How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (2024)

While rabbits are cute to look at, especially as babies, they can really damage both your vegetable and flower gardens. If you’re looking for how to keep rabbits out of the garden, I have some tried and true ways to keep your garden safe from rabbits.

How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (1)

Table of Contents

What are the Signs of Rabbits in Your Garden?

If you think you have a rabbit problem but haven’t seen any with your own eyes, look for one or more of the following rabbit damage signs:

  • pea-sized rabbit droppings in small piles or scattered around the garden
  • young plants that are cut to the ground (both flowers and veggies)
  • bark of trees chewed up in the spring

How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden

What You'll Be Needing:



Hoont Solar Powered Motion Activated

Use this solar-powered animal repeller to keep rabbits from your garden

Agribon AG-19 Floating Row Crop Cover

Use this to cover your crops and protect them from rabbits

Spicy Globe Basil

Planting these in your garden will keep bunnies out

Eliminator Scarecrow Owl Decoy

Using this will scare away unwanted pests and more

Plantskydd Rabbits & Small Critters Organic Repellant

It is used as a natural deterrent for rabbits and small critters

Bird Blinder Scarecrow Fake Owl Decoy

Scares away unwanted pests and more

In the Breeze Silver Mylar Pinwheel

Their spinning motions and sound keeps rabbits, and even birds off of your plants

Havahart 1084 Easy Set One-Door Cage Trap

Use this live trap to catch rabbits

Outsidepride Red Clover Seed

A plant that rabbits want. Place this wisely and catch your rabbit’s attention

Soybean Envy D105A (Green) 80 Organic Seeds

Place this away from your garden, and you’ll be able to keep your garden safe

Outsidepride White Dutch Clover Seed

It can be used as food plots for rabbits to keep them away from your garden

If you garden, you’re sure to have some garden enemies. As you prepare for your garden every year, keep in mind that if you plant the rabbit’s favorite veggies and flowers, they’ll come for a visit. What do they like? Lots of your veggies and flowers.

Plants that rabbits love to eat

You may wonder what are the rabbits’ favorite plants to eat. They LOVE fresh veggies from your garden. Bunnies will always nibble on these:

  • lettuce
  • cucumbers
  • carrots
  • peas
  • beets
  • peppers
  • swiss chard
  • beans
  • and more

Rabbits don’t just love your fruit and vegetable garden: they adore many of your beautiful flowers! Here are just a few:

  • clematis
  • con flowers
  • nasturtium
  • petunias
  • sunflowers
  • zinnias
  • hostas
  • phlox
  • tulips
  • etc. the list is very long

If you plant any of these flowers and veggies, you’ll need to find ways to keep rabbits away from your garden. I asked my Facebook followers what they do to keep rabbits away from the vegetables, and got lots of ideas. I’ll share them below, but first, let’s see what plants rabbits hate.

Plants that rabbits hate

If you plant flowers and vegetables that rabbits love, you’ll struggle to keep them away from your garden. But you can plant some plants that rabbits won’t eat: herbs and flowers that are heavily scented and are known to be avoided by rabbits. Here are just a few plants with strong scent:

  • marigolds
  • lavender
  • sage
  • columbine
  • delphinium
  • bee balm
  • lemon balm
  • catnip
  • periwinkle
  • yarrow

There are many other plants rabbits won’t eat, but these are a few you can plant right away while you research what else to plant.

So… How Do You Keep Rabbits Out Of Your Garden?

While it’s never fun to deal with pests in your garden, I hope you’re only using humane ways to keep them out of your garden.

I’ve heard of people using moth balls to repel rabbits from the garden, and I don’t agree with that method. It’s not only toxic for the rabbits, but they are harmful to humans. Please don’t use mothballs in the garden!

With that out of the way, let’s see what you CAN do to prevent rabbits from destroying your favorite flowers and vegetables.

1. Use an electronic rabbit repellent

How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (2)Hoont Powerful Solar Battery Powered Ultrasonic Outdoor Pest and Animal RepellerHow To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (3) This is by far my favorite method of keeping rabbits away from my garden.

It’s an inexpensive, effective way to keep rabbits away, and it’s not harmful to anything in my garden: just keeps critters away (not only rabbits but also squirrels, skunks, rats, raccoons, mice and so much more).

There are many models on the market today, but I prefer this solar battery-powered ultrasonic outdoor animal & pest repeller – it’s motion-activated and makes it almost hands-free (I prefer to move it around the yard occasionally to make sure I cover all areas).

If you struggle with unwanted critters in your garden and around your home, you need to give this a try.

2. Install a rabbit proof garden fence

Probably one of the most efficient ways to keep rabbits out of your vegetable garden is to build a rabbit-proof fence around the garden. It doesn’t have to be too tall unless you want to protect your garden from deer too. To protect against cottontail rabbits, your fence needs to be two feet high and three feet high to protect against jackrabbits.

Use chicken wire if you don’t want to spend a lot, but hardware cloth is probably better in the long run: just make sure you bury the bottom of the fence into the ground so that the bunnies can’t crawl under.

If you’d rather use an electric fence, place the electric wires at 3″ and at 10″ above the ground. If you need a budget option, electric fencing is cheaper than hardware cloth.

A similar idea is to use floating row covers at night (that’s when rabbits love to roam the garden).

3. Use plants that repel rabbits in your garden

How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (4)

Rabbits love young, fresh, delicate veggies, but they don’t care much for strong scented herbs and flowers.

Plants that keep rabbits away

Here are some plants that deter rabbits. Plant a few of them around the garden to keep the bunnies out.

  • marigolds – planted all around your garden will create a rabbit barrier (they hate the smell of the marigolds)
  • spicy globe basil – keep the bunnies out and make lots of pesto throughout the summer
  • Christmas basil also works well
  • onions
  • leeks
  • lavender
  • mint
  • oregano

4. Outdoor pets can help keep rabbits away

How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (5)

Our beloved pets are very helpful in keeping bunnies out of the backyard. It’s not only the fact that they’ll chase the rabbits away but the smell of the dog or cat hair and urine is enough to keep them away.

5. Remove the optimal conditions for rabbits

Rabbits will only stick around places where they can take cover from predators, such as dense vegetation, piled-up garden refuse, and disorganized tools and containers scattered in your garden.

Keep your garden area organized and free of garden debris. Brush piles, leaves, rocks, dry plants, buckets, etc make it easy for the rabbits to hide. Also, get rid of tall grass and low bushes.

6. Keep them away with these safe rabbit repellents

How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (6)Eliminator Scarecrow Owl Decoy with Scary Lighted Eyes and Frightening Sound – Solar Powered & Motion Activated – Realistic Predator Scares Away and Repels All Birds, Rabbits, Squirrels & other PestsHow To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (7)There are chemical repellents out there, that are probably very effective, but I personally prefer natural repellents that don’t harm nature.

  • There’s a product called I must garden rabbit repellent – the smell keeps rabbits out and works for other critters too.
  • You can also add used coffee grounds, eggshells, and banana peels around your garden and it seems to work for some.
  • Using ground black pepper can work, and it will keep ants away too.
  • Make a homemade repellent from water and Tabasco and spray your plants: they’ll nibble a bit, but stop once they taste the spice. If you grow hot peppers, you can use one of them instead of the Tabasco sauce. You can also use chili powder with the same result. Of course, you need to repeat spraying after heavy rains.
  • Use a natural deterrent for rabbits and small critters, like PLANTSKYD (it saved a friend’s roses and tulips last spring).
  • Irish Spring bar soap: cut the bars into 4-6 pieces, wrap a string around them and hang them on your garden fence low enough at the rabbit level. You can also hang them on spikes near veggies. Or, drop pieces of soap into old socks and place them around the garden.
  • Try an owl decoy: rabbits are scared of owls.

7. Scare the rabbits away

How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (8)

Use an old hose to wrap through the garden: it works surprisingly well. The bunnies think it is a snake, and no one wants to share space with a snake. Or, just buy a few rubber snakes (this set includes 7 snakes!) and place them close to your most favorite plants.

Place pinwheels around your garden: the motion from them spinning and the sound will keep rabbits away from the garden. They will also scare birds away (this will save your tomatoes too!!!)

8. Catch rabbits in a live trap

This might be lots of work for some, and fun for others. It’s not a one-time method, so requires repeating periodically if you want to reduce the rabbit population, as new rabbits move into your garden.

If you decide you want to use this method, make sure you have a place to take your rabbits to, but more importantly, make sure it’s legal to do this where you live.

Need a live humane trap? This one’s my favorite.

What bait should you use for your live traps? You have a few choices:

  • rabbit pellets
  • carrots
  • cut-up apples

9. Embrace the rabbits

For some of us, rabbits bring a smile and we just want to coexist. Rabbits are hungry too, so we might put food out for them.

Plant what rabbits want. Do it away from your garden, and you’ll be able to keep your garden safe and enjoy the little hoppers in your yard too.

We replaced the lawn in our backyard with clover, and bunnies keep congregating there, instead of raiding our flower beds and vegetable garden. As an added bonus, our backyard is alive with bees and butterflies!

How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (9)Outsidepride Red Clover Seed: Nitro-Coated, Inoculated – 5 LBSHow To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (10)How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (11)David’s Garden Seeds Bean Soy Envy D105A (Green) 100 Organic SeedsHow To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (12)How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (13)Outsidepride White Dutch Clover Seed: Nitro-Coated, Inoculated – 5 LBSHow To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (14)

DYI rabbit repellent

You can make a homemade rabbit repellent from a few ingredients you’re sure to have in your house: add equal parts of the following ingredients in a gallon of water, shake well and leave in the sun for about 2 days.

  • cayenne pepper
  • garlic powder (or you can use fresh if you prefer)
  • dish soap

After 2 days, strain the liquid, add to a spray bottle and spray around the plants you want to protect from rabbits.

If you’d like more choices, take a look at this video for another idea:

I hope you found here something that will work out for you in your fight to keep rabbits out of the garden. If you use different methods, please share in the comments: it could save someone’s veggie garden or flower beds.


Do marigolds keep rabbits away?

The theory is that the rabbits find the smell of marigold too offensive and will stay away from them. However, this has not been proven as a fool-proof solution yet. If you want to try it out, plant a few marigolds around your perimeter fence or near any spots in your garden where you have had problems with rabbits before.

Many people say they’ve had success in keeping rabbits away by planting marigolds around their garden, while others say the rabbits enjoy nibbling on their marigolds. It’s worth a try: even if the experiment is not successful in keeping bunnies out of your garden, you’ll at least have some beautiful flowers 😉

Do coffee grounds repel rabbits?

Rabbits find the smell of coffee unpleasant, so this may help deter them from coming into your yard for food or shelter. And since coffee grounds are natural and free, work some into the ground around the plants you want to protect. Who knows? You might be successful at keeping rabbits out of the garden.

Will vinegar keep rabbits away?

Vinegar has been shown to be an effective deterrent against rabbits because they don’t like the smell. It makes them uncomfortable so it’s best to spray vinegar near areas where they’ve been digging or chewing on wire (be careful not to spray plants you want to keep alive). You can also try to place a cotton ball or a piece of cotton fabric soaked in vinegar and place it in a plastic container with some small holes to let the smell escape.

Learning how to keep rabbits out of the garden can be tricky, as a solution that works for someone else, might not work for you. Just keep trying and hopefully, you find the right method for YOUR garden!

How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (15)
How To Keep Rabbits Out Of The Garden - 9 Easy Ways (2024)


How do I keep rabbits out of my garden naturally? ›

Try sprinkling dried sulfur around or on your plants. Rabbits also dislike the smell of onions, so try planting these around your garden to further deter the furry creatures. To discourage pesky rabbits, try dusting your plants with plain talcum powder.

How do you keep rabbits in your garden? ›

To keep them safe, you need to make sure there are no gaps around your garden fence they can escape from. We would recommend checking this regularly to make sure they haven't gnawed any holes or started burrowing their way out. Ideally, fencing should be buried slightly or have a 'skirt' to prevent this.

How do I get rid of rabbits permanently? ›

Exclusion. Fencing is the most effective way to keep rabbits out. Install a 2-foot tall fence of 1-inch chicken wire, held up by sturdy stakes every 4 to 6 feet apart. Rabbits will try to go under a fence, so bury it 6 inches deep, line the bottom with bricks or rocks, or bend it down in an “L” on the animal side.

How do I keep rabbits out of my garden with vinegar? ›

But don't run to the store for repellant just yet—vinegar is an easy way to deter rabbits from stealing your veggies! Simply soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and place it in a small jar or canister with holes poked in the lid. Place these around the garden, and the vinegar scent will help to keep the rabbits at bay.

What is a good homemade rabbit repellent? ›

To make this rabbit repellent, first fill a one gallon container, such as a milk jug, with water. Crush 5 garlic cloves and add then to the water. Add a teaspoon of crushed red peppers and 1 tablespoon of dish soap. Shake the container very well and then place in outdoors in the direct sun for two days.

How do I keep rabbits from eating my plants? ›

The best way to keep rabbits out of your garden is to put up a rabbit-proof wire-mesh fence with a maximum mesh size of 2.5cm (1in). The fence should be at least 1.2m (4ft) high, with a further 30cm (12in) of fencing buried below ground level.

What plants keep rabbits away from your garden? ›

Plants that rabbits dislike include lavender, penstemon, artemesia, hyssop, sages, shasta daisy, gaillardia, common butterfly bush, blue mist spirea and columbine.

Will coffee grounds keep rabbits away? ›

Will coffee grounds keep rabbits away? Sprinkling coffee grounds among your plants may help to ward off rabbits and other small mammals due to coffee's powerful scent. Plus, it composts naturally over time, giving your plants some extra nutrients!

What are wild rabbits afraid of? ›

In the wild, rabbits are prey animals, at risk of being caught and eaten by foxes, birds of prey, snakes, dogs and cats – and humans. To survive, they have to be constantly wary and use their keen senses of sight, hearing and smell to detect potential predators. Your pet rabbits have the same instincts.

Does baking soda keep rabbits away? ›

Arm & Hammer TM Baking Soda will help keep rabbits away from your plants. “Sprinkle baking soda around your vegetable garden. Make a thin but visible ring of baking soda around each plant. This will dissuade rabbits from nibbling on them.

Will soapy water deter rabbits? ›

Common natural repellents include anything from coyote urine, to soapy water, vinegar, and cayenne pepper; but these need to be applied frequently, and it's often reported that rabbits eventually become used to the smell and taste of these things.

What scent repels rabbits? ›

Rabbits rely on their heightened sense of smell to seek food and detect danger. Choose a liquid or granular repellent that repels by odor, using either putrescent egg, dried blood, or a mixture of both. These ingredients emit a scent that's proven to trigger a natural flight response in rabbits.

Does cinnamon keep rabbits away? ›

Simply sprinkle some cinnamon around the perimeter of your garden or wherever you don't want rabbits to go. The strong smell of cinnamon will deter rabbits from entering the area. Plus, it's a safe and humane way to keep rabbits away from your garden or home.

How do you get rid of rabbits without killing them? ›

How Do You Get Rid Of Rabbits Without Killing Them?
  1. Chicken Wire. Installing a chicken wire fence around your vegetable garden is a great way to eliminate rabbits without killing them. ...
  2. Live Trap. ...
  3. Life-Sized Dummies. ...
  4. Natural Repellents. ...
  5. Cut Tall Grass. ...
  6. Use A Wooden Fence.
Dec 27, 2021

What soap will keep rabbits away? ›

Irish Spring soap

I was surprised to learn that Irish Spring bar soap is an inexpensive rabbit repellent. Apparently unlike myself who finds the scent of Irish Spring to be pleasant, to rabbits, it has a terrible stench that drives them away.

Does Irish Spring soap keep rabbits away? ›

Irish Spring soap repels mammal pests, such as mice, rabbit and deer. It does not repel insect pests. Irish Spring soap does not always eliminate pests completely , but can be a helpful tool to reduce the rate of attack on plants.

How do you keep wild rabbits on your property? ›

Plant bushes and evergreens along the edge of the yard, or add brush piles for the rabbits to hide in. Build brush piles by placing sticks on the ground, with smaller twigs and leaves on top. Rabbits are also attracted to weedy areas and tall grass, so allow an area to grow, and do not mow it.

What can I spray on my plants to keep rabbits away? ›

Home gardeners often recommend vinegar or hot chili pepper sprays as bitter substances that will discourage rabbits and other pests.

Do eggshells keep rabbits away? ›

The egg shells sprinkled around them do wonders for preventing those cute furry fuzzballs from munching on the leaves. Rabbits dislike the smell of eggshells so they will avoid the area.

What do rabbits not like in a garden? ›

Plants rabbits tend to avoid include: Vegetables: asparagus, leeks, onions, potatoes, rhubarb, squash, tomatoes. Flowers: cleomes, geraniums, vincas, wax begonias. Herbs: basil, mint, oregano, parsley, tarragon.

What kind of grass do rabbits hate? ›

As a general rule, plants rabbits don't like include those that have strong scents, spines, prickles, or leathery leaves. Rabbits also tend to avoid plants that exude a milky sap. An innate sense of danger often– but not always– steers animals away from plants that are toxic.

What food do bunnies hate? ›

Check out our list of 15 foods that you should never feed your rabbit:
  • Yogurt Drops. ...
  • Bread, Pasta, Cookies, and Crackers. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Cereal. ...
  • Iceberg Lettuce. ...
  • Silverbeet. ...
  • Hamster Food. ...
  • Walnuts.
Mar 17, 2017

Will human urine keep rabbits away? ›

Apart from working as a fertilizer, urine also works as a natural animal repellent due to its smell. Diluted urine can be applied near plants; it is unnoticeable to humans, but it deters away animals that eat plants like rabbits and deer.

Does garlic powder deter rabbits? ›

With a little bit of work, you can prepare some of these deterrents right from the comfort of your home. Rabbits scuttle at the smell of garlic, and will forever stay away from a garden implanted with the smell of garlic. To prepare, get some bubs of garlic and grind them to powder and then measure out half a cup.

What sounds do rabbits fear? ›

Rabbits are highly sensitive to thunder, loud bangs from fireworks, and very noisy children. They're also likely to run away when you turn on your hoover. Typical signs of distress in rabbits include: Staying motionless / playing dead.

Are rabbits scared of anything? ›

Stress affects your rabbit's health

Rabbits have several specific behavioural needs that can make them a complex pet to keep. These needs relate to rabbits being prey animals and easily frightened. Fear is a response that enables an animal to avoid dangerous situations.

Do rabbits fear the dark? ›

Rabbits are not afraid of the dark in and of itself. If they cannot see and things are happening around them, though, they'll naturally become skittish. An outdoor bunny will smell and hear wild animals. These could be foxes patrolling your yard, neighborhood cats, or owls and bats.

What happens if a rabbit eats baking soda? ›

"Sodium bicarbonate is used as an emetic (to induce vomiting) because it produces tremendous amounts of gas when it hits the acidic stomach. Humans can vomit, but rabbits cannot. So there is the very real risk of stomach rupture if the bunny ingests enough to generate too much for the volume of the stomach.

What does vinegar do to rabbits? ›

ACV is known for keeping the rabbits fur softer and shinier. Many rabbit breeders feel that by adding ACV to your rabbits water this will result in healthier rabbits by increasing the nutrient absorption capabilities of the G.I. tract as well as helping with the whole digestive process.

Can rabbits drink vinegar? ›

We add apple cider vinegar to our rabbits water for many health benefits. We recommend you do as well! One reason we use ACV is because it contains essential vitamins and minerals that increase the overall health of our buns. AVC is known to prevent urinary tract infections and helps keep their HP levels regulated.

Do wind chimes deter rabbits? ›

Hang wind chimes or windsocks to help deter deer.

These noise-making methods won't be as effective for rabbits though, so the use wind chimes or windsocks should be used in conjunction with fencing or plants that are deterrents.

How do I stop rabbits peeing on my lawn? ›

By eliminating this desired habitat, where they like to hide from predators, it might help discourage them from hanging around in your yard. Pepper! Rabbits hate pepper. Putting crushed red pepper in areas where they eat, pee and poop over and over again will make this area undesirable to them.

What attracts rabbits to your yard? ›

Foods that attract wild rabbits include leafy green veggies like cabbage and kale, root vegetables like carrots and radishes, berries, fresh green tree bark, clover, and many weeds. Rabbits are most attracted to leafy vegetables.

Why put soap in your garden? ›

It allows us to preserve beneficial insects in the garden. It also means that not every insect will be bothered by soap. Small, soft-bodied insects are the best candidates for management with soapy water. Aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and mites are all good candidates for soapy water sprays.

What essential oils do rabbits hate? ›

The powerful concentration of scents that essential oils deliver makes them a great deterrent to rabbits. Mint and peppermint essential oils are good choices, as are lemon balm and rosemary. You can buy essential oils or make your own.

What smell do rabbits and squirrels hate? ›

You can repel squirrels using scents they hate such as, capsaicin, white vinegar, peppermint oil, coffee grounds, cinnamon, predator urine, garlic, dryer sheets, Irish Spring Soap, and rosemary.

Are any scents toxic to rabbits? ›

Basically, if it would give you grief as a human, avoid placing it in that location for an animal. Generally, the following oils are considered safe for rabbits: lavender, lemon, orange, fennel, peppermint, eucalyptus. And these oils are generally NOT safe for rabbits: anise, clove, oregano, tea tree, wintergreen.

Do rabbits dislike vinegar? ›

Rabbits Hate Vinegar

While it may make your garden smell like a bag of salt and vinegar chips, it'll keep the rabbits away! Make sure that you don't spray vinegar directly on your plants, as it can cause them to wilt. You'll want to spray this around the perimeter of your plants, squarely away from their roots.

Does black pepper keep rabbits away? ›

A homemade mixture made with hot peppers sprayed on your garden plants will repel the rabbits because the peppers contain capsaicin. This chemical is responsible for the spiciness of the peppers, says the National Pesticide Information Center, and it keeps away rabbits without causing damage to your plants.

What smells do rabbits avoid? ›

Rabbits have a strong sense of smell, which they use to find accessible food sources. You can take advantage of this trait by using scents they dislike, such as garlic, vinegar, chili powder, predator urine, sulfur, blood meal, chives, lavender, geraniums, and wax begonias.

Does soapy water keep rabbits away? ›

Common natural repellents include anything from coyote urine, to soapy water, vinegar, and cayenne pepper; but these need to be applied frequently, and it's often reported that rabbits eventually become used to the smell and taste of these things.

What scares rabbits? ›

Scare them away. Lights, shiny aluminum pie tins, and motion scare devices can be enough to ward off rabbits, at least for a time. Dogs and cats running free in the yard are a great deterrent, too.

What do rabbits not like to taste? ›

If your rabbit chews the carpet, some rabbits will dislike the taste of bitter sprays for pets, hot pepper sauce or flakes, vinegar, or rubbed-in Ivory soap, but they can be a hit and miss. Some bunnies will not care or even love the taste.

What spices do rabbits hate? ›

Mint, Garlic, and Egg Mixture

As rabbits do not like the taste of garlic and mint, both can be combined with eggs to make an effective rabbit repellent.

What is the silent killer in rabbits? ›

With GI stasis, the normal, quiet gurgling of the healthy intestine may be replaced either by very loud, violent gurgles (gas moving around painfully!) or silence. The bunny may become lethargic, have no appetite and may hunch in a ball, loudly crunching his teeth in pain.

How do I rabbit Proof my area? ›

Block cords and outlets with furniture so the rabbit cannot reach them. Carpet: Cover a favorite chewing area with a large ceramic tile or a plastic office chair mat. Choose low-pile carpeting that may be less tempting. Baseboards and corners: Use plastic or decorative wood corner protectors (home centers).

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.