the garden center or floating row covers that fit your beds.

Is garden fork a digging tool? ›

A Digging Fork, also known as a Garden Fork, is the work horse. It is used, as the name suggests, for digging things big areas. This fork is ideal for use in areas of loose, sandy or loamy soil. Its strong tines will make quick work of turning over large areas.

What do chipmunks hate the most? ›

Chipmunks hate strong odors and bitter tastes, such as cayenne pepper, vinegar, garlic, and peppermint. They are also deterred by the scent of predator urine, which creates a fear response. Plants that chipmunks dislike include daffodils, hyacinths, marigolds, and alliums.

How does coffee grounds deter chipmunks? ›

The smell of coffee is off-putting so try sprinkling spent grounds in areas where you want to keep them out. Sensitive to predator danger, chipmunks avoid places with animal urine and waste.

Will aluminum foil deter chipmunks? ›

If chipmunks are digging through your flower pots, place aluminum foil on top of the soil; chipmunks don't like walking on it. Finally, enlist some help: Invite chipmunk predators into your yard by installing a tall post from which birds of prey can perch.

Does human hair keep animals out of a garden? ›

As it turns out, many of the animals visiting your yard don't like the texture or scent of human hair. Pay a visit to your local barber shop and sprinkle that discarded hair around the area you're trying to protect.

Does cayenne pepper damage plants? ›

If you've planted an all-organic garden, you might not want to stray off the chemical-free path with pesticides and fertilizers. So here are a few things that will help your vegetables stay beautiful and taste great: Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper won't hurt your plants but it will keep many small animals away.

How do I keep unwanted animals out of my garden? ›

The Smell of Success

Cayenne pepper and hot suace keep out rabbits, gophers, chipmunks, raccoons, and woodchucks. Peppermint Oil will keep away squirrels and mice. Lemon peels, orange peels, or coffee grounds will keep away cats. Citronella, Eucalyptus, and Lavender will keep away rodents - and pests too!

What is a plant fork? ›

A Digging Fork, also known as a Garden Fork, is the work horse. It is used, as the name suggests, for digging things big areas. This fork is ideal for use in areas of loose, sandy or loamy soil. Its strong tines will make quick work of turning over large areas.

What are the forks farmers use? ›

A pitchfork or hay fork is an agricultural tool used to pitch loose material, such as hay, straw, manure, or leaves. It has a long handle and usually two to five thin tines designed to efficiently move such materials. The term is also applied colloquially, but inaccurately, to the garden fork.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.