How to Grow & Plant Corn | Corn Gardening (2024)

Sinking your teeth into a perfectly ripened ear of sweet corn is one of the finest pleasures of summer. Be sure to start with young corn plants from Bonnie Plants®. Strong and vigorous, they will give you a great start on a big harvest.

Corn needs plenty of space for two reasons — it takes up a lot of nutrition from the soil, and it is primarily pollinated by wind. As grains of pollen are shed by the tassels that grow from the plants' tops, they must find their way to the delicate strands of silk that emerge from newly formed ears. To make sure silks are nicely showered with pollen, grow corn in blocks of short rows rather than in a long, single row. In a small garden, 15 plants set 1 foot apart can be grown in a 3 x 5-foot bed. Growing corn on this tiny scale is a good way to introduce yourself to the crop if you've never grown it. After the first year you will probably want to increase the size of the planting to at least 4 rows 10 feet long.

Corn plants are not like tomatoes or most other vegetables, which bear over a long period of time. Instead, they form a few ears per stalk and they are finished. Because of this, gardeners who have the space often make 2 or 3 plantings 2 weeks apart to keep the harvest coming.

Quick Guide to Growing Corn

  • Hold off on planting corn in spring until after the last frost.
  • Space seedlings 8 to 12 inches apart in an area with full sun and fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8.
  • Improve native soil conditions by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter.
  • Corn will grow quickly when it is watered well. Check soil moisture often and consider using a soaker hose if you have a small plot.
  • Corn has a big appetite, so it's important to feed plants with a water-soluble plant food regularly.
  • Add a 3-inch layer of mulch to keep soil moist and prevent weeds.
  • Harvest corn when the ear feels plump and the silks are brown and dry.

Soil, Planting, and Care

Corn needs a spot with that gets full sun and has fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. It's a good idea to improve the soil to improve nutrition and texture by mixing aged compost-enriched Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose In-Ground Soil in with the top few inches of native soil. Seedlings can be set out as soon as the last spring frost has passed. Space plants 8 to 12 inches apart. In case of a surprise late frost, be prepared to cover seedlings with a fabric row cover. In cold climates you can plant in a raised bed covered with black or IRT plastic (infrared transmitting plastic) that will warm the soil. If possible, lay the plastic a week or so before planting.

Plan to fertilize regularly because corn is a hungry plant. In addition to setting out young plants in the kind of nutrient-rich soil mentioned above, you'll want to feed corn regularly with a continuous-release fertilizer like Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® Edibles Plant Nutrition Granules that nourishes both the soil and your plants. (Be sure to follow rates given on the label of any fertilizer you are using.) Water your corn once or twice weekly, more if the weather is hot and dry.

Normal plants should grow fast with dark green healthy leaves. Corn will tell you if it is hungry by turning very light green. If so, feed again.

Corn grows fast and needs lots of water to grow properly. It also has shallow roots that make it susceptible to drought. Soaker hoses will insure that your corn gets the water it needs. However, for a large planting, soaker hoses may not be practical.

Hopi and Navaho Techniques

Native Americans in arid climates planted corn in basins to catch spring rainwater and help keep the corn roots down where water would be available longer. The basin was about 4 inches deep and 2 to 3 feet wide with a raised ridge made from the excavated soil around it. Plants were arranged so that they formed a spiral from the center to help with support in wind and with pollination. If you live in an arid climate or a hot climate and have poor sandy soil, as in the Coastal Plains, this technique could help ensure a good harvest.


Corn plants that are blown over by gusty storms usually right themselves after a few days of sunny weather. As you shuck and clean your corn, pop off ear tips damaged by corn earworms. The different types of corn should not be allowed to cross-pollinate, so plant them in such a way that pollen from one type does not reach another type. If you or a nearby neighbor grow multiple types, be sure that they are isolated by at least 250 feet or that their timing is such that they are not in bloom at the same time. If not, the pollen from types that are not the same can muddy their characteristics to the point of ruining sweetness and flavor.

Raccoons love corn. The most effective way to keep them out of the patch is to surround it with a fence with 2 strands of electric wire 4 and 12 inches from the ground. Some gardeners have been successful with throwing blackbird netting over and around the plants because some raccoons don't like it. The methods for keeping raccoons out of corn are as varied as gardeners themselves. We've heard of people putting flashing lights in the corn patch, putting a radio on a timer to blare loud music, laying newspaper in rows because the raccoons don't like to walk on the crinkly paper, spraying animal repellents, and other techniques, but a physical barrier such as an electrified fence seems to be the most reliable.

Harvest and Storage

Most corn plants will yield at least 2 ears per stalk. Hybrids may yield more. To see if an ear is ready for harvest, look at the silks. They should be brown and dry with just a little fresh green at the base. Squeeze the husk to see if the ear inside feels plump, not skinny. If you're still not sure if the ear seems ripe, check by peeling just enough of the husk back to expose a couple of inches of the ear. Poke a kernel with your fingernail. The corn is ready to pick if it bleeds a light milky sap like skim milk. If the liquid is clear, the ear is not ready. Ears that are too ripe will look too milky, like cream versus skim milk; they often taste starchy. Remove them right away.

Perfectly ripened ears also taste sugary-sweet when sampled raw. When possible, harvest sweet corn in the morning, when the ears are cool. To remove the ear, use one hand to hold the corn stalk and the other to pull the ear down and away from the stalk, twisting a little until it breaks off.

Place harvested ears in the refrigerator right away. When kept chilled, they should hold much of their sweet flavor for up to a week, though they'll taste best if eaten as close to harvesting as possible. Corn can be blanched and frozen, on or off the cob.

How to Grow & Plant Corn | Corn Gardening (1)
How to Grow & Plant Corn | Corn Gardening (2)
How to Grow & Plant Corn | Corn Gardening (3)
How to Grow & Plant Corn | Corn Gardening (4)


What are the reddish spots showing up on my corn leaves?

This disease is called rust and cannot be controlled. Typically, rust won't damage corn yields, unless growing conditions are exceedingly stressful (drought, flood, etc.).

When is the best time of day to harvest corn?

Sweet corn is ready to pick when a test kernel pierced with your fingernail bleeds a light milky sap, like skim milk. Ripe ears will taste sugary-sweet when sampled raw. After picking, the sugar in corn turns to starch, reducing sweetness. Knowing this, some people harvest corn right before cooking, thinking they're preserving the sweetness. Corn actually has the highest sugar content early in the morning, before the sun touches them. If you want the sweetest flavor, pick ears early in the morning and refrigerate in the husk until cooking.

How do I know if ears are ripe?

Try to avoid peeling the husk to peek at ears. It's best to keep husks in place until cooking. Ripe ears feel full and rounded and have silk that's dried and brown on the ends. If you do peek at end kernels, pierce a kernel and look for milky sapÑthat's another sign of ripeness.

I was weeding around the corn with a hoe yesterday. Today stalks are wilted, even though the soil is moist. What is happening?

Corn is a shallow rooted plant. You might have broken corn roots if you hoed weeds deeply, chopping into soil near stalks. Keep weeds in check by cultivating frequently so you don't have to do much more than scuffle the soil to dislodge offenders.

The corn in my garden is attracting birds and raccoons. What can I do to protect the harvest?

A scarecrow can keep birds at bay if you dress it in loose fitting clothes that will move in the wind and decorate it with strips of aluminum foil to flutter and reflect light. Ideally, move your scarecrow every few days so birds don't become accustomed to it. Raccoons require more aggressive tactics. Try a two-strand electric fence (one strand 4 inches off the ground, the second strand 12 inches high). Turn on the power about a week before you think the first ears will be ripe.

Shoots are coming out of my corn stalks near the ground. Will they produce corn?

These shoots are called suckers and won't form ears. While it's not necessary to remove them, many experienced home gardeners believe removing suckers produces larger, better quality ears. This hasn't been proven. If you do choose to remove suckers, snap them off while they're less than 3 inches tall to avoid damaging the stalk.

My garden space is small. Can I grow corn without planting it in long rows?

Corn is wind pollinated, and research has proven that it's actually better to arrange plants in blocks of short rows rather than long rows. That means even small gardens can squeeze in a corn crop. Arrange corn in at least four rows side-by-side, spacing rows 12-24 inches apart. Wind will blow the pollen from one corn stalk to another.

How to Grow & Plant Corn | Corn Gardening (2024)


How to Grow & Plant Corn | Corn Gardening? ›

Space seedlings 8 to 12 inches apart in an area with full sun and fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. Improve native soil conditions by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter. Corn will grow quickly when it is watered well.

How do you plant and grow corn? ›

Corn is wind pollinated and, especially for smaller plots, should be planted outdoors in blocks, rather than long rows. Seeds should be planted two to three per hole, about one to two inches deep. Plantings should be approximately 12 to 15 inches apart, and rows should be 30 to 36 inches apart.

How should corn be grown? ›

The ideal soil for corn is well drained and fertile, with a pH of 6.0-6.8. As a general rule, plant early corn in light soil (sand or loam) and later corn in heavier soil (silt or clay), when there is an option. Light soils warm up faster than heavy soils, so seed germinates more readily.

What not to do when growing corn? ›

Corn is very sensitive to frost; do not plant soil temperature is at least 60°F (16°C), or 65°F (18°C) for super-sweet varieties. Usually, this is 2 or 3 weeks after the last frost in spring.

What is the best direction to plant corn rows? ›

Where terrain permits, corn rows can be planted in either a north-south or an east-west direction. Sunlight penetrates more deeply into the plant canopy with north-south than with east-west rows.

How to prepare a field for planting corn? ›

Before planting corn, focus on preparing the soil in the area. Remove weeds and large stones or other pieces of debris. Working the top 10 inches of soil before planting will make it loose enough to aid germination and help the roots thrive. If you aren't sure of the soil's quality, send it out for testing.

How do you start a corn plant? ›

Make an angled cut at the rooting end of the cane. Dip the cut end in rooting powder, then stick the cutting into a pot of pumice, perlite, or coarse sand. Potting soil isn't a good choice for rooting corn plant because it will stay too damp and rot the stem before it can root.

What does corn need most to grow? ›

The basics

Corn grows best in loam soils. For good germination of seeds, the soil needs to be 60°F or above. Corn is a heavy feeder, especially of nitrogen (fertilizer). Follow your soil test recommendations or use two pounds of 5-20-20 fertilizer per 100 square feet of soil.

How to prepare corn seeds for planting? ›

Corn seeds do not require any treatment (eg soaking, stratification) before sowing. Corn seeds grow best when they are sown directly into the garden. Sow seeds directly in the garden 15-25mm deep and 20-30cm apart, with rows 50-90cm apart. Keep soil moist but never wet or dry.

How deep does soil need to be for corn? ›

The most common seeding depths recommended for corn range between 1.5 and 2 inches deep, and these planting depths can work very well within most conditions, however, certain soil moisture conditions at planting may warrant further examination/change in seeding depth.

What not to plant next to corn? ›

Plant Friend or Foe?
PlantCompanionsDo NOT plant next to
CornIrish potatoes, beans, English peas, pumpkins, cucumber, squashTomatoes
CucumberBeans, corn, English peas, sunflowers, radishes, cabbage familyIrish potatoes, aromatic herbs
EggplantBeans, marigoldsPotatoes
LettuceCarrot, radish, strawberries, cucumber, onions
11 more rows

What is the secret to growing corn? ›

By planting seed 2 to 3 times in 2-week intervals you can ensure you have corn to eat throughout the season. Corn is pollinated by the wind so you should plant it in several rows with about 2 to 3 feet between each row. Rather than having 1 or 2 long rows it is best to have 4 to 5 shorter ones. Don't Forget the Roots!

What is the best fertilizer for corn? ›

Examples of fertilizers high in nitrogen include blood meal, urea, chicken manure pellets, or feather meal. The Natural Organic Blood Meal from Burpee has an NPK of 12-0-0 and is ideal for heavy feeders such as corn.

What happens if you plant corn too close together? ›

If you plant them too close, you will end up with starchy, very un-sweet corn. To keep your corn separate and sweet as advertised, you must have at least 50 feet between blocks of corn.

Is it better to plant corn in blocks or rows? ›

My garden space is small. Can I grow corn without planting it in long rows? Corn is wind pollinated, and research has proven that it's actually better to arrange plants in blocks of short rows rather than long rows. That means even small gardens can squeeze in a corn crop.

Can you plant just 2 rows of corn? ›

It also makes no sense to plant just one or two rows of corn. To ensure proper pollination: plant your corn in blocks consisting of at least four or five short rows planted side by side, rather than a few long rows; and. provide 18 inches or so between rows.

What month do you plant corn? ›

Generally, growers maximize corn yield if they plant in late April or early May. When spring arrives early, planting in mid-April produces a similar yield if young plants are not damaged by a freeze in May.

How many pieces of corn do you get from one plant? ›

Each corn plant typically produces no more than one or two ears of corn. At the recommended spacing of 2 plants per square foot, you might get about a dozen ears of corn in half of a 3x6 raised bed. There's another challenge, too. Corn is wind-pollinated.

How long does it take for a corn plant to grow? ›

How Long Does It Take For Corn To Grow? It usually takes between two and three months from planting seeds to harvesting mature crops.

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